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New Thai history textbook seen as inflammatory, not neutral


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So, the professors seem to suggest that history book has to be politically correct. Facts has to be modified to achieve "Fairness to All". History should not reflect what actually happened but should be used as a tool for reconciliation. What a crock?

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Thais never care about truth only fiction it's in their DNA

Nothing better to do than flame Thai people in general. Typical of you.

is it true? YES! are there a few exceptions? YES! are you a rose coloured spectacle wearer? YES! you think you are more Thai than the Thais with your right wing rhetoric and hatefulness towards farangland which gave you your wealth and health

no doubt you think this history (sic) book is all true! did they include 22 coups? Ebola cure? and all the other fiction you so readily believe? gob nai kala

Edited by LannaGuy
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Most Thais, do not read. They just play with there electronics. Thats why no seats in Thai book shops.

Sorry cm, but I disagree. Because every time I have ever been to a Thai bookshop the floors are covered in Thai kids laying around reading books. biggrin.png

It is, i presume, because of the price of books. The last time I visited a provincial Se-Ed I was shocked to see how much they cost (relative to the minimum wage).

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Excluding the current interim government what is the current/past politcal divide ?

What exactly do these so called redshirts want, is it purely orientated towards amnesty and Thaskin, have they ever actually stood out and stated what it is they stand for apart from spouting about democracy which they seem to know nothing about, is it really all about Thaksin (supporting a convicted criminal) is that it ? I don't think I have ever heard of anything else

and what exactly do the rest of the people want (those that don't support the redshirts)

- an end to corruption (maybe the redshirts support that too I never heard them say it)

- a lawful society were all are treated equally (possibly more common ground)

- a balanced effective government that will look after the interests of Thailand and *all* of it's people and not their own - (again possibly more common ground)

- free and fair elections (who could argue with that)

I am struggling to see what these redshirts actually stand for apart from the above - where do they get money from, is it really just about Thaksin and whatever he is paying them

Is there really a divide here if you remove Thaksin form the arena ?

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Modern History when I was at school refered to the 20th C. WW1 , WW2 , Korea etc. So in LoS it refers to last year. What will be the next surprise PM ? A history book telling us what is going to happen in 2 years time maybe ?

Well I don't know about that, haven't they just banged up the country's leadi¡n!g soothsayer on LM charges?

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Orwell said more or less "Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future". You could look it up except for that book is banned....

George Orwell's 1984 is banned ???? Where on earth did you get this bizarre piece of 'information' ?? I bought it only a few months ago at Asia Books in Silom Complex.

This article/thread is about the manipulation of information, and so is Orwell's statement ... your point is relevant but then why end it with a false 'fact' ? Or perhaps you were being funny, in which case sorry for missing the joke.

Edited by Yann55
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"Why should you publish such a book at a time when it may widen the rift in society?"

Because education is supposed to encourage people to think and if they disagree with what is written, then they should offer a counter theory/argument based on researched facts, not on long held political beliefs or emotions.

And end up in the pokey for attitude adjustment sessions? Are you crazy??

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"Why should you publish such a book at a time when it may widen the rift in society?"

Because education is supposed to encourage people to think and if they disagree with what is written, then they should offer a counter theory/argument based on researched facts, not on long held political beliefs or emotions.

Yes I agree but people are not allowed to think for themselves or express their views when you have draconian laws against free thinking and attitude adjustment when the thought goes against the current governments point of view.

"Draconian laws against free thinking"

Crikey!!, I didn't realise that they had designed technology to monitor your thought patterns. I shall try to control what I'm thinking about in the future.

You don't have to worry pal, it only applies to those with the ability to think.

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Orwell said more or less "Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future". You could look it up except for that book is banned....

George Orwell's 1984 is banned ???? Where on earth did you get this bizarre piece of 'information' ?? I bought it only a few months ago at Asia Books in Silom Complex.

This article/thread is about the manipulation of information, and so is Orwell's statement ... your point is relevant but then why end it with a false 'fact' ? Or perhaps you were being funny, in which case sorry for missing the joke.

This is interesting as I was told it was banned as well. BUT it might of been an article on possibly youtube that was banned.

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Orwell said more or less "Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future". You could look it up except for that book is banned....

George Orwell's 1984 is banned ???? Where on earth did you get this bizarre piece of 'information' ?? I bought it only a few months ago at Asia Books in Silom Complex.

This article/thread is about the manipulation of information, and so is Orwell's statement ... your point is relevant but then why end it with a false 'fact' ? Or perhaps you were being funny, in which case sorry for missing the joke.

This is interesting as I was told it was banned as well. BUT it might of been an article on possibly youtube that was banned.

