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So all such a man like that has to do is get on a plane to Penang, apply for a Non Immigrant O Visa with the required papers and basically declare that he is getting supported by her? :o

What papers are now needed to apply for such a visa? :D

Step 1: Application for non-0 visa at a Thai consulate. Purpose of visit: to visit wife. Show proof of relationship with marriage certificate, copies of wife’s ID and house registration. No proof of income required at this point.

Step 2: Enter Thailand. During the last 30 days of permission to stay, go with wife to local immigration office and apply for extension of stay for 365 days (FORM TM.7). Reason for extension: to live with my Thai wife. Show proof of relationship and monthly income of wife. See paragraph 7.17 of this document.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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Maestro et. al,

Thank you for your reply. I am assuming that I can still apply in Penang and will not have to go home to get the visa.

I tried to click on your link but my older version of explorer does not let me download it or some other computer gremlin reason. All I get is a blank screen and a mocking "Done" in the bottom left corner.

Any chance of someone pasting the necessary info from the link below for me? It would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for all who have answered the many questions on this board!

Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?


If I am married, have a valid work permit with a non B valid to early Jan, a monthly income of 40k+ and a bank balance the fluctuates between 100k - 500k:

What are my chances if I apply for a one year non O?

What are the fees for this?

The bank account does not factor into the equation. You having a income of 40K plus per month and married is the main requirement for the extension of stay based on business. The odds of you being approved would be close to 100%. The government fees are 1,900 Baht and our professional fee is 6,500 Baht

How do I manage to show a 40,000 Bt monthly income from something like that, just transfer 40,000Bt a month into Thailand? Should I/could I setup a trust that pays me 40,000Bt a month, would that be acceptable?

As of now, this income can be in a foreign country. You simply get a statement from your Embassy that you get the income, this is sufficient.



I applied for my 1 year extension on the basis of marraige last month. They accepted the 400000 baht in the bank but did ask where it came from and what I had been living on for the last year.

Luckly my bank book showed I made withdrawls every month for living expenses and I just send over a lump sum from the UK 1 time every year. From what I have read the new rules mean they will check to see if the money is really yours so you cannot just borrow from someone put it in there for 1 week then draw it out. It has to be used for living expenses and also they will check to see if the marraige is real. Immigration come to my apartment unannounced a few days ago and asked my wife loads of questions including "did I hit her? and where did I get my money from?" They even asked the office in my building if I was working.

I passed on all counts but I have been told they will still make checks for up to 3 months before I get the final extension but no big deal as I get 1 month extensions until it is sorted from the immigrantion. Hopefully I will get my 1 year at the end of next month.


lop, any idea if there are changes for an extension based on being supported by a Thai spouse for us ladies?


1) Foreigner obtains VISA for the temporary stay and

(2) There is any proof of the relationship and,

(3) In case of the marriage couple, the parties required to have both practical and legal relationship

Required Doc's...

1. Application Form

2. Copy of the passport of the applicant

3. Copy of the proof of relationship such as the marriage certificate.

4. The evidences of having Thai nationality of the marriage couple such as ID Card, census registration, or other papers issued by the related official organization or government agencies.

No proof of income or $ in the bank required for a foreign wife married to a Thai national.


Why do the girls get away with it and us guys have to prove income. I'm not bitter just interested. Anyone know the answer?

I tried to click on your link but my older version of explorer does not let me download it or some other computer gremlin reason. All I get is a blank screen and a mocking "Done" in the bottom left corner.
I also get a blank browser window, but in addition a window of Acrobat Reader opens with the document, but this may be covered by the blank browser window. Try it again.

Just the same, I attach the document here, confident that Sunbelt, who originally made it available yesterday or the day before, won’t mind.




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


No proof of income or $ in the bank required for a foreign wife married to a Thai national.
Why do the girls get away with it and us guys have to prove income. I'm not bitter just interested. Anyone know the answer?

Discrimination based on sex. Wait for the new constitution to come out and if this one again guarantees equality of the sexes, sue the immigration police.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I'm a newbie, joined last night so this is my first posting and sorry if what I want to know is already totally covered, sure it is but not sure where/how to access for straight/simple answers.

Is there such a visa as a MARRIAGE visa?

I ask, as there is NO mention of it on either the Thai Embassy/London or the Consulate/Hull web sites.

If there is such a visa, where can I access information on it please and why is there no mention of this visa on the stated sites above?

Many thanks.


I'm a newbie, joined last night so this is my first posting and sorry if what I want to know is already totally covered, sure it is but not sure where/how to access for straight/simple answers.

Is there such a visa as a MARRIAGE visa?

I ask, as there is NO mention of it on either the Thai Embassy/London or the Consulate/Hull web sites.

If there is such a visa, where can I access information on it please and why is there no mention of this visa on the stated sites above?

Many thanks.


I've just started down this road - my understanding so far is that you intitially get the non-immigrant O visa based on marriage - good for 90 days. Then you extend that for one year, and keep extending it yearly.

