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Farang with baby leaves Bangkok taxi after driver refuses to stop smoking


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Same as everywhere else in the world: one low life creep doing the wrong thing, 400,000 horrified by it. The difference is that in most places the authorities would deal with him, if only in response to public opinion. Sadly in Thailand it doesn't work that was as a rule

Not sure it works that way very often in LOS even as an exception.

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My Mum was a smoker until a couple of years before she died age 69.

My wife smokes and she is 50 and still going but she doesn't smoke in the house nor in the car when our 12 year old son is there.

I am an ex smoker who quit 5 times and the last time was in 1970. I am 71 and still going strong.

you mum was dumb you wife is stupid and you are lucky?

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

Really? you are supporting the Taxi driver ?????

So, if you got in a Taxi and the driver lit up a cigarette you would have no objections ?

Nope, not a problem at all. I live in a big city with the usual smog. I eat food with preservatives in them. I lived through years in Oz where smoking and bars and clubs was the norm.

A few minutes in a taxi with a smoker is not going to do one bit of harm to me. Its a non issue to me.

If it was an issue all I would have to do was wait a nano second for another.

It might be a non issue to you (your personal opinion and choice) but times have changed / the world ha smoved on / there is lot more serious evidence about second hand smoke.

Yes my reaction is serious - because I lost a loved one to second hand smoke.

Here's the summary: father was achain smoker, used every cigarette to light the next cigarette, at least 4 pack a day plus roll your own, smoked all over all his kids 20 hours a day, during meals, in the car, etc.

End result, all of his three children died around mid thirties from lung cancer from second hand smoke, none of them ever smoked one cigarette. His wife died early fifties from lung cancer, never smoked a cigarette in her life. The father died of lung cancer when he was 55.

conclusion? the father was a moron?

Edited by LannaGuy
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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?
i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

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Here is a better idea, forget the tea money, just ban him for life.It should be compulsary for these brain dead imbiciles to undergo attitude adjustment with the military.

Banned for life for smoking in a taxi? You're having a laugh. Lol, good one.

And death penalty for J walkers.

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I too would have left the taxi. Apart from hating the smell of cigarettes, driving with one arm dangling out the window hardly puts the driver in control of the taxi.

The guy should have left the rear door open when he got out, they don't like that.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

Considering they only just banned smoking witha child under 18 in a car in the UK only last month up untill they did not have a problem with it, so Thailand being 50 years behind the rest of civilized countries why would they see that a problem, and there is nothing in Thailand illegal because they dont understand that word

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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

A thread about one of my pet hates - ignorant smokers, and this post is a prime example, although he does not say he smokes I am assuming he does. The bullshit they come out with to justify why they should be able to carry on causing a nuisance to, and harming anyone around them with their smoke is not just unbelievable it can be ridiculous.

Maybe it was "no problem at all" to you but it was to many other people but in those days we were made to feel like it was normal and anyone who complained was just ignored or even ridiculed. My mates would get in my car and immediately light up refusing to consider any requests not to - a problem for me. On my first long haul flight I sat next to 2 men who both had a cigar while sat in the middle of the plane - a problem for me. The women the other side of me had to change seats - a problem for her. These sort of problems were very common.

Not sure about the "birdshit", we do have a problem with seagulls that make a right mess but I expect you mean things like removing lead from petrol, putting babies in proper car seats, wearing seat belts and the smoking ban in cars carrying children, public places and work places - needless to say I am in favour of them all. When the smoking ban first came in, a smoker said to me that if anyone does not like the smoke they should go elsewhere and leave the smokers be. She could not comprehend that the smokers could do that far easier as they just have to go outside. Where as the non smoker would be hard pressed to find a smoke free pub or nightclub. For years I was choked in pubs and clubs and waking up feeling sick because the room stank of smoke from my clothes (and maybe also not helped by the hangover). I went to a night club in California years ago and I found it amazing that it was smoke free. Pity it took so long for the UK to catch up by which time I was past my clubbing days.

Bearing in mind your first sentence, I find it funny that you use the poor education in the north east to justify why it was OK for him to break the law. Rats and grasshoppers are not for me but ignoring the poisons and pesticides on or in them they are probably quite harmless.

