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Obama supports Thailand to return to democracy


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Gen Prayut has accepted an invitation to visit Russia in November next year. I find this the most interesting post. I wonder in what capacity?

Suppose the Russians didn't have much to laugh about over the past year,

so maybe, they are looking for some fun?


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Who really knows what was said or meant, given there are zero quotes from Obama, which is typical of the vast majority of articles that put Thailand in a positive light.

you can guess though.. I guess he simply said "when are you returning the country back to the Thai people and when will a democratically elected government be in place?"

Nothing more, nothing less.

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Obama should have just given a very quick salute and walked on by, without any eye contact. Then have one of his junior staff, preferably armed with a silly grin and a spotty face, stop and stand next to the ring master for the hand shake and photo op.

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Americans would love to see Mr. Obama return the government to the people...including the Congress when writing new legislation into law...and quit issuing executive orders without any debate or approval...circumventing the mandates of the Constitution...that would return American Democracy to its original state of checks and balances...not a pseudo dictatorship...

You don't speak for Americans only your fellow zealots.The language you use is curiously similar to that deployed in Thailand about the last government by some of its critics.Democracy is a messy and imperfect business but only a fool would accept your facile observations.

As to Obama all the evidence suggests that if a third term was permitted, he would win it.

You must be living in a different reality than my zealot friends, only we prefer patirots, something you obviously have no interest in being. Hope your future is a bright as you deem it to be....

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As an American, I can agree with all that Obama is a Fool! Talking about Thailand's Democracy, lets talk about America's Democracy! Obama is a Dictator and has been ruling America as his personnel Kingdom! The American people are ready to Vote for the return of Democracy next November, 2016! There is hope, that a Vote for America next year will carry 40 out of 50 states, with the Vote Being Anti-Obama and the Socialist Democratic Party! Possibility of more states

with the recent activity of Obama's JV Team!

could you keep that kind of drivel on the Fox News blog, please?

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As an American, I can agree with all that Obama is a Fool! Talking about Thailand's Democracy, lets talk about America's Democracy! Obama is a Dictator and has been ruling America as his personnel Kingdom! The American people are ready to Vote for the return of Democracy next November, 2016! There is hope, that a Vote for America next year will carry 40 out of 50 states, with the Vote Being Anti-Obama and the Socialist Democratic Party! Possibility of more states

with the recent activity of Obama's JV Team!

Wishfull thinking as all politicians today are the same, political lobyists for giant coporations, not just USA the whole world now is run by these creeps.

Actually, with his Chicago machine background, Obama is in a better position to understand, and even relate to, Thai politics than any other current western leader or U.S. president in history.

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" The US president told him that he would be delighted to support the country to return to democracy which he assured the president he would try his best to enable the country back to full and sustainable democracy."

The PM needs to hurry up.

The way things are going, Obama will no longer be President by the Time Thailand holds elections again!

Oh boy doesn't this phrase sound so nice.

Obama will no longer be President.....such a sweet sound.

Actually, if he could run for a third term, I, and most Americans would vote for him again.

He had no problem putting the GOP ( Greedy Old Pricks ) in their place for the previous two elections.

He has done a great job of digging the country out of the filthy hole Bush and Cheney burried it in.

What's your problem?

Are you disappointed that he has not started any new wars to increase corporate profits and renewed respect for America as a god country in the eyes of most of the free world?

Or like many, are you just unhappy to have a half white President?

WOW! That's so kind and thoughtful of you to bring up the race card.

Please allow me to say it again. ALL politicians are lying thugs. They can be purple with pink polka dots. My daughter is "half white".

Do you think I have a problem with her ethnicity? Or my wife's???

I do find the Thai cultural differences......different & slag 'em sometimes, but I sure as hell don't hate them, least of all because they are of a different race.

Oh yeah, it would seem that for some strange reason, you are on this forum instead of Congovisa.com.

By your warped logic, a large percentage of members here hate their own kids.

