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Koh Kong is Awash with Trash


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Khmer Times/Chea Vannak

KOH KONG (Khmer Times) – The street that runs along the river in this provincial capital is lined along one side with tourist shops displaying posters of mountainside waterfalls, mangrove forests and pristine beaches. But the other side of the street is lined with garbage – all the way into the bay.

Ecotourism may be the province’s draw card, but trash is inescapable in the provincial capital, about 400 kilometers southwest of Phnom Penh.

Srey Pov, a snack vendor in Koh Kong, told Khmer Times that garbage is everywhere – despite attempts by provincial authorities to educate residents about how to properly dispose of it, as well as supply places for them to put it.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/17379/koh-kong-is-awash-with-trash/

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