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Russia is key to end 'third world war,' Jordan's king tells euronews


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Russia is key to end 'third world war,' Jordan's king tells euronews


AMMAN: -- Russia is best positioned to bring a resolution to the war in Syria, Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein has told Euronews.

In an exclusive interview in Amman, the King urged all sides to cooperate in the face of what he described as a “third world war.”

“For a political solution in Syria, Moscow is key. They are the ones that can give the guarantees to the regime that they have a stake in the future,” he told Isabelle Kumar in an interview for Global Conversation.

Jordan has taken in more than a million refugees fleeing fighting between forces loyal to Syria’s president Bashar al Assad, ISIS and other groups. Refugees now make up around a fifth of the population, putting a strain on heath and education systems and costing the country around $3 billion a year.

The arrival of refugees in Europe has given impetus to address a crisis that has been felt by Syria’s neighbours for more than 4 years and King Abdullah urged European leaders and Moscow to take the opportunity to set aside their differences.

Below is an extract from the interview which will air on Wednesday 11th November at 8:45 CET

Isabelle Kumar, Euronews: “You mentioned that Syrians are leaving, going over to Europe as conditions deteriorate here. We are also hearing that some Syrians are choosing to return to Syria because they are losing hope. Do you get concerned sometimes that despite everything you have done, you might end up on the wrong side of history when it comes to this crisis?”

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein: “I think the issue of refugees arriving on the shores of Europe has been a wake-up call for all of us that we have to have better coordination. If we take one step back, what we have been talking about up until this point is, obviously, about this global war against terror. Europe is suffering from foreign fighters. This is an issue that we have been calling for, for the past two years. This is, in my view, a global war, a third world war by other means. Getting our act together in Syria allows us a building block to be able to deal with this from a holistic approach. So we have to come together and help each other on this issue. And as we talk about the Russian involvement in this, there is an opportunity.”

Euronews: “Previously, the US has held a lot of weight in this region. You have just mentioned Russia. Do you see Russia as a bigger key player now in this region?”

Abdullah: “I have always said, for the past five or six years, that for a political solution in Syria, Moscow is key. They are the ones that can give the guarantees to the regime that they have a stake in the future. And I still believe that is the fact — that the Russians are on the ground in Syria today is a reality that we all have to deal with. As I said, if the Europeans are dealing with a major concern of foreign fighters, that is doubly so for Russia. They have a major problem with foreign fighters also, so they need to deal with the threat of ISIS or Daesh themselves.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-11

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The point is Putin can go in there and bomb the heck out of whoever and whatever he wants and he won't have to explain or even tell the truth about it and he will get away with it.

The US congress won't agree to any real action as they have admitted they don't want to be held accountable for it and are happy to let the president take the responsibility for it.

I say let Russia go do what needs to be done, the US is not capable of completing any of what they start anyway. They have created a mess of everything since Korea.

It's easy to go in an bomb a country back into the stone age. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, the Middle east etc etc etc. but it's much harder to see your commitment through and leave the country better off instead of running away every time there is a shift in public opinion or because congress has their own agenda against their president.

Stay home, clean up your own back yard.

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Assad is a brutal dictator. He was not elected via a free and fair election. Somewhat like what happens in North Korea.

You mean like George Bush's 2nd term?

That aside how did violent illegal regime change by the US work out for Libya & Iraq?

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Assad is a brutal dictator. He was not elected via a free and fair election. Somewhat like what happens in North Korea.

You mean like George Bush's 2nd term?

That aside how did violent illegal regime change by the US work out for Libya & Iraq?

Sounds like you don't understand the US electoral process. Nor Syria's. Best for all foreign powers to leave Syria. Russia, Iran, US, etc.

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If the Syrians voted in a fair election and voted for Assad, how could the US still keep repeating that he has to go?

How on earth could anything Assad participates in, comes close to, is associated with, or in any way involved in be considered fair? The man is a ruthless pig. He will stop at nothing to maintain power. He has demonstrated how desperate he is to cling to power in the past few years, by conducting a slaughter of his own people. So, can you explain how you would consider any election he participated in to be fair? He won 88.7% of the vote. Where does that happen, unless the process was massively manipulated? From the BBC report on the election:

The vote has faced sharp criticism from the US and its allies. "You can't have an election where millions of your people don't even have an ability to vote," Mr Kerry said.

The EU said it could not be considered "a genuinely democratic vote".

This swine has been stealing from his people for a very long time. The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has amassed up to $1.5bn (£950m) for his family and his close associates, according to analysts, despite moves in London, Switzerland and the US to freeze the assets of his regime.

Perhaps he does not to walk away from the cash cow. But, one must wonder, what kind of homicidal maniac is willing to commit a brutal campaign of terror against his own people, to maintain his power and continue to amass more money?

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