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Paris attacks may lead to US military anti-IS escalation


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Nothing will work as long as the nations of the West allow the enemy to live among them.

Hitler said something very similar.

Oh, so you said the word, "Hitler" and now we're all supposed to cower and beg for forgiveness and allow fifth columns to continue to ravage Western civilization? No, don't thinks so. FDR also said similar things in FREEING the world from Hitler and Tojo and, in his time, so did Wilson. The one time US ambassador to Germany, James W. Gerard said: "The Foreign Minister of Germany once said to me 'your country does not dare do anything against Germany, because we have in your country five hundred thousand Germans reservists [emigrants] who will rise in arms against your government if you dare to make a move against Germany.' Well, I told him that that might be so, but that we had five hundred thousand – and one – lamp posts in this country, and that that was where the reservists would be hanging the day after they tried to rise."

Do whatever you like. The comment is about bigotry and condemning a category of people without regard to individual guilt. We all do it. It is just very early in the fact finding to be condemning 1.5 billion people for what was done by apparently 8 individuals.

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One new wrinkle since Friday's attacks in Paris is the prospect of France asking its NATO allies to come to its aid, invoking the 28 members' treaty obligation to consider an armed attack on one member as an attack against them all. That has happened only once in NATO's 66-year history: in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the U.S.

It would be best if all concerned takes a deep breath, recall history and consider the consequences of starting another Afghanistan style war.

I understand everyone is hot headed right now and needs vengeance. But in time it will be proven this attack was manufactured, just as 9/11 was and many others through out history, that led to war or continued the war spirit. (Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, The By of Pigs in Cuba and The Iran hostage crisis) to name a few.

War is a big business worth many hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and the Boogie Man the mainstream media keeps pounding us with is a scary thing.

As a reminder when ISIS came to prominence was in 2011, just before the the deadline to remove all US ground forces from Iraq, and the beginning of the civil war in Syria. Because of ISIS the US still has troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and is engaged in Syria with now a strong desire to escalate, of course with a little help from France will have all NATO countries fighting alongside, just like Afghanistan. With Iran and Russia in this conflict in Syria it is not hard to imagine where this is leading.

Edited by dcutman
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It's gotta be "boots on the ground". Bombing has limited success, these vermin have to be annihilated.

Bombing has limited success in the Middle East - but so do "boots on the ground."

Both these tactics have been conspicuous failures since 9/11.

They don't eliminate terrorists, they create more.

Depends how big the bombs are, time to take the gloves off and do the job properly, they want martyrdom anyway~

"Depends how big the bombs are,.."

You're being facetious, aren't you?

I'm not baiting you on this, but could you tell me what tactic or strategy might work in the Middle East that hasn't been tried already and proven a total failure since 9/11?

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Assad might be a undesirable character by our standards, but the region is not ready for democracy, Democracy has tendency to be usurped by those with the loudest voices and it requires strong institutions to support it.

Support Assad as the lesser of two evils.

All the Kings horses and all the Kings men can not put The Iraqi Humpty Dumpty together again. Give Iraqi Kurds their independence, and bring back Saddam part duex for the rest.

Then let the people of the region find a roadmap to a more desirable system.

How many years are we in Iraq now??? dont you think the Iraqi people would had got rid of Saddam by now?

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I think all known terrorists should be executed or put behind bars. Letting known wackos wonder the streets and preach hate and kill innocent people is just crazy. Also, anyone who is suspected of being involved in terror and has to be followed just to make sure they don't bomb or kill people should be deported to Syria. We are at war with these sick bastards. It's time to take the gloves off !!!

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France is a permanent member of the UN security council, mostly for historical reasons, but it means they have a vote with some weight behind it. Security council is able to pass resolutions involving considerable use of military force, in other words, if they say so, a large amount of excrement will be hitting the blades. Personally I think ISIS has to be wiped from the face of the earth with whatever means necessary.

I was just watching a documentary on Hiroshima and thought...........hmmm.

The difference is, as Osama eloquently put it, that America (and by implication the West) is afraid of death, whereas these raving lunatics embrace it.

They only understand death and revenge, they are not afraid to die.

You would think the fact that people were prepared to sit in front of aircraft and fly them into buildings would tell people that one thing you can't use to describe them is "cowards".

It needs a completely different mindset to defeat them.

Unfortunately that would require the acceptance of some severe limitations on our freedoms.

