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Kurds and Yazidi fighters drive ISIL out of Sinjar

Jonathan Fairfield

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Kurds and Yazidi fighters drive ISIL out of Sinjar


Kurdish and Yazidi fighters have regained control of Sinjar driving the ISIL occupiers out.

The operation to retake the strategic town began on Thursday with coalition air strikes against ISIL positions.

The ground offensive saw 7,500 Peshmerga and Yazidi forces unite to force ISIL to flee.

The president of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani indicated the fight against ISIL is far from over: “Without doubt, any victory in any area will have a big impact on achieving victory in the remaining areas. And without doubt the liberation of Sinjar will have a big impact on the liberation of Mosul too, God willing.”

The victorious forces then immediately sealed off Highway 47, a vital supply route linking ISIL held Mosul in Iraq to the movements de facto capital Raqqa in Syria.

The success of the operation will be keenly felt by the Yazadi community after thousands were either killed or enslaved after ISIL captured the territory last August.

Those Yazidi that escaped were trapped on Mount Sinjar without food or water.

The potential for genocide prompted the US to launch air strikes in Iraq.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-14

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So how many ISIS fighters killed? Did they just drive them out so they can retaliate or did they send the to their virgins?

Why only 7,500 soldiers? Can't that region come up with a bigger force against ISIS?

All the oil money in that region and they can't or won't protect themselves?

They expect the western devils and infidels to help them out then take all the heat and terrorist attacks?

The west should stay out of the region with the exception of some tactical nukes.

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So how many ISIS fighters killed? Did they just drive them out so they can retaliate or did they send the to their virgins?

Why only 7,500 soldiers? Can't that region come up with a bigger force against ISIS?

All the oil money in that region and they can't or won't protect themselves?

They expect the western devils and infidels to help them out then take all the heat and terrorist attacks?

The west should stay out of the region with the exception of some tactical nukes.

A couple in Saudi wouldn't go astray...might settle them down for a while.

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So how many ISIS fighters killed? Did they just drive them out so they can retaliate or did they send the to their virgins?

Why only 7,500 soldiers? Can't that region come up with a bigger force against ISIS?

All the oil money in that region and they can't or won't protect themselves?

They expect the western devils and infidels to help them out then take all the heat and terrorist attacks?

The west should stay out of the region with the exception of some tactical nukes.

I doubt the Iraqi Kurdish and Yazidi fighters consider the West "devils and infidels". The conflict front is over hundred of kilometers, also need to protect existing held territory

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Apparently no Jihad's killed. Did they just hop into their US supplied Humvees and drive away.

A Peshmerga source says 140 Daesh terrorists were killed and 50 wounded in the Sinjar battles so far. Unfortunately link in Arabia- [Maalomah]. For English do a search at the Al Monitor website

Edited by simple1
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What's wrong with some of you people?

Pershmerga-Yazidi forces with Western air backup conduct a successful operation, yet people still complain that they aren't doing enough?

Why don't these people defend themselves?!? It's pretty clear that's what the Kurds and Yazidis are doing. These aren't official nation-states so it's not realistic to expect them to have their own air force.

In fact, the Kurds have been defending themselves for decades against multiple nation-states and Islamist groups... yet "courageous" people sitting behind a computer complain that they aren't doing enough. Good job!

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