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US ambassador Davies upbeat after his meeting with PM Prayut


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"It was an opportunity for me to listen," he said. "I did more listening than talking in the meeting, which was my plan."

Davies understands that a delusional egomaniac's unbounded mouth is his own worst enemy. Who needs propoganda and confrontation when the opposition does it all for you?

The Art of Diplomacy is getting the other side to say what you want to hear. “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” - Plato

Davies - Ambassador Extraordinaire!

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Dead on straight with this... and the US views had not changed. In other words, a lot of wind and no rain and Davies knows.

"It was an opportunity for me to listen," he said. "I did more listening than talking in the meeting, which was my plan."

Davies understands that a delusional egomaniac's unbounded mouth is his own worst enemy. Who needs propoganda and confrontation when the opposition does it all for you?

The Art of Diplomacy is getting the other side to say what you want to hear. “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” - Plato

Davies - Ambassador Extraordinaire!

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Dear God he actually used the "don't think too much" line.

No need to worry, Davies already knows who and what Prayuth is. He might be a septic tank but he isn't completely stupid and he likely doesn't say 'crab' every 4 seconds.

The "Khrap/khap/crab" as well as the "Kaa", does tend to get old when you hear it on the news & such doesn't it?

I shall never tire of hearing "Khap khun Kaaaa" though, however saying it every 4 seconds makes it rather redundant.

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Dear God he actually used the "don't think too much" line.

No need to worry, Davies already knows who and what Prayuth is. He might be a septic tank but he isn't completely stupid and he likely doesn't say 'crab' every 4 seconds.

The "Khrap/khap/crab" as well as the "Kaa", does tend to get old when you hear it on the news & such doesn't it?

I shall never tire of hearing "Khap khun Kaaaa" though, however saying it every 4 seconds makes it rather redundant.

Davies should have just said "mai bpen rai" but that get's even more irritating and is part of the downfall of Thailand (and "jai yen yen")

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Dear God he actually used the "don't think too much" line.

No need to worry, Davies already knows who and what Prayuth is. He might be a septic tank but he isn't completely stupid and he likely doesn't say 'crab' every 4 seconds.

The "Khrap/khap/crab" as well as the "Kaa", does tend to get old when you hear it on the news & such doesn't it?

I shall never tire of hearing "Khap khun Kaaaa" though, however saying it every 4 seconds makes it rather redundant.

Davies needs to learn some other stuff too, if he wants to be taken seriously by the clowns.

1. Learn to speak with an excessive nasal twang.

2. Learn how to roll his 'R's like a moron.

3. Learn to vary 'krab' with 'na krab', 'na kab'. 'na ha'., and say them all more frequently so everyone knows he's a <deleted>,

4. Learn to loo at other people, nod furiously then look back at the camera.

5. learn to speak in an unnaturally staccato and annoying way so people pay attention and admire how fashionable he is.

Thais are real suckers for fashion. Anything that identifies themselves (primarily to themselves) as all hi-so and fashionable and superior so they can feel good about themselves is important because essentially they know they're not superior at all and they hate it.

There are probably more little fetishes that identify many Thais to themselves as being people of substance but who cares? So long as they're happy in their incompetence, that's the important thing.

Self-image is all in the Land of Scams. But I suspect Davies knows all that already because he's not a fool and he's probably spent more than just 5 minutes watching Thai TV.

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Dear God he actually used the "don't think too much" line.

No need to worry, Davies already knows who and what Prayuth is. He might be a septic tank but he isn't completely stupid and he likely doesn't say 'crab' every 4 seconds.

The "Khrap/khap/crab" as well as the "Kaa", does tend to get old when you hear it on the news & such doesn't it?

I shall never tire of hearing "Khap khun Kaaaa" though, however saying it every 4 seconds makes it rather redundant.

Davies needs to learn some other stuff too, if he wants to be taken seriously by the clowns.

1. Learn to speak with an excessive nasal twang.

2. Learn how to roll his 'R's like a moron until nobody can understand a thing he says (this takes a lot of dedicated practice and because of the devotion Thais have for talking, when it's no longer fashionable, it has to be un-learned - not so easy with learned automatic behaviours.

3. Learn to vary 'krab' with 'na krab', 'na kab'. 'na ha'., and say them all more frequently so everyone knows he's a twatt,

4. Learn to loo at other people, nod furiously then look back at the camera.

5. learn to speak in an unnaturally staccato and annoying way so people pay attention and admire how fashionable he is.

