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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


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The worst aspect of Netanyahu not taking care with his public statements is the toxic miasma of the dregs of humanity taking this as a cue to engage in their own vile obsessions. A pity because the argument that with the Palestinian leadership the more that changes the more that stays the same demonstrably applies.

For example from The rape of Palestine by William Ziff 1938attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1445581995.793696.jpg

Palestinian leaders blocking peace and inciting violence what a surprise! No wonder Abbas eulogized him.

You've quoted Willian Ziff Sr., an unfamous Zionist and disciple of the underground Zionist Jabotinsky militants movement.

If you have a closer look to his book on page nr. 13 :

"The Moslem religious leaders, the Mufti, was openly friendly. Throughout Arabia, the chiefs were for the most part distinctly pro-Zionist: and in Palestine the peasantry were delighted at every prospect of Jewish settlement near their villages. Commercial intercourse between Arab and Jew was constant and steady."

Your biased Zionist literature narrative is based on the Jabotinsky doctrine against British control after 1919...and still indoctrinated on Israeli citizens against Palestinians today by Netanyahu...

The premise of the book is quite clear, namely there was not widespread grass roots opposition to the Zionist settlers from Arabs in the levant. It was Arab nationalist agitators encouraged by the British who opposed Jewish immigration.

Keeping to topic Netanyahu was making a parallel of Palestinian leaders then and now NOT vilifying all Palestinians as you dishonestly claim. The parallels are striking are they not?

Corrupt unaccountable leaders then and now.

Hated by their own people then and now.

Fomenting antiSemitism by rumors concerning Al Aqsa then and now.

The puppets of external interests not benefitting the Palestinian people but with the aim of perpetuating conflict then and now.

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The worst aspect of Netanyahu not taking care with his public statements is the toxic miasma of the dregs of humanity taking this as a cue to engage in their own vile obsessions. A pity because the argument that with the Palestinian leadership the more that changes the more that stays the same demonstrably applies.

For example from The rape of Palestine by William Ziff 1938attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1445581995.793696.jpg

Palestinian leaders blocking peace and inciting violence what a surprise! No wonder Abbas eulogized him.

Exactly. The correct history needs to be more widely broadcast, not bizarre distortions as voiced by Netanyahu. Jews will sometimes say, as Jews are a tiny minority in the world they do care about such things ... good for the Jews or bad for the Jews. Netanyahu who incorrectly imagines himself as the King of all Jews in the world, this incorrect thing he said ... bad for the Jews (and good for the Jew haters).

Well is the quoted narrative credible or not? Jingthing seems to think so. Yet this book from 1935 talks about a Palestine Government, other parts of the book describe life in Palestine. Now you boys along with Ulysses are always ranting that Palestine has never existed, yet here is one of your own recording in history that it did. So is the article credible or not? You can't have it both ways.

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Oh please, enough with the baiting.

British Mandate Palestine.

Not an independent nation.


Before that, under Ottoman TURKISH rule.

Jews in the region during that period and also at some other times in history and in the diaspora referred to as Palestinians. Yes. Ironic.

Edited by Jingthing
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What I find ironic is that all the anti-Israel posters decrying the Zionists pushing for punishment of Holocaust deniers (which is not the whole story), and then turning around and slinging 'Holocaust-denier!' at Netanyahu and saying he should be jailed. Talk about hypocrisy! Even criticism from other Zionists within Israel has not called for him to be accused of Holocaust denial. Just a convenient ploy of the emotionally-rabid Jew-haters.

Let me be clear: I am no fan of Netanyahu. He exists as a reaction to Palestinian hatred, and violence, and intolerance. If Hamas were not obsessed with Israel's utter destruction, he would be superfluous, and unlikely to be elected dog-catcher in Israel. 67 years of attack and duplicity of Arabs upon Israel has created him...

If Palestinians would like peace and self-determination, let them agree to Israel's right to exist, declare a moratorium on attacks against Israelis, and propose a solution to their liking.

If Hamas/militant Palestinians disarmed today, tomorrow there would be peace. If Israel disarmed today, tomorrow there would be no Israel.

Edited by TheKnave
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It wasn't denial. It was revision. Incorrect revision. I suppose it matters because he's the PM of Israel.

