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Yingluck petitions Prayut for fair trial


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it's quite interesting how threads such as this are dominated by Yingluck and Thaksin hating ( choose your adjective ) folks who spew out their quite naked hatred, frequently dressed as an appeal for accountability and the rule of law, but conveniently ignoring all the other salient events of the last 5 years that undermine their bigoted and unreal view of the Thai Politic.

Fact is, a lawfully appointed PM and her majority elected Gov't were forced from office at gun point and the electorate disenfranchised, with no immediate prospect of a return to normal electoral democracy.

Are they expected to be happy and " Mai pen rai " about that ??

What about respect my vote and all that ?

Given that the "Democrat" party initially spurned the opportunity to fight at the polls and then an election was blocked and polling stations and ballots obstructed by parties known but unknown ( a little bit of necessary self censorship there....) it is utterly farcical that some folks on here defend and justify the clear witch hunt against Yingluck.

If she has committed a crime, put it through the Criminal Courts and let's have a verdict, but that is not what is happening, perhaps because there is no evidence against her.

Blaming her for non payments to farmers or the sad suicide of desperate farmers is equally farcical because it was totally beyond her realm.

Her government was blocked at every stage by a concerted effort to contrive the situation that resulted in the military coupe.

That must be clear to anybody with 1/2 a brain.

Meanwhile the nutters and those with an agenda here continue to spout their bile on this forum.

Amusingly pathetic as those Yingluck haters may be, I doubt that we are moving at any speed towards reconciliation and the future avoidance of further bloodshed.

Thailand is in a political mess brought about by others than elected governments.

BTW for persons to be forced "at gunpoint" to do something means that there is somebody with a gun physically in front of them and forcing them out.

Now if you actually have this information then post the link or the report because if you can't the IMHO the whole of your post is wasted and totally incorrect.

Well well. The lawfully elected government of Yingluck and the PTP were forced from office at gunpoint were they?

I suggest you do a little research before making such a stupid claim

Yingluck dissolved the government in December 2013 and then became the caretaker government...................................

Just go and look it up on the time line as to who did what and when and open your eyes. I can't be bothered to explain it to you as you seem to have no idea what went on then but rest assured you are totally incorrect.

Farmers had NOT been paid since September more than 2 months before SHE dissolved the government but SHe promised faithfully every week that they would be paid the following week.

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we don't know for sure but the facts are they refused until the guys with the guns took over then did an about turn - go figure!

Reread 2007 Constitution about caretaker government.

They were not allow to borrow money.

The problem of no payment of farmers was not begin at the moment of the dissolution of house, but largely before.............. during the YL office farmers not receive their money since September 2013( for remember house was dissolve the 9 December 2013). During two months (September 2013 to December 2013) YL do nothing for curb the situation and give farmer money.

Having destroyed its own agriculture by attempting to substitute the State in a complex and very connected dynamics market , Thailand has lost one of its core strengths in its regional environment.

YL government has destroyed Thai agriculture

& they weren't allowed to have a new election so the new government could make the payments because of.........???? That's right, Prayuth & his right-hand man Suthep.

Attempt to twist and hide the facts and the morality as you will, but your attempts are so obvious.

Right or wrong or whatever, that doesn't change the fact that it would have been illegal for the pt government or any government to have tried to borrow more money and/or tried to force state controlled banks to give depositors funds to the government.

You seem to also conveniently forget that the people, either in small numbers or in large numbers have the right to protest and the right to peacefully demand change.

You mean they HAD the right to peacefully demand change. They don't have that anymore.
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it's quite interesting how threads such as this are dominated by Yingluck and Thaksin hating ( choose your adjective ) folks who spew out their quite naked hatred, frequently dressed as an appeal for accountability and the rule of law, but conveniently ignoring all the other salient events of the last 5 years that undermine their bigoted and unreal view of the Thai Politic.

Fact is, a lawfully appointed PM and her majority elected Gov't were forced from office at gun point and the electorate disenfranchised, with no immediate prospect of a return to normal electoral democracy.

Are they expected to be happy and " Mai pen rai " about that ??

What about respect my vote and all that ?

Given that the "Democrat" party initially spurned the opportunity to fight at the polls and then an election was blocked and polling stations and ballots obstructed by parties known but unknown ( a little bit of necessary self censorship there....) it is utterly farcical that some folks on here defend and justify the clear witch hunt against Yingluck.

If she has committed a crime, put it through the Criminal Courts and let's have a verdict, but that is not what is happening, perhaps because there is no evidence against her.

Blaming her for non payments to farmers or the sad suicide of desperate farmers is equally farcical because it was totally beyond her realm.

Her government was blocked at every stage by a concerted effort to contrive the situation that resulted in the military coupe.

That must be clear to anybody with 1/2 a brain.

