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Phuket speeders: 70% caught on camera fail to pay fine

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Phuket speeders: 70% caught on camera fail to pay fine
Phuket Gazette

Only 30 per cent of those caught by the speed cameras pay their fines. Photo: Gazette file

PHUKET: -- Not a single Phuket driver of the 70 per cent who failed to pay their speeding tickets has had their licence revoked, confirmed Phuket Land Transport Office (PLTO) chief policy adviser Jaturong Kaewkasi.

The news follows Phuket Provincial Police Commander Teeraphol Thipjaroen explaining that if a driver fails to pay the ticket the case is handed over to the PLTO, which would then cancel the driver’s licence.

“We cooperated with police by preventing any changes in registration, ownership, taxes or insurance to cars with outstanding tickets. However, we have no right to revoke their driver’s licence,” Mr Jaturong told the Phuket Gazette.

In fact, the office does not even have the authority to be cooperating with police in this matter at all.

“We received a letter from the main office in Bangkok saying that we can’t continue assisting police as we have been,” Mr Jaturong said. “In cases where people fail to pay their speeding tickets, the police need to send the cases to court, not the PLTO,” Mr Jaturong said.

Full story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Phuket-speeders-70-caught-camera-fail-pay/62299?desktopversion

-- Phuket Gazette 2015-11-06


"In fact, the office does not even have the authority to be cooperating with police in this matter at all."

Says it all. Must admit I had assumed that fine must be paid when owner turned up at the PLTO for annual tax payment or other vehicle transaction. Trouble is that many vehicles have proxy 'owners'. How does PLTO know who was actually driving at the time of the offense.Is there an actual photo of the driver ?


Guess they 'll send a delegation to Europe to see how it's done.....you can't make this up gigglem.gif

Do you really want the western effectiveness and efficiency here in Thailand?


The camera takes a picture of the vehicle, not the driver.

Just find the vehicle and disable it till the fine is paid - problem solved.

But of course you have to find the departmwent which is authorised to cooperate with the department which would do the disabling . . .


Is there any difference between having laws but no enforcement, and not having any laws?

After much thought my answer would be no. Now enforcement hmm that could open a can of cash worms.


Guess they 'll send a delegation to Europe to see how it's done.....you can't make this up gigglem.gif

Do you really want the western effectiveness and efficiency here in Thailand?

No because then I would have to look for humor elsewhere.


The assumption seems to be that speed cameras do not have the same issues elsewhere. That is not the case.

There is not much evidence of the effectiveness of standard speed cameras in reducing accidents, just in making money.

Average speed cameras is the latest thing and in the UK there are arguments about them as well.

People get stuck on the old idea that speed kills. When often the fastest roads are the safest.

Speed is an easy target when many more fixable problems go unchallenged elsewhere.


Is there any difference between having laws but no enforcement, and not having any laws?

Yes. Having laws and not enforcing them makes you look stupid whereas not having a law makes it something to be initiated.


Guess they 'll send a delegation to Europe to see how it's done.....you can't make this up gigglem.gif

Do you really want the western effectiveness and efficiency here in Thailand?

Do you mean things like law and order, and a lot less corruption? If so, then yes I do.


Guess they 'll send a delegation to Europe to see how it's done.....you can't make this up gigglem.gif

Do you really want the western effectiveness and efficiency here in Thailand?
Well, yes, when applied to matters of road safety.

Wait wait wait. Phuket has working speed cameras? This is news indeed.

Where are those? I am only aware of the ones on Bypass road and those don't work as everyone drives there 80-100km/h while the speed limit according to signs is 50km/h.


Wait wait wait. Phuket has working speed cameras? This is news indeed.

Where are those? I am only aware of the ones on Bypass road and those don't work as everyone drives there 80-100km/h while the speed limit according to signs is 50km/h.

Those signs are not valid.

Speedlimit there is 90, camera is apparently set at 120.


You can't revoke a licence if it doesn't exist.

& they can't pay the fine because they no longer live at the address on their car registration & never recieved the fine. To many people involved in such a simple task. But they do boast at having low unemployment figures.


You pay when the Cars Taxed. No pay ,no tax..Or is Pukeit a separate state..

If you want to renew the tax & get the sticker & you have unpaid fines then you have to go pay at the police station where the ticket was issued. My daughter had a motorbike when studying at Hua Hin & got a ticket for which she did not pay. Motorbike sent to the family in Udon & when they went to pay the road tax were told they could not until the fine was paid. We tried paying at Chalong police station but they said it had to be paid in Hua Hin.


You pay when the Cars Taxed. No pay ,no tax..Or is Pukeit a separate state..

If you want to renew the tax & get the sticker & you have unpaid fines then you have to go pay at the police station where the ticket was issued. My daughter had a motorbike when studying at Hua Hin & got a ticket for which she did not pay. Motorbike sent to the family in Udon & when they went to pay the road tax were told they could not until the fine was paid. We tried paying at Chalong police station but they said it had to be paid in Hua Hin.

Can also be paid at the post office, but Im not sure if that is still possible when the 'pay before date' has expired.


Dont let them renew their car tax until its paid. Simple.

Plenty vehicles with no uptodate tax stickers, many drivers have no license to drive, vehicle registration address often have no relation to the real address of the driver/owner. It's all just a dog pile.


Dont let them renew their car tax until its paid. Simple.

Plenty vehicles with no uptodate tax stickers, many drivers have no license to drive, vehicle registration address often have no relation to the real address of the driver/owner. It's all just a dog pile.
The car should be stuck with the fines regardless where it's addressed. Another solution would be that you can't transfer the name on the blue book until the fines are paid. That will work no doubt.

If the car is getting fined while the book is with the finance company, no book until the fines are paid.

It's all in the enforcement which doesn't exist. Oh well.

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