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Germany sharpens its tone with Austria over migrants


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Germany sharpens its tone with Austria over migrants


BERLIN: -- Germany has accused Austria of sending people over their common border under the cover of darkness to escape detection.

The flow is thought to have accelerated over recent days due to a backlog of migrants travelling further through the Balkans to avoid barriers on the border.

Sharpening his tone, Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere urged Vienna to play by the rules.

Speaking at a press conference, he told reporters:“Austria’s recent behaviour is out of line. They are wrong to dump migrants on the border between the two countries under the cover of darkness without any warning, preparation or precaution.”

Austria’s border with Slovenia

Austria, meanwhile, says it plans to erect a fence at its busy border crossing with Slovenia.

The aim is to control the flow of refugees and migrants, which has shifted westwards since Hungary closed its border with Croatia.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-29

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Austria should play by the rules ! ?

Did Ankela consider any ' rules ' when she issued an open invitation for migrants to go to Germany with no regard for the countries they would have to pass through to get there ?

It's all gone pear shaped for her so the response is a combination of demanding the rest of Europe bail her out and aggression towards the neighbours she inflicted with this unwanted problem.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Let the bickering begins, where by borders were flung open just few weeks ago welcoming the so called economic refugees with open arms, now the gates are shut, and no body want them any more, realizing that there will be millions more to come, just wondering how, even for a moment, those head of EU states and countries thought that this refugee scam is going to stop with only few hundreds of thousands?.. boggle the minds....

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Merkel is solely responsible for her open invitation , why didnt you vote on this, the EU is not just Germany, 700,000 and more to come

700,000 x 100 euro per week = 70 million euro per week for zero return over a year 3.5 billion euros down the drain and these are low estimated costs.

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Send all those Muslim refugees to some happy willing Muslim country... Muslims have been the enemy of Christians since religion began (ask Saladin) ... Why are the doo goodies opening our doors to the Devil ? They already are robbing, raping and killing in Europe. Stop it now and send them away.

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The inevitable baby photo ! Send them all back where they came from so that they can sort out their own mess instead of creating another wherever they are heading. This is all going to have an extremely negative effect on civilised countries sad.png

Agree about the photo..but their mess? I think Qatar mercenaries and a certain country's meddling, as per usual, may have a bearing? Sure, Syria played an international game, not entirely blameless - but at a political/ruling elite level, not the people.

If we start blaming the people, what charges will you have to answer?

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Send all those Muslim refugees to some happy willing Muslim country... Muslims have been the enemy of Christians since religion began (ask Saladin) ... Why are the doo goodies opening our doors to the Devil ? They already are robbing, raping and killing in Europe. Stop it now and send them away.

Conflating two entirely different topics. Religion? Refugees?

I agree they should go elsewhere, but not because of imaginary friends.

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This is too funny. First Germany and Austria compare Hungary to the Nazis for building a fence

along its southern border and trying to control/stop the flow of migrants and now Germany is

getting sharp with Austria for not slowing the flow of migrants. Meanwhile Germany has failed

to realize the obvious. The front page pictures/statements of Mama Merkel saying all are

welcome in Germany and "we will find a way" pronouncements is what has spurred migration

levels. The simple solution is for the countries on the migration path to facilitate a quick

and easy crossing of there countries as directly as possible to Germany until Mama Merkel

chokes on her words. Even then the countries should give a 3 month window to close there

borders to give those that have started there trip to Germany to get there. After all if Mama

Merkel insists they have a right to claim Refugee status in the EU crossing safe country after

safe country, surely they the right to choose Germany. coffee1.gif

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more brainwashing of the masses by putting the handful of women and children at the forefront of the photograph while the hundreds of men in their 20s and 30s languish in the background

That's how they control us! By using Emotions! The emotion-center in your brain overwrites rational thinking!

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Its pretty obvious what an [intermediate] result of this massive invasion will be- European exodus. Regrettably, the only place to go will be to other culturally besieged areas, like rats on a boat! Initially, this will be hardly detectable, but within a few years, when we can see through government obfuscation, the numbers will reveal Europeans with any money are attempting to flee these invasion* zones. This will only escalate the decline of European culture in these areas. Its no wonder self preservation is kicking in for some.

Early - lawlessness, taxation, austerity, violence, rape, demands, claims of persecution, demands of tolerance, demands of cultural relativity/permissiveness, loss of accountability for who is where, lack of proper identification of numerous people leading to a shadow culture immediately existing in the host nations, black market- This overlapping period will be defined by demands for tolerance.

Intermediate - scattered violence, claims of persecution, demands, accommodations, more scattered violence, cultural alienation, those will money fleeing their homes, shuttered industry, real estate depression, claims of persecution, demands for tolerance, insistence on cultural lenience= sharia, organization of political cells to leverage islam, escalation of violence, scattered/coordinated terrorism, a clear cut division then presents between what is said collectively and collective behavior- cognitive dissonance and host refusal to accept insurgency- This overlapping period will be defined by claims of defense.

