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No Access To Any Of These Gadgets On Windows 10?

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Hello and Swasdee Khrap,

My home PC that works very well with W 10 pro just started to give me a little headache. When I click on the Windows button, I do have access to all programs and files on the left-hand side. But when I click on weather or any other gadgets on the right, it tries to start them for half a second and nothing happens.

I've tried some tools, even the "System File checker", (please see web page: http://home.bt.com/tech-gadgets/computing/has-your-windows-10-start-menu-stopped-working-here-are-four-ways-to-fix-it-11364000314532

I ran some tools from this page but wasn't successful. I'd really appreciate any useful ideas how to solve this problem.

Any advice would be nice. Thanks a lot in advence. wai2.gif


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I had similar problems with my installation of Windows 10. I solved the problem by dumping Windows 10.

I "upgraded",four PC's now and start to think that it's basically a "downgrade".

The last installation taught me to forget it when I tried for many days and sleepless nights to make a Windows 10 pro installation functioning.

After too many problems, I went back to Windows 7, even when trying to use Acronis and restored my Windows 7 from an external drive, many programs didn't work, similar to Windows 10.

Too many programs just don't work with Windows 10 and I won't do another upgrade in the future, only if certain things change.

Life's too short to waste it with a program that has too many problems.


Just spent 2 days with my brother's Toshiba laptop he upgraded to Win10. All was good for some time, then the mail and calendar widgets quit working.

Did several unintall an reinstall of the Mail and Cal app, but it would not work. It appeared the re-install saw some of the files but didn't reinstall the whole program suite.

Net result was we put 8.1 back on. Mail and Cal worked perfectly nad resynched itself.

Since we put 8.1 back on, we put in an SSD drive and it re-vitalized the laptop.


Did you delete any User Account(s) recently?

I had a similar issue when I deleted an unknown user account a week or so after I initially installed Win 10. When trying to reinstall those Windows apps that stopped working some would and some would not. Fortunately I had done an image back just before deleting the unknown user account, reloaded the imaged, and everything worked fine again. About a month ago I tried deleting the unknown user account which was really just a leftover account from some playing of creating and deleting user accounts I had done shortly after installing Win 10. This time the user accounts deleted and the apps continued to work...maybe some Windows update had fixed the issue I had experienced earlier...I don't know.


Did you delete any User Account(s) recently?

I had a similar issue when I deleted an unknown user account a week or so after I initially installed Win 10. When trying to reinstall those Windows apps that stopped working some would and some would not. Fortunately I had done an image back just before deleting the unknown user account, reloaded the imaged, and everything worked fine again. About a month ago I tried deleting the unknown user account which was really just a leftover account from some playing of creating and deleting user accounts I had done shortly after installing Win 10. This time the user accounts deleted and the apps continued to work...maybe some Windows update had fixed the issue I had experienced earlier...I don't know.

No, I didn't delete an User account. But I do have the system backed up when all was working well. The joke is that I've wasted many days of my free time to upgrade another PC I wanted to use at school and almost all went wrong.

I tend to believe that the from Windows offered upgrades seem to be the best option, instead using the creation tool.

But even when I made my restore using Acronis, it didn't put my CD key number back in, many programs didn't work anymore, etc..

That on the other hand only shows that Windows is leaving traces on your Hard drive. I just found out that Windows Cortana isn't supported in the country?

I smell a lot of dead fish and dead bodies under Microsoft's bed....


Did you delete any User Account(s) recently?

I had a similar issue when I deleted an unknown user account a week or so after I initially installed Win 10. When trying to reinstall those Windows apps that stopped working some would and some would not. Fortunately I had done an image back just before deleting the unknown user account, reloaded the imaged, and everything worked fine again. About a month ago I tried deleting the unknown user account which was really just a leftover account from some playing of creating and deleting user accounts I had done shortly after installing Win 10. This time the user accounts deleted and the apps continued to work...maybe some Windows update had fixed the issue I had experienced earlier...I don't know.

I love your last sentence. I don't know. And that's the big problem with Windows 10. There're too many unknown variables.


The more and longer I use computers the more I learn and know....but at the same time the versions of Windows changes so much to include new problems that I usually forget as much old stuff (but still relevant stuff) as I do new stuff.

I consider myself a pretty good googler in being able to search down fixes to my Windows problems. But when the dust settles many times I just don't understand why a particular fix did indeed fix the problem as operating system software can get so technical and geeky that it just goes over my head.

