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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

Do you have a link to that information ?


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I've said it before , life on earth was a gigantic mistake , not just the human species. It should not have evolved beyond some brainless micro-organisms.

I cried watching that, felt cold with fear. Far worse then any horror film I have ever seen. And now we have the western government leaders letting in thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees into the countries, they must be insane, it`s madness.

After years of fictional and non fictional brutal violence on tv , movies , games ....you cried with that video ? In the recent movie : "no escape ", filmed here in thailand , there was more blood and gore , than on that lame video in the link.

It should not have evolved beyond some brainless micro-organisms.

​Unfortunately you seem to be the exception to the rule.

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As has been repeatedly shown in this and other topics; they do, frequently, and have done right from the start. Another example: Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

You say you recognise the truth. So why won't you recognise the truth that Islamist terrorists do not represent Islam and the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide are as sickened and appalled by the events in Paris last night, and all the other atrocities committed by terrorist who claim to be Muslim, as you and I?

Who do you think is currently fighting ISIS on the ground? It aint the tooth fairy!

Nevertheless, there is hardly any country worldwide that is not affected by Muslim fanaticism. Thailand`s deep south is a typical example. Fanatical Muslim extremism is as bigger threat to world peace today as were the Axis powers during the second world war, only this time not only do countries have the enemy outside but also within.

You mention the good and the bad Muslims, but how is the average Joe mean`t to tell the difference? No one knows who and where is going to be targeted next and when any of us or our families are going to be in the wrong places at the wrong times.

Islam has become a worldwide menace and regardless of their walks of life, no Muslims can now be trusted, everyone of them must be considered suspect. Sorry, but that`s the way it is.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

Do you have a link to that information ?


it is just being broacast on bbc live.

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PublicOrderMin Toskas confirms Paris attacker w Syrian passport was registered as refugee on Leros island in Oct. /via @AntennaNews

The holder of a syrian passport found on one of the bodies of the attackers passed through Greece in October. According to a Greek Minister, "the passport holder has passed through Leros 3 October, where he was identified following the rules of the European Union."


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Even after this latest atrocity the usual apologists still will not condemn the real cause, which is the ideology Islam itself, a vile ideology of violence, retribution, expansion and revenge. One of the reasons given for the slaughter was 'insults to the prophet' oh boo hoo the war monger and pedophile who has inspired so much slaughter down the centuries insulted, who would have thought it.

Well done, Jacky.

Yet again you have proven my point for me!

This time the point being that certain people lack the intellectual capacity to realise that their ignorant hate only acts as recruiting propaganda for the terrorists!

When will you start accepting the fact that IS and other Islamic terrorists do not represent Islam and Muslims?

If they do, then why are they condemned by Muslims worldwide?

If they do, why are Muslim soldiers fighting them, and dying, as we sit at our keyboards and pontificate?

many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

Momtaz...a quiet word....you do realise this book was written by a bloke who claims to have spoken to his god?

Why could only he hear his god and nobody else.?

yes you are right...mental illness, often diagnosed as schizophrenia.

You aren't alone ..the mormons have a similar nutter preaching the same stuff too...albeit with less violence

It's what we call a sect old mate...bit like Charlie Manson and his brainless followers.

But I have a feeling my words are wasted on you.

Have a nice jihad.


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Not exactly shocking that some of those claiming to be refugees are Islamist terrorists in disguise. But careful, that doesn't mean many or most of them are. However, I did read a news item where recent refugees were interviewed on their political opinions. It wasn't pretty. They sounded mostly brainwashed by typical Middle Eastern garbage conspiracy theories such as believing the Jews were behind 9-11. They were intensely anti-American. A bit funny considering they were fleeing to the west. Understandable of course to seek escape from a war zone.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is not an attack on democracy, it is an attack and declaration of war on western civilization, culture and values. Governments have lost their last shreds of credibility by failing in their mandate to protect their citizens.

Absolutely, with one edit (IMO): it is a War on Western Civilization from our perspective. It is a War on Humanity from a global perspective. When the West falls, and it will at this rate, the eye of islamic jihad will turn more aggressively East. Those who are not "people of the book" have historically suffered much more under the unrelenting islamic Juggernaut since 632.

