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Despite risks, Carson not backing off Nazi, slavery examples


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My cousin was in the same class i was.

Not exactly impossible to be a relative and classmate at the same time.

Yes, but I think you might remember trying to stab a close relative (as well as perhaps the place where you tried to stab him).

The trouble with telling lies? You have to remember what you said.

Not easy over time. It's where liars mostly get caught out.

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My cousin was in the same class i was.

Not exactly impossible to be a relative and classmate at the same time.

Yes, but I think you might remember trying to stab a close relative (as well as perhaps the place where you tried to stab him).

The trouble with telling lies? You have to remember what you said.

Not easy over time. It's where liars mostly get caught out.

"The trouble with telling lies? You have to remember what you said."

Your presumptive candidate seems to have this problem.

I was stabbed in the ninth grade and remember most but not all of it. I don't recall the date and would have to estimate the year. I may write a book about it.

I also heard Dr. Carson say he would not release the alleged attempted murder victim's name unless the alleged attempted murder victim agreed to it. The alleged attempted murder victim did not agree. Dr. Carson will not release the name.

That's sort of like Executive Privilege. Much like not wanting to tell the world who you were with and what you were doing while Benghazi was under attack.

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All these attacks on Carson are simply the Democrat attack machine in racist mode.

Get the only black candidate out of the race for fear he bight drain a few votes from Hillary.

Whoa, what are you smoking today Chuck?


Don't smoke and don't drink. Just tired of dancing around the attacks on Dr. Carson and calling it like it is.

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All these attacks on Carson are simply the Democrat attack machine in racist mode.

Get the only black candidate out of the race for fear he bight drain a few votes from Hillary.

Whoa, what are you smoking today Chuck?


Don't smoke and don't drink. Just tired of dancing around the attacks on Dr. Carson and calling it like it is.

It's no different to the feverish squealing over Brian Williams' "widening the brim of the hat".

I'm sure it will soon be forgotten.

In fact the only reason that it's taken so long is that he hasn't just said "Hey it was a long time ago, I can't remember all the details".

You know, like I said, the Ronnie Reagan defence.

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Or the..."At this point, what difference does it make?" defense.

Which is frequently taken out of context as you've just done again <yawn>

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

Tell me Chuck. What difference *does* it make?

Stick a fork in it, it's done.


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Or the..."At this point, what difference does it make?" defense.

Which is frequently taken out of context as you've just done again <yawn>

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

Tell me Chuck. What difference *does* it make?

Stick a fork in it, it's done.


It makes a difference to the families left behind when the Obama administration failed to perform their sworn duties and has failed to deal with those that caused the problem to begin with.

It makes a difference to any right thinking American that feels the government should take care of those they send into harm's way.

Many Americans feel the same way I do, but you wouldn't understand how an American feels about it, not being one yourself.

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It makes a difference to the families left behind when the Obama administration failed to perform their sworn duties and has failed to deal with those that caused the problem to begin with.

Yes, I'm sure they must be gutted to hear that the Ambassador turned down extra security twice.

It makes a difference to any right thinking American that feels the government should take care of those they send into harm's way.
Yes, I'm sure they must be gutted to hear that the Ambassador turned down extra security twice.
Many Americans feel the same way I do, but you wouldn't understand how an American feels about it, not being one yourself.
Yes, I'm sure you must be gutted to hear that the Ambassador turned down extra security twice.
I find it very sad, even not being American.
Oh, I forgot.

Gowdy et al seem to have completely forgotten to ask about this.

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Or the..."At this point, what difference does it make?" defense.

Which is frequently taken out of context as you've just done again <yawn>

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

Tell me Chuck. What difference *does* it make?

Stick a fork in it, it's done.


It makes a difference to the families left behind when the Obama administration failed to perform their sworn duties and has failed to deal with those that caused the problem to begin with.

It makes a difference to any right thinking American that feels the government should take care of those they send into harm's way.

Many Americans feel the same way I do, but you wouldn't understand how an American feels about it, not being one yourself.

you wouldn't understand how an American feels about it, not being one yourself.

Very many people post to international discussion boards about another country who are not nationals or citizens of a particular country. Either any one can do it, which is the perfect standard, or none can do it, which is quite another standard. The opinion stated is noted, and the opinion is a shameful one that is indeed shameless.
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Carson finds it uncomfortable and distasteful to be questioned by mere mortals.

When they are LYING about him to his face. Carson proven right yet AGAIN.


The world can be assured Carson has wildly embellished on his role in Detroit while he was in high school (Junior) ROTC. For one thing, rank of cadet second lieutenant which Carson said he'd "attained" is a leftover rank. It is given to minor cadets of the corps of cadets at the beginning of their senior high school year who have been passed over for every higher cadet officer rank, which is all of 'em, every one of 'em -- first lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel.

