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Guitar Strings...


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Hello, Thaivisa friends, I am hoping that you might help us. We have many, many guitar strings as per the attached photo. These strings were bought some years ago in Singapore and were meant to be sold but that never happened. Instead they have been in storage all this time. Our question is, do these strings ever go bad/deteriorate? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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If you kept them in a humidty controlled box, then they should be fine-ish. However, they all start to oxidise the moment they are made, and the deterioration starts then. So your best bet is to open them and have a look. If they are over 10 years old, they will be mostly junk, although they might have some appeal for a collector who wants original strings for his gibson guitar.

How old are they? How have they been stored? Are they in sealed pouches (airtight)?

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Thanks for your response; much appreciated.. Unfortunately, they are at the 10 year mark and were stored in cardboard boxes under questionable storage conditions. They are in their clear plastic covers but they are not airtight. I just opened one and can see that there is some rust. Alas, looks like they are bound for the garbage dump unless someone might have a suggestion for recycling them. Thanks again.

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I don't know. If they're in a sealed package they could be alright.

I wouldn't throw them away without trying them. I buy different kinds of strings but they're always in sealed packages. If they're rusty they're bad.

Uncoated strings start to go bad immediately in this climate. I'm lucky if I get a month out of a set of strings.

So, yes they do go bad but they're probably okay.

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