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Dr Samarn: Beer gardens are against the law


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Dr Samarn said that usually movie stars, singers and wellknown entertainers were hired by beer producers to promote their beer brands at beer gardens.

What exactly is the issue here? What is his issue with advertising of beer? Everything is advertising. I see beer ads everywhere. What does a beer garden do, to denigrate society, or degrade the public on any level? I like the beer gardens. Many Thais love the beer gardens. It is a great idea to drink outdoors in the tropics. The concerts are fun. The whole atmosphere is fun. Is this somehow representative of a crackdown on fun? Is there a possibility this guy was educated overseas, in the US, or the UK, or OZ, where fun is discouraged, at all costs? Seems a bit over the top.

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Sadly the beer garden at Onnut skytrain station was closed down so that Major Cineplex can build another cinema that nobody goes to...... Very sad, but i'm not surprised by the latest land grab tactics, unfortunately we live in La la land were anything is possible, i'm just waiting for the joker who finally tries to impose the prostitution law on the country without thinking of the implications...... Just sit back and wait for the crack of a high powered rifle.......Beers gardens are illegal, and now you can sell beer one time a year..... Has this fruit loop had a Yaa Baa test ????

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Ever see a Singha beer garden? Neither have I....

The Singha heir is allied with the government. The Chang dynasty is aligned with the former government.

The SIngha heir filed a complaint about facebook. I am sure he had nothing to do with this new assault against Chang.....

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I do hope that post regarding Chang on Everton being to advert Chang water was meant as a joke.... never seen Chang water on drink list in USA, imagine same in UK, home of EPL. And then there are the electronic hoardings streaming along behind play for Singha... Good of rat to pick up on my reference/mod of Dr Johnson's quote. They are already hiding behind the patriotism screen, now going for the law excuse.... perhaps the good doctor didn't consider law, as England does have a system of law, unlike here where happens to be whatever El Leader considers it to be that day?

It is no joke. It is Chang water being advertised on the shirts. That is how the law is gotten around. Look at the shirt and you will see it doesn't say beer. We all know the name recognition is going to make people think of the beer they produce but in fact it is not a beer ad.

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Everything's against the law theses days.

It's starting to become like blighty.

And didn't we escape the old country to get aways from rules and regs for everybloodything?

The Thais are busy legislating away everything that made their country a uniquely enjoyable place to start with. I have a number of friends who are very long time residents of this country who have moved back to their home countries because they are just sick and tired of the stupidity and small mindedness that seems to have been slowly taking over here over the past decade plus.

Your friends have been replaced with hundreds more and the baby boomers are coming soon,in droves.

We baby boomers are the ones returning home and being replaced by imbiciles with 12 year old intelects and still wet behind the ears, who will fit in well with this mob of tree swingers. If the hat fits....

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This thread is still going? Dr. Samarn said beer gardens are illegal, but that the excise department had the final say. The excise department then came out and said that they WERE legal. This was posted ages ago. TV used to close threads that had been resolved. What happened?

Clicks = money!

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I do hope that post regarding Chang on Everton being to advert Chang water was meant as a joke.... never seen Chang water on drink list in USA, imagine same in UK, home of EPL. And then there are the electronic hoardings streaming along behind play for Singha... Good of rat to pick up on my reference/mod of Dr Johnson's quote. They are already hiding behind the patriotism screen, now going for the law excuse.... perhaps the good doctor didn't consider law, as England does have a system of law, unlike here where happens to be whatever El Leader considers it to be that day?

It is no joke. It is Chang water being advertised on the shirts. That is how the law is gotten around. Look at the shirt and you will see it doesn't say beer. We all know the name recognition is going to make people think of the beer they produce but in fact it is not a beer ad.

The laws are really easy to circumvent. Last night I noticed that the Tiger girls' outfits didn't have the word 'Tiger' on them anymore. They kept the colour scheme and picture of the tiger and are now compliant with the ban on beer girls.

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In every country in the world there is a notable percent of the citizens who want to drink alcohol or like to drink alcohol as a routine part of their lifestyle habits.

That being the case the manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages are in a very lucrative and profitable business....including the Thai based manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Rather than enforcing laws that curb the drinking they should be educating and informing the drinkers about the ramifications of alcohol and the responsibilities involved....which they do ...but not nearly as much as should be relative to the amount of alcohol sold and consumed.

I am not a drinker ( used to be until I was 30 ) and I have no problems about people drinking if that is what pleases them......but I advocate that their should be far more responsibility and accountability attached to the manufacturing and supply and the consumption of alcohol.

The manufactures should be scrutinized far more than the consumers while they should also have to pay more for the social mayhem they cause overall in the form of taxes or part of their revenues paid into a fund that helps people who become addicted to their products as alcoholism is a nasty social ramification of the products that they supply and profit from.