Simply on this point alone Carson is surely a fraud when he says he was the leader of JROTC cadets of all the participating high schools of the city of Detroit. Cadet 2LT rank in JROTC senior year means your record is clean, GPA 2.0 or better, small accomplishments, few if any distinctions and of minimal demonstrable abilities of leadership and command.


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Well all is well now that Herman Cain has weighed in that he warned Carson that he would be attacked, like Cain was

Sorry but if you write a vanity book then you had better dot every i and cross every t, because your words are going to be read and dissected by the media, so there really should be no "gotchas" since YOU controlled what YOU wrote

If your life story is going to be the basis for your supposed ability to lead the nation, then that life story had better be totally accurate and more importantly verifiable

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Well all is well now that Herman Cain has weighed in that he warned Carson that he would be attacked, like Cain was

Sorry but if you write a vanity book then you had better dot every i and cross every t, because your words are going to be read and dissected by the media, so there really should be no "gotchas" since YOU controlled what YOU wrote

If your life story is going to be the basis for your supposed ability to lead the nation, then that life story had better be totally accurate and more importantly verifiable

Accurately sums it up.

In the big scheme of things, however, I don't think his little fibs are what will bring him down.

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If as so many of you claim, Carson has no chance of being nominated or elected, then why is all this energy bouncing around to put him down.

Move your attack machine to the next one and extend the news cycle even longer for Hillary to escape her scandals.

PS: Did you folks know Hillary is now facing an FBI investigation. But this time it is a Full Blown Investigation.thumbsup.gif

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If as so many of you claim, Carson has no chance of being nominated or elected, then why is all this energy bouncing around to put him down.

What is this "energy bouncing" Chuck? Do you sweat a lot when you type a post or something?

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It is important to be a viable and mentally stable model to inner city young people who have aspirations, goals, and who are set on being admitted to a university.

Chicago's Military Academies Raise Education Debate

The purpose of the military academy programs is to offer our cadets and parents an educational choice among many choices in Chicago public schools and to provide an educational experience that has a college prep curriculum, combined with a military curriculum.

Over 10,000 Chicago high school students now wear a military uniform to class.

The program began in 1999, when the Chicago Military Academy opened in conjunction with the Army Junior ROTC. It was the first military model public school in the nation.



Instead we get this Nazi Amerika from the guy to include health care as a new form of slavery and grain in pyramids where apparently a lot of pharaohs happened to wander in over a couple of thousand years and died:

Ben Carson Thinks God Is Calling On Him To Save America, Stop Putinesque Obama

We recognize that we are being instruments in the hand of God, he is the one who really orchestrates all of this, Carson said.
We most definitely need a spiritual awakening, he added.
Carson also said that if he had the chance to speak to President Obama, he would tell him to stop violating the Constitution. Our president is very much like Putin.

See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/ben-carson-thinks-god-calling-him-save-america-stop-putinesque-obama#sthash.oJDluoxo.dpuf 

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If as so many of you claim, Carson has no chance of being nominated or elected, then why is all this energy bouncing around to put him down.

Move your attack machine to the next one and extend the news cycle even longer for Hillary to escape her scandals.

PS: Did you folks know Hillary is now facing an FBI investigation. But this time it is a Full Blown Investigation.thumbsup.gif

Carson is a crackpot rightwingnut whose marginal political-cultural thinking is the kind of classic planet Pluto stuff that only a few other extremist Republican battlestar warriors of the fringe right ever say publicly or with such astounding alacrity .

Carson believes however that as more than a mere mortal he Himself is free and indeed obligated to expose the most private parts of his celestial mind while being beyond rational or reasonable accountability as he issues his obscure political and theological pronouncements from on high ..

It would be no surprise to some of us if on Xmas Eve Carson suddenly appeared holding the reigns in hand directing the chariots of the gods in the skies above the pyramids and beyond.

That's the what and the why of it.

Btw, keep us posted about the rightwing media's new investigation by the FBI of HRClinton in case there's no news about it when what is not happening is finally over and done with. Only in the rightwingnut mind.

As of this 4th Republican debate, virtually each one of 'em spoke about how he wuz gonna take on HRClinton next summer and in the fall. So it seems even every one of the R candidates might have a certain realistic expectation the far out rightwingnutosphere seems to be missing. In other words, the R's running for prez have already publicly named HRC as the party's opponent in the fall of next year.

In fact as one who does monitor the well funded mass of well financed rightwing media, its steady diet of shit continuing to flow and be tossed about this are still being carried on by a bunch of, well, tossers in the highly financed and extremely motivated mass of rightwingnut media. HRClinton is not a "target" of the FBI investigation, she never was, nor will HRC be a "target" of an FBI investigation. No target being stated or named means no person being investigated. Still. Same as always.

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