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Would you still come to Thailand to Live Today?


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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.

One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

Edited by Sutty
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I'm not sure why Thailand should be obliged to welcome these people with open arms.

Because 'these people' are in the long haul huge foreign exchange contributors over time.. For every oil worker importing 2 or 3 million baht a year, married, with kids in private schools, big villas and and flash cars.. There was at one time a fresh of the plane guy enjoying the lifestyle and freedoms, who then met a Thai girl and settled down.. If the early stage of that is too difficult, they will just go and meet a Khmer girl, or a Pinoy.. Or whatever..

Some people are missing the question totally. The question isnt 'do you have a OK visa class now'... or 'are you intending to stay with the changes' thats not the question or the point.. If you were arriving for the first time, would the visa issue put you off setting up home here.

For me, yes they may well do.. Current visa issues dont currently effect me.. I have been on the same visa and extensions for I think 6 years.. I was on rotating non imms for maybe 4 before that.. I was never one for tourist visa runs, I like my holidays on my schedule.. Back when I arrived you just put 1000b in your passport once a month and got a fresh 30 day stamp. When that ended tourist visas were too much hassle but getting non imms was trivial.. Gradually all the easy options have been removed. If I didnt have the class I have now I would either pony up the 500k for an elite visa or pay the military police the 33k they ask for the 'no questions asked' 1 year ED visas they are handing out (good job they are stamping out that corruption huh !!) up here..

But even though there is options.. Its a lot less easy or welcoming.. And its not like theres no where else to have fun.. Sure I like it but I know plenty of guys who just got talked down to and given a hard time by immigration when coming ere to spend 10's of 1000s of dollars who just said.. fine.. I will spend it elsewhere. If I was fresh off the plane, it would only take one or two of those to make me feel the same.

Plus thats just the visas.. The current puritans in charge.. the closing of bars at 5 minutes to midnight.. The rise in animosity in tourist areas.. Theres a lot of things very different than there was back then.. Some I am sure are party my changes, but many are for sure not. I have an established life, the party side is less of a factor, but it would be as a single guy arriving and getting started.

Edited by LivinLOS
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You have a point, but there should be some sort of visa to allow the under fifties to retire here provided they are

contributing to the economy.

The elite visa is only for the rich who can afford to lose 500.000 Baht every five years, not fair I would say.

What sort of visa is there for the under fifties to retire here, that is nothing to do with tourism, and they don' want to get married.

Thailand needs to have a big rethink about this.

Why do they need to do anything? People who have a legit job can get a work permit and visa. Tourists can get a visa waiver. Longer term tourists can get a METV.probably a reason for that staring one in the face.

If there is no visa type that suits someone's needs there is


Longer term tourists can get a METV. It is totally unreasonable to expect the average person to pay out the equivilant of 100.000 Bt per year with nothing in return.

What is OB?

Don't they get a visa? What are the monetary requirements for somewhere like Australia? Much much more. 100k is actually pretty cheap for residency.


Conflating being here on an METV and residency is pure obfuscation..

Residency is when your not asked to leave..

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I'm not sure why Thailand should be obliged to welcome these people with open arms.

Because 'these people' are in the long haul huge foreign exchange contributors over time.. For every oil worker importing 2 or 3 million baht a year, married, with kids in private schools, big villas and and flash cars.. There was at one time a fresh of the plane guy enjoying the lifestyle and freedoms, who then met a Thai girl and settled down.. If the early stage of that is too difficult, they will just go and meet a Khmer girl, or a Pinoy.. Or whatever..

Some people are missing the question totally. The question isnt 'do you have a OK visa class now'... or 'are you intending to stay with the changes' thats not the question or the point.. If you were arriving for the first time, would the visa issue put you off setting up home here.

For me, yes they may well do.. Current visa issues dont currently effect me.. I have been on the same visa and extensions for I think 6 years.. I was on rotating non imms for maybe 4 before that.. I was never one for tourist visa runs, I like my holidays on my schedule.. Back when I arrived you just put 1000b in your passport once a month and got a fresh 30 day stamp. When that ended tourist visas were too much hassle but getting non imms was trivial.. Gradually all the easy options have been removed. If I didnt have the class I have now I would either pony up the 500k for an elite visa or pay the military police the 33k they ask for the 'no questions asked' 1 year ED visas they are handing out (good job they are stamping out that corruption huh !!) up here..

But even though there is options.. Its a lot less easy or welcoming.. And its not like theres no where else to have fun.. Sure I like it but I know plenty of guys who just got talked down to and given a hard time by immigration when coming ere to spend 10's of 1000s of dollars who just said.. fine.. I will spend it elsewhere. If I was fresh off the plane, it would only take one or two of those to make me feel the same.

