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AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable


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Was a good surgeon.

'Joe the plumber' who wasn't actually a Plumber? The republican activist that did a stunt on Obama? Yes he would make a good republican presidential candidate. He can certainly lie and misrepresent himself. Would definitely put him as a front runner as a republican.

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What's not to like about Bernie. Well unless you are a 1 percenter or a Corporate monopoly.

Break the Bank monopoly and introduce real free market competition into the financial sector. Make each and everyone Bank big enough to fail. Introduce strict regulations on Bank greed. Increase Taxes on the wealthy and introduce means tests for all Tax funded financial assistance. Remove all Corporate welfare payments, Invest in Tax payer funded higher education. Tax payer funded universal health care. Investment in renewable energy and transition from fossil fuels, Corporate Super Tax levy, Remove offshore tax avoidance schemes and profit shifting to lower taxing countries with Jail terms for CEO's caught doing it, lift Hedge Fund taxation rates. Increase minimum wage by 100%. Take on the Arms Manufacturing Industry and introduce strict gun laws, amend the constitution if required. Move military back behind US borders and reduce military spending by 80%. Spend every last cent on building repairing infrastructure. Mobilise the workforce and build a stronger more sustainable skilled workforce. A massive redistribution of wealth to generate growth from the bottom up.

All this is just basic changes that will bring America into line with a modern well educated functioning democracy. Nothing special or the slightest risk in making these common sense changes. America is falling so far behind other countries.

I could never vote Right Wing simply because they don't represent citizens they represent big business and the elite. They simply cannot be trusted. They say one thing then do another. At the core of their ideology is 'cheap labor'. Less for the people who actually generate the profit and more for the fat cats.

Bernie is your man to get it done I reckon. On the 3rd debate I did get a little movement on some points Kasich made but you have to be very wary and always remember it is Corporate America funding him so not really to be trusted. Trump et al are a waste of oxygen.

What exactly is a 1% er, what's the income level? I always thought living in a democracy gave everyone the same option to succeed in life. Now, we want to penalize the ones who succeed and reward the less fortunate. Where's the incentive to work hard when you have to give it all back to those willing to sit on there asses complaining.

Having HRC or Bernie president is scary. Frightning.....You want to see the American dream disappear?

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What's not to like about Bernie. Well unless you are a 1 percenter or a Corporate monopoly.

Break the Bank monopoly and introduce real free market competition into the financial sector. Make each and everyone Bank big enough to fail. Introduce strict regulations on Bank greed. Increase Taxes on the wealthy and introduce means tests for all Tax funded financial assistance. Remove all Corporate welfare payments, Invest in Tax payer funded higher education. Tax payer funded universal health care. Investment in renewable energy and transition from fossil fuels, Corporate Super Tax levy, Remove offshore tax avoidance schemes and profit shifting to lower taxing countries with Jail terms for CEO's caught doing it, lift Hedge Fund taxation rates. Increase minimum wage by 100%. Take on the Arms Manufacturing Industry and introduce strict gun laws, amend the constitution if required. Move military back behind US borders and reduce military spending by 80%. Spend every last cent on building repairing infrastructure. Mobilise the workforce and build a stronger more sustainable skilled workforce. A massive redistribution of wealth to generate growth from the bottom up.

All this is just basic changes that will bring America into line with a modern well educated functioning democracy. Nothing special or the slightest risk in making these common sense changes. America is falling so far behind other countries.

I could never vote Right Wing simply because they don't represent citizens they represent big business and the elite. They simply cannot be trusted. They say one thing then do another. At the core of their ideology is 'cheap labor'. Less for the people who actually generate the profit and more for the fat cats.

Bernie is your man to get it done I reckon. On the 3rd debate I did get a little movement on some points Kasich made but you have to be very wary and always remember it is Corporate America funding him so not really to be trusted. Trump et al are a waste of oxygen.

What exactly is a 1% er, what's the income level? I always thought living in a democracy gave everyone the same option to succeed in life. Now, we want to penalize the ones who succeed and reward the less fortunate. Where's the incentive to work hard when you have to give it all back to those willing to sit on there asses complaining.

