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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.
Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.
It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one fell swoop stereotyping an entire quarter of the world's population.
When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

A Third World War was never going to be between nations. We are in the middle of it right now, a battle of ideas between religion and enlightenment. It took over 100 years to reach a secular majority we have now in Britain and its going to take many more to discredit the Islamic threat, but it has begun, and they will lose eventually, evolution dictates it.

The world is at war with Islam.

Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

No bravery required, it's faith in the fundamentals and doctrine of Islam

Edited by Nowisee
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Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

Not sure if you are trolling or are just a <deleted>!

Indoctrination does not equate to bravery.

Why use the word coward? If they're giving their life, they're not too afraid of dying.. Find another word.

Remember Patricia Hearst and the SLA?

Jip99 has some rope here with his comment.

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Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

Not sure if you are trolling or are just a <deleted>!

Indoctrination does not equate to bravery.

Why use the word coward? If they're giving their life, they're not too afraid of dying.. Find another word.

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Its to bloody late, should of had some common sense, and not let all these ragheads into Europe.

What will happen has happened, and will again and again.

So sad to see the world as it is because of all these so called do- gooders.

They just did not realize the ramifications that would proceed their idiotic thinkings.

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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

Yep, you're wrong.

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

A vote for Marie Lapen might not bode too well for the Muslims though

What makes you so sure that it's not Front National behind these attacks?

.....and shouting "Allah Akbar" to throw suspicion on the muslims? ROTFKMLITA

Not that easy.

European right wing movements and IS have something in common: to gain the ultimate power, at ANY price. They might even sacrifice their religions for that and fight together for destabilization.

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You are spot on. At 9/11 all my Muslim friends supported the terrorist attacks and enjoyed to watch it when the WTC came down.

And all my muslim friends who are not from the middle east condemned the attack. So your point being?

He too?


How about the hundreds of others celebrating the attacks on social media?

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Looking at the parallel between the Paris theater, and what could have happened in Dallas earlier this year, I'm thankful my passport is from a "barbaric" country where the people continuously refuse to let the government disarm them. I hope it isn't, but if the future of war is against civilians in the streets, surround me with rednecks and give me the right to bear arms- any day.


Recapping- in Dallas, where off duty cops, private security guys and even the public are allowed to carry guns to defend themselves, the score was terrorists 0, good guys 2.

In Paris, where the citizens ceded the right to defend themselves to the government, the score won't look so favorable. RIP to the victims and condolences to their loved ones.

If there is a better ad for the NRA (and redneck Americans defending the 2nd Amendment) than the contrast between the 2 results, I've never seen it.

Edited by impulse
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RIP to those killed by these cowards. The only upside now is that this is going to prove to the authorities in other countries that an open door asylum policy is simply not an option under the present circumstances. Hope no more are killed from now on in (except the terrorists obviously)

And Europe gets closer and closer to a ban on all Muslim immigrants. How many people need to be killed before it happens ?

God bless Marie Lapenn


May God bless the people of France (especially after this gross tragedy) and deliver Marine Le Pen as their leader.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

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Knee jerk reactions as usual. Always the cries of bad Muslim/Moslem. But always accepting of western attacks on Arab countries, either by funding or direct attack.

As horrible as what is happening, it is never as simplistic as bad Muslim/good Westerner. Constant attacks on Arab countries would no doubt compel them to bring the fight to our lands. Of course, we would like to keep the carnage to their lands, their civilians mere collateral damage.

Take a look at a differing point of view/

That's not to say that point of view is true, but is yours? We are always being fed propaganda. The truth is in their somewhere. But of course most people prefer the simplistic.

And pray how do you account for the three hundred years of Muslim conquest before the first crusade, or indeed the Ottoman Turks invading Europe, or Tamerlain butchering 50 million Hindus in India. Death follows the spread of Islam now, as it has done since its beginning, all of this before any Western colonialism.