Think my dear you have missed the point the question is Would you still come to Thailand to live today nothing about visas or being put off by them. Just "Would you still come to Thailand to live today

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.
One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

Reading this forum does tend to give you that impression though. As well as that the Thai economy would ground to a halt without the contributions of those oldies.

I don't believe either of these things to be true.

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.

Yep, loads of young foreigners working illegally in Thailand.

Do they all speak Thai as well as you?

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One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

Not all, but most.

And marrying one, doesn't change what she is .......... or what you we are ...... customers.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Over 50 but here on work extensions....I would not come back. Thai people have become more xenophobic since the coup and I feel far less welcome here than I ever did before. I will be leaving for a neighboring country when my term is up at school, higher pay...different society for sure but less "let's gossip at the farang while he eats street food" kind of thing.......rude comments (yes folks I speak Thai) right in front of you these days.....the times they are a changin'

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Think my dear you have missed the point the question is Would you still come to Thailand to live today nothing about visas or being put off by them. Just "Would you still come to Thailand to live today

With the first line of the OP being

I wouldn't, because Thailand would not welcome me. I am not under fifty, but I sympathise with those who are and would like to come to Thailand to live.

So clearly meaning its less easy to make a long stay..

I came here at 28.. Have no interest or need to work here.. And have spent god knows how many millions here in that time.. Multiple wives.. Land.. Moer cars and bikes and toys than I can count.. God knows.. >2 mil a year for much of it.. I know 10s.. into perhaps 100s of oil guys who have dumped similar amounts into the place..

Now.. Thailand is quite within its rights to say "sorry.. we dont want younger single guys living here and spending 200k a month".. Thats their call.. But thats direct foreign exchange.. Thats money imported from outside the country, dumped here.. Thats a lot more valuable than 200k spent inter economy.. They want it to be hard to spend that here, to need to grovel and kowtow to every grumpy immigration officer manning a desk spouting rules he makes up or gets wrong according to the book half the time.. Like I say fine.. But dont think that money doesnt have an economic impact.. Dont think the multi millions dumped into Phuket, Samui, Hua Hin etc by wealthy long stayers doesnt keep a large chunk of the economys of those places turning. If they dont want it, plenty of other places do.

Lets see how that Chinese tourism works out for the actual locals shall we ??

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.
Yep, loads of young foreigners working illegally in Thailand.

Do they all speak Thai as well as you?

I don't work here.

I don't speak Thai that well, either. But I try.

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I'm 70.. been here 9 years.. this is 'home' now.. love it.. great family & friends.. no snow.. haven't had 'flu for years.. good food .. I like the beer.. good cheap internet access (3 BB).. the locals are happy and friendly (although poor by western standards).. hot and humid at times.. but beats cold and wet.. I could go on.. but I think you get the idea.. :-)

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.
Yep, loads of young foreigners working illegally in Thailand.

Do they all speak Thai as well as you?

I don't work here.

I don't speak Thai that well, either. But I try.

I never said you did,

But you seem to put down old guys living here legally

And praise young guys doing 'entrepreneurial things' .... without a Work Permit or legal VISA.

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Yep, loads of young foreigners working illegally in Thailand.

Do they all speak Thai as well as you?

I don't work here.

I don't speak Thai that well, either. But I try.

I never said you did,

But you seem to put down old guys living here legally

And praise young guys doing 'entrepreneurial things' .... without a Work Permit or legal VISA.

When have I put down old guys living here legally?

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.
Good lord! Someone that actually lives in the same Thailand I do, rather than the one that everyone on here seems to talk about.
Yep, loads of young foreigners working illegally in Thailand.
Do they all speak Thai as well as you?

I don't work here.

I don't speak Thai that well, either. But I try.

I never said you did,
But you seem to put down old guys living here legally
And praise young guys doing 'entrepreneurial things' .... without a Work Permit or legal VISA.

All the young people I know working here have a work permit and visa. I think you move in different circles. Perhaps older non professional ones?

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One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

Not all, but most.

And marrying one, doesn't change what she is .......... or what you we are ...... customers.

You may be if your happy being a customer fair play to you me I'm happy married not a customer

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All the young people I know working here have a work permit and visa. I think you move in different circles. Perhaps older non professional ones?

Sorry, I wasn't speaking to you.

All my pals are fully funded retirees, none of them ever need to work again.

Fed up with poor people trying to scrabble out an existence in Thailand.

If you need to earn a living in Thailand, I don't wanna know you.