This is not an attack on democracy, you are correct. These arguments frame the issue dishonestly. This is an attack on religion, or its absence- period! It does not matter that you are jewish, atheist, christian, buddhist, hindu, pagan, other. If you are in the west this is a religious attack, as defined by the opposing attackers- islamic scripture defines this battlespace, not democracy. Nothing is gained and all is lost to paint this absurdity otherwise. This is a religious war whether you choose to see it as such or not. I am personally disgusted by all religions but this is a religious war!

Note: If your avowed enemy consistently and successfully attacked you in spite of all your posturing, and your enemy was known and avowed to have a map that guided their strikes and tactics, would you continue to declare the enemies successes luck only and dismiss the map? No, it would be the map that enabled there prescience or blueprint.

I would respectfully disagree with you in that I feel convinced that my faith in mankind supersedes the driving force behind any religion.

Have you ever met, personally, a terrorist, or someone who was carrying explosives or something to that sort?

What are the odds?

Have you met anyone whom identified their religion and you managed to have an amicable conversation?

What were the odds?

No! It is not a religious war, and I state that merely on the thesis that I would like emphatic proof that anyone of any claim to any religion whom we have had the opportunity to converse with has given any sign or evidence of such as you claim.

As a former supervisor of mine once said, "It's the 20% who <deleted> it up for the 80%".

What I suggest is that religion is a way of life. It is what it is. Very rarely does anyone commit a crime in when one views the population of this planet, but if you look at the ones committing the crimes, it will fall within that 20%.

No! I think it is not a religious war... and why do I think that? Because if we could possibly remove religion, then I am certain that there would be some other contrivance to accommodate this 20% to carry out their genetically or developmentally dysfunctionally violent ways.

In other words, and respectfully, you place too much confidence in religion, and ignore each singular individual's lusts and desires and character defects, and their abilities to charm and/or subscribe to this 20% model. In other words, water attracts its own level, and I am pretty sure that mankind is 80% good and 20% bad... or caustic to the 80%.

Some people were simply born to hate and that hollow place in their hearts will never be filled.

Let me put it this way... I believe that each individual's soul and character is their ID tag. It is something that is unique to each individual just as if we were to consider the finger print.

Religion?... Choice?... Occupation?... Other?...

Those things are about as reliable as online shopping. The individual can buy into it at any given time... yet this is not what defines a person.

So... to say this is a religious war is to dismiss the 80% that all the news and media in the wide world omits and instead focuses on the less than 20% to MAKE you think it is the majority.

Just my view on that, and I think you are in err, but I did enjoy the depth of your post.

Like many people you err in calling islam a religion....it is not.

it is a political system that permeates every aspect of life,

What you can or not cannot do.

What you can or cannot wear.

Who you can or cannot marry.

And that's just for the men.

For the women its much ,much worse.

Genital mutilation i.e the clitoris removed with a knife ( where are the feminists now??).

In some areas cannot go outside the house uncovered without being accompanied by a male relative.

Basically a slave

Forget driving a car

Education...yeah right!

Can't handle the rules?..no problem...get stoned (no bongs involved here) until you die buried in the dirt up to your breasts.

No..its never been a religion...religiously followed for sure...but never a religion.

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I would respectfully disagree with you in that I feel convinced that my faith in mankind supersedes the driving force behind any religion.

Have you ever met, personally, a terrorist, or someone who was carrying explosives or something to that sort?

What are the odds?

Have you met anyone whom identified their religion and you managed to have an amicable conversation?

What were the odds?

No! It is not a religious war, and I state that merely on the thesis that I would like emphatic proof that anyone of any claim to any religion whom we have had the opportunity to converse with has given any sign or evidence of such as you claim.

As a former supervisor of mine once said, "It's the 20% who <deleted> it up for the 80%".

What I suggest is that religion is a way of life. It is what it is. Very rarely does anyone commit a crime in when one views the population of this planet, but if you look at the ones committing the crimes, it will fall within that 20%.