Personally if I was running the show I would make it law where everyone that drinks has to show they are of legal age and they have to pay for a license to drink that has to be shown or they are not served alcohol.

Sort of like a drivers license...where no license = no alcohol...and everyone drinking is a licensed drinker and a responsible and accountable drinker....or far more so than would be without the license and thus the purpose of the license.

I know, I know ......a crazy idea ...but it could work while the licensing fees could help pay for the establishment of more AA clinics and cover a lot of all the costs of the social damage created by alcohol.

Meantime...beer gardens inevitably evolve and they are already here so best to issue them a license and make them legal rather than shut them down and make the whole affair criminalized as that will not stop the drinking....rather just stop the convenience aspect of a beer garden and people will simply go elsewhere.

Just some thoughts...so don't turn all creepy with nasty retorts....lol


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In every country in the world there is a notable percent of the citizens who want to drink alcohol or like to drink alcohol as a routine part of their lifestyle habits.

That being the case the manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages are in a very lucrative and profitable business....including the Thai based manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Rather than enforcing laws that curb the drinking they should be educating and informing the drinkers about the ramifications of alcohol and the responsibilities involved....which they do ...but not nearly as much as should be relative to the amount of alcohol sold and consumed.

I am not a drinker ( used to be until I was 30 ) and I have no problems about people drinking if that is what pleases them......but I advocate that their should be far more responsibility and accountability attached to the manufacturing and supply and the consumption of alcohol.

The manufactures should be scrutinized far more than the consumers while they should also have to pay more for the social mayhem they cause overall in the form of taxes or part of their revenues paid into a fund that helps people who become addicted to their products as alcoholism is a nasty social ramification of the products that they supply and profit from.

Personally if I was running the show I would make it law where everyone that drinks has to show they are of legal age and they have to pay for a license to drink that has to be shown or they are not served alcohol.

Sort of like a drivers license...where no license = no alcohol...and everyone drinking is a licensed drinker and a responsible and accountable drinker....or far more so than would be without the license and thus the purpose of the license.

I know, I know ......a crazy idea ...but it could work while the licensing fees could help pay for the establishment of more AA clinics and cover a lot of all the costs of the social damage created by alcohol.

Meantime...beer gardens inevitably evolve and they are already here so best to issue them a license and make them legal rather than shut them down and make the whole affair criminalized as that will not stop the drinking....rather just stop the convenience aspect of a beer garden and people will simply go elsewhere.

Just some thoughts...so don't turn all creepy with nasty retorts....lol


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Now this man is a menace to the country and is sure to be diagnosed with brain disorder. A happy beer garden and people socialising is hardly a crime. And this people hating Thai is merely using one of the great mans article stunts to bluff his targets.

Little does he know that will become the target

Mr samarn you need to resign and seek mediacl counciling for your issues.

A crazed man and scary to see him registered as a doctor

Only in Thailand

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In every country in the world there is a notable percent of the citizens who want to drink alcohol or like to drink alcohol as a routine part of their lifestyle habits.

That being the case the manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages are in a very lucrative and profitable business....including the Thai based manufactures of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Rather than enforcing laws that curb the drinking they should be educating and informing the drinkers about the ramifications of alcohol and the responsibilities involved....which they do ...but not nearly as much as should be relative to the amount of alcohol sold and consumed.

I am not a drinker ( used to be until I was 30 ) and I have no problems about people drinking if that is what pleases them......but I advocate that their should be far more responsibility and accountability attached to the manufacturing and supply and the consumption of alcohol.

The manufactures should be scrutinized far more than the consumers while they should also have to pay more for the social mayhem they cause overall in the form of taxes or part of their revenues paid into a fund that helps people who become addicted to their products as alcoholism is a nasty social ramification of the products that they supply and profit from.

Personally if I was running the show I would make it law where everyone that drinks has to show they are of legal age and they have to pay for a license to drink that has to be shown or they are not served alcohol.

Sort of like a drivers license...where no license = no alcohol...and everyone drinking is a licensed drinker and a responsible and accountable drinker....or far more so than would be without the license and thus the purpose of the license.

I know, I know ......a crazy idea ...but it could work while the licensing fees could help pay for the establishment of more AA clinics and cover a lot of all the costs of the social damage created by alcohol.

Meantime...beer gardens inevitably evolve and they are already here so best to issue them a license and make them legal rather than shut them down and make the whole affair criminalized as that will not stop the drinking....rather just stop the convenience aspect of a beer garden and people will simply go elsewhere.

Just some thoughts...so don't turn all creepy with nasty retorts....lol


My wife already gives me a license to drink beer, renewed on a weekly basis!


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