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Malta migrant summit: EU leaders unveil Africa fund and debate Turkey deal


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Malta migrant summit: EU leaders unveil Africa fund and debate Turkey deal


VALLETTA: -- Desperately seeking solutions to Europe’s migrant crisis, EU leaders have unveiled an emergency trust fund for Africa.

It is part of a bid to combat poverty and conflict fuelling the fleeing of people.

The European Commission will inject 1.8 billion euros into the fund, unveiled at a summit with African leaders in Valletta, Malta.

EU officials later held an informal meeting on the island and criticism of refugee relocations in Europe followed.

“I am not at all satisfied with the pace of relocations that we have seen. To this day, 130 people have been relocated, while our intention is to relocate 160,000,” said Jean Claude Juncker, European Commission President.

“If we continue at this pace, we won’t relocate this number until 1 January 2,101. Therefore, it’s necessary for us to adopt a more ambitious pace.”

Turkey is said to have dominated talks at the informal meeting in Malta.

EU leaders are keen to strike a deal to slow the flow of migrants from the country. Grants, possibly three billion euros worth, and other incentives are on offer to Ankara.

In return, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: “Turkey could be ready to speed up the implementation of the readmission agreement for nationals from third countries.

“The readmission agreement for Turkish citizens is already in place. But they could speed up readmission for nationals from third countries.”

Speaking from Valletta, euronews correspondent James Franey said: “So the EU’s courting of President Erdogan continues. Officials on the sidelines here are talking about a possible EU summit later this month with the Turkish leader.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-13

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This top's it all.

The "New Sultan" of Turkey will gladly pocket the money to strengthen his new Osmanian Empire. There will be no efforts made, to keep any refugees in Turkish camps.

The African despots will also gladly pocket the money. And that's were it will remain: In their own pockets and no effort will be made to keep their citizens from fleeing their country.

How gullible and naive can european politicians get.? Is David Cameron the only one left, able to think straight ?


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I believe there is only one answer to the problem of genuine refugees, that is to annex the countries they come from, replace the existing infrastructure with a modern non tribal/religious one and make their countries worth staying in. Not very politically correct. Bring back the British/Eurpean raj, order,education and prosperity. In the long run it will be more economically beneficial, for them and us , rather than the civil wars that will eventually erupt when the indigenous population of the western nations finally gets some balls and starts eliminating the cancer that is growing within it's midst. It seems that the nationalist militia of US are now targetting those of a well known middle eastern religion. Basically, if you don't want to become part of the culture you have chosen to live in, go away, or die.

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