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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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tropo, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:56, said:snapback.png

micmichd, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:52, said:snapback.png

I have Muslim friends.

You think you do - until you inadvertently laugh at the wrong cartoon.

wrong, i talk about such issues with muslim friends. their answer is that their imaginary friend god will judge (those people/cartoons/etc) and not them. honestly, i can live with that answer... coffee1.gif

Which is basically saying they are evil and god will judge them and if you laugh you are equally evil in their eyes and god will judge you.

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 monthsboomanother one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets.just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

ISIS attack us with bombs, rockets and guns, we fight back with hashtags, Facebook profiles, candles and pretty colours on buildings. Are we hoping they die laughing? I despair for the 'Generation Snowflake' that we've become.

Totally in agreement with you there....no way is the mamby pamby, kiss and be friends attempt at sucking up to them is working.

Am I the only one who saw crowds of Muslims on the streets of London, dancing and cheering the deaths of 129 innocent people??? They were sooo happy, and it wasn't for the deaths of the terrorists, that's for sure....

I wonder what would be said if we were to celebrate those Muslims who died in the Mecca stampede?

Absolutely disgusting behaviour....

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Makes no difference how many 'nice' Muslims there are, thousands of can protest against jihad in Paris whistling.gif hundreds of docile followers can hold up not in my name posters, Islam will still be what is, always has, and will be, a threat to all that are non Muslim.

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Face it: It's a war, you started it, and now you have the enemy in your streets.

I started it? How?

There wouldn't be one Muslim in Europe if I had my way, even the nice ones don't want to intergrate, just build the biggest mosque they can, and claim the area as Sharia law...if we built a church in a muslim country, it gets burnt to the ground these days....is that ok?

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Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism?

1. because u're blind

2. because u know no muslim people u talk to, deal with, be friends with

3. because many muslims feel ashamed and mind their own business, in peace, not in public

4. because public demonstrations, according to (subjective interpretation of) islamic law, can be considered (and many muslims i know actually do consider them) "fitna" (-> google is your friend) and fitna = haram (opposite of halal).

1. You have no knowledge of his mental vision/sight; this is pejorative, ridicule. He never saw a demonstration by muslims condemning terror, at least not worthy enough to also impress the collective imagination of planet earth. There are some, however. But you do not make this point, you only insult.

2. You have no idea. Again, ridicule, demonization, repetition, distraction from the issue. In fact, it is not necessary to "know no muslim people" any longer as the muslim community makes up considerable portions of the Western world now. All that is necessary is opening the paper or easier, opening the window and looking out or listening.

3. You are likely correct here. But if #3 is correct it conflicts with #4.

4. There is virtually no subjective interpretation of islamic law in ages; its emphatically clear. Nearly all the vital tenets of islamic jurisprudence that are cited today for authorities are long ago enshrined in law and IAW islamic law a law soundly decided can never again be re adjudicated. It was by this standard that islam sought to survive being watered down. They were correct; it worked. Islam remains fundamentally unchanged, hardly visited, for ages. The only recent example of even close to subjective interpretation is that of DAESH burning alive a prisoner, both a punishment reserved for Al Lah, and a technique used by the prophet. So, even here they have at least 50% objective authority.

It is absolutely, positively a lie to suggest demonstrations are forbidden. This is the deceitful nature of taiqqiya, Of course it is not forbidden. It is forbidden to protest your own leadership, as an earthly reflection of the will of Al Lah. I may be locally non permissive to protest secular aspects that are contrary to islam, but its practically a lie. In fact, the entire image of the islamic world in the general western/eastern mind is the raging, protesting, shouting, screaming, murdering mobs protesting A.------------- B. ___________C.__________D-------------, etc, pick your grievance. Utterly deceptive post.

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Are u his lawyer counsellor? I'm sure he can defend himself...


There is virtually no subjective interpretation of islamic law in ages; its emphatically clear.

u must be joking.... the whole interpretation is utter-stretchable (subjective). there is no such thing as 1 uniform islam with 1 uniform law-interpretation-in-practice.

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Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism?

1. because u're blind

2. because u know no muslim people u talk to, deal with, be friends with

3. because many muslims feel ashamed and mind their own business, in peace, not in public

4. because public demonstrations, according to (subjective interpretation of) islamic law, can be considered (and many muslims i know actually do consider them) "fitna" (-> google is your friend) and fitna = haram (opposite of halal).

Rubbish many Muslim demonstrate, but only when they think they have been discriminated against.

Personally I am now anti- Muslim, even though I have Muslim friends, here in the south of Thailand. I will remain anti Muslim until -

1/ I see thousands and thousands of Muslims demonstrating against these fanatics.

2/ When I see that the majority of Muslims are prepared to integrate with non- Muslims,this does not mean they have to give up on their religion, just that they will accepts other people's right to live their own way.

You tell me when these will happen.

Edited by nontabury
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tropo, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:56, said:snapback.png

micmichd, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:52, said:snapback.png

I have Muslim friends.

You think you do - until you inadvertently laugh at the wrong cartoon.

wrong, i talk about such issues with muslim friends. their answer is that their imaginary friend god will judge (those people/cartoons/etc) and not them. honestly, i can live with that answer... coffee1.gif

The point was really that although you may think you have Muslim friends, it may only be an illusion on your part. Many people like to claim they have Muslim friends just to impress upon others that they aren't biased. Anyone can say anything on an Internet forum. Perhaps "acquaintances" is a better description of what they are to you?

If it turns out they are non-practicing Muslims, fair enough. There are people who turn their back on their religions of birth which is an indication they think for themselves, and could be worthy friends... in which case we shouldn't call them Muslims.

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Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism?