Thais are real suckers for fashion. Anything that identifies themselves (primarily to themselves) as all hi-so and fashionable and superior so they can feel good about themselves is important because essentially they know they're not superior at all and they hate it.

There are probably more little fetishes that identify many Thais to themselves as being people of substance but who cares? So long as they're happy in their incompetence, that's the important thing.

Self-image is all in the Land of Scams. But I suspect Davies knows all that already because he's not a fool and he's probably spent more than just 5 minutes watching Thai TV.

Edited by Joe Brennan
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I wonder how many people noted the significance of the carefully chosen words "sustainable democracy".

Those two words are basically condemnation of the type red-shirts support and also express support for reforms to be implemented as soon as possible ready for an election.

Unfortunately I learned long ago that those who do not want reforms don't care one bit about what democracy actually means. They just want the power back so they can get the perks that come with it. Like getting paid off for voting in the rich local politician who they admire for his skill at corruption (and for sharing it a tiny bit).

But going by the infantile level of most comments on this thread, the ambassadors language went way, way over their heads. They never get further than any specific unfortunate words Prayuth (a soldier by experience, not a politician) comes out with.

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I wonder how many people noted the significance of the carefully chosen words "sustainable democracy".

Those two words are basically condemnation of the type red-shirts support and also express support for reforms to be implemented as soon as possible ready for an election.

Unfortunately I learned long ago that those who do not want reforms don't care one bit about what democracy actually means. They just want the power back so they can get the perks that come with it. Like getting paid off for voting in the rich local politician who they admire for his skill at corruption (and for sharing it a tiny bit).

But going by the infantile level of most comments on this thread, the ambassadors language went way, way over their heads. They never get further than any specific unfortunate words Prayuth (a soldier by experience, not a politician) comes out with.

It's the Thai government spokesman's job to attribute favourable meanings to what the US ambassador said. Why not leave it to them, they're really good at it!

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DAVIES: "It's important to reassure sustainable democracy in Thailand. [Democracy] will be important for [Thailand's] future on [the] economy and security."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: It's important to allow major corporations, the media, and bankers run your country just like they do America now. Hey, at least with Obama it's been sustainable [so far].

DAVIES: "It was an opportunity for me to listen," he said. "I did more listening than talking in the meeting, which was my plan."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: We've already tried insulting Thailand and it just didn't work out for some reason. They only moved closer to China. And besides, when you see what we've done to Iraq and Syria in the Middle East, perhaps it's better if we started listening more often.

Off course, with the USA creating problems all over the world it is important for them to get Thailand in their pockets too. We had the warning at the Erawan shrine, sadly. I simply do not trust the US involvement in global politics: their strategy is clearly imperialist. This Ambassador was appointed simply because he has national security experience and is a key player in the USA's global games. Just look at his meddling in Korea affairs where he tried to create conflict between the two Korean nations. Beware. Best to turn your face to China General!

Edited by ianf
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I wonder how many people noted the significance of the carefully chosen words "sustainable democracy".

Those two words are basically condemnation of the type red-shirts support and also express support for reforms to be implemented as soon as possible ready for an election.

Unfortunately I learned long ago that those who do not want reforms don't care one bit about what democracy actually means. They just want the power back so they can get the perks that come with it. Like getting paid off for voting in the rich local politician who they admire for his skill at corruption (and for sharing it a tiny bit).

But going by the infantile level of most comments on this thread, the ambassadors language went way, way over their heads. They never get further than any specific unfortunate words Prayuth (a soldier by experience, not a politician) comes out with.

Too much analysis, not enough reality, too many agendas. In my opinion.

Edited by Joe Brennan
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Davies is no fool. He walked away in shock and fear of problems on the horizon

PRAYUT democracy please. The man had shown 0 compassion or democracy.

The people fear and that's all it is

What is the democracy that you are asking for? Thaksin's democracy? There was none. A democracy where the rule of law is non-existent? That's what we've always had in Thailand! The democracy, perhaps, of a corrupt ballot box? Don't make me laugh. "Democracy" here is a word foisted on the Thais by Robert Amsterdam in his PR role for Thaksin. Before then you never heard the word here. You'd hear a lot about how Thaksin was the leader and even his cabinet had to accept his word. Democracy under Thaksin meant paying the Senators vast sums of money so that they would turn a blind eye to his corrupt practices. Open your eyes and tell us what democracy you want to return to. Davies' role is to place Thailand wholly into the USA's imperialist pocket. Make no mistake about his role and why he replaced the amiable lady that preceded him. Nothing democratic about him!