Meanwhile the nutters and those with an agenda here continue to spout their bile on this forum.

Amusingly pathetic as those Yingluck haters may be, I doubt that we are moving at any speed towards reconciliation and the future avoidance of further bloodshed.

Thailand is in a political mess brought about by others than elected governments.

BTW for persons to be forced "at gunpoint" to do something means that there is somebody with a gun physically in front of them and forcing them out.

Now if you actually have this information then post the link or the report because if you can't the IMHO the whole of your post is wasted and totally incorrect.

Well well. The lawfully elected government of Yingluck and the PTP were forced from office at gunpoint were they?

I suggest you do a little research before making such a stupid claim

Yingluck dissolved the government in December 2013 and then became the caretaker government...................................

Just go and look it up on the time line as to who did what and when and open your eyes. I can't be bothered to explain it to you as you seem to have no idea what went on then but rest assured you are totally incorrect.

Farmers had NOT been paid since September more than 2 months before SHE dissolved the government but SHe promised faithfully every week that they would be paid the following week.

Nicely disingenuous.....

Care to put in the rest of the facts and the political background at the time ??

Against a backdrop of opposition orchestrated violence, violent disruption of an election, voter intimidation and god knows what behind the scenes pressure being applied to all and sundry to undermine what was the "duly elected and lawful Government".

Your post actually proves my point.

Thank you.

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So why put it on her facebook page ?.

If you don't see what they are trying to do, you are the target audience.

I'm sure we'll get a crocodile tear or two for the cameras before long. All under advisement from her defence team.

How long before she drops the 'rushing' plea. This has been going on for years now.

Note how they are trying to drag HM into this : the very reason Prayuth used article 44. That part has her brothers hand all over it.

Exactly!!! If she wanted to file an official petition there are many official channels to use.

She is clearly just trying to drum up support from her base (or the base she had when they were being paid to be her base).

I seriously doubt if Prayut has friended her on Facebook anyway.

Maybe she could send him a couple instagrams while she is at it???

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Line, Whatsapp, Wechat,....all officially approved channels of communication of the state. Pioneered by big brother Thaksin. Much more efficient and easier for Thai citizens to comprehend especially when proper grammar during transmission is not needed. And pictures used are worth at least a 1,000 words.

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So why put it on her facebook page ?.

If you don't see what they are trying to do, you are the target audience.

I'm sure we'll get a crocodile tear or two for the cameras before long. All under advisement from her defence team.

How long before she drops the 'rushing' plea. This has been going on for years now.

Note how they are trying to drag HM into this : the very reason Prayuth used article 44. That part has her brothers hand all over it.

Exactly!!! If she wanted to file an official petition there are many official channels to use.

She is clearly just trying to drum up support from her base (or the base she had when they were being paid to be her base).

I seriously doubt if Prayut has friended her on Facebook anyway.

Maybe she could send him a couple instagrams while she is at it???

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Line, Whatsapp, Wechat,....all officially approved channels of communication of the state. Pioneered by big brother Thaksin. Much more efficient and easier for Thai citizens to comprehend especially when proper grammar during transmission is not needed. And pictures used are worth at least a 1,000 words.

You are very funny, guys! That's the game under current regime! The yellows are taking advantage of the coup and of the discretionary powers it gives them to get rid of their enemies, and YL is using the only weapon she has: public opinion. Nothing to be outraged of!

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I am sure the Lady is a nice person.

She was railroaded into a position which she was not qualified to hold and followed orders.

Unfortunately "following orders" is not a good defense for malfeasance committed whilst holding the position of PM.

It is time for the Lady to accept personal responsibility for her actions.

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we don't know for sure but the facts are they refused until the guys with the guns took over then did an about turn - go figure!

Reread 2007 Constitution about caretaker government.

They were not allow to borrow money.

The problem of no payment of farmers was not begin at the moment of the dissolution of house, but largely before.............. during the YL office farmers not receive their money since September 2013( for remember house was dissolve the 9 December 2013). During two months (September 2013 to December 2013) YL do nothing for curb the situation and give farmer money.

Having destroyed its own agriculture by attempting to substitute the State in a complex and very connected dynamics market , Thailand has lost one of its core strengths in its regional environment.

YL government has destroyed Thai agriculture

& they weren't allowed to have a new election so the new government could make the payments because of.........???? That's right, Prayuth & his right-hand man Suthep.

You're right, for sure Thai citizens paying taxes (not the assisted ones in red territory) would have been better off when a next cataclysmic PTP pseudo-'government' would then have succeeded in ramming through new loans they just missed out on, outside of the State's budget again, for about 3,000,000,000,000Baht (count the '0's, it's 3Trillions), and would so have robbed all (taxpaying) Thais blind, for the next three generations long...!

