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Norwegian man arrested after ammunition found in luggage at Suvarnabhumi

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I am a hunter and have had bullets in my truck while crossing the US border. Just 1-2, simple brain fart.

The guard laughed and took them.

My father got stopped at airport security for gunpowder residue on his camera. My father is 80.

They gave him the third degree like he was a terrorist.

Can ou explain this sir??? Perhaps from taking a picture while hunting?????? Was his reply.

Okay makes scence, have a nice flight.

But the Thais don't see things this way.

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Seems like a case of incompetence, in which case, his humiliation back home and here should be enough. May have to wait an extra 5 years for promotion. Anything more (in terms of punishment) is just gratification.


Why didn't they caught this when he left Norway?

Obviously the security measures need to be re-assessed there!

How many peoples lives are they risking with such "security"?

Lucky, this was only a case of "forgotten ammo in my bag"

Come on mates... lets start the Thai bashing!!!


99% they weren't in his bag when he left Norway.

As mentioned by a couple other posters, there is currently a major scam taking place in the Philippines, where airport workers slip a cartridge into a traveler's bag, either at or before the X-ray station, and then arrest and extort the person for 30,000 pesos to let him go. They go so far as to use a ballpen to breach the zipper on locked bags to insert the bullet.

This happened too a missionary kid recently, one .22 cal shell, and he spent 6 weeks in a Manila jail after refusing to be victimized. After the press got word, he was apparently released.

Dollars to donuts, someone at Swampy is trying it on. Remember, start a successful business, and a Thai will open the same one next door, and undercut you...


Considering the news about the Manila Airport bullet scam only just appeared in the last couple weeks, I'm willing to bet the Thais heard about it and realized it's worth doing the same scam here. I'll bet we'll soon be seeing several more reports of random bullets in luggage over the coming weeks and months. Time to wrap all your bags in cellophane!

But more importantly, what is that officer wearing on his head? His underwear?


Should get some advice from the ex Thai police guy - the expert in hiding guns in luggage. Problem solved.

no, Kamronwit smuggled an illegal unlicensed loaded mini handgun (an assassins and hijackers favorite) on board in his hand luggage. A clear and present danger to all onboard. This Norwegian just had 2 bullets in his suitcase. No comparison whatsoever.

Brilliant observation. No comparison whatsoever because Kamronwit is Thai and should face no scrutiny whilst the Norwegian lad should serve hard time because he is a foreigner.


Considering the news about the Manila Airport bullet scam only just appeared in the last couple weeks, I'm willing to bet the Thais heard about it and realized it's worth doing the same scam here. I'll bet we'll soon be seeing several more reports of random bullets in luggage over the coming weeks and months. Time to wrap all your bags in cellophane!

But more importantly, what is that officer wearing on his head? His underwear?

Doubtful, in my opinion. If it was a scam, the media wouldn't have been involved. Also, the guy probably used the same bag to go to the range and a few bullets slipped into the folds of his bag. Kind of a rookie move traveling with a bag that may have gun powder residue or bullets in it though.


"What happened to the xray machine in Oslo?"

Nothing. It's working perfectly fine.

Since all kinds of metal objects are inside of bags, it takes a human to visually scan the image.

What I want to know is what kind of "training" do Norwegian police officers get in....Thailand.

Or is this like a "hazing" for new recruits? Give 'em a round trip ticket to Bangkok, a package of condoms and then slip a couple of bullets in his bag when he's not looking?

Hilarity ensues, 555


Putting bullets in passengers suitcases is also a new scam i read last week. The airportsecurity does it on the Phillipine airports to extort passengers.

....but he accepted that they (the bullets) were his, so nice try at besmirching the immigration officers - why do you put the blame on them at every possible opportunity. Why don't you find a topic whereby you can add something useful to it instead of posting critical rubbish that doesn't hold up.


can someone explain how can someone 'accidentally' put two bullets in a bag? we need more info like were they Police issue? is he denying they are his etc.

It happens, I have a fiend, went on a shooting weekend, flew out to Riyadh the next day, the wife having repacked his weekend bag, but failing to check the side pockets.

Fortunately the half a dozen 12 bore cartridges were not detected,


He appears to have acknowledged that the two bullets MAY have been from an oversight on his part, so I think that we can disregard any suspicion of a "scam to extort" by the authorities.