I read today that the American Nazis have endorsed Netanyahu's revisionist history. That speaks volumes.

So he did damage. Own goal style. Some of what he says is actually spot on but this is so outrageous that it calls into more question everything else he says and does. His popularity is down in Israel of course anyway, I think from the left and the right. Tough time for Israel. All the terrorism and a problematical leader.


Netanyahu’s version of history is so demonstrably and utterly at odds with the historical record that it’s hard to fathom what could have driven him to offer it in a heavily watched keynote address to an international convention. The prime minister famously prides himself on his grasp of history. He makes frequent and facile use of the Holocaust as an object lesson for humanity. Even his harshest critics must have difficulty absorbing the realization that he can be so ignorant of the most basic facts of that history. There’s no lack of observers who disagree, often sharply, with his policies. But this goes to his competence.
Edited by Jingthing
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What I find ironic is that all the anti-Israel posters decrying the Zionists pushing for punishment of Holocaust deniers (which is not the whole story), and then turning around and slinging 'Holocaust-denier!' at Netanyahu and saying he should be jailed. Talk about hypocrisy! Even criticism from other Zionists within Israel has not called for him to be accused of Holocaust denial. Just a convenient ploy of the emotionally-rabid Jew-haters.

Let me be clear: I am no fan of Netanyahu. He exists as a reaction to Palestinian hatred, and violence, and intolerance. If Hamas were not obsessed with Israel's utter destruction, he would be superfluous, and unlikely to be elected dog-catcher in Israel. 67 years of attack and duplicity of Arabs upon Israel has created him...

If Palestinians would like peace and self-determination, let them agree to Israel's right to exist, declare a moratorium on attacks against Israelis, and propose a solution to their liking.

If Hamas/militant Palestinians disarmed today, tomorrow there would be peace. If Israel disarmed today, tomorrow there would be no Israel.

The Palestinians have long ago accepted the state of Israel. Arafat did so in 1993
Letter from Yasser Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin. September 9, 1993
"Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:
The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."
Hamas’ Meshal Agrees for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders
The problem has always been: Will Israel reciprocate and accept a state of Palestine within the 67 borders?
The ball is in Israel's court. They hold all the power.
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I can just imagine how the Israelis must feel about this. I feel let down. He just shot himself in the foot. It is kind of like when you are 10 years old looking forward to your next little baseball game and your opponent forfeits.

I guess Christmas being cancelled could be worse.

Edited by Pakboong
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It wasn't denial. It was revision. Incorrect revision. I suppose it matters because he's the PM of Israel.

I read today that the American Nazis have endorsed Netanyahu's revisionist history. That speaks volumes.

So he did damage. Own goal style. Some of what he says is actually spot on but this is so outrageous that it calls into more question everything else he says and does. His popularity is down in Israel of course anyway, I think from the left and the right. Tough time for Israel. All the terrorism and a problematical leader.


Netanyahu’s version of history is so demonstrably and utterly at odds with the historical record that it’s hard to fathom what could have driven him to offer it in a heavily watched keynote address to an international convention. The prime minister famously prides himself on his grasp of history. He makes frequent and facile use of the Holocaust as an object lesson for humanity. Even his harshest critics must have difficulty absorbing the realization that he can be so ignorant of the most basic facts of that history. There’s no lack of observers who disagree, often sharply, with his policies. But this goes to his competence.

And the American Zionists are lapping it up....so what have we got going on ?

American Nazi's who have no connection to germany mouthing off and American Zioinist who are not Israelis, and most likely never been to Israel...mouthing off as well

Yes it does speak volumes....;)

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IMO, getting all worked up about who inspired Hitler to do what he did is just plain foolish. There is no way to know for sure and I could care less anyway. Both Hitler and the Mufti were hateful war criminals who would have been happy to kill every last Jew if given the chance. They were both scum. Who thought of it first does not really matter to me.

It matters to those who have been accused of being holocaust deniers. It renews their opportunity to have a voice in the matter. Just one of many laws I don't like but it is a law none the less and when in countries where the law exists, I observe it to the letter. I have always maintained that the truth does not need protection. It also does not need sarcasm and condescending language to protect it.

