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Removing the street vendors . what is this point?


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Like them or hate them but I think that by removing the street vendors its like taking the salt of Bangkok city life. The reason Bangkok is so appealing compared is due to the floating vendors. And lets not forget not everybody can afford to purchase stuff in the department stores and the street food tastes better too.

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It's a question of freedom of choice, isn't it? The choice of whether to FORCE our kiddies to walk on the road, or ELECT to walk on the road. Street vendors should not decide that for us - to put our kiddies lives in danger. That should be our decision.

(sarcasm alert)

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The OP is correct.

By removing the sidewalk blocking vendors selling erectile dysfunction pills, dildos, porn and copyright infringing goods and eating 40 baht Phad Thai on rat infested streets where they cook and store the ingredients and wash the plates defines Thailand in more ways than one.

Sir, you stand up for what's important to you.

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Between them and the motorcycles, lack of decent footpaths might be my undoing in TH. Getting tired of always watching my head for poles and looking over my back for vehicles. I think the future of BKK street stalls is in places like JJ Green and the Train Markets. If I could own property here, I'd invest in that scene.

Edited by eldragon
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Sorry, I don't know how to quote the original post.

'The reason Bangkok is so appealing compared is due to the floating vendors.'

Maybe many who work/live in Bangkok may disagree with your thoughts.

Bangkok has a much broader appeal base then that simplistic statement.

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Im with the OP. In a rush for a meeting, pick up some street meat on a stick and keep going. THis is Thailand's cheap "Drive-Thru" fast food. And I like it.

Or we can be more like the boring western world where big brand chains rule and most of the population pop antidepressants every day.

Keep it raw man. Keep it real.

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What I at first liked about Thailand, is that you can find cheap and luxury withiin the same area, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure of sharing the same environment .

Now if it becomes all normalized, sanitized and exclusive, then the atmosphere will be less amazing, and more discriminating.

It's also important for people who work hard to make a living to have access to the areas where they'll will be able to touch a lot of customers and meet everyone's taste and wallet.

Sharing public space and turning it multifunctionnal depennding on the time of the day is something thais do with great creativity .

Edited by Opl
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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

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Im with the OP. In a rush for a meeting, pick up some street meat on a stick and keep going. THis is Thailand's cheap "Drive-Thru" fast food. And I like it.

Or we can be more like the boring western world where big brand chains rule and most of the population pop antidepressants every day.

Keep it raw man. Keep it real.

No reason you can't have this in a more organized format than the one that currently exists. Give these vendors an inch and they take a mile.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.

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What I at first liked about Thailand, is that you can find cheap and luxury withiin the same area, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure of sharing the same environment .

Now if it becomes all normalized, sanitized and exclusive, then the atmosphere will be less amazing, and more discriminating.

It's also important for people who work hard to make a living to have access to the areas where they'll will be able to touch a lot of customers and meet everyone's taste and wallet.

Sharing public space and turning it multifunctionnal depennding on the time of the day is something thais do with great creativity .

Prices will stay low. Those hiso Thais tend to spend money on items that make them look good, but still get by on cheap food.

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A street vendor is one thing, a shop that takes over the sidewalk as well is something different. If the road is broad enough a vendor can have their backside to the traffic and the buyers can be on the sidewalk. That way the people who pay the price are i) vehicle traffic, and ii) the vendors. What's a complete ballache is every little shop (in a place like Nong Khai) taking over the sidewalk as auxiliary floor space.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.

No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.

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They are not being removed, they all relocate.

But how long until they're moved again? This is the concern for many of the vendors. There's a market for this stuff, so there's no reason to eliminate them. There's gotta be a solution that works for everyone, but still ensures safe footpaths.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.
No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.
Im referring to the average food you'll find in a western bar restaurant in Thailand. Portions are huge compared to say street food for example noodle soup, rice dish. i made the mistake of having a sunday roast in a place, there was so much i was almost sick after, of course i couldnt not eat it, once only anyway. You just need to look at the size of average farang vs average Thai.
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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.
Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.
No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.
Im referring to the average food you'll find in a western bar restaurant in Thailand. Portions are huge compared to say street food for example noodle soup, rice dish. i made the mistake of having a sunday roast in a place, there was so much i was almost sick after, of course i couldnt not eat it, once only anyway. You just need to look at the size of average farang vs average Thai.

