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Benghazi attack: 'Hillary is a bold-faced liar'


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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

True, but it's also been proven, over and over again, that she had nothing to do with Benghazi. They really need to focus on the email server. Benghazi is a red herring.

Hillary had everything to do with Benghazi. It has not been proven that she is criminal or negligent but it most certainly has never been proven she is not accountable. Even US generals confirm the entire Libyan war was effectively instigated and run by Hillary. This is public domain info. To reach from this that she has no hand in Benghazi is nonsense. It is only the case that we have no smoking gun, but she is surely accountable as SecState. It is the incredible amount of smoke from the now well known gun running debacle that is trying to come to light. Among the reasons for the email scandal is directly related to Benghazi. If this was RICO, there would be overwhelming beyond a reasonable doubt that there was fire as well. Hillary Clinton is not a criminal because she is progressive or democrat. He is a criminal because she consistently and flagrantly assigns her own rules, skirts the laws, and always seems to have one of two feet in the criminal element.

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These tribunals are more about the inquisitors than the accused/witnesses. For them it's almost like being on Dancing With The Stars.

For an example check out the way the Planned Parenthood committee handled itself a few weeks ago -- showboating to tedium but when the person in the witness chair tried to speak she was repeatedly told "we have no time for that!" Jason Chaffetz made a particular ass of himself that day, and a few days later he made a play for Speaker of the House -- they have no sense of what fools they make of themselves.

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I'm not much of a fan of Hillary Clinton but these Republicans are just pathetic. Why don't they investigate some serious malfeasance like Bush ignoring all the warnings that Bill Clintons administration passed onto him about Bin Laden and Al Qaedas and their suspected plans to attack the US by flying planes into buildings. This is a witchhunt. Period. Pack of losers barking at the moon.

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Hillary did really well in the hearings.

She's had quite a political reversal recently.

First the smashing win in the first democratic debate.

Then Biden not running.

Now getting through the hearings with flying colors.

Dudes, Hillary will be nominated, like it or not so we're off to the races ... EVENTUALLY, against whatever the republicans put up.

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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

True, but it's also been proven, over and over again, that she had nothing to do with Benghazi. They really need to focus on the email server. Benghazi is a red herring.

The emails have shown that she lied about the attack being caused by a video and supported the imprisonment of the video producer, while confiding the day of the attack in emails that it was an al qaeda attack that had nothing to do with the video.

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Been watching the heaings all night here in West Africa, it appears she is holding her own, she is a true politician, answers qustions easily without actually answering them. Every WOman in the US will vote for her, all the CongressMEN have been trying to trip her up all day and she is is cool as a cucumber.

Hope Trump learns to keep his trap shut and chooses the arguments he can win or we will see Hillary in the White House with Bill chasing Interns again............We shall seeblink.pngsad.pngsad.png

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Hillary is tough as nails in such scenarios. There have been times when she's been on the other side of the inquisitors' bench. I think she'll get through this grilling untarnished, and be tougher for the added experience in dealing with the Republican Attack Machine.

Marge Thatcher was the 'Iron Lady' (though I think she was like pewter re; the HK give-away). Hillary is like tempered steel.

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Been watching the heaings all night here in West Africa, it appears she is holding her own, she is a true politician, answers qustions easily without actually answering them. Every WOman in the US will vote for her, all the CongressMEN have been trying to trip her up all day and she is is cool as a cucumber.

Hope Trump learns to keep his trap shut and chooses the arguments he can win or we will see Hillary in the White House with Bill chasing Interns again............We shall seeblink.pngsad.pngsad.png

Trump is genetically incapable of keeping his trap shut. Are you rooting for him? He will get rotiserried by Hillary in a debate scenario. He will appear decisive and manly during the debate, but the next day, when his statements are fact-checked and looked at for veracity, he will be shown to be as uninformed as a hollow log.

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Another good thing for Hillary in all this is she gets to be seen to be tested UNDER FIRE which is what Americans correctly want to see in their presidential candidates. She's passed the test with flying colors. Normally such tests would be revealed in a rough primary campaign. But that's not in the cards this time. Hillary doesn't have any significant opposition for the nomination regardless of the delusions of the Feeling the Bern camp. Biden would have provided that real competition but that didn't happen either.