No! I think it is not a religious war... and why do I think that? Because if we could possibly remove religion, then I am certain that there would be some other contrivance to accommodate this 20% to carry out their genetically or developmentally dysfunctionally violent ways.

In other words, and respectfully, you place too much confidence in religion, and ignore each singular individual's lusts and desires and character defects, and their abilities to charm and/or subscribe to this 20% model. In other words, water attracts its own level, and I am pretty sure that mankind is 80% good and 20% bad... or caustic to the 80%.

Some people were simply born to hate and that hollow place in their hearts will never be filled.

Let me put it this way... I believe that each individual's soul and character is their ID tag. It is something that is unique to each individual just as if we were to consider the finger print.

Religion?... Choice?... Occupation?... Other?...

Those things are about as reliable as online shopping. The individual can buy into it at any given time... yet this is not what defines a person.

So... to say this is a religious war is to dismiss the 80% that all the news and media in the wide world omits and instead focuses on the less than 20% to MAKE you think it is the majority.

Just my view on that, and I think you are in err, but I did enjoy the depth of your post.

Great post. Its not necessary I agree; but I enjoy when someone chews my arse sensibly, but I do disagree. But I will answer a few questions: "What are the odds?"

I have trained counter terrorism/warfare all my life in the US Special Forces, am trained in explosives, and teach and lead high threat protection in war zones all over the world. I have helped build counter terrorism assets throughout the muslim world. So, yes, I have been near, among, before, and after bombings frequently. I have also been around those who were bombers but failed, and were being interrogated by other Arab armies. Any other scenario in which your question could be addressed would be impossible, because by definition they would be dead.

As I have repeatedly offered in these forums and will again "I have never met a muslim who was not for the most part kind, agreeable, pleasant, and helpful to me." (Its not an inconvenient truth, but it is true). I have only worked in muslim counties in my later years. So, "What are the odds?"

It is also incorrect to conclude that because a person has many or all agreeable interactions with muslims that there is no religious underpinning to modern jihad/war/insurgency. Both exist. Muslims are not the problem. The problem is the ideology that is cultural, social, familial, warlike, omnipresent, and oppressive informing their worldview. The problem is the glue that binds muslims and enables an estimated 200 million to hold jihad-related ideas/aims (approx 20%, see MuslimStatistics, and many other polls); this glue is a warrant for the acts we see today. If you want to know if there is an element of religious war in current events, ask them! It is quite emphatically "Yes!" It makes little difference if the West concedes this point, except to strategically bind them to reactionary responses alone.

As another poster linked here, Briggitte Gabriel gives a brief impassioned talk on the minority of radical islamists and the threat they poise. She echoes what has been said by me and others, but does it better, and is cuter. The fact is, history has always and near exclusively pivoted on the minority. Indeed, too numerous to count horrors in history pivoted solely on the minority. History here does not support that apathy of marginal numbers as a threat. Mind exercise at home: Think of major contemporary horrors in the past 150 years and you will find the machinations of the minority eerily in the forefront (mostly).

I have no use for religion but of course it is a religious war. Accepting it is a religious war does not require people to encamp with christians or others. The war is upon all other faiths as sharia demands adherence irrespective of what faith you are.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

Do you have a link to that information ?


Now that the matter has been confirmed, by the top Greek government minister, do you have any comment to make? You seemed rather certain it was not possible didn't you? All contentious claims should be substantiated, so don't take it as a swipe against you for asking. However, I am eager to read your views now that we know another bogus refugee was involved in a terror attack. This brings up the moral dilemma of whether hundreds should die and be critically injured so that people who despise their culture and political views can be let in to their country. I don't know the answer to this issue, do you?

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In previous work with refugees, there are always those who will pose as a refugee when in fact they are fleeing prosecution and not persecution. There are very few countries in the world where a person entering a country illegally, whether they are seeking asylum or not, are allowed freedom of movement and not tracked.