Long-term - sharia, economic blight, decreased contribution to the arts, sciences, academia, humanities, and social sciences, no-go zones, re-purposed churches, denial of church bells ringing, blanket call to prayer audio, further exodus of host, open political/terrorist insurgency, clear fracturing of previous institutions- This period will be defined by open offense to other cultural mores.

It is no wonder states would reflect the bickering that is taking place across the bars and kitchen tables of Europe. It is only a matter of time, as in Hungry, Austria, etc., that self preservation demands action.

* Invasion is used in the literal sense; by definition.

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And then Poland, Czech and Hungary have to ask someone to protect them from the Muslim hordes, the EU being worse than useless, and so everyone's good friend Vladimir Putin says sure, we'll help you to protect our common Christian culture and heritage, so here's 30 Russian divisions to drive these people out. Now we're here, comrades, we might as well stay, eh? Just like old times!

I don't say this particularly seriously, but every inaction taken by the EU commissars in Brussels makes the no-nonsense bullying attitude of Putin look more palatable.

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more brainwashing of the masses by putting the handful of women and children at the forefront of the photograph while the hundreds of men in their 20s and 30s languish in the background

That's how they control us! By using Emotions! The emotion-center in your brain overwrites rational thinking!

Great post!

It is all so contrived as to stink of marketing, including the poison pill that the west has done this grievance to those invading by virtue of this, or that, and therefore we are bound to subordinate our culture and accommodate. This is a page out of the "white guilt" handbook used across the pond. Guilt and emotions are employed to leverage compliance. European and US pols are now at the point where once they parade their darling stalking horse they no longer even wait for consensus to reach their desired conclusion, they just assert the emotive archetype (woman, child, despair, refugee, etc) and legislate by fiat to enact the cultural engineering desired; evidence Merkel.

The vast majority are young able bodied males. The entire leftist playbook is based on emotional quests to compel policy. The common archetypes of war, guilt, empathy, etc., are daily paraded in the "mainstream" news of the leftist playbook demanding such things as "for the children" and other stalking horses of tyranny. I will not tire of announcing that these events simply cannot unfold in a manner agreeable to the long term survival of Western culture. Something may continue, but it will not be post enlightened world of generations. Some European nations have already elected to rail against this invasion, notwithstanding the innuendo and pejoratives, because they realize the end result of this exodus is dissolution- self death. (Note: It will make little difference if Austria, Hungry, or any other successfully holds the gates of their modern Vienna because when these hoards take up residence in neighboring countries it will only be a matter of time before... therefore, Austria et al is only purchasing time, not hope).



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Merkel is solely responsible for her open invitation , why didnt you vote on this, the EU is not just Germany, 700,000 and more to come

700,000 x 100 euro per week = 70 million euro per week for zero return over a year 3.5 billion euros down the drain and these are low estimated costs.

Present estimations are more a around 10 billion a year... and that is discounting future social costs of "integrating" people, when a certain percentage of them will not want to be integrated.

Germany has very "mixed" experiences with the Turks, with Arabs (mostly Libyan Kurds and Moroccans ) those have been mostly disastrous.

And I don't see that much-vaunted "return on investment" coming, as in those refugees making up for the dwindling labour force and help with our demographic problem. While the Syrians are the most educated of them, more than half of them will not be fit for the German labour market in the foreseeable future (estimations from a German newspaper today), even if every German with 3 living brain-cells were to join the fray and teach them the language.

Not even their children, just have a look at the problem-areas in Berlin, Duisburg, Essen, Neu-Ulm... you name it.

Don't get me wrong, I have been working voluntarily with church-run charities a couple of years ago teaching some refugees German or helping with homework, before the whole mess started for earnest.

Sweetest and most motivated people ever. But I cannot image that will be applicable for the whole mass of them, even if we get this mess organized somehow.

Above all with a view to Muslims, who even now start clubbing apostates to death in the reception centres.

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Austria should play by the rules ! ?

Did Ankela consider any ' rules ' when she issued an open invitation for migrants to go to Germany with no regard for the countries they would have to pass through to get there ?

It's all gone pear shaped for her so the response is a combination of demanding the rest of Europe bail her out and aggression towards the neighbours she inflicted with this unwanted problem.

You got it exactly right!

All those people are crossing half a dozen states to Germany or Sweden for a reason, i.e. a certain level of benefits to receive. And Merkel having a couple of thousand actively lorried to Germany from Hungary certainly did not help, when at some point you will need to adopt some measures of crowd-control, including batons and water-cannons. Might as well have started then.

And her talk of there being "no upper limit" for humanitarian help was unhelpful as well, when there obviously enough will be one, and it's not the money but rather factual limits. Some "refugees" are actively recruited from as far as Pakistan with promises of being given a house and work here right from the start, and Germany has been too slow to deal with that situation.

I don't blame Hungary and the rest of the eastern European states at all. They have all spoken out against taking in hordes of Muslims after a careful consideration how Germany, France, and most everyone else has fared with them from the 60ies. And now Germany draws them all in beyond coping point and then starts crying for solidarity from those states to take some of its hands? I don't think so.

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