15 years ago the pollution in Bangkok was very bad but LPG and NGV is now widely used and has made a big difference, so I very much doubt your last comment is correct. Please show me the facts that makes you think otherwise as I could be wrong. Problem is, it is not just one fag, smoke has been hard to get away from. For decades smokers have been killing people as well as causing physical and emotional suffering to their families who end up having to take care of them if they get ill. As people become more educated about how unhealthy smoking is the easier it is to complain and now it is the smokers who are starting to be ignored and ridiculed. I don't care if people want to smoke, drink, take drugs etc. as long as it does not harm anyone else but often someone else suffers, has to pay up or sort out the mess they create.

Back to the topic, smoke harms babies more than adults. The man did the right thing to get his child away from the ignorant taxi drivers smoke. Personally I am more concerned by the risk of a crash which would also be increased by the driver having to concentrate on his fag as well as driving and his mobile phone, which I think is far more dangerous than the smoke but that's a different problem.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

Considering they only just banned smoking witha child under 18 in a car in the UK only last month up untill they did not have a problem with it, so Thailand being 50 years behind the rest of civilized countries why would they see that a problem, and there is nothing in Thailand illegal because they dont understand that word

We did have a problem with it but the smoking lobby was too powerful for the ban to have come in earlier. Now the tide has turned and common sense is getting the upper hand at last. Next stage should be a ban if there are any non smoking passengers in the car.

Thailand is nowhere near 50 years behind on its anti smoking laws which are quite well enforced, hopefully this taxi driver will soon find that out for himself.

Edited by chang1
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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

Drinking nitric acid is probably more harmful than smoking a cigarette, but the fact is that breathing in other peoples smoke is harmful, when are you people going to understand this.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

Considering they only just banned smoking witha child under 18 in a car in the UK only last month up untill they did not have a problem with it, so Thailand being 50 years behind the rest of civilized countries why would they see that a problem, and there is nothing in Thailand illegal because they dont understand that word

We did have a problem with it but the smoking lobby was too powerful for the ban to have come in earlier. Now the tide has turned and common sense is getting the upper hand at last. Next stage should be a ban if there are any non smoking passengers in the car.

Thailand is nowhere near 50 years behind on its anti smoking laws which are quite well enforced, hopefully this taxi driver will soon find that out for himself.

i am confused a bit about the . Next stage should be a ban if there are any ( non smoking passengers in the car ) please elaborate on that, and have you been to many places that vendous make food with a fag in their mouth. still many of them in Thailand, but they are getting better i will grant you that, next they should ban all taxis, and give that contract to a western country to sort out, wishfull thinking

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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

You're sure are you?

1000 times more deadly than smoking is pretty damn dangerous.

Any evidence to back up that figure?

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

You're sure are you?

1000 times more deadly than smoking is pretty damn dangerous.

Any evidence to back up that figure?

Sure he has evidence, bet he has millions of sources of research to back up this statement.

Anyway must be true, it's on the internet ;-)

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

If the pollution is entering the car, then what difference is there pray tell?

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I am always amused how a thread gets distorted on issues which are not relevant to the story.

First things first, I am a smoker, but like a few others, I don't smoke in the house (which is mine and I am not a guest in) I do smoke in public, like thousands of others. Let cut to the chase.

1). Are Bangkok taxis smoke free ? If yes, the driver was in the wrong.

2). Are there signs in Bangkok taxis stating its a no smoking zone. If not the the driver or passenger have the right to light up.

3). If there are signs, but this particular driver has removed it, then he could not complain if his passengers lit up also.

4). I won't go through the story again,did the passenger AKA Farang, travel any distance with the driver smoking, or was it a case of stopping the cab, seeing the driver smoking and refuse the offer ?

There are always many sides to a story but the Grandmothers on here jump straight in

I couldn't care less if you want to smoke yourself to death but you have no right to inflict your disgusting habit on other people. It doesn't matter if there are no-smoking laws or not. Grow up, you know full well that you are inflicting damage on other people when you expose them to your smoke...even in public. You need to see a sign before you can light up even though you already know it is wrong to smoke around other people? I've had to leave restaurants a few times because people were smoking and blowing huge clouds of smoke in my face...even outdoor cafes aren't safe because the smoke still blows into the face of the people at the next table. I've had to leave a half-eaten meal a few times because of inconsiderate people like you...I usually politely ask them to stop, if they say no then I get up and leave. You smokers act like it is your right to destroy the people around you. You are troglodytes and your days are numbered.

