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Helmut Schmidt, euro founding father, dies at 96


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Helmut Schmidt, euro founding father, has died aged 96


HAMBURG: -- Former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who led the country for eight years at the height of the Cold War, has died at the age of 96, his office in Hamburg said on Tuesday (November 10).

Schmidt was West Germany’s second centre-left Social Democrat (SPD) chancellor from 1974 to 1982 and a leading proponent of European integration.

Media reported that Schmidt caught an infection after having surgery to remove a blood clot from his leg about two months ago.

In recent years, Schmidt, a chain smoker, was a frequent talk show guest and he commanded more respect as an elder statesman than he did when he led the country.

“I am deeply saddened by Helmut Schmidt’s death. He was an outstanding chancellor, his death is a loss for Germany and Europe,” tweeted European Parliament head Martin Schulz, a Social Democrat.

As chancellor, Schmidt tried to balance a conciliatory tone towards Moscow and Communist East Germany with a strengthening of West Germany’s standing within NATO and Europe.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-11

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I was overcome with a wave of sadness when i read of his death, i lived in Germany during and after his term as Kanzler. A very charismatic man of great intelligence, a true and decisive leader. Sadly we wont see his type again for a long time to come.

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Remembering a giant of German politics….


HAMBURG: - Floral tributes as well as personal accolades have been paid to the former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt who has died at the age of 96.

He was the architect of the euro and he helped to consolidate Germany’s post-war economic boom – today’s Chancellor Angela Merkel was full of respect:

“His personal modesty as well as his sense of duty impressed us. Helmut Schmidt was a political institution of Germany and he was for me an authority whose advice and judgement meant something to me.”

Schmidt the Social Democrat was a significant leader on the world’s stage. He steered his country through tumultuous times and he stood up to home grown terrorism..

He’ll was also a skilled diplomat who eased Cold War tensions, forged a lasting relationship with France and laid the foundations for the European Union.

Schmidt’s passing has provoked fulsome coverage and some of his own comments on social media.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-11

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What an amazing picture . The man that built Europe and the woman who is wrecking Europe with her migrant invasion policy. I feel Herr Schmidt checked out just in time so not to witness the outcome of this .

Yes 2 big eurocriminals in 1 pic.

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Not comparable.

Helmut Schmidt might have been an a***hole in his way, but at least he knew what he was doing, and he was able to admit he made some mistakes.

With Angela Merkel I'm not so sure, guess the one in charge in Germany is Wolfgang Schraeuble. Angie is probably only for the show to keep the (mostly female) public amused.

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The problem with every currency in the world today is that they're not backed by a commodity (like gold) but only by the ability of government to steal from the people. But the euro doesn't even have that going for it. The European Union doesn’t have the power to tax. Right now, the Eurocrats in Brussels really only have the power to regulate. I've long said that, "while the U.S. dollar is an 'IOU nothing,' the euro is a 'who owes you nothing.' --Doug Casey

Source: http://www.caseyresearch.com/articles/a-december-rate-hike-will-be-just-for-show

Edited by jaywalker
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