I would venture to say that, however the two bullets arrived in that suitcase, they did so without any deliberate intent on the part of this young fellow. And the assertion that they were found "hidden" in his suitcase!! Were they secreted in a hidden compartment? Sewn into the lining of the suitcase? Secreted in the toe of a rolled up sock? How were they "hidden" Whose word is being used here....the reporter or the police? Is it possible that they were found in a corner, crease, fold of the suitcase lining....exactly where one would expect a loose cartridge to roll or fall while being carried about., not "hidden" in the true sense of the word!! I won't even try to speculate as to how those two bullets found their way into his suitcase...some amount of carelessness, no doubt, but "smuggling" two bullets "hidden" in one's suitcase, coming presumably to vacation in Phuket? No.....this is, imho, no case of an attempt to "smuggle" anything! Does it warrant a criminal charge of "possession of ammunition"? That, I am afraid is up to the ability of Thailand authorities to use their discretionary powers.....which I have seen more than ample evidence that they do have!! What this will mean to the career of Mr.Heggem Simen Oliver, will be up to his bosses in the Norwegian Police Force and will, I suspect, largely depend upon his lawful access to such an item in that country as a police recruit and what is decided as to how two 9mm bullets were apparently unaccounted for by him (or someone who may have had the use of his suitcase?) !! Whatever happens, a helluva an ending to what was most probably an intended vacation with the friend seen sitting to his right!!


There is a very significant size wad of 1000 baht notes sitting ominously on the table.

It looks like atleast 50,000 baht .

The Norwegian is already sitting on a beach in Phuket..... Case closed.

The Norewegian will now be harrassed by chair vendors and he'll hit one of them consequently getting arrested and pay another 40,000 baht fine !

Go home quickly Norwegian.


beside the story is strange as well the reason the Norwegian provides.

Tell more about the the increased efforts of some Thai Government instance to comply to the world standard

Shows that the European and American pointing the as well of the failing of the Europeans in cases like this more and more.

They demand other to have and to use but are themselves not capable of executing right way.

Of course a (very) long way to go to get all at the same level or better on the border Thailand seems to be able to upgrade and implement better then Europe in this example. It is a start of a long way to go. ;-)


Really bad luck them to ex-ray his bag, I travel all the time in my business and maybe been checked twice out of at least out of over a 100 trips.

Two bullets, no gun what the heck is the big deal ??

It is easy to forget some thing in you bag from a previous trip, unless you turn it upside down before you pack.


Putting bullets in passengers suitcases is also a new scam i read last week. The airportsecurity does it on the Phillipine airports to extort passengers.

....but he accepted that they (the bullets) were his, so nice try at besmirching the immigration officers - why do you put the blame on them at every possible opportunity. Why don't you find a topic whereby you can add something useful to it instead of posting critical rubbish that doesn't hold up.

whether they are his or not, a scam is going on where by bullets are being put into luggage... good info for a traveler... who needs to besmirch anyone? ...they do a pretty good job left to their own devices


So this guy is a policeman in Norway. I bet I know how it happened. He has been back and forward to the range to practice for his shooting qualification as a cop and probably uses the same backpack or holdall as a range bag and also as his carry-on luggage. The rounds were there from his his last rip to the range. He dropped two while loading a mag and just threw them into his bag to deal with later I was involved in shooting sports and sporting goods retail all my previous life and this is really much more common than you might think. I know a number of shooters who have found loose rounds and in one case a loaded Glock magazine in a dual purpose range/carry-on bag either at security on leaving their country or AFTER, (fortunately, not ON arriving) in another country. In one case the guy was already in his hotel room another country, and with the Glock mag, it was at security on his way out from his own country. He knew the police who found it (a member of the same pistol club) and they baby-sat it til he got back from his trip. This was a friend from another really small country, not my country. In some countries Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand (depending on who you are) it can have really serious consequences. On one occasion I realized I was taking a my carryon bag that had been on a hunting trip with me and so I shook it out & found two empty .22LR cases. Lucky I looked. I know several who obviously didn't, including the guy with the Glock Magazine. Talk about unlucky. What are the chances of ever being searched or even having bags x-rayed on arrival at Swampy.

PS. As others hsve mentioned, using shooting or range bags as any form of travel luggage is really dumb as the sniffing machines love the powder smell. A number of people get into deep doo-doo over that.