Are we certain that foreign income paid in foreign account is acceptable to the immigration?

After reading the new regulations it seems they want your "couple" to pay taxes on at least 40,000 THB per month. If such income is paid in a foreign account, it wouldn't be taxable and only the part you bring in Thailand would be. Then you have the problem with Tax Office being nut about giving a tax-id card to someone who doesn't have a workpermit in Thailand.

I would be very surprised if the Immigration would accept that the money is foreign source and paid in a foreign account, they wouldn't be able to tax any of it.

We had a case where someone was working on a oil rig overseas. The letter from the employer stated the salary, the position and length of employment. This then was acceptable proof in this case.



Thanks Gavstah.

Maybe, but I wonder where is all this clearly stated?

Going from memory on looking at the Thai Consulate web site, the "O" type Non Immigrant Visa, refers to visiting relatives/family/friends, there was no mention of wife.

Is the main practical difference between a marriage visa (if such exists!?) and a retirement visa, the need to only have 400k and not 800k in your account?


Thanks Gavstah.

Maybe, but I wonder where is all this clearly stated?

Going from memory on looking at the Thai Consulate web site, the "O" type Non Immigrant Visa, refers to visiting relatives/family/friends, there was no mention of wife.

Is the main practical difference between a marriage visa (if such exists!?) and a retirement visa, the need to only have 400k and not 800k in your account?


Well, family would include wife I'm sure - and the official description that I remember seeing describes applying for extension of stay (extension of non-immigrant O) based on the purpose of supporting your spouse.

Is there such a visa as a MARRIAGE visa?

I ask, as there is NO mention of it on either the Thai Embassy/London or the Consulate/Hull web sites.

There is no “Marriage Visa” as such.

There are the following:

1. Non-immigrant O visa, purpose of visit “to visit wife”, obtainable at any Thai consulate.

2. Extension of stay, reason for extension “to live with wife”, obtainable at immigration office in Thailand. See this document, paragraph 7.17.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Gavstah, I just checked on the Consulate site, www.thaiconsulate-uk.com and it does not state family as I thought, just relatives/friends.

Thanks Axel, will check that site.


it does not state family as I thought, just relatives/friends.
Getting into semantics, are we? Is a wife not included in the broader term of “family”?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?

Sunbelt asia confirms the above statement.

So, there are two ways to prove financial capability:

1. Place 400,000 baht in an account for 90 days before the extension expires.

2. Get a letter from your embassy stating "declaration of income".

My only question is will thai immigration want to see some financial proof(bank records here, foriegn bank records etc.)? I would hate to get to bangkok and they ask where the money is if you know what I mean.

If this is the case, this is an improvement and I welcome the changes.


Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?

Sunbelt asia confirms the above statement.

So, there are two ways to prove financial capability:

1. Place 400,000 baht in an account for 90 days before the extension expires.

2. Get a letter from your embassy stating "declaration of income".

My only question is will thai immigration want to see some financial proof(bank records here, foriegn bank records etc.)? I would hate to get to bangkok and they ask where the money is if you know what I mean.

If this is the case, this is an improvement and I welcome the changes.

Once again, let me confirm these two choices are for ONLY current extension of stay visa holders based on support of a Thai national.

New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


Cheers for the clarification

Does the 40k have to be earned in Thailand? If not how do the rules work?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?

Sunbelt asia confirms the above statement.

So, there are two ways to prove financial capability:

1. Place 400,000 baht in an account for 90 days before the extension expires.

2. Get a letter from your embassy stating "declaration of income".

My only question is will thai immigration want to see some financial proof(bank records here, foriegn bank records etc.)? I would hate to get to bangkok and they ask where the money is if you know what I mean.

If this is the case, this is an improvement and I welcome the changes.

Once again, let me confirm these two choices are for ONLY current extension of stay visa holders based on support of a Thai national.

New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


Will thai immigration want to review any additional financial records with the declaration of income statement, or is the statement enough?


Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?

Sunbelt asia confirms the above statement.

So, there are two ways to prove financial capability:

1. Place 400,000 baht in an account for 90 days before the extension expires.

2. Get a letter from your embassy stating "declaration of income".

My only question is will thai immigration want to see some financial proof(bank records here, foriegn bank records etc.)? I would hate to get to bangkok and they ask where the money is if you know what I mean.

If this is the case, this is an improvement and I welcome the changes.

Once again, let me confirm these two choices are for ONLY current extension of stay visa holders based on support of a Thai national.

New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


So if my soon to be wife is making 40k a month (which she is making twice that) from a company in the USA doing website design work but is living IN Thailand. Does she show the bank book showing the payments or does she have to get a document from the companies she works with as she is a independent contractor. Or do we just show 40k or more a month that is hitting the bank account?

