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Special wardens chosen to ensure lese majeste suspects' well-being


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We are getting a glimpse of these tomatoes which we would never have seen without the coup.

Clearly they expect the tomatoes due to be picked next to try and get rid of the first crop. We've seen many suspicious deaths while in custody - which never seem to get investigated.

What's sad for the country is how so many people support things the way they were.

To be honest John, I don't think people want it to go back to what it was before. People are well aware how corrupt previous Governments were, in fact how nearly all Thai Governments have ever been.

I cannot speak for others but the reason i don't particularly like the current state of affairs, is that i find it extremely hypocritical. The army which is in power now have been a major political player in Thai politics since day zero, and have never done anything to fight corruption, change the system to make it more equitable, so at the very least are very complicit in the sad state of affairs we have now.

Time will tell whether this time is different, but personally i don't suspect it is. For every corrupt politician, there are corrupt military officials. Yes the political system is based on many things, such as cronyism, nepotism, corruption, but so is the military. I find it difficult to comprehend why they would want to change a system which has benefited them for so long.

One of the over riding factors of corruption in Thailand are the civil servant bodies, call them what you will. Yes the political leaders change but the majority of those in the civil service don't, regardless of who is in power.

I suppose time will tell whether this time is different.

Anyone with the slightest grasp of Thai history or current affairs knows that the coup had sweet sod all to do with "fighting corruption and chaos". It may well result in even more of both long term after having firmly screwed the lid back down on the pressure cooker. It's prevented the inevitable and even more urgently needed social change yet again.

And no number of "you can have your stupid elections as long as we stay in power" constitutions is gonna change that.

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It is a bittersweet feature of the ageing process that the older one becomes, the less one believes anything that officialdom puts forward as the 'truth'.

In my youth I was skeptical with the best of them, but without the experience to underpin that skepticism. Now, in my seventh decade, I can confirm that there is almost nothing believable in the official versions of events put out by governments, media organisations or any public body, here or abroad.

Hell, it's sometimes hard enough to discern when one's wife or best friend is telling the truth.

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We are getting a glimpse of these tomatoes which we would never have seen without the coup.

Clearly they expect the tomatoes due to be picked next to try and get rid of the first crop. We've seen many suspicious deaths while in custody - which never seem to get investigated.

What's sad for the country is how so many people support things the way they were.

One of those 'tomatoes' (? - believe you refer to watermelons?), Police Major Prakrom was found hanged in his cell Friday night. So you believe 'things better now', then ..

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It is a bittersweet feature of the ageing process that the older one becomes, the less one believes anything that officialdom puts forward as the 'truth'.

In my youth I was skeptical with the best of them, but without the experience to underpin that skepticism. Now, in my seventh decade, I can confirm that there is almost nothing believable in the official versions of events put out by governments, media organisations or any public body, here or abroad.

Hell, it's sometimes hard enough to discern when one's wife or best friend is telling the truth.

Yeah, I was also a fairly sceptical youngster as well. As I get into the "death zone" (i.e. old age pension on the horizon) I can see that my scepticism was generally well founded.

I think it's mainly a question of perspective though. A bit like Hanson's razor - never assume malice where stupidity suffices as an explanation.

Everybody believes in what they're doing. It's natural. Very few have the capacity for genuine self examination. Even Hitler thought he was doing the world a favour - he certainly never saw himself becoming the worst bogey man in history - at least until the last moment that is. Then it's too late, like it is for most of us. And the damage is done.

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TV comments pages can be reduced to politically weak old men ranting at politically powerful old men. It may sound insulting, but it's pretty much true, and that's why it stings.

Take comfort that you're likely a better human being than the guys who feel a need to be boss man, even at the price of their own lives if necessary.

Edited by dhream
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