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There is nothing democratic about the US either so why do they keep going around and pushing phony democracy on every country possible. And as far as those of you condemning Prayut, I don't understand. What are the alternatives. There is no good alternative for Thailand ever. So pick on specific things you don't like like the internet control crap but Prayut is the best option for now that Thailand has for leadership whether any one likes it or not.

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"Prayut explains circumstances behind coup; says justice process fair and no groups targeted"


No groups have been targeted.

He is simply trying to deal with fraud and corruption and it just so happens that the PTP and Thaksin's police were the main perpetrators here.

Whenever the army, Democrats, monks and any other denomination are guilty then investigate them and punish them for their sins. I don't want there to be corruption in Thailand and I don't care what their allegiances are, stick them in jail where they belong!!

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Davies is no fool. He walked away in shock and fear of problems on the horizon

PRAYUT democracy please. The man had shown 0 compassion or democracy.

The people fear and that's all it is

What is the democracy that you are asking for? Thaksin's democracy? There was none. A democracy where the rule of law is non-existent? That's what we've always had in Thailand! The democracy, perhaps, of a corrupt ballot box? Don't make me laugh. "Democracy" here is a word foisted on the Thais by Robert Amsterdam in his PR role for Thaksin. Before then you never heard the word here. You'd hear a lot about how Thaksin was the leader and even his cabinet had to accept his word. Democracy under Thaksin meant paying the Senators vast sums of money so that they would turn a blind eye to his corrupt practices. Open your eyes and tell us what democracy you want to return to. Davies' role is to place Thailand wholly into the USA's imperialist pocket. Make no mistake about his role and why he replaced the amiable lady that preceded him. Nothing democratic about him!

Sweet Jesus. So much blah, so little reality. That must have taken great dedication.

I stand in awe of your intellect sir.

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"Prayut explains circumstances behind coup; says justice process fair and no groups targeted"


No groups have been targeted.

He is simply trying to deal with fraud and corruption and it just so happens that the PTP and Thaksin's police were the main perpetrators here.

Whenever the army, Democrats, monks and any other denomination are guilty then investigate them and punish them for their sins. I don't want there to be corruption in Thailand and I don't care what their allegiances are, stick them in jail where they belong!!

The really outstanding thing is he seriously believes that people take him seriously.


Have you seen many of the non-choreographed pics from where he tramps the world stage hawking his version of reality? Other world leaders strive to be far away from him. Even Obama is looking somewhere else when he shakes his hand.

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Davies is no fool. He walked away in shock and fear of problems on the horizon

PRAYUT democracy please. The man had shown 0 compassion or democracy.

The people fear and that's all it is

What is the democracy that you are asking for? Thaksin's democracy? There was none. A democracy where the rule of law is non-existent? That's what we've always had in Thailand! The democracy, perhaps, of a corrupt ballot box? Don't make me laugh. "Democracy" here is a word foisted on the Thais by Robert Amsterdam in his PR role for Thaksin. Before then you never heard the word here. You'd hear a lot about how Thaksin was the leader and even his cabinet had to accept his word. Democracy under Thaksin meant paying the Senators vast sums of money so that they would turn a blind eye to his corrupt practices. Open your eyes and tell us what democracy you want to return to. Davies' role is to place Thailand wholly into the USA's imperialist pocket. Make no mistake about his role and why he replaced the amiable lady that preceded him. Nothing democratic about him!

Oh I think that there was plenty of interest in democracy knocking around long before before Thaksin or even the hate figure of Robert Amsterdam came on the scene.

Plenty of people have been slaughtered, imprisoned or driven abroad over the last 30+ years for advocating democracy.

Incidentally, in post#45 you rather seem to suggest that the USA was behind the Erewan Shrine bomb. Really? You have any evidence to back up that astonishing claim?

Edited by JAG
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DAVIES: "It's important to reassure sustainable democracy in Thailand. [Democracy] will be important for [Thailand's] future on [the] economy and security."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: It's important to allow major corporations, the media, and bankers run your country just like they do America now. Hey, at least with Obama it's been sustainable [so far].

