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Germany’s interior minister says migrant crisis has two faces


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Germany’s interior minister says migrant crisis has two faces


BERLIN: -- Migrants not needing protection in Europe will be sent back home. The warning from Germany’s interior minister Thomas de Maiziere, who says the politics of migration has two faces.

He’s been visiting a centre in the south of the country, where people are registered or told that they will be repatriated.

“Those who have a need for protection should be allowed to stay here, be integrated, learn the language and get a job,” said de Maiziere.

“But those who do not need protection, even if they have just as understandable reasons to lead a better life here, they must leave our country.”

Meanwhile, the UN’s human rights chief has accused the Czech Republic of committing systematic human rights violations by detaining refugees for up to 90 days – and strip-searching them for money to pay for their own detention.

Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein also says he’s alarmed about “Islamophobic” statements coming out of the country.

The Czech president has rejected the criticism. His spokesman said: “the president has long warned of the threat of Islamic fundamentalism. He stands by his opinion and he will not change it under pressure from abroad.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-23

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The two faces here are: Denial / Civil War

There's nothing in between - too late to back pedal. The saddest thing about this tragedy is that when Europe lies on the bottom in ashes, all those dogooders and all those spineless politicians will later say, "I knew this gonna be a problem, have been saying it from the very start."

Maiziere put three oxymorons in one sentence, unbelievable... "be integrated, learn the language and get a job"

1) You can't integrate someone who accepts only his own law and religious believes to be forced onto anyone else.
2) Since parallel subcultures will be formed in gigantic no-go areas, they will learn anything but German. There are schools with 90%+ pupils with immigration background already. Check youtube to see how well they "learn"...

3) With a 90% plus drop out rate of immigrants in any apprenticeship offered to them, this will prove rather difficult. By now most of them refuse to work in jobs they find "inappropriate" such as upkeep of public areas, trash removal, working as cleaner, etc... All those jobs are done by Germans who by now are foreigners in their own country already...

Now, with an estimated 4.5m immigrants until the end of 2016 and up to 8 family members following for each immigrant, Germans can kiss their heritage good bye, unless... civil war and the resulting mayhem puts an end to all this.

Edited by MockingJay
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“But those who do not need protection, even if they have just as understandable reasons to lead a better life here, they must leave our country.”

And just how do you intend to achieve this. Put all 1.5 million in trains? Load them on air transports? Push them over the border? Answer? You will do nothing, because you can do nothing. Their numbers have already reached critical mass and any attempt to deport these people will result in riots, bombings, and mob attacks on ordinary Germans. Stupid politician.

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“But those who do not need protection, even if they have just as understandable reasons to lead a better life here, they must leave our country.”

And just how do you intend to achieve this. Put all 1.5 million in trains? Load them on air transports? Push them over the border? Answer? You will do nothing, because you can do nothing. Their numbers have already reached critical mass and any attempt to deport these people will result in riots, bombings, and mob attacks on ordinary Germans. Stupid politician.

Precisely. It's already been shown that when an applicant is turned down, it's a big 'mai pen rai.' The guys just walk out the gov't office and meld in to the general public. They ain't goin' back, not by bus or plane or walking or whatever. Germany's next elections will boot Merkel and her bleeding heart goofs out. Like all European elections for the countries affected by the flood of migrants, the upcoming choices will be either right wing or far right wing. It's not wishful thinking on my part (I'm a liberal), but instead stark reality. Merkel and other bleeding hearts are pushing their citizens far to the right politically. The do-gooders at train stations, handing out flowers and snacks to migrants, will wind up being in the single digit % of the electorate.

Already in Hungary, there are two parties vying for political dominance: Right Wing and Extreme Right Wing. Not a liberal in sight. Way to go, Merkel. I'm an environmentalist, so it's an added bummer, because right wingers traditionally don't give a hoot about the environment.

Edited by boomerangutang
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“But those who do not need protection, even if they have just as understandable reasons to lead a better life here, they must leave our country.”

And just how do you intend to achieve this. Put all 1.5 million in trains? Load them on air transports? Push them over the border? Answer? You will do nothing, because you can do nothing. Their numbers have already reached critical mass and any attempt to deport these people will result in riots, bombings, and mob attacks on ordinary Germans. Stupid politician.

Precisely. It's already been shown that when an applicant is turned down, it's a big 'mai pen rai.' The guys just walk out the gov't office and meld in to the general public. They ain't goin' back, not by bus or plane or walking or whatever. Germany's next elections will boot Merkel and her bleeding heart goofs out. Like all European elections for the countries affected by the flood of migrants, the upcoming choices will be either right wing or far right wing. It's not wishful thinking on my part (I'm a liberal), but instead stark reality. Merkel and other bleeding hearts are pushing their citizens far to the right politically. The do-gooders at train stations, handing out flowers and snacks to migrants, will wind up being in the single digit % of the electorate.