So you think a few minutes in a taxi with a smoker with window down is going to destroy you and the baby. Ok, interesting to know how delicate your body is. My body wont be bothered by it.

As to your rant against smokers, I suggest you frequent non smoking establishments. It isnt only non smokers that has rights. Smokers already have places they cannot smoke so asking them to stop in a place they are allowed is very rude and inconsiderate.

Chose your restaurants and cafes more carefully, the world does not revolve around what you want.

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I am not a smoker -except when I am drunk!

I am not advocating for a smoking- ban everywhere!

This driver is an idiot!

He works in a service industry- and the customer is always right! End of story!

Problem is: most Thais -especially Taxi drivers- are as service minded as a brick!

If you - taxi driver- are doing this job to amuse and entertain yourself...you simply took the wrong job!

Edited by DM07
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When one makes his living in customer service and tourism, what kind of thinking would consider it reasonable to not give a rip about his customer's well being and satisfaction?

Never mind, in thinking back at beach chair rental owners chasing tourists off the beach for not renting their chairs, and jet ski operators ripping off customers etc, etc I guess my question was more rhetorical.

And while this does not really impact the expat community, who, for the most part are here to stay, there are plenty of other options throughout the world where one can spend his/her hard earned tourist cash. And many, if not most are cleaner, less polluted, crowded, prettier and with many more things to see than temples and more temples.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

You're missing the point.

The baby is still going to be subject to pollution when getting to and from the cab.

That is unless dad has a gas mask for it.

Get it now?


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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

If the pollution is entering the car, then what difference is there pray tell?


What do you think happens whe he leaves the taxi?

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution
If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?
What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

You're missing the point.

The baby is still going to be subject to pollution when getting to and from the cab.
That is unless dad has a gas mask for it.

Get it now?

So we make the matter worse by smoking in the cab, I am assuming you are a smoker who has buried his head in the sand and has no concern for other peoples concerns.
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If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

You're missing the point.

The baby is still going to be subject to pollution when getting to and from the cab.

That is unless dad has a gas mask for it.

Get it now?


I think many people are missing the point - The main issue at hand here is the complete disregard the Taxi driver has displayed to his passengers by smoking.

Whether or not the child is exposed to risk due to the atmospheric pollution in Bangkok, exposed to more risk by exiting the Cab, exposed to more risk at home, due to their diet etc... is completely beyond the point...

The point here is how someone who is supposed to be providing a service as a Taxi driver cares so little for his passengers he treats them with complete disregard and total indifference. It would be the same if he had his music on full blast, drove dangerously or took them on detour...

The message in the Opening Post remains the same - here is a Taxi driver who has no regard whatsoever for his passengers.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

You're missing the point.

The baby is still going to be subject to pollution when getting to and from the cab.

That is unless dad has a gas mask for it.

Get it now?


So we make the matter worse by smoking in the cab, I am assuming you are a smoker who has buried his head in the sand and has no concern for other peoples concerns.

You assume wrong. Non smoker here.

Just saying your argument doesn't make much sense to me.

You talk about pollution entering the cab when dad will more than likely

be walking around in the streets with the baby.

Never mind.

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whistling.gif If you take a taxi in Thailand, or Bangkok anyway, you should know he or she should have his or her number displayed usually on the dash with his or her name and I.D.

There will also be displayed there a number to call to report the taxi driver using his driver name and number to report the driver to complain about him.

It may do no good but is something you can do to make you feel better.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Although I will be subject to a lot of criticism for saying so, I consider smoking to be an act that is committed by people with an incredible lack of physical discipline. This guy is an extreme example of that. He was probably powerless to put his cigarette out. Tobacco owns his ass. He no longer has control over his life. The tobacco companies now control his life. A baby in the car? I cannot stop smoking. I don't want to stop smoking. There are over 200 chemicals in my cigarettes, that will insure I do not stop smoking. I no longer have control of my own life. I am a hostage to Big Tobacco. I am their slave. I work for them. So, baby or no baby, I will continue smoking. I cannot stop, even if I wanted to.

Good on the fareng for getting out of the taxi. Personally, I despise second hand smoke, and absolutely refuse to drive with people who are enjoying their cancer sticks.

Edited by spidermike007
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