Having HRC or Bernie president is scary. Frightning.....You want to see the American dream disappear?

Trump is self financing his campaign. If nominated, which I seriously doubt, he at least has the freedom to be his own man. Not so with Bernie or Hillary.

Bernie doesn't stand a chance. My guess is Hillary already has enough super delegates to win the nomination. Bernie's going to end up as just another bug on the Clinton windshield.

While Hillary is playing the game of the 99%'ers, it should be pointed out she is far from being one of them. Actually she is at the complete opposite end of the financial world from the rest of us.

She is neck deep in the Wall Street world and will support big banks and big business to the end.

In fact she is really keeping it in the family. "Chelsea Clinton’s husband, Goldman Sachs alum Marc Mezvinsky, is a founding partner in Eaglevale Partners LP, a $400 million hedge fund launched in 2011. A New York Times report found that “tens of millions of dollars raised by Eaglevale can be attributed to investors with some relationship or link to the Clintons.” **

More here on Hillary's ties to Wall Street:
Hillary Clinton's Wall Street Ties
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What's not to like about Bernie. Well unless you are a 1 percenter or a Corporate monopoly.

Break the Bank monopoly and introduce real free market competition into the financial sector. Make each and everyone Bank big enough to fail. Introduce strict regulations on Bank greed. Increase Taxes on the wealthy and introduce means tests for all Tax funded financial assistance. Remove all Corporate welfare payments, Invest in Tax payer funded higher education. Tax payer funded universal health care. Investment in renewable energy and transition from fossil fuels, Corporate Super Tax levy, Remove offshore tax avoidance schemes and profit shifting to lower taxing countries with Jail terms for CEO's caught doing it, lift Hedge Fund taxation rates. Increase minimum wage by 100%. Take on the Arms Manufacturing Industry and introduce strict gun laws, amend the constitution if required. Move military back behind US borders and reduce military spending by 80%. Spend every last cent on building repairing infrastructure. Mobilise the workforce and build a stronger more sustainable skilled workforce. A massive redistribution of wealth to generate growth from the bottom up.

All this is just basic changes that will bring America into line with a modern well educated functioning democracy. Nothing special or the slightest risk in making these common sense changes. America is falling so far behind other countries.

I could never vote Right Wing simply because they don't represent citizens they represent big business and the elite. They simply cannot be trusted. They say one thing then do another. At the core of their ideology is 'cheap labor'. Less for the people who actually generate the profit and more for the fat cats.

Bernie is your man to get it done I reckon. On the 3rd debate I did get a little movement on some points Kasich made but you have to be very wary and always remember it is Corporate America funding him so not really to be trusted. Trump et al are a waste of oxygen.

What exactly is a 1% er, what's the income level? I always thought living in a democracy gave everyone the same option to succeed in life. Now, we want to penalize the ones who succeed and reward the less fortunate. Where's the incentive to work hard when you have to give it all back to those willing to sit on there asses complaining.

Having HRC or Bernie president is scary. Frightning.....You want to see the American dream disappear?

No, that isn't the definition of democracy. In a democracy the majority of the people can choose to support policies that try to ameliorate economic and social inequality through legislation. There are already a number of other wealthy nations with greater social mobility and less economic inequality than the USA.

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Was a good surgeon.

'Joe the plumber' who wasn't actually a Plumber? The republican activist that did a stunt on Obama? Yes he would make a good republican presidential candidate. He can certainly lie and misrepresent himself. Would definitely put him as a front runner as a republican.

True, the Democrats already have one.

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November 4, 2015

"The Doctor Is In As Carson Ties Trump In GOP Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Carson Tops Clinton By 10 Points In General Election."

"One year before Election Day 2016, Dr. Ben Carson is virtually tied with Donald Trump as strong front-runners for the Republican nomination, and Carson tops former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 50 - 40 percent in the final face-off, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today."

