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I am in my late 20s and have had psoriasis since around the age of 16. For those who do not know it is an autoimmune disease that is genetic and effects around 2-3% of the population. It is kind of like eczema only worse. Red raw and dry flakey patches of skin that are unsightly and also embarrassing.

Many doctors will prescribe steroid creams or pills that kind of control these out breaks on the skin, however they do not address the actual cause of the problem which is in the gut. Also some people go as far as to take immune represent drugs which imho is crazy as that can cause way worse conditions such as cancers etc. As well as these 'treatments' UV light does work a bit and so does Vitamin D which of course we can obtain from the sun, however if you have it under our hair in areas as I do this is not too helpful.

My point here is that I have seen improvements in the past by taking out of my diet; alcohol, red meats, wheat and gluten, refined sugar, day products and nightshade vegetables. I have been able to more or less keep to this but when I head out to eat here, there are very limited options on what to order. I LOVE Thai and Asia food don't get me wrong, but if I order say geng keow wann then I know that the next few days or weeks I will have an outbreak. Does anybody else here suffer from psoriasis and if so how d you deal with it?


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse

Yes tomato is a nightshade food like I mentioned, they are bad for this condition just in the same familiy of foods as bell peppers. It all has to do with he gut and digestive system. That is where most of your immunity is controlled and so when you have psoriasis you have an issue with your gut. Doctors will just sell you creams to make the skin clear but they are harmful to the body. It is the same as like giving someone some cough medicine because they have a cough, but they cough is due to lung cancer.

I knew UV light was good for it, and some people do use special lamps but again I do not want to risk skin cancer just to look better with less red patches. And also it is on my hairline a little which is a problem.. Thanks anyway though :)


Check out the latest research on pro and pre-biotics as some strains appear to be helpful against this condition...........spend some time on the research as much info and many different strains available.

Good luck.


A long while ago they tested some high doses of Vitamin B.

Can't recall anything about it....but maybe Google knows something.


Prednisolone cured mine but it can be some nasty stuff. See a doctor.

I've seen more doctors on this throughout the years than I've had hot dinners, they merely advise steroid creams and shampoos which are harmful to you health anyway, or like I mentioned nasty immune represent drugs. Prednisolone sounds like it has some bad side effects


I had pso since the age of 5 and am 45.

Like you I have seen countless doctors.

I found that the sun light indeed is making it better.

I personally on go to vegan restaurants using minimum oil and sugar, cook myself mostly and when out only eat fruits at fruit stalls

The nightshade veggies are a new thing for me, and I dont know if I should rejoice to the idea of may be curing my pso by avoiding them or cry because they are my favorites sad.png


what are day products?

In gen kiaw wan, it's the sugar that gets you?

Did you get the outbreak after the one you had in Savannakhet?wink.png


I had pso since the age of 5 and am 45.

Like you I have seen countless doctors.

I found that the sun light indeed is making it better.

I personally on go to vegan restaurants using minimum oil and sugar, cook myself mostly and when out only eat fruits at fruit stalls

The nightshade veggies are a new thing for me, and I dont know if I should rejoice to the idea of may be curing my pso by avoiding them or cry because they are my favorites sad.png


what are day products?

In gen kiaw wan, it's the sugar that gets you?

Did you get the outbreak after the one you had in Savannakhet?wink.png

To be honest I have had noticeable P. since I first had it, only certain things make it flare up worse such as the things mentioned, like alcohol (time to cry) sugars, dairy, nightshades, oils, red meats and starches. That leaves very little in the way of a diet but it is doable and like you I am almost vegan but only eat tuna and salmon. I have also heard that the natural sugars in fruit, fructose, can be a trigger too! It is very difficult to maintain such a diet in this country though.

In the know wan it would be the sugar and also the chicken that was in it, not the worst thing to cause an outbreak considering I was drinking a lot of beer lao as well.. when in Rome lol. Pic related, on the Mekong



Hi Monk

i too have lived with this disease since around 16 , im now 49 , same as you many doctors and creams and lotions etc. i came from a place with not much of a summer , so after many years my doctor sent me to someone who had a UV machine , and that quickly cleared the big patches all over my body, they have never since returned, but i have always had it still in places the sun dont shine. it was one of the reasons i came to asia to live around 11 years ago, for hot weather and sunshine, i was told a long time ago that most people with psoriasis dont have to worry about skin cancer much, not sure how true that is. im fair complexion, and always try to get burnt when i can. apart from that i have lived on betnovate for as long as i can remember, seems to keep it just under control, although a few beers usually makes it break out worse. almost 10 years after the psoriasis started i got the arthritis to go with it , so if you dont have that , your lucky.i cant comment on what foods make it worse or better for me, life is bad enough with these 2 diseases , so i still drink occasionally and eat what i like. im sure they will find the cure one day , i might be gone by then , but good luck to you.