One thing Windows does do is that it can help fend off Alzheimers through brain exercise...of course Windows also can increase stress, frustration and high blood pressure....and in Thailand can probably even cause diabetes.


I wonder if it is a problem that is preventing the app from accessing the internet. Perhaps a setting not allowing it.

The weather app has to have access to get the info displayed.


Works for me. I have not had a problem since I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1.

attachicon.gifweather screenshot.jpg

Thanks for the nice Image Mr. Joe....I'm sitting here and I try to get my system back, no matter if it's Windows 7, or my 10.

I used Acronis and wanted to do a restore to an earlier time before when all that fancy stuff still worked. ( I upgraded from Win 7 pro). Unfortunately, did the thingy stop after 15 minutes and there's no more chance to boot, do a system restore, or anything else.

Now, I really feel like an idiot, goit all my school stuff to do which might take up to five hours.

Had the wrong Acronis emergency CD, the 2015 version inserted, but needed the 2014er. God, I feel raped by millions of computers and the six hours of teaching tomorrow do not give me a better feeling.

I've tried almost all, a repair disc didn';t work. Then I was so close to install a new program but got Acronis running now while I have to eat a delicious Schnitzel with homemade potato salad and an ordinary salad. Life's good when you're surrounded with the right people...

My wife is such a good cook that I forget the most problems within a minute.I start to believe W 10 was made by the devil., that's the reason why it was free.

Would I easily pissed off, I wouldn't be alive anymore. Got the series with computers for a few weeks.

But I see the positive side of it. I'll laugh about it tomorrow and run right into the next dog shit. Acronis shows 14 minutes, can't wait to see the restart and what's working afterward.

But I might be a dreamer and nothing is working. Your image is one of the reasons why I wanted to have them back, I type the city where my sister lives and feel very good that I can sit outside while they're freezing their butts off.

A wonderful Sunday and a much better beginning of a new week tomorrow.Will post my Cheers- thumbsup.gif

image of my weather soon? Hmm, maybe not....lolfacepalm.gif

Pssst, down to 12 minutes waiting for the restart..Acronis, you're the best program. Please......bah.gif


It's looooong been known that upgrading an OS is much more likely to result in problems than a clean install. I would suggest you backup anything important, format and do a fresh install. Your Win 10 activation is tied to your hardware so even after a format you'll have activation. Seems logical to me but after reading the above posts it's pretty clear that most of the people having problems have no real knowledge of their computer whatsoever but if you're game have a shot at it.


I am having a similar problem.

What is the solution?

Still working on it, tried all fixes I found online. Seems that I reinstall it tonight. Fragging .shitttttt. Now I've got all through and need to try my W 10 installation to get to the image one....hrrrrrrrrrrr


I did a w10 upgrade on an Alienware laptop circa 2011. Upgrade went OK, but too many niggly things bugged me. Dell/Alienware didn't support W10 on my laptop so there were multiple driver problems.

The killer, since the primary purpose I keep a Windows machine was to act as a media server, was that I could not get it to recognize my external backup drives. I could plug them in, get the usual installing driver stuff but would not display the contents, or even recognize them.

Eventually just went back to W7, which I have to say has been my overall happiest experience with a Microsoft OS, by far


Works for me. I have not had a problem since I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1.

attachicon.gifweather screenshot.jpg

Thanks for the nice Image Mr. Joe....I'm sitting here and I try to get my system back, no matter if it's Windows 7, or my 10.

I used Acronis and wanted to do a restore to an earlier time before when all that fancy stuff still worked. ( I upgraded from Win 7 pro). Unfortunately, did the thingy stop after 15 minutes and there's no more chance to boot, do a system restore, or anything else.

Now, I really feel like an idiot, goit all my school stuff to do which might take up to five hours.

Had the wrong Acronis emergency CD, the 2015 version inserted, but needed the 2014er. God, I feel raped by millions of computers and the six hours of teaching tomorrow do not give me a better feeling.

I've tried almost all, a repair disc didn';t work. Then I was so close to install a new program but got Acronis running now while I have to eat a delicious Schnitzel with homemade potato salad and an ordinary salad. Life's good when you're surrounded with the right people...

My wife is such a good cook that I forget the most problems within a minute.I start to believe W 10 was made by the devil., that's the reason why it was free.

Would I easily pissed off, I wouldn't be alive anymore. Got the series with computers for a few weeks.

But I see the positive side of it. I'll laugh about it tomorrow and run right into the next dog shit. Acronis shows 14 minutes, can't wait to see the restart and what's working afterward.