PPS. He does look like Prince Harry!!!!!


A fitting end to the beginning career of another donut muncher!

A short, concise and clearly stated opinion! And, if this had been a case of bullets accompanied by a firearm, your comment would meet with my total agreement...for one cannot possibly accidentally leave or drop such an item into one's suitcase! But, with the few given facts, I find your comment to be absent any sense true justice! Any suggestion, fredge45, as to what motivates your use of the words "fitting end" and "donut muncher"!! Your sense of justice appears can be measured with the same tiny thimble into which your degree of esteem for law enforcement personnel would fit! I don't know you, nor do I know what your occupation might be.....but I do hope that the penalty for any possible transgression that you might commit is not put in the hands of someone who, similar to yourself is apparently no fan of Portia's plea to Shylock when she sought mercy by imploring " The quality of mercy is not strained......it blesseth him that gives and him that takes", but who would instead be calling." GUILTY!! Take him out and hang him!! Next case! " even before a trial took place!!


This should not happen and if you are trained to be working with the police surely there should be a more professional approach to handle ammunition.

There is however a similar story: Years back one of our colleagues did travel from the US to Germany with his back-pack where he had been hunting before. His backpack was scanned twice on this trip and he did still arrive with 2 shot-gun shells. When he discovered that he was shocked and we too, since it did show how safe security at the airport really is.....


A fitting end to the beginning career of another donut muncher!

A short, concise and clearly stated opinion! And, if this had been a case of bullets accompanied by a firearm, your comment would meet with my total agreement...for one cannot possibly accidentally leave or drop such an item into one's suitcase! But, with the few given facts, I find your comment to be absent any sense true justice! Any suggestion, fredge45, as to what motivates your use of the words "fitting end" and "donut muncher"!! Your sense of justice appears can be measured with the same tiny thimble into which your degree of esteem for law enforcement personnel would fit! I don't know you, nor do I know what your occupation might be.....but I do hope that the penalty for any possible transgression that you might commit is not put in the hands of someone who, similar to yourself is apparently no fan of Portia's plea to Shylock when she sought mercy by imploring " The quality of mercy is not strained......it blesseth him that gives and him that takes", but who would instead be calling." GUILTY!! Take him out and hang him!! Next case! " even before a trial took place!!

When traveling there is such a thing as taking personal responsibility for what is traveing in your bag as in this case. Perhaps the Norwegian police will allow this transgression given that it happened outside of their jurisdiction?


Why didn't they caught this when he left Norway?

Shows how poor airport security can be. As a police recruit he will get a great lesson in what it feels like to be sitting in the other chair proclaiming innocence. Maybe it will teach him some future empathy for people who make genuine mistakes such as his might be.


If he packed his case then he should know what is in there, if he didn't ,he's an idiot ,

I would agree....if you had used the word "careless" to describe the "apparent" reason for the presence of the two bullets, rather than to call him "an idiot". Or does one careless act translate into a state of idiocy on the part of one who may have simply been careless. Speaking of 'careless"....not knowing yet how it was that those 2 bullets came to be where they were found, we cannot make any judgement as to whether this person was careless in them being in the suitcase prior to packing for his trip! The only finding of carelessness would have to be predicated upon a finding that, because they obviously were there when he packed for the trip, he must have failed to make a sufficiently CAREFUL examination of the suitcase prior to and during the packing! Do you, andy8017, turn your suitcase "inside out" and "upside down" prior to packing it, looking for anything and everything that might have found its way into the suitcase? I am not suggesting that 'carelessness' of some degree and in the general sense of the word, is not to blame here...but at what point does one's carelessness translate into "idiocy".for you? Personally, it would be my position, for the term "an idiot" to be applicable, that some knowledge or reasonable expectation of the possibility that 2 bullets could be present in the suitcase. In this young man's case, barring any evidence to suggest otherwise, I would suggest that he has been judged not merely careless, but "criminally negligent" by the authorities and thus, charged with "Possession of Ammunition"!


Putting bullets in passengers suitcases is also a new scam i read last week. The airportsecurity does it on the Phillipine airports to extort passengers.

Actually an old scam that's probably now run its course; the threat to tourism from recent publicity has made the Filipino authorities sit up, take notice and fire the relevant NAIA workers.

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