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Video of Thai man brutally assaulting wife sparks outrage


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This use to happen to My now Thai wife, before i met her,She was with a Thai man who would beat her after drinking. When she finally plucked up courage to go to the police after a few beatings. they came and arrested him. they put him in the Cells for the night, When he came home he beat her again, for calling the Police, Causing Her a chipped tooth and broken ribs, All the Thai police said was it's a Family matter sort it out yourself, Many times She was beaten in the street, not one Neighbour came to help her. It's Not our problem attitude, not our business, The final Thing was to give her children away, she took six years trying to find them, The last i heard he was doing four years for beating up his 70 year old mother, Maybe if he was given a harsh lesson a lot sooner maybe he would have learned to keep his hands to himself, But you usualy find People like this never stop beating women.Thailand has to start to give Thai women and girls more protection with harsh sentences for abuse to Females, also the Thai attitude should change towards women, but as we know that will never happen,

My respect to your wife for coming out the other end and to you for helping her.

I have no children but 5 sisters and only once had to intervene physically.

I cannot explain the revulsion I feel at males hitting females.

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What is the fine for doing this stupidly cruel act? Will he go to jail? And would the same court decision be the same for a married farang and Thai wife? Are there two laws for Thais and farang.s .

Very little. Hopefully. Probably not. Yes.

I wish i could meet up with this piece of filth! He would never do this despicable act again.This i promise!!!!

And he's off….solid first post mate….coming out swinging.

Be careful.

Quite a number of first posts on this thread due to the shockingness of the video.

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  • 5 months later...

I just hope the police beat the living sh*t out of him in while in custody

Are you really advocating police brutality and extra-judicial beatings or jut trying to act tough on an internet forum?

Shame on the 26 who liked what you said.

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The confession is irrelevant surely as the video has him bang to rights.

Hope this is 1 of those occasions where the cops act a little too rough with the perp .

This scumbag needs a taste of his own medicine for sure. Hope the lady makes a full recovery

No the person posting it needs locking up.......welcome to Thai style idiotic justice where " it makes Thailand look bad"

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  • 4 months later...

I feel sorry for the woman the man's an animal and  deserves  prison beating etc 


a few weeks ago husband from our village shp went to relatives party.. came back with throat slashed and other wounds ..... it turned out to be a family argument .... ah ok then


sorry to say this .................but.leave them too it

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