But I might be a dreamer and nothing is working. Your image is one of the reasons why I wanted to have them back, I type the city where my sister lives and feel very good that I can sit outside while they're freezing their butts off.

A wonderful Sunday and a much better beginning of a new week tomorrow.Will post my Cheers- thumbsup.gif

image of my weather soon? Hmm, maybe not....lolfacepalm.gif

Pssst, down to 12 minutes waiting for the restart..Acronis, you're the best program. Please......bah.gif

windows 7 and 10 have a built in backup that will create an image of your system, I have mine on a HD and refresh it every week, system restore is also running and working in W10, not sure why you are using a 3rd party application for this...just saying

I had a laptop that was upgraded from windows 7 I also have a desktop that has a fresh install of W10

W10 is not perfect (yet) but is working well enough to make me keep it and not roll back to W7, the only thing I suffered from was the odd sudden reboot but since the last huge update a few days ago it has remained steady without any issues.

I still use windows media player though for video and audio playback and IE the odd time but things are improving


I did a w10 upgrade on an Alienware laptop circa 2011. Upgrade went OK, but too many niggly things bugged me. Dell/Alienware didn't support W10 on my laptop so there were multiple driver problems.

The killer, since the primary purpose I keep a Windows machine was to act as a media server, was that I could not get it to recognize my external backup drives. I could plug them in, get the usual installing driver stuff but would not display the contents, or even recognize them.

Eventually just went back to W7, which I have to say has been my overall happiest experience with a Microsoft OS, by far

I have an AW laptop and had no issues - see above


I am having a similar problem.

What is the solution?

Still working on it, tried all fixes I found online. Seems that I reinstall it tonight. Fragging .shitttttt. Now I've got all through and need to try my W 10 installation to get to the image one....hrrrrrrrrrrr

wait for the latest update which is basically service pack 1 of W10


I am having a similar problem.

What is the solution?

Still working on it, tried all fixes I found online. Seems that I reinstall it tonight. Fragging .shitttttt. Now I've got all through and need to try my W 10 installation to get to the image one....hrrrrrrrrrrr

wait for the latest update which is basically service pack 1 of W10

The update/upgrade has already been released....it not received yet a person may be like many others (including me) who are not receiving it and may never receive it. See below post for more info/some web links on the subject.



It took a long, long time to effect the update. Hours!


The PC feels faster but that can be deceiving.

Apps - many were updated & useful.

Overall result - delighted!


The shit has hit the fan. I was using Acronis to get the system back to a time when all worked well and at the end of the backup, it turned out that there was a corrupt file.

Now I could really kick my own one and I'm right now reinstalling Windows 7. I thought I'd have three back ups, but I was stupid enough to backup the school computers twice, instead of my own personal PC.

I've tried it three times, the Acronis back up runs well until the end. Right before the restart then the deadly message: A corrupt file bla bla bla.

I've lost quite a lot of very important data now and feel like a donkey. Stupid me, who cares if the weather stuff work, or not? ( If all the rest works well?

In the future, I'll use an external only for my PC and my notebook and no more other crap like a school computer.

The irritating stuff with Acronis is that the drive letters are completely changed and when you have four back ups on one drive such things can happen.

Topic is for me closed. I think I'm sick tomorrow, still got worksheets to produce and I'm not in the mood after all this hassle to do this.Damn.

Please see this as a warning and back your stuff up, leave it at a safe place. G'Day.- facepalm.gif


A person can never have enough backups....and a backup program that is easy to use...throwing in free would be nice also.

Highly, highly, highly, highly recommend use of Macrium Reflect-Free for backup/imaging/cloning software. You can also download the complete User's Guide here. Easy to use, always being updated, fast, etc., and did I mention free. They also have "paid" versions which give a person more backup features, but the Free version should meet the needs of most...it sure has for me.


A person can never have enough backups....and a backup program that is easy to use...throwing in free would be nice also.

Highly, highly, highly, highly recommend use of Macrium Reflect-Free for backup/imaging/cloning software. You can also download the complete User's Guide here. Easy to use, always being updated, fast, etc., and did I mention free. They also have "paid" versions which give a person more backup features, but the Free version should meet the needs of most...it sure has for me.

Like I said, I've been using system restore and system image both free default applications built into windows and I see absolutly no need to use and complicate things with a 3rd party app, system image on my laptop takes a while as it is 1.3tb but my desktop has an SSD of only 250gb where the system is installed and only takes about 15mins, neither are an issue as they run in the background, system restore is still working also, to sum up - I have never had an issue and never needed to look at any other software to replace the functionality


The shit has hit the fan. I was using Acronis to get the system back to a time when all worked well and at the end of the backup, it turned out that there was a corrupt file.