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IMO, getting all worked up about who inspired Hitler to do what he did is just plain foolish. There is no way to know for sure and I could care less anyway. Both Hitler and the Mufti were hateful war criminals who would have been happy to kill every last Jew if given the chance. They were both scum. Who thought of it first does not really matter to me.

It matters to those who have been accused of being holocaust deniers. It renews their opportunity to have a voice in the matter. Just one of many laws I don't like but it is a law none the less and when in countries where the law exists, I observe it to the letter. I have always maintained that the truth does not need protection. It also does not need sarcasm and condescending language to protect it.

Although Netanyahu's comments appear at first to have backfired the Pro-Palestinian lobby are in danger of scoring an own goal if the role of the (still venerated) Mufti becomes common knowledge. The incitement we see from the Palestinian leaders echoes the views and tactics of the Mufti.

King Hussein of Jordan just told Abbas to cool it and the world is starting to wake up to the cynicism, racism and fanaticism of the Palestinian leaders. UNRWA have just sacked or suspended several of their workers due to racist incitement on social media. The more people look into the history of the Palestinians and their supporters the worse it looks for both of them.


Claims that Israel is intending to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque persist in Palestinian propaganda to incite violence — and have since before the current knife attacks, as David Horvitz writes in The Times of Israel:

The message that “the Jews are plotting against Al-Aqsa” has been pushed for months by Palestinian political chiefs, spiritual leaders, mainstream and social media: Mahmoud Abbas in speeches to his people (he finally lost the Israeli middle ground with his false accusation last week that Israel executed the teen Pisgat Zeev stabber); Fatah in leaflets and Facebook posts; Hamas in videos; the Islamic Movement agitating inside Israel; Arab Knesset members… all these and others have been throwing fuel onto the fire.

How very convenient to conjure up a diversionary shit storm when the evidence of Palestinian incitement is overwhelming.

Edited by Steely Dan
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It wasn't denial. It was revision. Incorrect revision. I suppose it matters because he's the PM of Israel.

I read today that the American Nazis have endorsed Netanyahu's revisionist history. That speaks volumes.

So he did damage. Own goal style. Some of what he says is actually spot on but this is so outrageous that it calls into more question everything else he says and does. His popularity is down in Israel of course anyway, I think from the left and the right. Tough time for Israel. All the terrorism and a problematical leader.


Netanyahu’s version of history is so demonstrably and utterly at odds with the historical record that it’s hard to fathom what could have driven him to offer it in a heavily watched keynote address to an international convention. The prime minister famously prides himself on his grasp of history. He makes frequent and facile use of the Holocaust as an object lesson for humanity. Even his harshest critics must have difficulty absorbing the realization that he can be so ignorant of the most basic facts of that history. There’s no lack of observers who disagree, often sharply, with his policies. But this goes to his competence.

Quote from link :

'Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II. Holocaust denial includes any of the following claims: that Nazi Germany's Final Solution policy aimed only at deporting Jews from the Reich, and included no policy to exterminate Jews;...

Link :


In many countries in Europe it's a crime.

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If I were Netanyahu, I wouldn't be so keen to drag up dealings with Hitler. Zionists dealt with the devil too, dropping their very effective worldwide boycott of Germany in return for Nazi favors to increase Jewish migration to Palestine . The Transfer Agreement is still a bone of contention in Israel today.


Typical distortion of the facts.

In actual fact, the choice was between defense of Jews in Germany, or their rescue by their escape to Palestine, where British and French interests had promised them a homeland (see the denier-inconvenient Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the Balfour Declaration). When the fate of German Jews was clear, the Zionists carried the day, and the Transfer Agreement was approved.

More like paying for Jewish lives, than like 'making a deal with the Devil'.

Nice try, though...just weak.

Wrong. Educate yourself.

