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Merkel calls for calm in Middle East; Netanyahu blames unrest on Palestinians


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It seems that the esteemed members of this forum that rushes to the defense of the Palestinians, branding Israel

a Zionist regime, apartheid state and other derogatory titles, are not interested in facts, or history, or the truth

for that matter, their views are so askew and awry and so far gone slanted that no matter what you say, they're

steadfast in their opinions that the Jews are always to blame no matter what they do or say, and that the don't deserve a

safe and secured borders and a homeland of their own...

I think most (all?) Jews too would characterize it as a Zionist state. Why is this a problem...is it getting embarrassing to associate with this ideology these days?

Zionism started as ideology and become a realty, Zionism was not base on denying other nations of their

rights to their own land and a state, the narrative of Zionism is to create, invent and prosper and make

something out of nothing which they did, big time, what have the Palestinians ever achieved in all the years

they have existed? Big Nothing...

You mean how like National Socialism was an ideology and later a reality to create a Germanic homeland and how Apartheid was the same for the whites who colonized South Africa? I agree, this is what I've been saying all along.

Although i take you point....techincal correction

The whites started colonising "South Africa" in 1652 (there was no South Africa)

and Apartheid was only enacted in 1948....

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Its a good job that a photo of Rumsfeld having tea with Hussein or the Bush Family hosting the Bin Laden's does not imply they were complicit with the subsequent war crimes of those individuals then isn't it. My my we really do have some genuine zionists on Thai Visa. What a cosmopolitan forum this is.

Irrelevant. The grand mufti was a war criminal but escaped prosecution. Look up the history. Genocide of European Jews was not his original idea but what I posted above is historically accurate.
Irrelevant Bush is a war criminal who has escaped Prosecution. Look up the factual history. Now whats your point? You are so desperate to make your point you will even cut Hitler some slack saying extermination of the Jews was not his original intension. Shame on you.

Stop it. I never said that. Read my previous post about the actual history.


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Enough already.

Netanyahu said a stupid thing, a historically inaccurate thing, and he did damage.

The damage he did is because of this incident many people are not going to take the ACTUAL HISTORY seriously. The actual history of the history of the Palestinian Arab identity movement/Grand Mufti link to the Nazis and racist genocide against the Jewish people is really bad enough without bizarre embellishments. You see, dudes, people who claim modern "Palestinian" racism towards Jews is only about "settlements" are ignoring the long history that such toxic Judeophobic pro genocide sentiment exists long , long ago. People who aren't aware of this history, it is worth knowing, even as Netanyahu's blunder is worth forgetting.

As I've said before for the Grand Mufti to work hard to prevent more Jews to move to the future Israel was well within his political rights. But by joining with Hitler, by actively promoting total genocide of European Jews and gaining a promise from Hitler to "finish the job" back in future Israel does indeed make him as bad as an actual German Nazi war criminal. A major one too. That's the founder of the Palestinian Arab identity movement ... a man actively involved in the holocaust.

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Ah so whats your next comment....it wasnt Hitler who caused the Holocaust but the British ? rolleyes.gif

Let's put it this way, the British didn't help, they had no business being there other than thier grandiose Empire expansion

schemes, they have left Palestine with the their tail between their legs leaving chaos behind them..

Good job the US undermined the old imperialists Britain and France - who carved up the Middle East after the Turkish Empire was beaten and disintegrated after WW1.

The US has made such a good job of replacing them with it's own unique brand of imperialism which has brought peace and prosperity to the region.

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Its a good job that a photo of Rumsfeld having tea with Hussein or the Bush Family hosting the Bin Laden's does not imply they were complicit with the subsequent war crimes of those individuals then isn't it. My my we really do have some genuine zionists on Thai Visa. What a cosmopolitan forum this is.

Irrelevant. The grand mufti was a war criminal but escaped prosecution. Look up the history. Genocide of European Jews was not his original idea but what I posted above is historically accurate.

The Japanese Emperor and many who came into government after the war were also war criminals who went unpunished. And America decided who was and wasn't punished to suit American interests, nothing to do with justice or right and wrong.

So, who decided the Grand Mufti was more useful to them?

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