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One point not all oldies as you refer to come to Thailand to sleep with Hookers. Other than that point I agree

Not all, but most.

And marrying one, doesn't change what she is .......... or what you we are ...... customers.

You may be if your happy being a customer fair play to you me I'm happy married not a customer

I'm just happy to have a woman half my age in bed with me at night.

Too old to worry about the payment plan, I can't take it with me, and I probably won't be here long.

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All the young people I know working here have a work permit and visa. I think you move in different circles. Perhaps older non professional ones?

Sorry, I wasn't speaking to you.

All my pals are fully funded retirees, none of them ever need to work again.

Fed up with poor people trying to scrabble out an existence in Thailand.

If you need to earn a living in Thailand, I don't wanna know you.

Yup as I suspected.


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Fed up with poor people trying to scrabble out an existence in Thailand.

So no one is allowed to make a living here then. Only fully funded OAP's according to yourself then

That isn't what I said.

I don't want to know them ....... is what I said.

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Quote "Fed up with poor people trying to scrabble out an existence in Thailand.

If you need to earn a living in Thailand, I don't wanna know you" Un quote

Which I read as I don't want people with no money trying to earn a living here in Thailand.

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Yeah I would...No longer under fifty → but life is for Living.....

I like it here....

I like it here too, but you probably have either the retirement or marriage extensions.

But we have to think of those who can't afford the money in the bank, and don't want to get married

I know some posters will say if you can't afford it you should not be here, but again that is not fair, depending on your lifestyle

depending on where you stay, with cheap rental accommodation, cheap

transport, and cheap food.

"...but again that is not fair..."

You sound like some little kid whining about his parents not buying him something all the other kids have. Apparently being fair means give me whatever I want because I want it.

"it can be very easy to live on say 20.000 Bt per month"

And why is it fair for Thailand to have you here as an economic refugee? Not everyone is entitled to live here anymore than are all the economic refugees flooding into Europe.

I could probably pitch a tent and manage to live day-to-day on the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace and it's just unfair that they won't let me. Bwaaaahhh.

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Yeah I would...No longer under fifty → but life is for Living.....

I like it here....

I like it here too, but you probably have either the retirement or marriage extensions.

But we have to think of those who can't afford the money in the bank, and don't want to get married

I know some posters will say if you can't afford it you should not be here, but again that is not fair, depending on your lifestyle

depending on where you stay, with cheap rental accommodation, cheap

transport, and cheap food.

"...but again that is not fair..."

You sound like some little kid whining about his parents not buying him something all the other kids have. Apparently being fair means give me whatever I want because I want it.

"it can be very easy to live on say 20.000 Bt per month"

And why is it fair for Thailand to have you here as an economic refugee? Not everyone is entitled to live here anymore than are all the economic refugees flooding into Europe.

I could probably pitch a tent and manage to live day-to-day on the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace and it's just unfair that they won't let me. Bwaaaahhh.

Moderator is this a rule 7??????

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In the face of Thai apologists...who will quickly usher me to the exit door...No...Hell No...Thailand has little to offer other than females clamouring for free room and board and money to send to momma and the kids...No thank you...

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

All the young people I know working here have a work permit and visa. I think you move in different circles. Perhaps older non professional ones?


Almost exclusively the young entrepreneurial types I meet.. are working at projects on and offline illegally.

The co-working spaces and digital nomad scene is full of it..

Again, if Thailand wants to shut it down.. Up to them.. But they would do much better to find a way to profit from and encourage it IMO.

Those legally working, who are young westerners, are usually the old tired dive master, english teaching, gap year kind of stuff.. Not the entrepreneur side.

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Still under 40. Came at 29. Would defo come today all over again. Many more opportunities here now. The dynamics have changed too. It's no longer just a place old men come to hang out with / sleep with hookers. Every major city is thriving with young westerners doing all sorts of wonderful, entrepreneurial things, many with other young Thais too. That's a key difference I've notice in the last 7 years middle class Thais and young westerners forming friendship groups and mixing on an equal level. There's loads going on in terms of art, music, hollistic health and online ventures.

All the young people I know working here have a work permit and visa. I think you move in different circles. Perhaps older non professional ones?


Almost exclusively the young entrepreneurial types I meet.. are working at projects on and offline illegally.

The co-working spaces and digital nomad scene is full of it..

Again, if Thailand wants to shut it down.. Up to them.. But they would do much better to find a way to profit from and encourage it IMO.

Those legally working, who are young westerners, are usually the old tired dive master, english teaching, gap year kind of stuff.. Not the entrepreneur side.

Different circles.


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