The misunderstanding is almost certainly due to the fact that this particular edition (I'm not in my Thai home at the moment so I can't check but I'm pretty sure it's Penguin Books) had a rather arresting cover : the title 1984 is embossed so you can sort of guess it, but it's covered with a black stripe. The idea of the publisher was clever and directly related to the content of the book of course, but apparently a number of people actually believed it was a genuine act of censorship !!

I find that quite hilarious actually. It shows how, in the world of communication, a fact can easily spin into something completely different, deliberately or not. If I was in the manipulation business I would study these phenomenons thoroughly, and it's been done extensively, there's no doubt about that.

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Excluding the current interim government what is the current/past politcal divide ?

What exactly do these so called redshirts want, is it purely orientated towards amnesty and Thaskin, have they ever actually stood out and stated what it is they stand for apart from spouting about democracy which they seem to know nothing about, is it really all about Thaksin (supporting a convicted criminal) is that it ? I don't think I have ever heard of anything else

and what exactly do the rest of the people want (those that don't support the redshirts)

- an end to corruption (maybe the redshirts support that too I never heard them say it)

- a lawful society were all are treated equally (possibly more common ground)

- a balanced effective government that will look after the interests of Thailand and *all* of it's people and not their own - (again possibly more common ground)

- free and fair elections (who could argue with that)

I am struggling to see what these redshirts actually stand for apart from the above - where do they get money from, is it really just about Thaksin and whatever he is paying them

Is there really a divide here if you remove Thaksin form the arena ?

"Excluding the current interim government..."

Interim??? 555555555555!

"Is there really a divide here if you remove Thaksin form the arena ?"


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Napoleon said .... 'History is a set of lies agreed upon'.... he may have been on to something there.

Another quote I like but can't remember who said it is .... 'History is gossip..well told'.

But... I think I like this one best of all ......... ...

'History is an account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools' .

Ambrose Bierce

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Any comprehensive history of Thailand would need to include events that might make the army appear in a less than positive light. The red drum killings and the events in 1973 and 76 are just three examples. Historical myth making and defeating the enemies of the past also make for better reading than the disastrous encounter with Laos in 87/88.

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Orwell said more or less "Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future". You could look it up except for that book is banned....

George Orwell's 1984 is banned ???? Where on earth did you get this bizarre piece of 'information' ?? I bought it only a few months ago at Asia Books in Silom Complex.

This article/thread is about the manipulation of information, and so is Orwell's statement ... your point is relevant but then why end it with a false 'fact' ? Or perhaps you were being funny, in which case sorry for missing the joke.

Ok, maybe you can buy it but not read it. Recall just after coup cops took away student who was reading it in front of Paragon Center (think it was Paragon). And let us not forget the banned "3 finger salute". Hmm doesn't seem to want to load the links. Hope you have better luck than I.... https://www.google.co.th/search?hl=en&q=1984+Thaiand+police+arrest+reader&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=mTo3VvKRHsW_mwWl8rPwCA

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Modern History when I was at school refered to the 20th C. WW1 , WW2 , Korea etc. So in LoS it refers to last year. What will be the next surprise PM ? A history book telling us what is going to happen in 2 years time maybe ?

They got this one done before..

They even presented it to the US ambassador and the UN smile.png

They named it "Da Roadmap".. (awaiting Noble price cheesy.gif )

Has as many flaws as the new one and is also purely fictional smile.png

Edited by CantSpell
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Ancient history is based a lot on oral stories passed down from generation to generation, thus what is presented

to the public may be /probably is from different authors with different view of what is fact or myth depending on reference material used.

This text sounds like a chronicle of recent events as seen from the authors point of view about happening which

most impressed him in hindsite and the relevence ithas or may have to events and people.

Its a debatable topic and book and for some reason many people look at debate, or discussions where people disagree as conflict instead of the exchange of ideas. The latter is a very powerful learning tool . Its really a shame it is not placed higher in the education system.

Debate was once said to be one of the better methods of teaching anger management/ control, which requires listening intently, even to statements we disagree with and not interepting someone while they are making a point or stating an opinion.

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My misses is currently studying Political Science at CM university.

They are completely banned from any study or discussion of the Royal family or the current government.

She says, "we can talk about other countries governments"

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Thais never care about truth only fiction it's in their DNA

Nothing better to do than flame Thai people in general. Typical of you.

is it true? YES! are there a few exceptions? YES! are you a rose coloured spectacle wearer? YES! you think you are more Thai than the Thais with your right wing rhetoric and hatefulness towards farangland which gave you your wealth and health

no doubt you think this history (sic) book is all true! did they include 22 coups? Ebola cure? and all the other fiction you so readily believe? gob nai kala

"all the other fiction you so readily believe"

says the man who really believes Yingluck was PM/DM, chaired the rice scheme with calm, poise and elegance, and was one if not the best PM Thailand has had facepalm.gif

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