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Starting all over again in Thailand - what would you do different?


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Nothing! I did it right from the beginning, :-)

I meet the right lady, 8 months after I moved here in 2005, (need to have some fun first) she still with me, and always will be.

I think I'm damn lucky, I don't have any problem, the past 10 years I live here.

I live outside the crazy tourist place and rent my house and live a good life in Piece with every one, including her family, (Just Love my mother in law!)

Only sad I did not meet her, and mover here much earlier in my life!

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What would I do differently?...I would not start all over again in Thailand...knowing what I know now...no way...

Living here long term has gotten so much more convoluted in the 5 years I've been working here, and I suspect it's going to be even more so (in spades) over the rest of my life. That's why I don't plan to stay beyond the paycheck. I like working here fine, but it wouldn't make my top 10 list of places to retire.

Of course living conditions in places on the top 10 list won't stand still, either.

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Not lend farangs money to help them out where the amounts were beyond my comfort level, thinking they were more trustworthy.

Farangs are not trustworthy at all.

Lend money to one, he will change to the other side of the road if he sees you coming. Insist on paying back, he might call the police for threatening him.

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To be frank, taking about killing people on a light-hearted thread like this hardly makes you seem sane.

I must admit that sometimes I'm a bit drastic - in times when I have Syrian friends that now face racism.

Replace "killing" with "beating up", then you have it.

But beating up a doctor could easily make you end up in mental asylum forever. They are not only judges, they're also executioners. Even if you find a judge, they can force you to take psycho-drugs so you can't make yourself understandale any more.

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Made so many mistakes in the philippines, that I have managed to do pretty well.

Bought property there...did not buy here

Married there.................did not marry here

Had kids there...............did not make kids here

Spent all my money in a bar there........saved tons here

will not and can not live in a "condo" and would never do that again anyways...good.

save tons renting a home (all that extra money goes in the bank gaining interest)...can't buy here anyways.

rent is 5000 a month....no down payments on houses or condos....great thinking...gives me freedom to relocate....good. That half million down payment I would have to sign over to a thai (wife or whatnot) is still in the bank ...for an emergency or home purchase where the law allows me to own.

shoebox apartments are droll....love my one rai/5 bedroom home.

patting myself on the back...good.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Go to school to learn the language/ reading, writing,speaking

Keep one house/condo in the west and travel to it once a year.

Allocate money for traveling outside of Asia t least twice a year.

Buy a condo in Thailand within the first six months of living there.


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I wouldn't change a thing. I am not perfect nor has my life been but I like the way I have turned out so far. Without my past experiences, good and bad, I would not be the man I am today.

Although a few less beers could have decreased the number of sit-ups I have to do now .... Hahaha

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I would have put a couple hard to find small appliances and more western clothes in my container. Also, I'd have filled a suitcase with American style hamburger dill pickle slices. Other than that, It's been good.

Edit: I would have also picked a different shipping company. This one broke or lost more things than any previous international move I've done.

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I wouldn't bring so much money with me to Thailand so that the young non-English speaking Thai girls would only be interested in my looks, scintillating personality, and general joie de vivre and not be with me for any of their underhanded mercenary interests.

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I am reasonably happily married , have a beautiful wife of compatible age , if much younger both are grandparents . I have renovated my wife's home to a comfortable gentleman's residence and helped to build another house for her son and grandchildren . My wife's family are kind and friendly and not a financial drag on me . I love my wife even though she doesn't see much need for intimacy . We live in rural Thailand , where I find that local culture has little relation to western European culture . After nearly ten years I am bored to tears ; my wife complains that I spend all day at the computer , but it is the only way to keep my sanity . I think if I had my time again , I might not have settled in Thailand

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Been travelling around SE Asia for the last +/- 30 years never really settled down, had a fair share of female companions, short and long time. , I used Chiang Mai and Koh Samui as a basis for further travelling...met my wife (the woman of my life, my best friend) on the way,....

Wouldn't change a thing....the good and the bad, everything is part of the lesson.

As the French song goes,..."Non rien de rien, non je ne regrette rien". "No Nothin nothing, no I regret nothing"......!! (Edith Piaf)

Best regards, Off Road pat.


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Somehow make myself less handsome and break fewer hearts.

Somehow make myself less handsome. You can make yourself right ugly by visiting a tattoo parlour, then grow some facial hair for starters.

Then you can think about a bigger belly.

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I wouldn't bring so much money with me to Thailand so that the young non-English speaking Thai girls would only be interested in my looks, scintillating personality, and general joie de vivre and not be with me for any of their underhanded mercenary interests.


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Learned to speak Thai. Almost 5 years in Thailand and to my shame, cant say much more than hello and thank you.

Not messed around with one of my former Thai female work colleagues because it has taken wifey about 4 years to properly forgive me!!

And looking back the work colleague wasn't worth it anyway - the grass is hardly ever greener.

I also wished I had traveled more.

Now very settled with job, wife, kid we don't get much chance to travel around Thailand.

And finally, fresh off the plane, wish I hadn't let the farang real estate agent rip me off on a house rental, but I was a newbie and didn't know any better!

Generally speaking though there aint too much I would change.

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