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Farang Baby And His Rights

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I know of a Farang that fathered a child here in Thailand and after years of supporting the Thai mother, to a standard she did not deserve, he abandoned her and their child. He did so rightfully because of her gambling, drugs and other misdeeds and activities that he could not condone. Althought he lavish lifestyle may have been a contributing factor to this, but, that is another story.

He does however send a small amount monthly to help care for his son, who is in the custody of another family. This is done through me to avoid detection as to his whereabouts and any possible recourse from the Thai woman.

My question is what can be done to help the son get the life that he deserves allowing him to later go to America without involving the Father?

Can the son get his American citizenship without the Father? Can he get the US Passport later in life without the Father? Probably not therefore my next question is how can the Father allow the son to become legal without involving himself publicly? Can he issue a Limited Power of Attorney to someone allowing them to do the registering etc for him?

The Father refuses to get involved, other than to the send the monthly amount through me, and provide ample funds to take care of any problems, for he fears a divorce from his American wife that would of course take him to the cleaners.

My heart quivers evertime we call the family where the young boy stays and he asks to see his Father and what will happend to him etc.


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You can start with this and search Google or even query ACS at the American Embassy if you do not find what your need. It would appear from quick read that he will have to become involved:

Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Father: A child born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen father may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 301(g) INA, as made applicable by Section 309(a) INA provided:

1) a blood relationship between the applicant and the father is established by clear and convincing evidence;

2) the father had the nationality of the United States at the time of the applicant's birth;

3) the father (unless deceased) had agreed in writing to provide financial support for the person until the applicant reaches the age of 18 years, and

4) while the person is under the age of 18 years --

A) applicant is legitimated under the law of their residence or domicile,

:o father acknowledges paternity of the person in writing under oath, or

C) the paternity of the applicant is established by adjudication court.

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My fear is that if I attempt to force him he will break off all contact and then even the pittance that he provides for monthly upkeep of the child will stop, leaving the boy with nothing. The only contact and information I have is an email and a name and nothing more.

Can he give me documents without involving himself? Can he give me a limited power fo attorney? If you look at the child you will know instantly the he is a farang child. :o

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I don't know the answer but it would appear that he must be actively involved. I don't believe Pearl Buck Foundation is still active in Thailand but if they are they might be able to provide answers. Also I would ask ACS as they might be able to provide information. You can email them at [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...


you look to me as man of good wil with a mission impossible. (however idealists are the people i love the most)


There is no way the father can take care of this matters without giving up his anonimity. WHATEVER DECLARATION YOU THINK ABOUT BY WICH ONE PERSOON GIVES THE OTHER THE RIGHT TO TAKE CARE OF LEGAL MATTERS HAS TO MENTION THOSE MATTERS AND THE FULL IDENTITY OF BOTH PEOPLE and it has to be draw by official people (embassy USA).


oTHERWISE SHE WIL HAVE TO SUE HIM IN the USA and thru dna prove the fathership. them get alimony, nationality and the rights that go with it.

I've read quite often in this site of thai women being pregnant from foreigner men,

What's the matter with this people?

it looks like they just make a child as soon as possible to catch a man. and the man are so stupid they just let it happen.

A terrible lack of responsability and the worste thing is the child is the victim of it all.

Very nice thou that you want to help this child.

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I don't know the answer but it would appear that he must be actively involved. I don't believe Pearl Buck Foundation is still active in Thailand but if they are they might be able to provide answers. Also I would ask ACS as they might be able to provide information. You can email them at [email protected]

Without the father's involvement this won't get too far I figure, and the dad ain't gonna put his head on the block.

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The Consular Report of Birth Abroad should be filed by the US citizen parent and in the case of a child born out of wedlock when only the father is a US citizen, the US citizen father MUST sign a form agreeing to support the child until the child is 18 years old. So unless the father is signing that paper, no registration can occur.

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