Edited by Jingthing
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Gotta disagree with being tested under fire.

She had 7 people asking her questions and 5 more heaping praise on her and worshiping the ground she walks on.

One thing that surprised me is nobody asked if she knew what happened to Obama the evening of the attack. Where did he go, what was he doing and why did he neglect his duties as Commander in Chief while his troops were under fire.

I was also surprised to read that she had no contact with Panetta and Dempsey after Obama's mysterious disappearance. For some reason i always thought she was involved in a decision making capacity. Should have known better.

Now I'm wondering where Joe Biden was.

In short, NONE of them were available to answer that 3 AM phone call.

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Gotta disagree with being tested under fire.

She had 7 people asking her questions and 5 more heaping praise on her and worshiping the ground she walks on.

One thing that surprised me is nobody asked if she knew what happened to Obama the evening of the attack. Where did he go, what was he doing and why did he neglect his duties as Commander in Chief while his troops were under fire.

I was also surprised to read that she had no contact with Panetta and Dempsey after Obama's mysterious disappearance. For some reason i always thought she was involved in a decision making capacity. Should have known better.

Now I'm wondering where Joe Biden was.

In short, NONE of them were available to answer that 3 AM phone call.

I'm sure the republicans will be having a few more hearings on the case.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Gotta disagree with being tested under fire.

She had 7 people asking her questions and 5 more heaping praise on her and worshiping the ground she walks on.

One thing that surprised me is nobody asked if she knew what happened to Obama the evening of the attack. Where did he go, what was he doing and why did he neglect his duties as Commander in Chief while his troops were under fire.

I was also surprised to read that she had no contact with Panetta and Dempsey after Obama's mysterious disappearance. For some reason i always thought she was involved in a decision making capacity. Should have known better.

Now I'm wondering where Joe Biden was.

In short, NONE of them were available to answer that 3 AM phone call.

I'm sure the republicans will be having a few more hearings on the case.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Why Not, It's All They Got...
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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

Hillary is viscerally repugnant as both a statesperson and human; she is utterly devoid of redeeming character. One can only wonder at the machinations, greed, deceit, and treachery that conspired to form this "servant," so self-absorbed as to daily debase the entire American polity. Hillary is a perfect example of "Blink," the Malcolm Gladwell book that asserts that humans have a deep intuitive nature that, if exercised, rarely leads one astray. Even without the the billowing clouds of smoke that follow throughout her life its not difficult to infer the fire simply by "Blink." That she is a "bold-faced liar" is self-evident. Hillary would be for America what Nero was for Rome.

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News Flash.

Hillary wins!

She's looking more inevitable than ever.

Not only for the nomination, but to become the first woman president of the United States.


There were several more rounds of questions, in which her interrogators manifested all of Washington’s pathologies—dysfunction, partisan squabbling, insularity—in such extreme form that Clinton came across not only as a grownup, as her supporters had hoped, but as the most normal person in the room.
Clinton has been immersed in politics for decades, and yet the panel managed to make the contrast between her manner and the ways of Washington look stark. She appeared to be a sensible outsider. At 7:15 P.M., nine hours after the hearings began, Martha Roby, of Alabama, asked Clinton about her movements when she went home on the night of the attack. “Were you alone?” she asked. Yes, Clinton said. “The whole night?” Clinton started to laugh once more. “I don’t see why that’s funny,” Roby said. Not funny, perhaps, but, like the Benghazi committee itself, absurd.
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Another good thing for Hillary in all this is she gets to be seen to be tested UNDER FIRE which is what Americans correctly want to see in their presidential candidates. She's passed the test with flying colors. Normally such tests would be revealed in a rough primary campaign. But that's not in the cards this time. Hillary doesn't have any significant opposition for the nomination regardless of the delusions of the Feeling the Bern camp. Biden would have provided that real competition but that didn't happen either.

