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Long-term British expat found dead at Rawai home

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RIP to this young feller, although how can yoube long term expat at 55 amazes me. Too young, obviously another probably medical reason for his passing.

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he did drink apparently, so maybe he was a heavy drinker.

55 yrs seems quite young so I would be looking for other evidence. Was the partner visiting her mother ? what medicine was in the room ? and where is his mobile ?

these questions have to be answered before any easy assessment can be made ..... they at least owe him that right.

I'm not saying what happen but give me some answers.

Why do YOU need any answers?

Was he a relative, friend, casual acquaintance or a neighbour of yours?

Or do you just feel that you have the "right to know"?


....no concern....no emotion.........the message is....nobody gives a damn....even further....people prefer that you are gone....

...wonder how much he 'paid/gave' before 'his time was up'......

...maybe not the case here...I know nothing of the man (victim?) or his 'partner'....

...but 'no foul play'....'case closed'.....

...a killer...or psycho can have 'a field day' it seems....

...just have to be Thai....and the target a foreigner...

...disconcerting to say the least....

No concern or emotion, from whom? Do you expect to read reports that the police attending the incident were distraught and sobbing at the scene?

His body was taken to a hospital, presumably for a postmortem, so there is no reason for you to claim that the case is closed just because he was a foreigner.

How you can come to the conclusion from this report or your own weird comments that "a killer or psycho" can have a field day is beyond comprehension.

AFAIR it is standard procedure that when a foreigner dies in Thailand, the police are called automatically and they check for any obvious signs of injuries and the body gets taken to the local hospital to be examined by a doctor.

If it is determined that the death is of natural causes, a death certificate is issued and the body is released to the family for the funeral rites. If the cause of death is deemed not natural then there is an autopsy, the body is kept at the mortuary and a police enquiry is started.

It is the responsibility of the police to inform the Embassy.

For Thais it is a bit different as the first person to be notified, assuming there are no marks of violence, is the PuYai Ban, After that there is a laid down procedure to be followed. This I know for a fact as I found my Mother in Law dead 12 days ago and she was cremated 3 days later. She was a severe diabetic and died of diabetes mellitus.

Again if there are marks of violence then the police are called and they have their own procedures.

It seems to me on this thread that a few posters seem to lack knowledge of what happens when a foreigner dies and they come up with conspiracy theories with nothing to back it up.


It's rather interesting how over the last month so many Expats have been dying in Thailand

It's also interesting there is usually a Thai women in the deceased's background, as well.

Perhaps the reason for that could be that the deceased was married to a Thai lady,

There is usually a simple explanation for most things but people can always sniff out a conspiracy if they try hard enough.


For the information of the conspiracy theorists on this thread, it's quite possible to die of a heart attack or brain aneurysm at any age - 55 is not a magic number. Genetics and lifestyle also play a part. Suggest you all wait for the autopsy results before ..... oh wait, the coroners here are all corrupt so we don't believe them either.

Has it occurred to any of you geniuses if nobody died, we'd be ass-deep in people?

"oh wait, the coroners here are all corrupt so we don't believe them either" - possibly not so much corrupt, than lazy and incompetent.

Can you explain what you mean by that?

How many Thai coroners do you know personally or have dealt with?


It's rather interesting how over the last month so many Expats have been dying in Thailand

Are you implying that they don't die in their home countries.


First ever post on thai visa and its for a friend whos lost his life enjoying his retierment. He was a traveler a man who made S.E.A his home if you knows this man knows he was a one off top knotch guy well knowen and like in rawai.

I know people are free to type what ever they like..... but just a thought if it was your dad that died and you where reading this post!


It's worth quoting some other details in the full news story ....

"She also told us that the man didnt suffer from any illnesses, but he did drink alcohol and occasionally smoked cigarettes. He had recently been fighting a cold she said."

No doubt the Thaivisa detectives will soon be on the case ... my respects to the deceased man

There is nothing to detect.

The man`s partner has alleged she arrived home and found him dead on his bed, no sign of a struggle. The police will be satisfied with that, no need for an investigation, just another in-concluded Farang death statistic in Thailand, end of story, move on, nothing to see here folks.


For the information of the conspiracy theorists on this thread, it's quite possible to die of a heart attack or brain aneurysm at any age - 55 is not a magic number. Genetics and lifestyle also play a part. Suggest you all wait for the autopsy results before ..... oh wait, the coroners here are all corrupt so we don't believe them either.

Has it occurred to any of you geniuses if nobody died, we'd be ass-deep in people?

"oh wait, the coroners here are all corrupt so we don't believe them either" - possibly not so much corrupt, than lazy and incompetent.

Can you explain what you mean by that?

How many Thai coroners do you know personally or have dealt with?

I have. Young foreigner involved ( work colleague )Incompetence based on an already presumption of natural death. Embassy doesn't care, it would appear that they have to deal with quite a few deaths here in Thailand.

The police seemed to be more interested in the fact he was naked at the time of death.

I realised how little farangs are valued here, but why should we be any different as to how they treat their own. Life is cheap..so why would you expect a professional autopsy..which may cause problems..

Why would you think a coroners would be any different to most institutions here. The lower ( regional ) courts are even worse!

Overall I was quite shocked..

It is what it is..


55?????? WOW....that is crazy young.

to all you slaving for the man until you are 55+........think twice.

i better enjoy my life today.

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