1. because u're blind

2. because u know no muslim people u talk to, deal with, be friends with

3. because many muslims feel ashamed and mind their own business, in peace, not in public

4. because public demonstrations, according to (subjective interpretation of) islamic law, can be considered (and many muslims i know actually do consider them) "fitna" (-> google is your friend) and fitna = haram (opposite of halal).

Rubbish many Muslim demonstrate, but only when they think they have been discriminated against.

Personally I am now anti- Muslim, even though I have Muslim friends, here in the south of Thailand. I will remain anti Muslim until -

1/ I see thousands and thousands of Muslims demonstrating against these fanatics.

2/ When I see that the majority of Muslims are prepared to integrate with non- Muslims,this does not mean they have to give up on their religion, just that they will accepts other people's right to live their own way.

You tell me when theses will happen.

You claim to be anti-Muslim, yet you have Muslim friends. Have you been honest with these friends?

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Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism?

1. because u're blind

2. because u know no muslim people u talk to, deal with, be friends with

3. because many muslims feel ashamed and mind their own business, in peace, not in public

4. because public demonstrations, according to (subjective interpretation of) islamic law, can be considered (and many muslims i know actually do consider them) "fitna" (-> google is your friend) and fitna = haram (opposite of halal).

Rubbish many Muslim demonstrate, but only when they think they have been discriminated against.

Personally I am now anti- Muslim, even though I have Muslim friends, here in the south of Thailand. I will remain anti Muslim until -

1/ I see thousands and thousands of Muslims demonstrating against these fanatics.

2/ When I see that the majority of Muslims are prepared to integrate with non- Muslims,this does not mean they have to give up on their religion, just that they will accepts other people's right to live their own way.

You tell me when theses will happen.

You claim to be anti-Muslim, yet you have Muslim friends. Have you been honest with these friends?

Yes. Or at least those I know that have an open mind.

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

ISIS attack us with bombs, rockets and guns, we fight back with hashtags, Facebook profiles, candles and pretty colours on buildings. Are we hoping they die laughing? I despair for the 'Generation Snowflake' that we've become.

I guess you have been asleep for the 15 years while there have been thousands of soldiers killed and 10's of thousand injured in the wars in Iraq an Afghanistan? Not to mention the 100's thousands of killed and wounded innocent locals in those countries.

Maybe it would be better to pour your scorn on the leaders of the western world that leave our citizens defenseless for there hidden agendas.

Edited by dcutman
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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

ISIS attack us with bombs, rockets and guns, we fight back with hashtags, Facebook profiles, candles and pretty colours on buildings. Are we hoping they die laughing? I despair for the 'Generation Snowflake' that we've become.


The West is bombing, droning, supplying militants (including Isis) and fully supporting Israels illegal occupation and apartheid in he West Bank. Israel has already attached Syria following the French affair. Does that violence not register with you?

Israeli attacks in Syria this weekend,really? That must have been a real secret black ops.You have indeed very good connections .......somewhere.

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I don't have a problem with Muslims.

I don't like them, I don't trust them, I don't want to be near them, touch them, smell them, I don't want to look at them and I certainly don't care what happens to them. That's my feeling towards them, they are nothing absolutely nothing to me and there's no law saying I have to like them, so I'm not breaking any rules.

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I don't have a problem with Muslims.

I don't like them, I don't trust them, I don't want to be near them, touch them, smell them, I don't want to look at them and I certainly don't care what happens to them. That's my feeling towards them, they are nothing absolutely nothing to me and there's no law saying I have to like them, so I'm not breaking any rules.

Have some great Muslim friends back in the UK, some of the best friends I've had. And they make fantastic food. To make a statement like "I don't want to look at them" makes you a bigot at best. Your post is a reflection on you, and you only.

Do you eat Roti? Its lovely.

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The asses in the media and european governments seem genuinely shocked that isis might have sent over a few hundred soldiers disguised as refugees.

About a 100 members here had expressed that possibility almost immediately…the only conclusion to draw is that thaivisa members should be running europe and counter terror ops.

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Am I the only one who saw crowds of Muslims on the streets of London, dancing and cheering the deaths of 129 innocent people??? They were sooo happy, and it wasn't for the deaths of the terrorists, that's for sure....

I wonder what would be said if we were to celebrate those Muslims who died in the Mecca stampede?

Absolutely disgusting behaviour....

Ghostnigel, do you have a link to these Muslims dancing in the streets of London cheering the deaths of 129 innocent people?

Or is it something you actually saw in front of your own eyes?

Are you, perhaps, talking about the Video that is on Liveleak, clearly not filmed this weekend, showing some Pakistanis celebrating winning some cricket match or other?

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Watching French tv, it is heartbreaking. You lot just see what is on CNN or BBC, but on French tv they are already talking to victims parents and families. Showing photos etc. just too sad. It is not just Paris that is in mourning, it is the whole of Europe.

Those bastards, whoever they are, or were. Had no right to do that. NO RIGHT.

In a normal world, people go out to restaurants and go to concerts and laugh and have fun.

They don't stand on the back of pickup trucks firing bullets at nothing, or slitting the throats of aid workers and then raping kidnapped schoolgirls.

Nor do they go to civilised cities and fire those guns into innocent people. For what? Why?

Probably shooting their guns off as we write. And doing a little dance.

The 70 virgins? more like 150 ghosts of those they killed, flying in and punching them. Over and over again. For the eternity of their "martyred" lives. one ever millisecond. Hopefully. And i hope their parents are real proud. But, don't worry, the parents will say "we never knew". And mama will be crying. Bullshit.

RIP to all the victims of this massacre.

Rant over.

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The cops saw something they thought was a shooter and began to rack up their guns…..thousands cleared off in a minute hiding in the hotel.

They were in such a panic to <deleted> they trampled all over the flowers and candles they had so lovingly laid minutes ago.

OMG it would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

(Its on cnn)

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