They've had months to prepare for this, they're taking their best shots, and she walked away looking good. It's great for her image, I don't like her but I was impressed. It's a crying shame she's not still in gov't service at the present, looks like the GOP will have to wait until she's elected to come up with more scandals and tribunals for her.

I liked when she laughed at the "all night" question. I was hoping it would go something like this:

Inquisitor: were you alone all night?

H: at one point my husband came into my room

I: for how long?

H: maybe a little less than an hour

I: maybe?

H: I wasn't watching the clock

I: what did you talk about?

H: we didn't talk


Edited by bendejo
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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

Hillary is viscerally repugnant as both a statesperson and human; she is utterly devoid of redeeming character. One can only wonder at the machinations, greed, deceit, and treachery that conspired to form this "servant," so self-absorbed as to daily debase the entire American polity. Hillary is a perfect example of "Blink," the Malcolm Gladwell book that asserts that humans have a deep intuitive nature that, if exercised, rarely leads one astray. Even without the the billowing clouds of smoke that follow throughout her life its not difficult to infer the fire simply by "Blink." That she is a "bold-faced liar" is self-evident. Hillary would be for America what Nero was for Rome.

"Repugnant, devoid of redeeming character ,greed, deceit, treachery, conspires, bold faced liar, nero, billowing clouds of smoke follow her......"

Somebody has been watching the right wing news political attack channel.coffee1.gif

Watching that crap turns these old guys into unreasonable fanatics.

Have you seen the new movie, "The Brainwashing of My Dad"?

A sad tale of a father that turned into a hostile, isolated, right wing fanatic after tuning into right wing talk radio and FOX.

Every day, a new dose of right wing hate and fear drip fed into their brains.

Edited by RidgeRunner
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This column is hilarious:

To all the soldiers in the sad, seething army of perpetually acidic (male) conservatives who openly despise Hillary Clinton and don’t care who knows it: Rough news cycle for you, yes? You poor dears.

Indeed, your party’s latest, perhaps greatest gratuitous witch-hunt of an attempt to destroy Clinton (again, for the 8th time – or was it the 800th?) not only failed spectacularly, it quite thoroughly backfired, and now the nightmares are back and that weird genital rash still won’t go away. Thank goodness you still have Trump, right? Or, you know, perhaps not.


It’s as though everyone suddenly got the same memo, all at once: Here’s your undeniable proof, doubters. Here’s the clearest snapshot yet of what we can expect from a Hillary presidency, of how she’ll handle the right’s sexism, their outright hatred of both the Clinton name and the idea of a female American president, not to mention how she’ll deal with Congress, with world leaders, with her gnarled past and our even more gnarled future.

Which is to say: With class, with calm intelligence, with a bemused, wary understanding of the cruelest workings of the DC’s inbred political machinery.


Edited by Jingthing
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By the way, the correct term is "bald-faced liar," not "bold."

Also-- CNN is covering both sides of the story. It seems clear that the raison d'etre for the Benghazi panel has been to diminish Hillary's popularity. In any case I wish Bernie Sanders could win the presidency.

Actually the correct term is bare-faced liar

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This column is hilarious:

To all the soldiers in the sad, seething army of perpetually acidic (male) conservatives who openly despise Hillary Clinton and don’t care who knows it: Rough news cycle for you, yes? You poor dears.

Indeed, your party’s latest, perhaps greatest gratuitous witch-hunt of an attempt to destroy Clinton (again, for the 8th time – or was it the 800th?) not only failed spectacularly, it quite thoroughly backfired, and now the nightmares are back and that weird genital rash still won’t go away. Thank goodness you still have Trump, right? Or, you know, perhaps not.


It’s as though everyone suddenly got the same memo, all at once: Here’s your undeniable proof, doubters. Here’s the clearest snapshot yet of what we can expect from a Hillary presidency, of how she’ll handle the right’s sexism, their outright hatred of both the Clinton name and the idea of a female American president, not to mention how she’ll deal with Congress, with world leaders, with her gnarled past and our even more gnarled future.

Which is to say: With class, with calm intelligence, with a bemused, wary understanding of the cruelest workings of the DC’s inbred political machinery.


