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Why is the BBC so biased

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"What have the Romans ever done for us?"

Hmmm Steptoe & Son, Alf Garnett, The Pythons, Kenny Everett, The 2 Ronnies, Basil Fawlty, Delboy Trotter, One foot in the grave, The Office, Extras, The Detectorists & more seriously I'll add Sir(s) Robin Day, David Attenborough, The Dimblebys and until recently Paxo! smile.png



If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.

No longer. He was bounced to Radio 4 to replace James Naughtie on the Today programme.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

Yes we are,British gunboat diplomacy won the day,and the originals are still paying for it.Aust migration policy is a disgrace to human rights.The govt off loaded responsibility to private contractors who cut services to the bone.How about bribing Cambodia to take refugees,$50 million,and 4 have gone.Hun Sen is laughing all the way to "his" bank.

I find the concept of putting refugees into other countries difficult to take, but to be fair, there were a huge number of people arriving illegally, and claiming refugee status. Meanwhile, there are also people who have applied to migrate through official channels, and are waiting their turn. There are some thousands entering Australia this way, not including the 12,000+ of the new refugees who will be arriving over the next few months.

I would like to comment on the statement "aren't most Australians immigrants originally?"

Yes we are, our migrant history almost exactly follows that of the USA: convicts exported from the UK, local Aborigines/Indians moved on, western diseases creating havoc, land occupied. Both countries have taken in migrants and refugees from around the world.

About half a century ago, the rather negative "White Australia" policy was dropped, and migrants from around 116 countries have settled.


Right wing people often think the BBC is biased to the left. Left-wingers often find it biased to the right.

This tells us two things -

1 - The BBC presents a balanced view.

2 - Some people don't like hearing any point of view that contradicts their own.

good post and very true.I think the BBC is a namby pamby wet liberal's dream and a pathetic excuse for a news service,but then i'm not called ghengis khan for nothing!


If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.

No longer. He was bounced to Radio 4 to replace James Naughtie on the Today programme.

I said they hired him. I'm aware he's no longer in the post.


If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.

No longer. He was bounced to Radio 4 to replace James Naughtie on the Today programme.

I said they hired him. I'm aware he's no longer in the post.

But didnt want to tell us , bit like the left ,they always manage to leave out the bits they dont like .


If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.

No longer. He was bounced to Radio 4 to replace James Naughtie on the Today programme.

I said they hired him. I'm aware he's no longer in the post.

But didnt want to tell us , bit like the left ,they always manage to leave out the bits they dont like .

What difference does it make? He still works for them - just not in the same position.

As arguments go, you're rather clutching at straws here.


Today is a pretty big deal in the world of politics, yes.

Jesus. I'd have posted his entire CV if I knew you were going to be such a bloody pedant about it.

However, the point I was making - that the supposedly left-wing BBC hired a prominent Tory to be it's political editor - still stands.

You done now?


BBC, CNN, etc. are owned/controlled by the CIA, FED and the industrial/military complex... Do you truly believe they are independent, unbiased, uncensored open speech sources? That's so cute!!! Keep on dreaming! clap2.gif

BBC & CNN serves a special interest group. Period


Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.


Today is a pretty big deal in the world of politics, yes.

Jesus. I'd have posted his entire CV if I knew you were going to be such a bloody pedant about it.

However, the point I was making - that the supposedly left-wing BBC hired a prominent Tory to be it's political editor - still stands.

You done now?

Yes ,because the left never like not to have the last word , and if the cannot find anything true they just make it up , or shout everybody down ,and call them racist ,homophobe , or whatever.


Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .


Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .

Here you go.


Or is it too biased for you?


since you ask, yes it is biased,because the main thrust of this article is to ensure that Assad is demonised no matter what and the Gulf "elites" are correct to be concerned about the way their countries (emirates) will be severely affected by unlimited immigration. (Only 10% of any Gulf state are actual "real" residents of those states, the article says. Intimating that we should cut them some slack.)