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France is a permanent member of the UN security council, mostly for historical reasons, but it means they have a vote with some weight behind it. Security council is able to pass resolutions involving considerable use of military force, in other words, if they say so, a large amount of excrement will be hitting the blades. Personally I think ISIS has to be wiped from the face of the earth with whatever means necessary.

I was just watching a documentary on Hiroshima and thought...........hmmm.

Well that speaks volumes about your character. You don't care if hundreds of thousands of innocent people are killed to achieve your purpose. Not much different from the thinking of the terrorists who perpetrated the atrocity in the OP.

- and this coming from someone whose username and avatar is that of a serial killer... rolleyes.gif

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France is a permanent member of the UN security council, mostly for historical reasons, but it means they have a vote with some weight behind it. Security council is able to pass resolutions involving considerable use of military force, in other words, if they say so, a large amount of excrement will be hitting the blades. Personally I think ISIS has to be wiped from the face of the earth with whatever means necessary.

I was just watching a documentary on Hiroshima and thought...........hmmm.

The difference is, as Osama eloquently put it, that America (and by implication the West) is afraid of death, whereas these raving lunatics embrace it.

They only understand death and revenge, they are not afraid to die.

You would think the fact that people were prepared to sit in front of aircraft and fly them into buildings would tell people that one thing you can't use to describe them is "cowards".

It needs a completely different mindset to defeat them.

Unfortunately that would require the acceptance of some severe limitations on our freedoms.

well said,

but everyone loves life, Arabs are no different. The lunatics are our creation, we have rained so much death upon them, we have desensitized them to it , we have created conditions where for many death is a more desirable option.

So yes I agree, a different tactic is necessary. But from the response in this forum and elsewhere, it looks like not only will we not change our policy, we will escalate it.

The definition of insanity is doing the dame thing and expecting different results.

We removed Saddam and Iraq fell apart, now we go after Assad and we are surprised the same thing happens

Insanity ? or............

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France is a permanent member of the UN security council, mostly for historical reasons, but it means they have a vote with some weight behind it. Security council is able to pass resolutions involving considerable use of military force, in other words, if they say so, a large amount of excrement will be hitting the blades. Personally I think ISIS has to be wiped from the face of the earth with whatever means necessary.

I was just watching a documentary on Hiroshima and thought...........hmmm.

Well that speaks volumes about your character. You don't care if hundreds of thousands of innocent people are killed to achieve your purpose. Not much different from the thinking of the terrorists who perpetrated the atrocity in the OP.

- and this coming from someone whose username and avatar is that of a serial killer... rolleyes.gif

But Dexter (great series btw), if you have seen it you would know, only ever whacked the bad guys, never innocents..just as I do , metaphorically speaking of course.

Edited by dexterm
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France is a permanent member of the UN security council, mostly for historical reasons, but it means they have a vote with some weight behind it. Security council is able to pass resolutions involving considerable use of military force, in other words, if they say so, a large amount of excrement will be hitting the blades. Personally I think ISIS has to be wiped from the face of the earth with whatever means necessary.

I was just watching a documentary on Hiroshima and thought...........hmmm.

The difference is, as Osama eloquently put it, that America (and by implication the West) is afraid of death, whereas these raving lunatics embrace it.

They only understand death and revenge, they are not afraid to die.

You would think the fact that people were prepared to sit in front of aircraft and fly them into buildings would tell people that one thing you can't use to describe them is "cowards".

It needs a completely different mindset to defeat them.

Unfortunately that would require the acceptance of some severe limitations on our freedoms.

You bring up some points that are worth thinking about.

No, they are not cowards, that's for sure.

The mindset required to defeat them hasn't developed yet.

Bombing and invading their countries has been counterproductive.

The hordes of refugees invading Europe is just the latest proof of that.

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What a pile of garbage.
They are not cowards and are not heroes.
They are unsuspecting15-19 year-old boys, indoctrinated of evil men.
Education highest 3-4 years at best.
Islamic village school, goats beware, no internet or global television in the desert.
The evil but powerful village preachers tell them then, that they are the chosen ones.
Selected from allah, the almighty.
They get a little training and are controlled in the final stage 24 hours around the clock.
On the last night before their terror mission, the evil men send these goatherds, young, briefed prostitutes.
“After your mission many young girls are waiting for you.”
So they go, shoot and bomb innocent people.

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IMHO: the only way forward is for the rich and powerful Islamic countries(Saudi, Kuwait, Quatar) to take the lead. Declare Jihad on people who are bringing their faith into disrepute. Anything else will only bring the claim of Islamophobia from ISIL and gain more recruits,

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