The right wing fanatics/bozos are already talking about impeaching her.cheesy.gif

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Hillary Clinton IS a bold-faced liar. It has been proven over and over again.

Hillary is viscerally repugnant as both a statesperson and human; she is utterly devoid of redeeming character. One can only wonder at the machinations, greed, deceit, and treachery that conspired to form this "servant," so self-absorbed as to daily debase the entire American polity. Hillary is a perfect example of "Blink," the Malcolm Gladwell book that asserts that humans have a deep intuitive nature that, if exercised, rarely leads one astray. Even without the the billowing clouds of smoke that follow throughout her life its not difficult to infer the fire simply by "Blink." That she is a "bold-faced liar" is self-evident. Hillary would be for America what Nero was for Rome.

"Repugnant, devoid of redeeming character ,greed, deceit, treachery, conspires, bold faced liar, nero, billowing clouds of smoke follow her......"

Somebody has been watching the right wing news political attack channel.coffee1.gif

Watching that crap turns these old guys into unreasonable fanatics.

Have you seen the new movie, "The Brainwashing of My Dad"?

A sad tale of a father that turned into a hostile, isolated, right wing fanatic after tuning into right wing talk radio and FOX.

Every day, a new dose of right wing hate and fear drip fed into their brains.

As someone just eligible for a retirement visa I think I hardly fit the caricature of what you paint. That makes you... incorrect, and finally irrelevant. My observations are commonly shared by many millions, least of all the old fools you suggest.

It is noteworthy that any who oppose the degrading slide of the American political life into Alinsky radical socialism is "unreasonable." So it goes with Clinton Inc, two steps left, one step right. In the mix, America slides into a banana republic under their visionary stewardship. A noteworthy point: Hillary is also a "bare-faced liar," the more accurate and traditional use of the term. One thing was overwhelmingly apparent from her recent tap-dance before congress, she clearly lied about the Youtube video as the source of protests; this is hardly debatable. This makes her... a liar! This is a fatal character flaw.

"Hate?" "Brainwashed?" The pejoratives of the intellectually vacant. You rarely see opponents of Hillary attacking those who support her, though some critique is valid. However, in supporting Hillary, supporters routinely attack those who assert a given point, not the message itself. This sums up the entire equation. This says it all.

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This column is hilarious:

To all the soldiers in the sad, seething army of perpetually acidic (male) conservatives who openly despise Hillary Clinton and don’t care who knows it: Rough news cycle for you, yes? You poor dears.

Indeed, your party’s latest, perhaps greatest gratuitous witch-hunt of an attempt to destroy Clinton (again, for the 8th time – or was it the 800th?) not only failed spectacularly, it quite thoroughly backfired, and now the nightmares are back and that weird genital rash still won’t go away. Thank goodness you still have Trump, right? Or, you know, perhaps not.


It’s as though everyone suddenly got the same memo, all at once: Here’s your undeniable proof, doubters. Here’s the clearest snapshot yet of what we can expect from a Hillary presidency, of how she’ll handle the right’s sexism, their outright hatred of both the Clinton name and the idea of a female American president, not to mention how she’ll deal with Congress, with world leaders, with her gnarled past and our even more gnarled future.

Which is to say: With class, with calm intelligence, with a bemused, wary understanding of the cruelest workings of the DC’s inbred political machinery.


The right wing fanatics/bozos are already talking about impeaching her.cheesy.gif

Beyond the hyperbole there is a serious grain of truth here; many simply despise and will use their various stations to act out their disdain. While this is true across the aisle the issue here is Hillary. Yes, many are like this. This does not make their points invalid, but it does make the point above valid- many will act out of their positions simply because she is Hillary. Agreed.

It does not matter why nor does it matter why this degree of disdain is overwhelming for this woman. What is more important is that the sheer magnitude of those who despise her suggest only that she will be a symbol of great division and increased Balkanization of America. That she is so despised is less important than what it means in deciding to support her. Right or wrong, fair on unfair, she is despised and if she becomes president she could only garner consensus by coercion- force. This is hardly a stretch to imagine.

