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As per the topic title, I had angioplasty done on me and had two stents implanted in me last Friday (6 November 2015). The angiogram just before the procedure showed that I had 1 blockage of more than 90% each in all 3 main arteries to the heart. The doctor initially wanted to implant the stents in all 3 blocked arteries. However, I encountered quite a bit of chest pain during the first two stents implants. The doctor, fearing complications and stroke, decided to leave the Left Anterior Descending (LAD) untouched, pending a review after 2 weeks. After the procedure I spent 1 night in the ICU and was discharged the next afternoon.

I am still having chest pains upon exertion till today, which is 5 days after the procedure. Is this normal? Are the chest pains occurring because I am still recovering? Or is it because the blocked artery which is not stent? Should I wait for the 2 week appointment or should I go back to the doctor as soon as I can?

Appreciate very much if anyone with the same procedure done can share their experiences. Thank you.

PS. I am male, 45 years old, 1.75m tall and weighs 72kg. I have high blood pressure. Cholesterol level and all others are all normal.


I would contact your doctor - but if you still have a 90% blockage expect chest pain may be expected. My blockage was less but never had much chest pain at all so can not really answer.


Return to hospital to have a check by the doctor My mother just had 3 stents on her coronary artery - 1 month ago - she stood under intensive care during 4 days - and she felt no such pain as you do. They checked arrythmia and made blood analysis. 2 weeks after she had a percutaneous T.A.V.I ( Transcatheter Aortic Valve Impllantation) .


If you are experiencing pain with minimal exertion and the pain is not rapidly diminished by rest or the use of your usual medication an urgent medical consultation should be sought.


Yes, you should probably not be having chest pain but a question: were you having chest pain before the procedure. If so, it may be the remaining blockage that is causing pain. If not, then something else is wrong. I am guessing that you had the procedure done at Bumrungrad. If so, you could consult Dr. Sukitti. He is my cardiologist and a very savvy diagnostician. Good luck!


Indeed, see the doctor again. I had four stents - left side, total occlusion. No pains for a while, then some returned, but no angina. My cardio said it was anxiety - and that was correct. So check that point with your doc.


Thank you all for your advice. I will answer some of the question posted by some of you.

1. I went back to Singapore to have the procedure as I am a Singaporean.

2. Yes, I had chest pains before the procedure.

3. The chest pains will go away upon rest or GTN.

These are my symptoms currently.

Thank you again.


The pain has nothing at all to do with recovery from the stent procedure. That does not cause pain. Either the pain is from the artery not yet stented or a complication has occurred. Either way should see doctor immediately.


Chest pains is listed as a side effect of Plavix and expect you are taking that medication now - and if you have you should check with doctor.

If any of the following side effects occur while taking clopidogrel, check with your doctor immediately:
More common
Chest pain
collection of blood under the skin
deep, dark purple bruise
itching, pain, redness, or swelling
pain in general
red or purple spots on the skin, varying in size from pinpoint to large bruises

If you are presently in Bangkok and don't wish to go back to Singapore for a follow-up exam, I continue to recommend Dr. Sukitti at Bumrungrad. It will be expensive but Dr. Sukitti is first-rate.


If you are presently in Bangkok and don't wish to go back to Singapore for a follow-up exam, I continue to recommend Dr. Sukitti at Bumrungrad. It will be expensive but Dr. Sukitti is first-rate.

Noted. Thank you.

  • 2 weeks later...


Went for my review this afternoon. It is confirmed that it is the third artery that wasn't fixed that is causing my chest pains. Booked for another angioplasty session on this coming Friday morning to fix this artery.

Thank you again for all your advice and concerns.

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