I had pso since the age of 5 and am 45.

Like you I have seen countless doctors.

I found that the sun light indeed is making it better.

I personally on go to vegan restaurants using minimum oil and sugar, cook myself mostly and when out only eat fruits at fruit stalls

The nightshade veggies are a new thing for me, and I dont know if I should rejoice to the idea of may be curing my pso by avoiding them or cry because they are my favorites sad.png


what are day products?

In gen kiaw wan, it's the sugar that gets you?

Did you get the outbreak after the one you had in Savannakhet?wink.png

To be honest I have had noticeable P. since I first had it, only certain things make it flare up worse such as the things mentioned, like alcohol (time to cry) sugars, dairy, nightshades, oils, red meats and starches. That leaves very little in the way of a diet but it is doable and like you I am almost vegan but only eat tuna and salmon. I have also heard that the natural sugars in fruit, fructose, can be a trigger too! It is very difficult to maintain such a diet in this country though.

In the know wan it would be the sugar and also the chicken that was in it, not the worst thing to cause an outbreak considering I was drinking a lot of beer lao as well.. when in Rome lol. Pic related, on the Mekong

Ahh what a life!

Someones got to have it.

So........nightshades include chillies? its a really bad news for me.Most of my recipes include tomatoes and green/red peppers and chilly!


I had pso since the age of 5 and am 45.

Like you I have seen countless doctors.

I found that the sun light indeed is making it better.

I personally on go to vegan restaurants using minimum oil and sugar, cook myself mostly and when out only eat fruits at fruit stalls

The nightshade veggies are a new thing for me, and I dont know if I should rejoice to the idea of may be curing my pso by avoiding them or cry because they are my favorites sad.png


what are day products?

In gen kiaw wan, it's the sugar that gets you?

Did you get the outbreak after the one you had in Savannakhet?wink.png

To be honest I have had noticeable P. since I first had it, only certain things make it flare up worse such as the things mentioned, like alcohol (time to cry) sugars, dairy, nightshades, oils, red meats and starches. That leaves very little in the way of a diet but it is doable and like you I am almost vegan but only eat tuna and salmon. I have also heard that the natural sugars in fruit, fructose, can be a trigger too! It is very difficult to maintain such a diet in this country though.

In the know wan it would be the sugar and also the chicken that was in it, not the worst thing to cause an outbreak considering I was drinking a lot of beer lao as well.. when in Rome lol. Pic related, on the Mekong

Ahh what a life!

Someones got to have it.

So........nightshades include chillies? its a really bad news for me.Most of my recipes include tomatoes and green/red peppers and chilly!

In fact a large % of people with psoriasis will have something wrong with their gut also, maybe IBS or something similar. I kind of do have IBS but not so bad, however since my P was gotten worse and worse, my tolerance to spicy food as gone insane. I used to be able to et really hot stuff but now if I have say half of a small thai chill in my food, I will have stomach cramps soon after without a doubt. And yes chillies will cause flare ups in some or most people with this.

Something occurred to me yesterday actually. I always knew there was a link with anxiety and stress to psoriasis, and I remember when I was prescribed diazepam for a number of years. During this time of course my anxiety was gone (I suffered from social anxiety really badly to the extent one period spanning 4 months I left my house 3 times only) - however I also realised that my psoriasis cleared up so well. I am not sure if it is the anxiety alone or also something to do with the medication. That being said, taking benzodiazepines daily for more than 6 weeks is not a good idea, to take them for several years is hell, worst decision of my life. I am clean now but I had to taper for a long long time. Just a side note to think about. I wish scientists would do more research into diet / gut / and anxiety because I think they are all the causes for psoriasis, however maybe due to corporations in the big pharma, medical practitioners will prescribe steroid creams which do not address the actual issue which is deep within


I developed it at the age of 3; we were in the process of moving and dad had started the new job so was away during the week. Mam says that I started screaming on Sunday night when he left and didn't stop until the Thursday or Friday when he came back every week for 6 months until our new house was built and we finally moved. She noticed a bad rash on my back and thought it was the change of water. A couple of weeks later she took me to the doctor and it was diagnosed as psoriasis. I'm 52 now and it still flares up when I'm under big pressure or stressing. When it's at it's worst, I get it on my scalp too. It works in perfect tandem with Dougal, my pet stomach ulcer, but the up side of that is when Dougal starts growling I know I'm going to get a flare up and jump on it straight away so it doesn't get out of hand. My diet makes no difference, I go from ultra healthy to can't be bothered and junk food every day. Only the stress triggers it.