As for me I am not working at the moment and with the money my wife is making I would not mind being a kept man .......if I *have* to show an income I could work... but I would rather not!!! :o


Hmmm . .. does the declaration of income from the US Embassy mean that I don't have to have 400k (or monthly equiv) in my Thai bank account when I go to extend for 12 months?

Sunbelt asia confirms the above statement.

So, there are two ways to prove financial capability:

1. Place 400,000 baht in an account for 90 days before the extension expires.

2. Get a letter from your embassy stating "declaration of income".

My only question is will thai immigration want to see some financial proof(bank records here, foriegn bank records etc.)? I would hate to get to bangkok and they ask where the money is if you know what I mean.

If this is the case, this is an improvement and I welcome the changes.

Once again, let me confirm these two choices are for ONLY current extension of stay visa holders based on support of a Thai national.

New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


question for sunbelt asia.....

Will thai immigration ask to see some sort of financial information to go with the "declaration of income statement" from the embassy?

thanks in advance for your help!


New applicants, only have one choice which is 40,000+ Baht income per month.


Cheers for the clarification

Does the 40k have to be earned in Thailand? If not how do the rules work?

As of now, it does not need to be inside Thailand. If its outside, you can get a statement notarized by the Embassy, that you get x amount of income per month or a letter from the foreign employer.

So if my soon to be wife is making 40k a month (which she is making twice that) from a company in the USA doing website design work but is living IN Thailand. Does she show the bank book showing the payments or does she have to get a document from the companies she works with as she is a independent contractor. Or do we just show 40k or more a month that is hitting the bank account?

Proof of this income is the last three months of Phor Ngor Dor.1 (Personal Income tax form filed on a monthly basis) and Phor Ngor Dor.91 ( Filed on a yearly basis in March) It would be both the personal income tax filing and the receipt she paid.



>>>>>or a letter from the foreign employer

Well if i am self employed can i write a letter for myself, I am a trader by trade

thanks Sunbelt, I appreciate your time helping us


>>>>>or a letter from the foreign employer

Well if i am self employed can i write a letter for myself, I am a trader by trade

thanks Sunbelt, I appreciate your time helping us


No first hand experience if it will be allowed. When we get a case like this, will let you know.

Will thai immigration want to review any additional financial records with the declaration of income statement, or is the statement enough?

The declaration of income statement seems to be ok for now.



Axel, just checked the mfa site, it is far from clear, so I still wonder about this "marriage visa"!

In section 3, Non Immigrant Visa, on the "O" visa, only family mentioned, not wife. Yes, in docs required, marriage cert is stated but validity only 3 months so not log stay.

However, under a non numbered section further down headed:


So, this is for retirement visas, there is no mention of marriage for qualification and no mention of a marriage cert (as far as being married to a Thai is concerned)


Axel, just checked the mfa site, it is far from clear, so I still wonder about this "marriage visa"!

In section 3, Non Immigrant Visa, on the "O" visa, only family mentioned, not wife. Yes, in docs required, marriage cert is stated but validity only 3 months so not log stay.

However, under a non numbered section further down headed:


So, this is for retirement visas, there is no mention of marriage for qualification and no mention of a marriage cert (as far as being married to a Thai is concerned)


There is no such thing as a marriage visa. The 'O' visa covers several classes of applicant. It gives a 90 day stay on arrival - extendable for 365 days at an immigration office in Thailand.

An 'OA' visa is a specific retirement visa and gives 365 days on arrival.

Hope this clears your confusion


it does not state family as I thought, just relatives/friends.
Getting into semantics, are we? Is a wife not included in the broader term of “family”?



Croydon actually picked something up I also noticed. On the Vancouver Consulate website they have removed all comments relating to marriage as well. Before Oct 1 they had a good section that explained the steps required to apply for a "Married to a Thai", that was their heading, and it disappeared Oct 1.

PS>.. a big Thanks to Sunbelt for all the information

No proof of income or $ in the bank required for a foreign wife married to a Thai national.
Why do the girls get away with it and us guys have to prove income. I'm not bitter just interested. Anyone know the answer?

Discrimination based on sex. Wait for the new constitution to come out and if this one again guarantees equality of the sexes, sue the immigration police.



/From my understanding of Thai law, the husband supports the wife, so, since the foreign wife is being supported by a Thai husband she does not need to show income. A foreign man who supports his Thai wife must have either outside income (no work permit) or a work permit in order to show he is obtaining his income legally. It seems this is being changed abit by allowing the Thai wife to include her income as well (previously not allowed).

Yes, it is discrimination, but if you look at it, it is really against the female, propagating the idea that she can't take care of herself, she needs her husband to do that (and to be honest, it is often the case that women are far underpaid compared to men, that it is more difficult for a woman with little education and no skills to get any kind of decent job).

But anyway, the discrimination isn't the issue here, we all know that all kinds of discrimination exist in all societies at all kinds of levels, not just Thailand.

Hope that explains the reasoning behind the income requirement, anyway.

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