If I were a German, I would have exactly the same concern as the Emirs of the Gulf States. But the Germans can go fck themselves (is the implied stance).


Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .

Here you go.


Or is it too biased for you?

Yes we all know they give cash(they have loads to give) ,but actually take them into their country ,no way , try something else ,


Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .

Here you go.


Or is it too biased for you?

Yes we all know they give cash(they have loads to give) ,but actually take them into their country ,no way , try something else ,

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just pointing out how it is reported by the allegedly biased BBC.


The BBC has been controlled by cultural Marxists for decades. The ABC is just a carbon copy of of it. The ABC has moved way more left than the Labour Party, the old Labour Party that actually had principles. An anonymous survey of ABC staff voting patterns showed over 40% voted Green (looney left)... I assume the rest voted Socialist Alliance. They are products of universities stacked with crusty old Marxist left-overs from the 60's who can't be fired. Hence ridiculous PC vocab, the nanny state, global warming fraud and third wave feminism... 'Aunty' has lost the plot and needs to be de-funded and put in the retirement home for crap ideas. Anyway, not my circus not my monkeys anymore hahahahaha.


Many many years ago, during the time shortwave radio was the 'in' thing BBC was considered as THE radio station. Everyday, they used to broadcast news on the hour every hour with the familiar time signal. We used to sync are clocks and listen to the news at least once a day.

Today, it is just the opposite.

The good old days!!!


Great memories, Ravip!

The announcers all spoke "BBC English" in measured, modulated tones.

And the clocks we were syncing were clockwork clocks, of course, not digital!


I've been thinking more about this after reading ravip's post.

There are probably two streams of opinion on the BBC. The Brits who are really judging the domestic services and those of us foreigners that are/were listeners to the World Service.

In the old shortwave days, the BBC World service had news of course but there were many other programs that I used to love; John Peel & Dave Lee Travis music shows, there were quiz shows, names which I've now forgotten, Letter from America and many many more, and everyone spoke perfect English.

Now, what the BBC World service has become is a tawdry 'me too' 24 hour news network, with the inevitable result that it looks and feels like a CNN, AJ or Fox, all trivializing news in order to fill up a 24 hour schedule.

It also appears that it practically seems mandatory to have some kind of non standard English accent, and I'm saying that as an American.

Maybe I'm not so much concerned by it's bias, more by the fact that the serious alternative to commercial radio has become a trivialized 'news entertainment' channel.

I listen now a lot more to NPR, which is in many ways the scion of the BBC in the United States, and has developed into something much more reminiscent of the old BBC World Service I knew and loved.

Sad Loss to the British and to it's many fans across the globe


Ginboy2 - I very much like your post and absolutely agree with your take.

The current BBC format seems to be simply attempting to reflect what

it believes the modern society in which we live, wants, in keeping with

similar dumbed down offerings from Al Jazeera, Fox, Sky and CNN; all

in the name of entertainment for the masses.


For the North American nostalgia guys, this almost makes ya cry...

And I know the accent was almost unreal, but for many of us thats what made the BBC so special. We didn't need ethnic authenticity, we needed the BBC.....


For the North American nostalgia guys, this almost makes ya cry...

And I know the accent was almost unreal, but for many of us thats what made the BBC so special. We didn't need ethnic authenticity, we needed the BBC.....


While at sea and in poor reception areas it sure did sound like this!

Thank you for that!


Perhaps by just looking at the multiracial news readers on World News - and why shouldn't there be? would indicate the BBCs gradual move to the left. As the UK has become a multiracial society I can quite understand this bias to the left. Keep the masses happy.

It's called World News.

It's not just broadcasting to white Englishmen who live in Thailand.

It's for a World audience.

It's not "left" for the ethnicity of the newsreaders of any channel to reflect the ethnicity of it's audience which, in this case, being the World, is very (oh the horror!) Multiracial!

I thought that was what I had written?coffee1.gif

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