Wouldn't, even you, say, the 'Shins dynasty' was getting a bit too expensive for this country? ...And even 'bad' Generals are better than 'good' Shins? I'd say so!

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If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
-American saying regarding justice withing the legal system

With that say, try embracing a jury comprised of 12 of your peers instead of military-like tribunals where the judge is the 'judge, jury, executioner, (chief cook and bottle washer), and make the verdict based on the solid jurisprudence concept of guilt established "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Unfortunately from my viewpoint, the Thai judiciary is simply another arm of a government rife with corruption, and one that has a political agenda, instead of acting as a check and balance.

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If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
-American saying regarding justice withing the legal system

With that say, try embracing a jury comprised of 12 of your peers, instead of military-like tribunals where the judge is the 'judge, jury, executioner, (chief cook and bottle washer), where the jury of peers makes the verdict based on the solid jurisprudence concept of guilt established "beyond a reasonable doubt" instead of political expediency and guilt via political associate.

Unfortunately from my viewpoint, the Thai judiciary is simply another arm of a government rife with corruption, and one that has a political agenda, instead of one acting as a check and balance to a power of a political system that is rife with corruption. There is nightly 'feel-good' word play from the powers that be, but at the end of the day, how can individuals who have amassed fortunes on the salary of a civil servant or military officers keep a straight face when cajoling the populace, comprised of many people who can barely make ends meet, to pay more and more into the tax coffers of a government who, on a weekly basis, are caught time and again, misappropriating funds for personal gain from those who can afforded it that least? This in nothing new: we see this play out on the news multiple times, weekly in not daily, over the years. Try something different - How about this as a solution: Full audits on all politicians, from the PM and his cabinet, down to the village heads to establish where their personal funds have come from for the last 20 years. If any discrepancies are found, those individuals are banned from public office for life. Yingluck is simply the tip of the iceberg.

However, with that said, let's compare and contrast with 'The West'. The United States and various Western democracies make Thailand look as though they are playing in the kiddy's wading pool of world corruption. In Thailand, corruption is endemic throughout the culture; in, the US, the average citizens tend towards morality, responsibility, and a sense of 'fair play, whist the government and their bureaucracies trend toward corruption that has been 'legalized' and 'institutionalized' as a condoned and unholy alliance between governments and corporations, not to mention the invisible hand of the (shhh) organizations manipulated by the Dulles Brothers which have taken on a life of it's own since 1947.

In comparison, the Thai system, corruption and all, is still wearing Mammy Poko diapers as contrasted to the administration, congress, and the judicial branches of the UN Government that has been wrapped up lock-stock-and barrel since 1963. "Truth, Justice, and The American Way', died on November 22, 1963, and the nails where inexorable pounded into the coffin seal on April 4, 1968 and again on June 6,1968. Then the lunatics began running the asylum when Glass-Seagall and other government legislation gutted the commercial banks during the rein of Slick Willie's administration while the presidential reality show was reorganizing the hearts and minds of the populaces with images of an an over-weight intern and phallic, presidential cigars, while the war machine was cranked up to re-Balkanize the Balkan for the sake of embracing Islam (while taking the focus off Slick Willie's carnal adventures into the bowels of congressional internship), and as a prequel to the up-coming events to occur on September 11, 2001, where that government systemically started the process of dismantling the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in the name of 'national security, all the while handing out sole-source military contracts to the likes of Dick Cheney's Halliburton and others high-profiles corporate lobbyist in the MIC - and of course, killing over 1 million people in the Middle East (not to mention North Africa) while spending well over $1.6 trillion dollars plus the $4+ trillion dollars that the Pentagon simply 'lost' (*poof* disappeared and no one to blame). Bush's fault? You bet. But Barrack 'Davis' Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner picked up the ball as he quipped (to paraphase), "I'm really good at killing people." The US and it's lap-dogs have become corruption incarnate.

So is Thailand really that corrupt? It's all relative. As viewed from a top to bottom cultural aberration, yes it is corrupt. But compared to the well honed, oiled, and institutionalize system of corruption in the West, and specifically in the US where corporations run the show thanks to Citizens United v. FEC, where the uber-riche are allowed to buy the outcome of elections, and the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which repealed the domestic prohibition against broadcasting domestic propaganda directly to the American public, allowing the government's broadcasting machine to be shower American citizen with Edward Bernay based propaganda for the first time in over 40 years.

So in comparison, maybe Yingluck will get a fair trial: it's all relative. And if push comes so shove, she has enough money, as do those uber-riche, .1% of the population do command, to make the nuclear option happen, i.e., a late night Lear-jet flight from a nondescript airfield in Northern Thailand to Dubai. Passports. Those of for the 'little people'. I'm sure any of the uber-riche would have a passport in waiting at Dubai upon debarking the private, clandestine, flight. Perhaps the 'looseness' of the Thai legal system isn't that bad of the thing after all? Their will always be a two-tiered system of justice for the elite rich and everyone else. But then again, when Shtf, ask Czar Nicholas and family, Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinette. It does work two ways.

