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Carson tells AP: Seventh-day Adventism is right for him


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Please point us to the part of the Constitution that contains the words..."Separation of church and state".

This is what this discussion is about.

The actual words and NOT the intent.

Please provide a citation to the Constitutional Article or Amendment that uses the words "separation of church and state".

Who is saying the words 'Separation of church and State' appear in the Constitution? No one. The actual words were used by Thomas Jefferson when he articulated the 'establishment clause'

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.."

Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

For someone who holds such strong politically motivated ideologies you don't seem to have a good knowledge of the basics of secular modern democratic principles that America is founded on chuckd.

"Who is saying the words 'Separation of church and State' appear in the Constitution? No one."

I refer you to post #21 which says in part...

"I find it quite funny that guns rights people always quote an amendment to their constitution as the reason for them to have the right to bare (sic) arms.

Yet no one seems to quote to original part of the constitution that says there must be a separation of church and state."

The poster's statement is patently incorrect. As I have stated and you have refused to acknowledge, those particular words are nowhere to be found in the Constitution. The INTENT of the establishment clause was never questioned nor mentioned by me
I know where the separation of church and state concept came from, but that particular choice of words does not appear in the Constitution and all your obfuscation cannot prove otherwise.
And with that comment this subject is closed to me. When you can prove me wrong you can expect an apology.

Well you are wrong the 'establishment clause' separates the State from religion. As Thomas Jefferson clearly points out. We can amend the Constitution and put it in if you want. Don't see the need to do so though.

Where does #21 state the Constitution says there is a 'separation of church and state'? You seem to be arguing about something no one has posted.

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Chuckd quoted a poster saying it in the post you are replying to. Please learn to read.

The original poster was clearly paraphrasing that part of the constitution. Otherwise he would have used quotation marks to quote the constitution verbatim..
Yet no one seems to quote to original part of the constitution that says there must be a separation of church and state.
Perhaps the failure to understand grammar lies with you and chuckd.
You appear to be making a mountain out of a molehill when we are all agreed on the essential substance of the Establishment clause.
I find it ironic that the USA was established to escape religious presecution and now it appears to be a major election issue. Very amusing to watch the GOP chasing their tails.
Edited by dexterm
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Chuckd quoted a poster saying it in the post you are replying to. Please learn to read.

#21 was just describing the intent of the Constitution not actually quoting the First Amendment (establishment clause) of the Constitution or the United States Constitution (no religious test clause).

Does the First Amendment separate the State from church? Yes.

Does the United States Constitution (no religious test clause) separate the State from church? Yes

If a person has a basic understanding of the Constitution and Amendments the use of the term 'separation of church and State' should not create any confusion.

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I'm sure we have had multiple atheist presidents. But impossible to be open about it.

the founding fathers appear to have been freemasons, and being a freemason is pretty close to being an atheist - DESPITE what the order officially claims.

That is totally incorrect.

Freemasons believe in the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this poster wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Ben Carson wasn't a Mason.

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"The Seventh-day Adventist Church a[] is a Protestant Christian denomination distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the seventh dayof the week in Christian and Jewish calendars, as the Sabbath, and by its emphasis on the imminent Second Coming (advent) of Jesus Christ."


What needs to happen for the second comming to occur? Google it.

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