The choice was between continuing the very effective worldwide boycott of German goods organized by Jews worldwide undermining the German economy and Hitler's rise to power, in which case the Holocaust may never have happened, or alternatively promoting their Zionist doctrine simply to increase the numbers of Jewish immigrants into Palestine at the expense of the Palestinians to boost their own power base in Palestine. 6 million Jewish lives could have been saved if they had not wanted to feather their own nest.
Hitler and the German economy did very well out of their deal with the Zionists, and continued to grow rather than be stymied by a boycott.
Get your facts straight.
"After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible. In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group Lehi met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine."
Netanyahu should not be making scapegoats out of all present day Palestinians, becasue of the actions of one man during their [great] grandparents' generation. Zionists have serious skeletons in the cupboard about their own dealings with Hitler too.

Looks like some are having a go at historical interpretation a la Netanyahu.

The boycott mentioned was effective to a degree. It did not completely stop German trade, even if it hurt the economy. Both links provided address this, and neither claims with certainty that the Holocaust could have been averted (indeed, one of them casts doubt on this very assumption).

Not mention is made of the British interest in those agreements. Namely, the influx of funds, equipment and skilled/educated immigrants, which was seen as instrumental in developing Palestine under the British Mandate. Had the Brits not been involved, there could have been no such agreement to begin with.

The agreements date back to 1933 and were terminated a short while after the war broke. At the time, no one imagined the extent of the horrors later visited on the Jews by the Nazis.

These dealing were aimed at saving Jewish lives, notwithstanding hindsight and hypothetical alternative outcomes. The attempt to equate life saving efforts with al-Husseini's support for the Nazi Ideology and policies toward the Jews is bizarre at best.

The agreements were indeed controversial, and remained so for quite a time. Worthwhile mentioning that the right-wing revisionists (predecessors of Netanyahu's Likud Party) were on the opposing side. Outside of academic circles and the odd resurfacing in media, it is not really a "bone of contention" in Israel today.

The Lehi's (unsuccessful) attempts to strike a deal, or indeed ally, with the Nazis were never a representation of mainstream Zionist views. The Lehi itself was an extreme splinter group from the right wing revisionists. Misguided as their notions were, the main motivation was, again, saving Jewish lives. Drawing parallels between the failed actions of a fringe splinter group and the the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem's active collaboration with the Nazis is ridicules.




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What I find ironic is that all the anti-Israel posters decrying the Zionists pushing for punishment of Holocaust deniers

I've never seen anyone "decrying" that, could you give us an example?

Most of the holocaust deniers I've heard of make headlines by being punished under German law.

Edited by Chicog
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What I find ironic is that all the anti-Israel posters decrying the Zionists pushing for punishment of Holocaust deniers

I've never seen anyone "decrying" that, could you give us an example?

Most of the holocaust deniers I've heard of make headlines by being punished under German law.

Seek, and ye shall find. I believe it was a reference to this post (http://http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/864739-netanyahu-slammed-for-inaccurate-holocaust-comments/?p=9991491), which contains the following bits:

The Zionists are the ones that lobbied for holocaust deniers to be jailed

the idea of sending someone to jail for what they think iin terms of history is insane but THAT is what the Zionists have got world Governments to do in terms of the holocaust.

Not that poster-says means much, but it was said.

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Inaccurate or not, this is not the point here, the point here is that the over lord and the most important

person in Palestine at that time, a person of immense influence and respect, sat with Hitler begging him

to do away with the Jews, make sure to not let them come to Palestine, is he any better that Hitler?

Who dose that? who sit down with one of the worst dictator mass murder in the world history plotting

the liquidation and demise of another nation in modern times?

is there any better proofs of the Arabs/Palestinians intentions towards the Jews? dose the world remember

or even knows all that, No, all the see is a bloody Palestinian child and his mother crying, that's more

than enough to brand the Jews the evil, heartless nation, and the world asks, why there is no peace in the Middle East....

So....your first paragraph, you start out conceding that it may not be true, but then you go on with the assumption that it is true.

The only thing is question here is if Hitler decided to exterminate all Jews before or after meeting the Grand Multi of Palestine. They had already agreed on their mutual hatred for them.

As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Oh, if it has been pointed out, that's all sorted then.

Worries about Zionist "plans to rule the entire area" ---> Allies with Hitler and supports the destruction of all Jews.

Perfectly reasonable, eh?

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According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

There is an obvious shortage of credible historians claiming the same. In fact, most dismiss it as nonsense. Or, more politely, as an exaggeration.