Apart from your statement being completely irrelevant, it is again overly simplistic. You could say that he styled himself on Genghiz Khan, who certainly was not a Muslim.

Nevertheless, I am not here to argue about nothing. Just expressing the view that there is cause and effect. It's not about bad Muslim and good westerner.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.
Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?
oh dear, another one
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

I agree - but the Thai apologists will find any reason to poke their opinion on you.

This is international news that affects much of the Western world. The Thais should be made aware via newscasts - and of the underlying causes.

My wife was aware of it and she doesn't subscribe to ThaiVisa? Edited by vogie
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

I agree - but the Thai apologists will find any reason to poke their opinion on you.

This is international news that affects much of the Western world. The Thais should be made aware via newscasts - and of the underlying causes.

thxx. too true.
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Just listening to Australian radio. Death toll, according to one source, has been revised down to 120, 200 injured, 80 seriously and that ISIS is claiming responsibility. Have also been watching CNN, BBC but none of these are reporting anything about ISIS. Also praise to those patriotic French people, who,whilst at the soccer friendly, and after learning of the attack, sang the French National Anthym. We should all be so patriotic and show these murderous barbarians that they will not win and that no matter what they get up to, they will be defeated.

I have read a lot about Muslim bashing but maybe those who are writing about this should understand that since 9/11 the world has become a very unsafe place and that this has been brought about by certain people, militants, using Islam as their banner for committing acts of terrorism, whilst also claiming to be Muslims. Given the many acts of terrorism where it has been confirmed that the perpetrators were Muslim, then to refer to Islamic terrorism is, by definition, terrorist acts committed by Muslim groups or individuals who profess Islamic or Islamist motivations or goals. These people are giving many around the world a reason to attack those they descibe as infidels, people who do not agree with their way of thinking.

We have to remember that not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. Why are the good mainstream Muslims not speaking out, is it because they are fearful of their own kind. One only has to look at what is happening throughout the middle east, in Africa and many other countries, where these murdering Muslim Militants are killing their own kind. What is happening has been around for centuries,where one type of Muslim has an avowed hatred of another. it has to be halted but I don't know however, the world leaders must sit down and work something out, very quickly, before these types of attacks become as regular as showering everyday.

Those suggesting many are Muslim bashing should look around themselves and see what is being perpetrated by those who commit acts of terrorism whilst telling us they are Muslim and using Islam as their reason for doing so. When people become fearful and they can see what is happening world wide, almost daily, can one really blame them for how they feel and how they express themselves. Given what is happening in Europe now, if not halted quickly, will bring about a change to cultures that will be irreversible and Europe, as we knew it, will be no longer. And one should never forget, that there are homegrown terrorists in almost every country in the western world, so these problems csannot be fully atributed to the migration that is n ow happening but is is adding to the problem.

We must be tolerant, to an extent, however, given that certain groups will not assimilate, then until they do, if ever, we must be vigilant and scrutenise everyone who is claiming to be a refugee, especially if they claim to be Muslim. This is not being racist or discrimatory, it is just being cautious. It also applies to the many western converts, many of those who now sneek off and fight for those barbaric murders. We should also look at those preaching hatred and where they are preaching from. Look at the law they want to introduce and tell me that by being cautious and screening those who want to country shop is wrong and is bashing a certain group. What is happening now is an attack on all humanity so it is about time our leaders woke up to themselves and closed their borders and stop pandering to minorities.

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You are spot on. At 9/11 all my Muslim friends supported the terrorist attacks and enjoyed to watch it when the WTC came down.

And all my muslim friends who are not from the middle east condemned the attack. So your point being?

He too?


How about the hundreds of others celebrating the attacks on social media?

I think it is far more edifying for people to have to truly re-evaluate what they celebrate and condemn when they are sitting in their own homes in their own countries, and not doing engaging in this model in another country to which they do not belong to.

Wouldn't that be nice?