Now I could really kick my own one and I'm right now reinstalling Windows 7. I thought I'd have three back ups, but I was stupid enough to backup the school computers twice, instead of my own personal PC.

I've tried it three times, the Acronis back up runs well until the end. Right before the restart then the deadly message: A corrupt file bla bla bla.

I've lost quite a lot of very important data now and feel like a donkey. Stupid me, who cares if the weather stuff work, or not? ( If all the rest works well?

In the future, I'll use an external only for my PC and my notebook and no more other crap like a school computer.

The irritating stuff with Acronis is that the drive letters are completely changed and when you have four back ups on one drive such things can happen.

Topic is for me closed. I think I'm sick tomorrow, still got worksheets to produce and I'm not in the mood after all this hassle to do this.Damn.

Please see this as a warning and back your stuff up, leave it at a safe place. G'Day.- facepalm.gif

not sure how Acronis works but you seem to have the bulk of what you need, have you tried doing the process then using a repair disk to rebuild what is corrupted or missing - TBH I would have left W10 there and done the recent update, like I said although not perfect W10 is getting better and better, you've given yourself all this headache because a widget wasn't opening properly - some hard thinking needs to be done right there


It took a long, long time to effect the update. Hours!


The PC feels faster but that can be deceiving.

Apps - many were updated & useful.

Overall result - delighted!

yes it was like watching paint dry even on my super fast machine, I think they build in gaps in the tasks to make sure they are completed, I can think of no other explanation


No matter how many minor apps are missing, I never forget that W 10 is legitimate. Prior to that, no body knew its status.


A person can never have enough backups....and a backup program that is easy to use...throwing in free would be nice also.

Highly, highly, highly, highly recommend use of Macrium Reflect-Free for backup/imaging/cloning software. You can also download the complete User's Guide here. Easy to use, always being updated, fast, etc., and did I mention free. They also have "paid" versions which give a person more backup features, but the Free version should meet the needs of most...it sure has for me.

Like I said, I've been using system restore and system image both free default applications built into windows and I see absolutly no need to use and complicate things with a 3rd party app, system image on my laptop takes a while as it is 1.3tb but my desktop has an SSD of only 250gb where the system is installed and only takes about 15mins, neither are an issue as they run in the background, system restore is still working also, to sum up - I have never had an issue and never needed to look at any other software to replace the functionality

I use to use the Windows built-in "Create System Image & File Backup" also...used it for several years, but its slow and can have issues in reloading a image which I have personally experienced....like the Windows backup restore not being able to find the image on your backup drive if that backup drive is also used to store other files--I have personally experienced that problem and know the fix now. Plus, I frequently clone disks---Windows backup/restore no-can-do that...but Macrium can...and it's free...and its easy to use. Yeap, the built-in Windows backup has been relegated to "no use" status for me....even Microsoft has made no effort since Win 7 release to improve it because of the many & better imaging/backup apps now available...many of them free.


The shit has hit the fan. I was using Acronis to get the system back to a time when all worked well and at the end of the backup, it turned out that there was a corrupt file.

Now I could really kick my own one and I'm right now reinstalling Windows 7. I thought I'd have three back ups, but I was stupid enough to backup the school computers twice, instead of my own personal PC.

I've tried it three times, the Acronis back up runs well until the end. Right before the restart then the deadly message: A corrupt file bla bla bla.

I've lost quite a lot of very important data now and feel like a donkey. Stupid me, who cares if the weather stuff work, or not? ( If all the rest works well?

In the future, I'll use an external only for my PC and my notebook and no more other crap like a school computer.

The irritating stuff with Acronis is that the drive letters are completely changed and when you have four back ups on one drive such things can happen.

Topic is for me closed. I think I'm sick tomorrow, still got worksheets to produce and I'm not in the mood after all this hassle to do this.Damn.

Please see this as a warning and back your stuff up, leave it at a safe place. G'Day.- facepalm.gif

not sure how Acronis works but you seem to have the bulk of what you need, have you tried doing the process then using a repair disk to rebuild what is corrupted or missing - TBH I would have left W10 there and done the recent update, like I said although not perfect W10 is getting better and better, you've given yourself all this headache because a widget wasn't opening properly - some hard thinking needs to be done right there

Not just one didn't work. All of them didn't open, exactly what I liked so much about it. But times are changing and I hate it now. Better to wait and see when all these "little problems" are gone.

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