The "some guy on the internet" seems to be Netanyahu.


There is no documentation either way.

Because no one knows, but Netanyahu's OPINION is as good as any and in not illegal in any way. It isbased on facts and it is not impossible that he is correct.

There is a fair amount of documentation on al-Husseini's exploits and whereabouts during the years he was closely associated with the Nazis (and indeed, a house guest). They simply do not include anything indicating that his played a central role in the relevant decisions. Not quite "no one knows", and Netanyahu's opinion maybe as good as any layman's - but not as good as that of relevant scholars. Furthermore, Netanyahu did not present his words as "opinion", but rather as this-is-how-things-went-down.

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As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Where do you come up with such nonsense? Have you ever contributed a factual post?

Well you seem to not even know the history of the state you so feverishly defend!

Did you ever hear of the terrorist group called Irgun (which became Herut and then, yes, the fascist Likud)? They started their terrrorist activities in the early 1930ties. Neither did you hear then probably of Haganah, which started as a Jewish terrorist group in 1920 and became a "defence" group attacking Palestinians, and is basically IDF now. Or how about the Jewish group Bar Giora, which was killing Palestinians in order to steal their land in 1900 or so. Please tell me all of this is nonsense!

Of course in your eyes these terrorist attacks and ethnic cleansing were all just, because according to the scriptures God gave Palestine to Israelites, so Jews can kill anyone as they please, because God said so. I said it before, and I say it again, anyone who is using a 3000 year old fairytale to justify genocide, is completely bonkers. With that in mind Israel and ISIL have in common?

Since you asked nicely: this is nonsense. Not all of it, of course, but most.

Bar Giora was created to address the issue of Jewish settlements being "guarded" by Arabs. The other role played was claiming of legally bought lands, which indeed involved eviction of local Arabs (not the owners) refusing to accept the change of ownership. There was no "land stolen" and there were no "Palestinians" at the time (twilight years of the Ottoman Empire).

The Haganah was not started as a "terrorist group", but as a result of ongoing attacks on the Jewish population by Arabs. Specifically, this applies to 1920 riots (in which al-Husseini had a central role), what with British authorities to provide protection. The Haganah's predominantly passive stance, favoring restraint over direct retaliation, was the main reason for members splitting off to create the rival Irgun. There were various instances of cooperation between the Haganah and the Brits (first vs. the Arabs, later on vs. the Irgun). which lasted until 1945.

The Irgun was indeed defined as a terrorist organization even by mainstream Jewish and Zionist organizations. So was the splinter organization, Lehi (aka Stern Gang).

There is no mention of insurgency, violence and terrorism by Arabs, but that probably falls under the "totally different" rule.

The three organizations were not religiously motivated, more nationalistic in nature. My memory of scripture could be rusty, but do not recall God giving Palestine, to anyone, in it. Semantics, perhaps, but they do shape some arguments. Obviously some parts are unsavory as with many religious text - but do not think God said that "Jews can kill anyone as they please". Even if so, considering Palestinian demographics this would mean the Jews are not really into it. Not that it should stop you from claiming "genocide".

Would be interested in your learned view on Abbas's incitement speeches regarding al-Aqsa - would they count as an example of religious justification for violence? (only about 1400 years old, but still..).

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Stupid if he proclaims an OPINION with which he basically incriminates 50% of Israels' population. Especially if one is the "leader" of that country. But by all means keep defending him. It shows more and more who you are and what you stand for.....

Are the West Bank and the Gaza Strip part of Israel, then? Or only when it suits making an incoherent argument starting with the word "stupid"?

If the post was referring to Arab citizens of Israel, the numbers are way off, even if the notion is correct.

Are 50% of Israel's population the Grand Mufti of Palestine? You are not too clear on history, logic OR statistics. gigglem.gif

Never claimed to be an historian, but since you are apparently the expert, please tell me post 42 is nonsense.

Logic? One has to be really naive (to say it mildly) if the oppressed Palestinians won't feel personally offended if Nathanyahu says that a Palestinian instigated the genocide of the Jewish people in WWII

Statistics ?? apologies it should be 46.77%

Palestinian leadership and certain Palestinian media outlets expressed condemnation and outrage, as expected. Support for this being a general public sentiment is not offered. Considering existing levels of Holocaust denial among Palestinians, this should serve as ample fuel for prevalent conspiracy theories.

