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Whenever I choose "translate this page" in Google search results I get the following error message. What can be the reason?

If I open the foreign language page first, then choose translate this page with Google tyranslate, I get the same result.

This started only recently.

I use the latest FF on Windows 7.

This page was not retrieved from its original location over a secure connection.

400. That’s an error.

Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.


Can you give an example link, or example Google search parameters and which return result you clicked?

Since Google's Translate function is done 'online' it may be that google primary translation servers (located in San Jose, California) are having issues accessing the url via https connection from that location for whatever reason.

Sometimes I have to refresh the page and use a google translate browser extension.

But no idea why your access to the utility would have stopped working if it was working previously.


Can you give an example link, or example Google search parameters and which return result you clicked?

Since Google's Translate function is done 'online' it may be that google primary translation servers (located in San Jose, California) are having issues accessing the url via https connection from that location for whatever reason.

Sometimes I have to refresh the page and use a google translate browser extension.

But no idea why your access to the utility would have stopped working if it was working previously.




And this is a google search parameter, which includes 2 of the above links, but you could choose any link you want, it always gives the same reult.


By the way, I have set Google DNS servers in my router.


Both "Pantip" links translate for me !

The Google link works but the first "pantip" result is a bad link.

I have no idea what your problem is ......................Sorry


Can you give an example link, or example Google search parameters and which return result you clicked?

Since Google's Translate function is done 'online' it may be that google primary translation servers (located in San Jose, California) are having issues accessing the url via https connection from that location for whatever reason.

Sometimes I have to refresh the page and use a google translate browser extension.

But no idea why your access to the utility would have stopped working if it was working previously.




And this is a google search parameter, which includes 2 of the above links, but you could choose any link you want, it always gives the same reult.


By the way, I have set Google DNS servers in my router.

I tried five links...the first three you gave above and the first two on the google search list above...all translated fine....no problem....5 for 5.


When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be about this:

"Google Translate error sees Spanish town advertise clitoris festival"


“The clitoris is one of the typical products of Galician cuisine. Since 1981 ... the festival has made the clitoris one of the star products of its local gastronomy.”



Well for me each and every translation gives me this

attachicon.gifgoogle error.JPG

You said you use Firefox.

There is a big hint in that picture.....

Maybe you want to share the hint with me, because if you mean it is that I should switch to Chrome, no thanks I prefer to have freedom of choice which browser I use.


Up to you mate. I gave you the fix.

It has worked without issue on my FF until about a week ago, and I'm sure from the other members who have reported in this thread that many also don't use Chrome, so ther must be a fix without switching browsers.


Google lists translate hasn`t worked properly with firefox for the last 2 or 3 years.

What I do is each time I need a translated version of a page is to switch over and use the Google Chrome browser.

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