I'm lucky in that I only have it on my joints - elbows, knees and big toes and occasionally a plaque will form somewhere random. 10-15 minutes out on the balcony on the sun lounger every day keeps it clear, alternating the way I lie every day side to side with both front and back, increased to 30 minutes if I get a flare up. Back home I used to have 10 minutes in the UV machine 3 times a week at my dermatologist's office. Now, when I'm somewhere with insufficient sun, Daivinox (calcipotriene) ointment clears it perfectly as long as it is applied every day. It's expensive, but it works (for me, everyone is different).

Try both, you never know. If you're anything like most of us sufferers you've probably tried dozens of things over the years; Daivinox really has been a life-changer for me.

Good luck with it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


I developed it at the age of 3; we were in the process of moving and dad had started the new job so was away during the week. Mam says that I started screaming on Sunday night when he left and didn't stop until the Thursday or Friday when he came back every week for 6 months until our new house was built and we finally moved. She noticed a bad rash on my back and thought it was the change of water. A couple of weeks later she took me to the doctor and it was diagnosed as psoriasis. I'm 52 now and it still flares up when I'm under big pressure or stressing. When it's at it's worst, I get it on my scalp too. It works in perfect tandem with Dougal, my pet stomach ulcer, but the up side of that is when Dougal starts growling I know I'm going to get a flare up and jump on it straight away so it doesn't get out of hand. My diet makes no difference, I go from ultra healthy to can't be bothered and junk food every day. Only the stress triggers it.

I'm lucky in that I only have it on my joints - elbows, knees and big toes and occasionally a plaque will form somewhere random. 10-15 minutes out on the balcony on the sun lounger every day keeps it clear, alternating the way I lie every day side to side with both front and back, increased to 30 minutes if I get a flare up. Back home I used to have 10 minutes in the UV machine 3 times a week at my dermatologist's office. Now, when I'm somewhere with insufficient sun, Daivinox (calcipotriene) ointment clears it perfectly as long as it is applied every day. It's expensive, but it works (for me, everyone is different).

Try both, you never know. If you're anything like most of us sufferers you've probably tried dozens of things over the years; Daivinox really has been a life-changer for me.

Good luck with it.

Thanks for the info and knowledge :)

I know UV does work wonders over time but again skin cancer... but yeah just my own opinion on that tbh. I also have an enlarged lymph-gland which I have had for months, 2 docs have seen / felt it and mentioned it was nothing. I did research and people with scalp P often have enlarged lymph-glands. It does go up and down and it doesn't hurt at all. I think I've had this enlarged node for multiple years in fact.

Anyway I also have yellows nails at the tips, no I don't smoke and from research I know it is the P. I hope I don't get the arthritis .. I', only 27


We lived in Australia for 20 years, my dermatologist's office is there so I know the skin cancer concerns, but it's not too risky. If you can get it under control (as I have) the sun is just a maintenance thing - short and sweet and always with my face covered(I have enough wrinkles thankyouverymuch).

I didn't know nails went yellow, obviously mine never have. I don't think the arthritis is all that common, and being in a tropical zone works very much in our favour as the cold seems to have make it (maybe seem) worse.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


We lived in Australia for 20 years, my dermatologist's office is there so I know the skin cancer concerns, but it's not too risky. If you can get it under control (as I have) the sun is just a maintenance thing - short and sweet and always with my face covered(I have enough wrinkles thankyouverymuch).

I didn't know nails went yellow, obviously mine never have. I don't think the arthritis is all that common, and being in a tropical zone works very much in our favour as the cold seems to have make it (maybe seem) worse.

Yea that is one reason I moved here back in 2010 because of the sun, England is simply GREY! However I have P worst on my scalp .. So the sun never reaches it there. Like I mentioned about diazepam and a link with anxiety, when I was taking those medications it was far less of an issue, actually it almost cleared it up. But having scalp P is annoying as it flakes off in a worse way than dandruff and the sun does not get to it sad.png

The nails is something horrible, I do not smoke so people may think i do or they are generally grossed out but it lol. But come on, what can we do if it is incurable, people should be more understanding of each other and not react in such ways.

Rant over, here is an example of the kind of thing that you can get on your nails for P (not my pic)



Monk, get a number 2 , or less, then the sun will help ur scalp, like Konini says, short bursts to start, almost guarantee it will help, unless you have it inside ur ears or behind, then the betnovate or davionex comes in handy.


Monk, get a number 2 , or less, then the sun will help ur scalp, like Konini says, short bursts to start, almost guarantee it will help, unless you have it inside ur ears or behind, then the betnovate or davionex comes in handy.

When it is really bad it is behind my ears and inside my ears, it is so harsh that people will judge you on this. My ex GF for example thought it was AIDs.. Thai logic though. And anyway short hair doesn't suit my head shape lol. I have hair that is not long as in like down to my shoulders, but it isn't a standard style you get at the barbers; in fact since 2011 I have been cutting my own hair. I have taught myself how to because I was so embarrassed to go to the barbers with this annoying life long disease. Any other ideas for scalp P? I swear diet is key, I am sure of it, but it is so hard to adhere to you know


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse

Same. Brother-in-law had it all his life. Went on hols and got badly sunburned and it went away. Did sun beds after that and it stayed away. Strange.