What happened in France today truly sickens me and to be honest I did get some water in my eye. I simply cannot imagine the terror, fear and great concern that Europeans, Scandinavians and Englanders are suffering right now.

Bless you all and my best wishes for a swift solution are with your thoughts.

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Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

Not sure if you are trolling or are just a <deleted>!

Indoctrination does not equate to bravery.

Why use the word coward? If they're giving their life, they're not too afraid of dying.. Find another word.


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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

Yep, you're wrong.

Thank you for the quick answer.

We will see these atrocities continue for quite a long time.

Bless you!

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Most of the people on this board have never hurt anyone nor would they unless attacked. What we are hearing is outrage over an incident that is indeed outrageous.Emotions are running high because innocent people have been killed and wounded for no reason. As I mentioned earlier I never worried about who was Muslim or not or what any religion anyone has or does not have. That is a personal decision. Unfortunately there are people of the Islamic faith who take a strict interpretation of the Koran and believe they can kill all others who do not believe the way they do. I can't tell who is Muslim or not but now when I see someone wearing the garb of a Muslin I want to avoid them. I do not feel comfortable around them. They have brought this feeling on themselves as they refuse to assimilate and want to impose their beliefs on others. The Paris terrorists yelled "Allah Akbar" which is a pretty good indication to me what their belief is.The World will now become more vigilant, but it is necessary for Muslim leaders and Imans the World over to condemn this type of violence. If they do not, they become an accessory.

From what I have read, that evidence comes from one news channel BFMTV...not the most reliable.

"As a rolling news channel, BFMTV has been criticized for "accelerat[ing] reality, and creat[ing] pressure for instant solutions", as well as being conflating what it means to be "popular" and "populist" due to its pursuit of audiences. Thus other media institutions have insinuated that that BFMTV has furthered the cause of Marine Le Pen, the head of the nationalist Front national political party."

I will hold judgment until I see more trustworthy news sources.

The point I made was about the hysterical Muslim bashing fest without any concrete evidence so far. More indicative of the bigoted posters than comment on news.

Dexterm, you are delusional.
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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

Yep, you're wrong.

Thank you for the quick answer.

We will see these atrocities continue for quite a long time.

Bless you!

Most of the posters of this forum are simplistic in their thinking. Some are extremists themselves. Don't waste your energy. They aren't listening anyway.

Edited by Jiu-Jitsu
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

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I have read a lot about Muslim bashing but maybe those who are writing about this should understand that since 9/11 the world has become a very unsafe place and that this has been brought about by certain people, militants, using Islam as their banner for committing acts of terrorism, whilst also claiming to be Muslims. Given the many acts of terrorism where it has been confirmed that the perpetrators were Muslim, then to refer to Islamic terrorism is, by definition, terrorist acts committed by Muslim groups or individuals who profess Islamic or Islamist motivations or goals. These people are giving many around the world a reason to attack those they descibe as infidels, people who do not agree with their way of thinking.

The traditional enemy of America (when I was young) was Soviet Russia and communists.

Everything that was bad in the west led directly from them, and America was constantly fighting a war against them around the world.

Soviet Russia has gone, communism has been defeated.

Now the enemy of America is Islam.

Everything bad now happening in the west leads directly from them, and America is constantly fighting wars around the globe against them.

The countries of Islam have no way to defend themselves directly from America and their allies,

They don't have the technology or the expertise to fight a direct war.

And so, like many smaller forces in the past, they must fight the only way they can, with terrorist attacks against targets of opportunity.

The French resistance did this against the Germans.

The Jews did this against British in Palestine.

The IRA did this against the British

Surely all civilized people in the world should be gathered to stop all killing by our governments and military forces.

Rather than prolonging the cycle of attack and revenge.

There is still room in the world for everyone to live together in peace.

One way the world could become a safer place would be western military to stop attacking other countries.

Without our forces attacking their countries, there would be a good chance their terrorists would stop attacking western countries.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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