It is also untrue that because Hillary is so despised any candidate on the left would be. Example: Sanders; his politics are actually as repugnant to the right as Hillary's are, but Bernie himself is not. There simply are other people with which the right would stomp and protest yet could ultimately manage or work with; Hillary is not one of them. So, irrespective of Hillary's unfair attacks, or not, she personally remains so divisive a figure that in sponsoring her to the presidency one inadvertently elects division and fracturing- people will never accept her as president (consensus). The acidic air cannot be cleared with this candidate, rightly or wrongly. She will always be viewed as a liar, certainly by me, because it is irrefutable. She is.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it you who promised that this investigation and these hearings would be different from previous ones? Wasn't it you whose heart was all aflutter for Chairman Gowdy? ;)

I'd love to have seen your reaction when Chairman Gowdy admitted that nothing new came from 11 hours of testimony.

Republicans need to drop this post haste. If they keep beating this dead horse it's only going to motivate more women to vote on election day.

Where's Alex Jones

In a mental institution if he has family and friends concerned about his wellbeing. Edited by up-country_sinclair
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This column is hilarious:

To all the soldiers in the sad, seething army of perpetually acidic (male) conservatives who openly despise Hillary Clinton and don’t care who knows it: Rough news cycle for you, yes? You poor dears.

Indeed, your party’s latest, perhaps greatest gratuitous witch-hunt of an attempt to destroy Clinton (again, for the 8th time – or was it the 800th?) not only failed spectacularly, it quite thoroughly backfired, and now the nightmares are back and that weird genital rash still won’t go away. Thank goodness you still have Trump, right? Or, you know, perhaps not.


It’s as though everyone suddenly got the same memo, all at once: Here’s your undeniable proof, doubters. Here’s the clearest snapshot yet of what we can expect from a Hillary presidency, of how she’ll handle the right’s sexism, their outright hatred of both the Clinton name and the idea of a female American president, not to mention how she’ll deal with Congress, with world leaders, with her gnarled past and our even more gnarled future.

Which is to say: With class, with calm intelligence, with a bemused, wary understanding of the cruelest workings of the DC’s inbred political machinery.


The right wing fanatics/bozos are already talking about impeaching her.cheesy.gif

Beyond the hyperbole there is a serious grain of truth here; many simply despise and will use their various stations to act out their disdain. While this is true across the aisle the issue here is Hillary. Yes, many are like this. This does not make their points invalid, but it does make the point above valid- many will act out of their positions simply because she is Hillary. Agreed.

It does not matter why nor does it matter why this degree of disdain is overwhelming for this woman. What is more important is that the sheer magnitude of those who despise her suggest only that she will be a symbol of great division and increased Balkanization of America. That she is so despised is less important than what it means in deciding to support her. Right or wrong, fair on unfair, she is despised and if she becomes president she could only garner consensus by coercion- force. This is hardly a stretch to imagine.

It is also untrue that because Hillary is so despised any candidate on the left would be. Example: Sanders; his politics are actually as repugnant to the right as Hillary's are, but Bernie himself is not. There simply are other people with which the right would stomp and protest yet could ultimately manage or work with; Hillary is not one of them. So, irrespective of Hillary's unfair attacks, or not, she personally remains so divisive a figure that in sponsoring her to the presidency one inadvertently elects division and fracturing- people will never accept her as president (consensus). The acidic air cannot be cleared with this candidate, rightly or wrongly. She will always be viewed as a liar, certainly by me, because it is irrefutable. She is.

Right. "Beyond the hyperbole"....Hillary is an overwhelmingly despised and dishonest, despised, fracturing, divisive, despised, dishonest, despised liar, bent on Balkanisation of America by coercion and force. Did I mention she was despised and the degree of disdain is overwhelming?

She killed Vince Foster too they say.....and her chief of staff is a muslim terrorist...she loves planned parenthood and would personally rip those babies limb from limb if she had a chance.

Did you know the Clintons donated his old underwear to charity and wrote it off on his taxes for $1 each! True story.

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