Edited by Morch
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I am surprised though at people defending Netanyahu here. even after Israeli historians have declared this statement simply not true. Only reason I can think of is because his statement is anti Palestinian.

Surprising how?

Creative use of partial historical facts and conjecture is employed by proponents and opponents alike when it suits agenda, argument and narrative. Many a "discussion" here as evidence.

An interesting example (not directed at your post) would be citing the criticism of Jewish and Israeli scholars, while going on about them "Zionists". That many of these quoted scholars are Zionists themselves is not acknowledged. Probably as it does not fit too well with the usual one-dimensional "view" of Zionism presented.

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According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

There is an obvious shortage of credible historians claiming the same. In fact, most dismiss it as nonsense. Or, more politely, as an exaggeration.

The "some guy on the internet" seems to be Netanyahu.


There is no documentation either way.

Because no one knows, but Netanyahu's OPINION is as good as any and in not illegal in any way. It isbased on facts and it is not impossible that he is correct.

There is a fair amount of documentation on al-Husseini's exploits and whereabouts during the years he was closely associated with the Nazis (and indeed, a house guest). They simply do not include anything indicating that his played a central role in the relevant decisions. Not quite "no one knows", and Netanyahu's opinion maybe as good as any layman's - but not as good as that of relevant scholars. Furthermore, Netanyahu did not present his words as "opinion", but rather as this-is-how-things-went-down.

Hitler can't be the most extreme white supremacist in world history and yet make a deal with an Arab to destroy world Jewry. That dog cannot hunt. To argue semantics about that and speculate what the parties involved may have been thinking just does not make any practical sense.

If there are absolute truths regarding Hitler, this has to be one of them.

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It would not surprise me at all if Hitler initially intended to force all the Jews out of Europe and eventually decided that murdering them all would suit his purposes more exactly. There were plenty of hate-filled lunatics who would have been happy to influence him in that direction back then, including the Grand Mufti.

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It would not surprise me at all if Hitler initially intended to force all the Jews out of Europe and eventually decided that murdering them all would suit his purposes more exactly. There were plenty of hate-filled lunatics who would have been happy to influence him in that direction back then, including the Grand Mufti.

What's behind all this hate?

In the Grand Mufti's case, by the 1930's the Zionist Movement was gaining traction and momentum. They had made their goal clear.

How would you feel if a bunch of people, some of them influential, and with the political and financial means, made it clear that they intended to drive you and your people out of your ancestral home?

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Only that is not what happened. In the 1030s, the Grand Mulfi had already been attacking and murdering Jews for over a decade.This hateful favorite of the Nazis helped CAUSE the Jews to seek their own government and land. The Grand Nazi eventually reaped what he had sewed.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Historical revisionism should be no surprise from the Likud millieu, one hears this kind of thing all the time. The right-wing and Netanyahu directly (his father was the personal secretary of Ze'ev Jabotinsky) are the political descendents of what was once known (for other reasons) as Revisionist Zionism. His audience is clealy directed to his rabid supporters, as no legitimate intellect in the region could take this seriously, but it does not rise to the level of Holocaust denial, as some have said. The saddest part of this is the real mouth-breathing bigots, neonazis, and deniers will absolutely eat this up and you will hear them quoting "The Israeli PM admitted.." For decades to come.

Has Bibi lost his mind?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It would not surprise me at all if Hitler initially intended to force all the Jews out of Europe and eventually decided that murdering them all would suit his purposes more exactly. There were plenty of hate-filled lunatics who would have been happy to influence him in that direction back then, including the Grand Mufti.

What's behind all this hate?

In the Grand Mufti's case, by the 1930's the Zionist Movement was gaining traction and momentum. They had made their goal clear.

How would you feel if a bunch of people, some of them influential, and with the political and financial means, made it clear that they intended to drive you and your people out of your ancestral home?

The Nazis were after the Jews, Zionist or otherwise. Allying and collaborating with them carries far greater implication than defending any "ancestral home".

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