DAVIES: "It was an opportunity for me to listen," he said. "I did more listening than talking in the meeting, which was my plan."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: We've already tried insulting Thailand and it just didn't work out for some reason. They only moved closer to China. And besides, when you see what we've done to Iraq and Syria in the Middle East, perhaps it's better if we started listening more often.

Birds of a feather flock together. Does the US have a re-education camp if so they should recall this guy and make him run the gamut. I guess the new US policy is to carry a smaller stick and not prod people with it. Another thing to consider we are after all listening to a varnish over press. Glorify the leader and all that rot. If the press had shown him in a bad light well golly gee who knows what would have happened. The media has been under attack because of its reporting lately world wide.

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US is panicking. They are losing influence and ground left right and centre. The future of Asia (and also Europe) is in China's hands.

What a pompous remark. You know what the US is doing. Wow. And what China is up to. Wow-er Just one fact to support your risible pomposity would minimize scorn of it.

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Nothing new here. The USA has always preferred to deal with dictators. Easier to deal with one person than a democratically elected parliament.

Yes history bears that out only to well. And when they are done with them they throw them to the wolves. Gadaffi and Saddam come to mind. Assad is the next one up to bat. No longer useful.

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Nothing new here. The USA has always preferred to deal with dictators. Easier to deal with one person than a democratically elected parliament.

Vague and huge remarks like this amount to rubbish. Name names, supply instances. It's a shame that since so much under the current administration is a crime or a new crime that being as boring as you is not.

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There is nothing democratic about the US either so why do they keep going around and pushing phony democracy on every country possible. And as far as those of you condemning Prayut, I don't understand. What are the alternatives. There is no good alternative for Thailand ever. So pick on specific things you don't like like the internet control crap but Prayut is the best option for now that Thailand has for leadership whether any one likes it or not.

Wow, USA bashing and delusional opinion of a Junta leader and self appointed PM,, all in 1 posting.

Congratulations for posting the double nonsense whammy! clap2.gif

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US is panicking. They are losing influence and ground left right and centre. The future of Asia (and also Europe) is in China's hands.

Really "asiamaster"? This is pretty much your global summary is it,, through all the complexities in how the worlds changing and all of the positioning and policy changing going on throughout the world but all anyone had to really do is sit still because "its all up to China".

The world is changing for the better in a lot of ways in that the high population areas of the East are gaining wealth which means, hopefully in the long term less poverty. So, does this mean the rest of the world will die? Will my house in the UK suddenly belong to China?

The Western countries have woken up to the fact that too much manufacturing has moved to the East and low labour costs will become a thing of the past in China (nearly there now), I am talking from experience as being an importer for nearly 20 years.

So, our generation will go through the change of seeing Far East countries growing in power and wealth, thats for sure but it does not mean anything except they are growing in wealth.

Anyway, I won't continue with this as it can be a long topic and you don't need "serious" explanation or information anyway (asiamaster) because in your eyes "its all up to China" crazy.gif

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DAVIES: "It's important to reassure sustainable democracy in Thailand. [Democracy] will be important for [Thailand's] future on [the] economy and security."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: It's important to allow major corporations, the media, and bankers run your country just like they do America now. Hey, at least with Obama it's been sustainable [so far].

DAVIES: "It was an opportunity for me to listen," he said. "I did more listening than talking in the meeting, which was my plan."

GOOGLE TRANSLATION: We've already tried insulting Thailand and it just didn't work out for some reason. They only moved closer to China. And besides, when you see what we've done to Iraq and Syria in the Middle East, perhaps it's better if we started listening more often.

Birds of a feather flock together. Does the US have a re-education camp if so they should recall this guy and make him run the gamut. I guess the new US policy is to carry a smaller stick and not prod people with it. Another thing to consider we are after all listening to a varnish over press. Glorify the leader and all that rot. If the press had shown him in a bad light well golly gee who knows what would have happened. The media has been under attack because of its reporting lately world wide.

I agree with the point about the press. I think the fact that Prayut made no comment to the press after the meeting suggest the US Ambassador probably just repeated the question "when are you out and a democratically elected government in?" Thats all they really care about.

After all, if the meeting had been a great success with and positive remarks from the US Ambassador about the (self appointed) PM and the Junta then Prayut would have seized the opportunity to say so, and there would have been pictures of smiling faces and "reciprocal" warm handshakes, thus presenting a glowing report to Thailand.

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