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prison sentences


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We've all heard many horror stories about lengthy jail terms in Thailand for drug offences. And indeed any kind of dealing or importing drugs carry some hefty senteces.

However I've just done 49 days on remand for possession of 98 grams of marijuana in Minburi jail and I'd like to share some stories.

Weed for example is considered very unimportant in this country and I was released because my time on remand had far exceeded my fine. On remand before sentence every night is worth 200 baht, so my 49 days was worth 9800. My fine, and I'm still waiting (I don't have to attend court) is expected to be 3000 baht. Oh yes.

I speak Thai very well, thank goodness as its very hard time if you don't. Saying that its not so easy if you do!

I spoke to many Thais about sentences. Here are some examples:

Possessing 200kg of weed.. 2 years

Possessing 1 tonne (really!).. 7 years

P. 5 yaba.. 10000 baht fine

P. 200 yaba.. 4 years

p of cocaine 200g with intent to supply.. 10 years

P if 2 yabba with I t s....2 years

Shooting a gun... 13 years

Fighting with non serious wound.. 2 years

Theft by deception (multiple)..15 years

Underage sex (18)..10 years

Tread carefully...

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There's no rape. Not much violence. If you do wrong you get a beating from thd guards so its rare.
One thing I'd like to add though is the amount of bi men. It seems 60% of Thai men seem to think gay is ok. I remember being asked why don't u like gay? Umm CoS I'm not.lol. also Thais can't smoke. They don't inhale. I never noticed before but they smoke like 9 year olds.!
I must add the max term in Minburi is 15 years. Places like ban kwang are full of lifers who don't give a <deleted>.

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Theyre supposed to take you to immigration but the police who met me from jail let me go cos of my wife and kids. Who incidently werent home and i found out through ths lovely fb she was with a new guy.

Shd called the cops on me btw after 7 years together. Ive smoked for 25 years so she knew obviously.


Dont know about the record back home. Im surd its not so important there either.

I got out 11 days ago.

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Its hard as in you sleep on the floor with 200 other men with just a blanket. Wake up at 5 out at 6 and back in at 4pm. Foreign prisonera dont have to work so theres plenty of time to do nothing but wait for the ricw soup with boiled cucumber.

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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

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There's no rape. Not much violence. If you do wrong you get a beating from thd guards so its rare.

One thing I'd like to add though is the amount of bi men. It seems 60% of Thai men seem to think gay is ok. I remember being asked why don't u like gay? Umm CoS I'm not.lol. also Thais can't smoke. They don't inhale. I never noticed before but they smoke like 9 year olds.!

I must add the max term in Minburi is 15 years. Places like ban kwang are full of lifers who don't give a f.

A lot of men turn to homosexual intercourse while incarcerated for a long time. On top of the reportedly already high percentage of gay men here, that doesn't surprise me.

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I ddnt lose them because of pot.

I lost them because she's crazy.

What's funny about the gun?

I am sure having a farang husband in a Thai prison was the reason.

The fact she found another farang means she can't be all that crazy.

Sad story to be in prison and lose your family for Pot

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I'm sure?

Can I have next weeks lottery numbers Mr I'm sure?

She left cos she's crazy.

Her new bf is skint and going home.

I'm well rid.

6 times she's dobbed me in.

Being youngish and single here is great.

Ive been here 14 years and if theres one thing id wished id done is stay single.

Money and freedom.

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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

He did the crime, and he did his time.

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Same as when we were teenagers, group wanx <3

What types of sexual practice do they use on the inside?

But OP, how did they catch you ? And why you couldn't pay your way out ?

Wish you the best, maybe you should avoid telling anyone anymore about your private activities as its impossible to trust anyone in this country, especially fellow farangs...

Edited by thailanddogerator
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I appreciate you doing this......and let me add my story to the mix .

I didn't speak any Thai and got framed as being a spy and diamond smuggler....first day surrounded by 5, or 10....or 100 300 Thais and I had to fight them all.....After i knocked them all out, I fought a tiger , elephant.... 10 bull elephants and 100 tigers....by week 3 I was fluent in Thai and had my own room mansion. 100 women came to see me daily.....

All those movies with Segal and VanDamme or whatever must be BS!!!!!!!

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Its hard as in you sleep on the floor with 200 other men with just a blanket. Wake up at 5 out at 6 and back in at 4pm. Foreign prisonera dont have to work so theres plenty of time to do nothing but wait for the ricw soup with boiled cucumber.

LOL - probably because they would need a Work Permit!

Amazing Thailand

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You can't wan* in prison. Nowhere private for a start. And if youre caught at night the guards are called.

Thw lights are on all night.

Theres no gay hassles. They mix with their own. There was an area where u could go and do a kateuy for 2 packs. of cigs

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