My thoughts to the many killed and injured and to their family, friends and colleagues. My thoughts are with the people of France and all those affected by this tragedy. I suspect there will be a very large number of people and countries that ultimately pay for this massacre.

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In previous work with refugees, there are always those who will pose as a refugee when in fact they are fleeing prosecution and not persecution. There are very few countries in the world where a person entering a country illegally, whether they are seeking asylum or not, are allowed freedom of movement and not tracked.

My thoughts to the many killed and injured and to their family, friends and colleagues. My thoughts are with the people of France and all those affected by this tragedy. I suspect there will be a very large number of people and countries that ultimately pay for this massacre.

We just need to ensure that it is the "Right" people and countries that suffer and pay for this outrage !

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First terrorist identified is French born.

Then kick the lot of them out. Plenty of room in the desert sands of arabia. Much closer to their beloved mecca. every muslim out of europe.

On what LEGAL BASE? The French like Legal Base a lot. You might say they invented it. Human Rights and Civil liberties. Back in those days the head rested loose on the shoulders and life was much more dangerous than it is now even with IS in the picture, and still, such big progress were made right then.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

Do you have a link to that information ?


Now that the matter has been confirmed, by the top Greek government minister, do you have any comment to make? You seemed rather certain it was not possible didn't you? All contentious claims should be substantiated, so don't take it as a swipe against you for asking. However, I am eager to read your views now that we know another bogus refugee was involved in a terror attack. This brings up the moral dilemma of whether hundreds should die and be critically injured so that people who despise their culture and political views can be let in to their country. I don't know the answer to this issue, do you?

You have the Syrian passport, but you haven't a Syrian body yet...or at least a match...

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Our problem in France, is that no one can speak about sovereignty, without being called a racist bigot.

And unfortunately only Marine Lepen is bringing this issue forward.

It should not be that way, we have a right to protect our values and that does not mean we are racists.

I really hope it will change.

French values are constantly under attack, not just by terrorists, but in everyday life.

I hope this will open people's eyes.

All countries values change. Many years ago it was the vietnamese 'scourge'. Then too many chinese. White australia policy.

Frankly I am happy with what the vietnamese, chinese, italian, irish, greeks and the others who shaped the country. But at the time off the mass arrivals it was very scary and lots of trouble. But they ended up being embraced.

I believe those nationalities that you mention,wanted to integrate, can you in all honesty believe that the people of Islam also wish to integrate with the infidels.

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Obama said 'Those Who Think That They Can Terrorize the People of France or the Values That They Stand for Are Wrong'

Really Mr Obama, is that a serious statement of are you just making jokes again?

I would imagine a lot of people in Paris feel terrorized, especially those who have just lost loved ones or friends!

Were I any country right now, a message from Obama would be the last thing I would want right now.

What an utterly disgusting and reprehensible individual it is.

Making political points out of a terrible crime/tragedy is equally disgusting.

What has happened in Paris is a result of political decisions and pointing out how and why those decisions have proven to have been unwise if not downright stupid is hardly what you'd call disgusting. Countries with few or no Muslims usually have little or no civil unrest and no suicide bombings.

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First terrorist identified is French born.

And the Syrian passport was reported to be from one of the suicide bombers outside the Stade de France football stadium.

Apparently the blast didn't destroy it...

Not only a Syrian passport found but an Egyptian one as well. How very lucky either document could survive the blast, very convenient as well.

Coincidentally a pass port was found from one of the hijackers the flew in to the WTC.

My pass port was completely destroyed after my mother in law sent it through the washing machine. Go figure.

says it all really don't it.......problem reaction solution AGAIN

Moreover, they were driving with Belgian license plates in Paris.

Some people have been arrested in Brussels now and they've found the car who was in Paris.

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All the politicians who have voted for mass immigration of muslims should be taken out and shot only then will we be safe.

I do believe it was fench citizens who did this. I can stand corrected tho

They were Muslims and I doubt many real French people would regard them as French citizens.

Civically they may be classed as French citizens but first and foremost they're Muslims.