Cheers. smile.png

How many times to I have to point out that this bale of hay called Hillary couldn't win a dog contest in Peoria, Illinois? The last time she ran for pres she was blown out by a nobody named Obama because he actually had a personality.

"Her Royal Thighness" TM is her own worst enemy and the only reason she is ahead in Dem polls is that the Dems have nobody. Nobody.


Edited by NeverSure
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Carson is even more unelectable than Trump. And he's certainly crazier. Some of the things that have come out of his mouth are almost impossible to believe.

What the Trump and Carson fanboys need to remember is that we're a full year from the election and at this time in 2012 it was Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain who had them moist.

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What's not to like about Bernie. Well unless you are a 1 percenter or a Corporate monopoly.

Break the Bank monopoly and introduce real free market competition into the financial sector. Make each and everyone Bank big enough to fail. Introduce strict regulations on Bank greed. Increase Taxes on the wealthy and introduce means tests for all Tax funded financial assistance. Remove all Corporate welfare payments, Invest in Tax payer funded higher education. Tax payer funded universal health care. Investment in renewable energy and transition from fossil fuels, Corporate Super Tax levy, Remove offshore tax avoidance schemes and profit shifting to lower taxing countries with Jail terms for CEO's caught doing it, lift Hedge Fund taxation rates. Increase minimum wage by 100%. Take on the Arms Manufacturing Industry and introduce strict gun laws, amend the constitution if required. Move military back behind US borders and reduce military spending by 80%. Spend every last cent on building repairing infrastructure. Mobilise the workforce and build a stronger more sustainable skilled workforce. A massive redistribution of wealth to generate growth from the bottom up.

All this is just basic changes that will bring America into line with a modern well educated functioning democracy. Nothing special or the slightest risk in making these common sense changes. America is falling so far behind other countries.

I could never vote Right Wing simply because they don't represent citizens they represent big business and the elite. They simply cannot be trusted. They say one thing then do another. At the core of their ideology is 'cheap labor'. Less for the people who actually generate the profit and more for the fat cats.

Bernie is your man to get it done I reckon. On the 3rd debate I did get a little movement on some points Kasich made but you have to be very wary and always remember it is Corporate America funding him so not really to be trusted. Trump et al are a waste of oxygen.

What exactly is a 1% er, what's the income level? I always thought living in a democracy gave everyone the same option to succeed in life. Now, we want to penalize the ones who succeed and reward the less fortunate. Where's the incentive to work hard when you have to give it all back to those willing to sit on there asses complaining.

Having HRC or Bernie president is scary. Frightning.....You want to see the American dream disappear?

No, that isn't the definition of democracy. In a democracy the majority of the people can choose to support policies that try to ameliorate economic and social inequality through legislation. There are already a number of other wealthy nations with greater social mobility and less economic inequality than the USA.

Creating less economic equality means creating jobs that allow a family to have a decent life. People think raising the Minimum wage will solve things, it won't. When I was growing up minimum wage jobs were for high school kids and jobs like washing dishes, not meant for adults supporting families.

America's thinking process has gotten so screwed up and now many folks have this sense of entitlement. Young people don't want to get their hands dirty anymore. Hard work scares them or is beneath them. So in comes the illegal mexicans scooping up all the jobs that used to be done by Americans at a living wage. And, they (Illegals) will do these jobs at a much lower wage than Americans will.

Don't criminalize folks for being rich. It's not the poor people who are paying the taxes, its the rich and the hard working. There's a whole bunch of folks like myself who make a good working wage who don't feel it's fair paying more taxes. Why should I support the countless people who's only concern is having a big screen TV and where the next Big Mac is coming from.

I work 7 days a week 8-16 hrs a day for 4 months at a time away from my family so I can make a decent wage. All those unemployed people back in the US aren't willing to relocate to find work. No, they just complain how life isn't fair and it's the Fat Cat's fault. Which is why they (poor people)love the Democrats, because the Democrats promise to make things even, to re-distribute the wealth. You want to bring me down to the same level as everyone else even though I work twice as hard.

That's why folks are ready to take a chance with Trump...............

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