But you're the one that ordered it, and no one said you need to eat the whole thing. Anyway, there are western restaurants all over the place. Jeffer. Eat Am Are. Etc. Many of em are Thai owned and operated and feature sensible portions at a low price. Maybe you just need to change where you're eating. Or cook at home.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.
Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.
No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.
Im referring to the average food you'll find in a western bar restaurant in Thailand. Portions are huge compared to say street food for example noodle soup, rice dish. i made the mistake of having a sunday roast in a place, there was so much i was almost sick after, of course i couldnt not eat it, once only anyway. You just need to look at the size of average farang vs average Thai.

But you're the one that ordered it, and no one said you need to eat the whole thing. Anyway, there are western restaurants all over the place. Jeffer. Eat Am Are. Etc. Many of em are Thai owned and operated and feature sensible portions at a low price. Maybe you just need to change where you're eating. Or cook at home.

Nah, i like Thai food, I'm in Thailand after all.

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Every square centimetre of footpath is for rent by crooked BMA officials and Police. Even the beggars (that abuse babies and puppy dogs) pay rent.

Vendors selling illegal goods pay more.

The Army is removing them because the police, their political enemies get their funding this way.

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What I at first liked about Thailand, is that you can find cheap and luxury withiin the same area, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure of sharing the same environment .

Now if it becomes all normalized, sanitized and exclusive, then the atmosphere will be less amazing, and more discriminating.

It's also important for people who work hard to make a living to have access to the areas where they'll will be able to touch a lot of customers and meet everyone's taste and wallet.

Sharing public space and turning it multifunctionnal depennding on the time of the day is something thais do with great creativity .

False dichotomy.

It's not a choice between keeping the pavement exactly as it is on one hand, or clearing every last inch of space on the other.

There is a middle ground. Allow vendors where it is suitable, ban them where it is not. Get rid of the free for all where vendors take up every last patch of space.

The reason why so many vendors are now being turfed out is that such a huge number are causing a public nuisance. Allow markets where it is logical and we can still have plenty of street life.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Police can be moved to inactive posts... I've witnessed it especially thesedays when things that have lasted years and seemed "untouchable" are suddenly targets to be removed .... So I wouldn't be so sure about anything anymore

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"street meat on a stick" is that what they call ladyboys these days?

Im with the OP. In a rush for a meeting, pick up some street meat on a stick and keep going. THis is Thailand's cheap "Drive-Thru" fast food. And I like it.

Or we can be more like the boring western world where big brand chains rule and most of the population pop antidepressants every day.

Keep it raw man. Keep it real.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Police can be moved to inactive posts... I've witnessed it especially thesedays when things that have lasted years and seemed "untouchable" are suddenly targets to be removed .... So I wouldn't be so sure about anything anymore

ALL street vendors pay. Don't pay and a green truck shows up and the thugs take all your stuff, pronto.

The greedy police and BMA will let you push your baby carriage in traffic.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Police can be moved to inactive posts... I've witnessed it especially thesedays when things that have lasted years and seemed "untouchable" are suddenly targets to be removed .... So I wouldn't be so sure about anything anymore

ALL street vendors pay. Don't pay and a green truck shows up and the thugs take all your stuff, pronto.

The greedy police and BMA will let you push your baby carriage in traffic.

Of course they all pay tea money per sqm to trade on public walkways, that's been obvious for years

Until the army or someone else hi up decides to move them they will remain

But tea money or not, there's always a bigger fish,there was a few thriving unlicensed markets I remember in recent years that are gone now

Lower sukhumvit barely has anyone selling anything thesedays and it used to be chaos during the day just trying to walk past... :)

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Street vendors are great, but need to be limited to areas that do not have a lot of walking or vehicle traffic.

In parts of the city it's almost impossible to walk on the sidewalk because of them.

As much as the food vendors on Soi 38 were an institution, it was a safety hazard, with cars and people all trying to use a road that had stalls and tables and chairs blocking the way.

It's a joy to be able to walk on that street now without constant fear of being run over by a car or motorbike.

So this is a good thing, if done right.

Of course, the Thai government rarely if ever does anything right. It's all about extremes.

Edited by brucegoniners
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