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many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

What you say is false.
Muhammad in the second part of the Qur'an (Koran of Medina) clearly calls for the killing of infidels almost every page. All us therefore, and particularly the 128 of Paris.
4.89: "They would like as their sombriez yourself in disbelief that you're at the same point (sawa ') than them. Do not take them for friends as they will not have emigrated for the cause of God, and if they turn away, you grab them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take them as allies or supporters for! "
4.90: "[kill them wherever you find them] with the exception of those who visit a tribe (qawn) to which you are bound by a treaty or those who come find you a heavy heart at the thought of you fight or fight their tribe; if God had willed, He would have made you masters and they would have fought you. Also, if they avoid you, do not fight you and offer you their submission, God will not allow you to show their hostility. "
etc ...
Like it or not Islamist murderers of Christians or Jews are simply good Muslims.
Is why we are in a complete impasse with that.

Is it really fair to quote what Muhammad said and then to apply that to all peoples who embrace Islam?

Would that not be the same as painting anyone, with a broad brush, who claims to be an American, or French, or British, and apply what all their leaders said and did throughout history? ... to say that these people are born into their native lands and that automatically pins upon them all the faults and failures of their county's past?

What about the Bible, or the Talmud, or the Torah, or any other religious writing of significance?...

Can you say the same about Christians or Jews or Catholics, or Buddhists, or any others, regardless of the voracity or sterility of the writings ascribed to that belief or view?

As I stated (suggested/implied) in another post... I believe that each individual is above his or her religion, and only the feeble or weak ones ascribe to his or her own religion until they reach such a time as to be able to recognize what is right or wrong or acceptable or unacceptable to his or her own brother or sister in this life.

Religion is a scapegoat and moreover an excuse. 80% of the the peoples are basically good and 20% want to keep the pot stirred... yet less than 20% of that 20% have the monopoly on the media and the broadcasting to make it seem to the 80% that it is the 80% who feel such a way... when in fact it is not true.

I trust I am making some sense herein, yes?

You are correct in that Muhammad may have said this or that, but I would rather you give leeway to those who embrace Islam and sort it out for themselves and present to us their own individual views on this.

I would wager that of all the films of all the Islamic bad guys you have seen would not comprise more than... say... 15 to 20% of the Islamic religion.

Moreover, I would state the same about those who embrace the Bible and other writings of significance.

But if you are going to point out books and their content and the corrosive and threatening and violent things they promote to all mankind, then I would respectfully ask that you not stop merely at the Koran of Medina, but also move on to all other religious writings.

It simply is insincere and disingenuous to do this with focus on only one item and neglect to mention the other items which play a major role in today's problems, and to which that 20% embrace with fanatical malignancy.

I have yet to walk into a bar and strike up a chat with a Muslim with C4 strapped to his hide and the sweat beading on his forehead in anticipation of shouting "Allah Akbar!", or a Jew with an AK47 popping kids outside on the street as we swill down the beers, or a Mormon ready to bludgeon someone for being a non-believer. This statement is meant to be humorous, in case no one gets it.

Religion is a crutch and moreover an indoctrination to keep mankind crawling on all fours and bleating to an invisible friend, instead of walking upright and shouting at the sky to anyone out there to come down and meet him (man) on realistic terms... terms that do not require abject and disgusting worship to any bloodthirsty creature.

I guess what I am saying,as an agnostic, is that I feel that I am better than any god or any figure in any written manuscript, simply because I have sinned (if you want to call it that) yet those books I mentioned also proclaim those heroes and heroins as having done the same, but they get credit for it and I get the poopy end of the stick.

Just my views, mate!... just my views.

I guess they are all similar.

But which one goes 'BOOM' all too frequently?

And then claims responsibility as a badge of honour?

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PublicOrderMin Toskas confirms Paris attacker w Syrian passport was registered as refugee on Leros island in Oct. /via @AntennaNews

The holder of a syrian passport found on one of the bodies of the attackers passed through Greece in October. According to a Greek Minister, "the passport holder has passed through Leros 3 October, where he was identified following the rules of the European Union."


Well well…if this turns out to be true they are gonna have to triple the security on some of those refugee camps.

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