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse

Same. Brother-in-law had it all his life. Went on hols and got badly sunburned and it went away. Did sun beds after that and it stayed away. Strange.

What really!!? Do you mean some sun bed sessions and it went away without the need for constant sessions, or did he keep going back?


i dont think short hair suits me either, but everytime i get it cut short, i make sure to get a few good doses of sunshine before it gets too long again, keeps it at bay just enough, so im not to shy about going to the barbers. i use a scalp cleansing lotion called sebitar, i usually bring back a big bottle from oz , not sure you can get it here, but try the pharmacies, might be able to get something similar, that seems to help as well. ive also had some strange questions from girlfriends over the time, but the most common was, will you give it to me , lol. most were ok about it, once i reassured them that this was all mine and cannot pass it on. my current gf is filipina , and she is really understanding, im sure diet is a big part of it, but there are so many other factors as well,which makes solving the puzzle so difficult.


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse

Same. Brother-in-law had it all his life. Went on hols and got badly sunburned and it went away. Did sun beds after that and it stayed away. Strange.

What really!!? Do you mean some sun bed sessions and it went away without the need for constant sessions, or did he keep going back?

when i was young i had patches as big as my hand all over my torso, when they finally sent me to the UV and i got really burned, they disappeared almost overnite, and have never returned, thats almost 25 years ago, but i still get it on my under carriage, in arm pits , scalp a little , and other places the sun cant get to.


my grandfather hat psoriasis: He got a lot better by lots of UV. Bought a solarium and got full scale sun ever day (brown) and strange enough when it went away it didn't came again.

My mother nothing

I once took care of her garden and ate lots of tomato...I got it, but it went away when I reduced tomato. If you eat lots of tomato try to test if makes it worse

Same. Brother-in-law had it all his life. Went on hols and got badly sunburned and it went away. Did sun beds after that and it stayed away. Strange.

What really!!? Do you mean some sun bed sessions and it went away without the need for constant sessions, or did he keep going back?

when i was young i had patches as big as my hand all over my torso, when they finally sent me to the UV and i got really burned, they disappeared almost overnite, and have never returned, thats almost 25 years ago, but i still get it on my under carriage, in arm pits , scalp a little , and other places the sun cant get to.

That's it then, decided. Tomorrow heading to Suan Son beach in HH and will watch the sun rise and get burned more than shrimp on a drunk Aussi guys BBQ. Obviously my hair though, as someone said just get a short hair cut and the sun will get to the patches. I firstly do not like the same of my head, and also I would hate to walk around with these red patches on my head for people to see, that would terrible bah.gif


Just be careful with the sun. If I have a flare up and for whatever reason ignore it for a while, I'll say that I'll 'burn it off' - a good dose of being in the sun for much longer than I should for 2 or 3 days, but having said that I'm quite used to the sun because under normal circumstances I get short bursts of it very often so I don't burn as badly as someone coming in from nothing. I don't think I would like to do it if I weren't used to it. And of course if you burn or tan then you'll have white patches where the plaques were which won't tan. Much better to be sensible. Go in the sun morning or afternoon, not both and not when it's at it most fierce. Work up to 30 minutes a day slowly - by the time you get to 30 minutes you may already see a difference - then just maintenance. Sun or UV treatment (same same) will work for most people. Get the imaginary clock going. One day lie on your back at 12 o'clock, the next day on your stomach at 12 o'clock, the next on your back at 3 o'clock, the next on your stomach at 3 o'clock and the same again for 6 and 9. As you're facing away or toward the sun differently each day, it means that you won't get too much sun on one part of you but more importantly that you won't have any blind spots getting none or not enough on another part. You have to be patient, it will work for most people eventually but it might take several weeks of seemingly wasting your time; you aren't wasting your time, it just doesn't happen overnight. With me, it seems nothing is happening for ages then all of a sudden it clears very quickly.

For your scalp, go out without a hat. I have very thick curly hair and the sun makes it way through it, but getting a buzz cut will allow the sun in if it doesn't with you, think of it as a one off horrible couple of weeks. Also, Daivenox scalp lotion is just as good as the ointment. Seriously, if you haven't tried ointments or creams for a few years, try it; I haven't come across anyone that it hasn't had a major impact on. I had given up on anything working and when my GP gave me a sample of it I just rolled my eyes thinking 'here we go again', but it really did clear it. As I said, expensive but it works, and you only use a lot of it until it's under control or during flare ups. Not all pharmacies stock it as it's out of the price range of many people here, but they can all order it for you and you don't need to use a lot. Please try it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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