Already in Hungary, there are two parties vying for political dominance: Right Wing and Extreme Right Wing. Not a liberal in sight. Way to go, Merkel. I'm an environmentalist, so it's an added bummer, because right wingers traditionally don't give a hoot about the environment.

Could not agree more! thumbsup.gif

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unless... civil war and the resulting mayhem puts an end to all this.

So many people don't understand that this is the real reason governments force people to give up their guns. There will be only complaints and in the end... disaster for the people who are powerless.


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“But those who do not need protection, even if they have just as understandable reasons to lead a better life here, they must leave our country.”

And just how do you intend to achieve this. Put all 1.5 million in trains? Load them on air transports? Push them over the border? Answer? You will do nothing, because you can do nothing. Their numbers have already reached critical mass and any attempt to deport these people will result in riots, bombings, and mob attacks on ordinary Germans. Stupid politician.

Stupid lying politician.

This crap makes the citizens feel better. Ja, we are doing something about it. Of course, nothing will happen except more and more will come. Mainly young aggressive migrant workers full of demands and wanting everything handing to them.

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unless... civil war and the resulting mayhem puts an end to all this.

So many people don't understand that this is the real reason governments force people to give up their guns. There will be only complaints and in the end... disaster for the people who are powerless.


You are so right. Successive European governments have prohibited guns, knives, and other weapons from their citizens. They do not want citizens to be able to stand up and protect themselves or have the ability to challenge governments.

More and more laws to restrict freedoms and take away rights; at the slightest excuse.

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YES, I agree with The Czech president's comments, after all

he is ruling his country, if you don't like his laws, go elsewhere.

NO, i don't agree with the recent comments about,

''Successive European governments have prohibited guns, knives, and other weapons from their citizens. They do not want citizens to be able to stand up and protect themselves or have the ability to challenge governments.''

Whoever wrote that comment should have a re-think, are guns, knives and weapons the answer?

Think about it, you are not in the 15th century, try it anywhere in the world today use your weapons

on the government and they either police or army will kill you at the blink of an eye, most shootings

world wide are carried out by mentally unbalanced people, do you want them having easy access to

weapons, once upon a time we would go to our farm and against the corner of a room there would

be an array of guns and rifles, we would use them to go shooting rabbits, wild pigs, wild dogs, more

rabbits, foxes, kangaroos, but not any more, the guns have now gone, and for the better i think.

Too many people have access to weapons they shouldn't have access to.

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YES, I agree with The Czech president's comments, after all

he is ruling his country, if you don't like his laws, go elsewhere.

NO, i don't agree with the recent comments about,

''Successive European governments have prohibited guns, knives, and other weapons from their citizens. They do not want citizens to be able to stand up and protect themselves or have the ability to challenge governments.''

Whoever wrote that comment should have a re-think, are guns, knives and weapons the answer?

Think about it, you are not in the 15th century, try it anywhere in the world today use your weapons

on the government and they either police or army will kill you at the blink of an eye, most shootings

world wide are carried out by mentally unbalanced people, do you want them having easy access to

weapons, once upon a time we would go to our farm and against the corner of a room there would

be an array of guns and rifles, we would use them to go shooting rabbits, wild pigs, wild dogs, more

rabbits, foxes, kangaroos, but not any more, the guns have now gone, and for the better i think.

Too many people have access to weapons they shouldn't have access to.

As you correctly point out,"When gun ownership is criminalized,only criminals will have guns." I just don't think you understand that you contradicted yourself. How very typical of anti gun liberals.
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Hungarian gov't is doing what's right, compared to their neighbors to the north and northwest. It's a tough row to hoe. No one likes turning desperate people away, but dire situations require dire action.

In the bigger picture: Syrians/Afghanis and all others in dune countries: they and their ancestors have been screwing up their environments (physical/mental/psychic) for hundreds of years. The terrain is sand and rocks, and it doesn't help to be stuck with a vindictive belief system and mean men as leaders (...of their religious sects and what's left of their tattered governments).

Of course they want to leave in droves. I would also. Europe is a much better place (to reside, find a job, raise a family) for many reasons. Do migrants deserve to walk in and reside in Europe? No.

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There's not much the German's can say now that will be acceptable.

Merkel alienated her neighbours by opening the flood gates and ignoring the fact that other countries were to be invaded by people demanding to travel to Germany and now her own people are seeing what this mass migration means and will mean to their way of life in the future. Let's not forget her words were immediately responded to by the Saudis offering to build 200 mosques to help the new arrivals settle.

From what I see the average migrant knows exactly what they want from their new life and oh so many won't be inclined to wait for their aspirations to be met.

Local people will resent what they see as preferential treatment and tensions will rise with extreme civil unrest a distinct possibility.

German politicians need to realise their words now are meaningless as they invited these people and they're not going to go away.

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