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it's quite interesting how threads such as this are dominated by Yingluck and Thaksin hating ( choose your adjective ) folks who spew out their quite naked hatred, frequently dressed as an appeal for accountability and the rule of law, but conveniently ignoring all the other salient events of the last 5 years that undermine their bigoted and unreal view of the Thai Politic.

Fact is, a lawfully appointed PM and her majority elected Gov't were forced from office at gun point and the electorate disenfranchised, with no immediate prospect of a return to normal electoral democracy.

Are they expected to be happy and " Mai pen rai " about that ??

What about respect my vote and all that ?

Given that the "Democrat" party initially spurned the opportunity to fight at the polls and then an election was blocked and polling stations and ballots obstructed by parties known but unknown ( a little bit of necessary self censorship there....) it is utterly farcical that some folks on here defend and justify the clear witch hunt against Yingluck.

If she has committed a crime, put it through the Criminal Courts and let's have a verdict, but that is not what is happening, perhaps because there is no evidence against her.

Blaming her for non payments to farmers or the sad suicide of desperate farmers is equally farcical because it was totally beyond her realm.

Her government was blocked at every stage by a concerted effort to contrive the situation that resulted in the military coupe.

That must be clear to anybody with 1/2 a brain.

Meanwhile the nutters and those with an agenda here continue to spout their bile on this forum.

Amusingly pathetic as those Yingluck haters may be, I doubt that we are moving at any speed towards reconciliation and the future avoidance of further bloodshed.

Thailand is in a political mess brought about by others than elected governments.

BTW for persons to be forced "at gunpoint" to do something means that there is somebody with a gun physically in front of them and forcing them out.

Now if you actually have this information then post the link or the report because if you can't the IMHO the whole of your post is wasted and totally incorrect.

Well well. The lawfully elected government of Yingluck and the PTP were forced from office at gunpoint were they?

I suggest you do a little research before making such a stupid claim

Yingluck dissolved the government in December 2013 and then became the caretaker government...................................

Just go and look it up on the time line as to who did what and when and open your eyes. I can't be bothered to explain it to you as you seem to have no idea what went on then but rest assured you are totally incorrect.

Farmers had NOT been paid since September more than 2 months before SHE dissolved the government but SHe promised faithfully every week that they would be paid the following week.

Nicely disingenuous.....

Care to put in the rest of the facts and the political background at the time ??

Against a backdrop of opposition orchestrated violence, violent disruption of an election, voter intimidation and god knows what behind the scenes pressure being applied to all and sundry to undermine what was the "duly elected and lawful Government".

Your post actually proves my point.

Thank you.

No I can't be bothered to repeat what has been said many times before, but what happened before the violence on BOTH sides started is the the government attempted to RAM an amnesty bill through parliament at 4.30 am after assuring the opposition that nothing would happen. The bill they attempted to ram through was NOT the bill that had been discussed earlier in the day but one that granted amnesty to everybody involved in violence since 2010 including 25,xxx cases of corruption that were slowly going through the courts, for ALL members of the PTP right up to the day of the vote, for Thaksin himself, and as a sop to the Democrats they "generously" included Abhisit and Suthep.

The had also NOT paid the farmers for 2 months though the PM promised the money "next week" time and again and never delivered.

However all this is off topic and ought to be discussed elsewhere.

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If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

-American saying regarding justice withing the legal system

With that say, try embracing a jury comprised of 12 of your peers instead of military-like tribunals where the judge is the 'judge, jury, executioner, (chief cook and bottle washer), and make the verdict based on the solid jurisprudence concept of guilt established "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Unfortunately from my viewpoint, the Thai judiciary is simply another arm of a government rife with corruption, and one that has a political agenda, instead of acting as a check and balance.

The above is an unfinished duplicate that can be deleted.

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If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

-American saying regarding justice withing the legal system

With that say, try embracing a jury comprised of 12 of your peers instead of military-like tribunals where the judge is the 'judge, jury, executioner, (chief cook and bottle washer), and make the verdict based on the solid jurisprudence concept of guilt established "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Unfortunately from my viewpoint, the Thai judiciary is simply another arm of a government rife with corruption, and one that has a political agenda, instead of acting as a check and balance.

The above is an unfinished duplicate that can be deleted.

I did the same thing just after you and clicked Add Reply and then realised that I had written it wrongly.

There is a 15 minute window (I think) in which you can edit your post but you can't remove it. All I did with mine was to delete the entire message and apologise for a wrong post.

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