Crimony I wish the bleeding heart liberals out there could just face facts instead of the "boo-hoo-hoo! You people hate his skin color" lame excuse.


Edited by jaywalker
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In the meantime, The Miami Herald said :

"WASHINGTON: The United States has expressed deep frustration over the lack of democratic progress in Thailand after last year's military coup, saying a new constitution there won't pass the "smell test" unless civil society helps to draft it.

Political developments in Thailand came under congressional scrutiny Thursday as a Senate foreign relations panel examined the state of democracy in Southeast Asia."


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Obama may be many things but idiot is not one of them. In fact, much of what he has evidenced is genuis.


The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

Edited by disambiguated
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And here I was, naively thinking that American intelligence was the best in the world.

Intelligence = information, right ? So, where on earth did Khun Obama get the information that Thailand ever was a democracy ?

He is a seasoned politician, which means that he of all people should know that elections are not what define democracy. Elections are a technicality of democracy, not its founding principle. What does define democracy is the separation of powers (legislative, executive and judiciary) and anyone with minimum knowledge of Thai history, old or recent, knows that such a separation never was an established fact in Thailand. Which implies that each and every election was nothing but sheer mockery.

What kind/quality of information goes from the Thai 'field' back up to the highest levels of power the US ? Is it the kind that Mr American Ambassador in Thailand sees when he wanders about his beautiful mansion-cum-garden in the heart of Bangkok ? In the mountain of data that's called information, who decides what is relevant and what is bullsh*it ? the butler in said mansion ?

'Thailand must return to democracy' ... I am so fed up of hearing that mantra from ignorant Western politicians who are just trying to make themselves look good. How do you return to a place where you've never been ? How is it possible that these politicians are so uninformed, or worse hypocritical beyond decency ?

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And here I was, naively thinking that American intelligence was the best in the world.

Intelligence = information, right ? So, where on earth did Khun Obama get the information that Thailand ever was a democracy ?

He is a seasoned politician, which means that he of all people should know that elections are not what define democracy. Elections are a technicality of democracy, not its founding principle. What does define democracy is the separation of powers (legislative, executive and judiciary) and anyone with minimum knowledge of Thai history, old or recent, knows that such a separation never was an established fact in Thailand. Which implies that each and every election was nothing but sheer mockery.

What kind/quality of information goes from the Thai 'field' back up to the highest levels of power the US ? Is it the kind that Mr American Ambassador in Thailand sees when he wanders about his beautiful mansion-cum-garden in the heart of Bangkok ? In the mountain of data that's called information, who decides what is relevant and what is bullsh*it ? the butler in said mansion ?

'Thailand must return to democracy' ... I am so fed up of hearing that mantra from ignorant Western politicians who are just trying to make themselves look good. How do you return to a place where you've never been ? How is it possible that these politicians are so uninformed, or worse hypocritical beyond decency ?

The problem is that you are taking what was reported in the Thai media from a Thai leader which may or may not be even close to what was said as absolute and irrefutable truth. And if it was correct, so what - it is merely a polite response to a leader of a small, relatively inconsequential country.

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Obama may be many things but idiot is not one of them. In fact, much of what he has evidenced is genuis.


The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

Yea, that's my gut feeling too. But when I reason through I see that every radical, provocative, fundamental transformation of America effort has been more or less implemented in the face of consistent opposition, and more or less enacted. It is true I have stated in life some people are so stupid they appear as a genius but these folks rarely get things done, for good or bad. Obama has been quite effective in permanently empowering dependency and despair.

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Thai politics a complicated affair: Obama



US leader offers to help bring back democracy; aims to boost mutual times

MANILA: -- US PRESIDENT Barack Obama said yesterday he realised that Thailand's internal politics were complicated, and that the US was ready to cooperate with the Kingdom in its bid to forge a stable democracy.

Obama conveyed his message in a meeting with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in Manila.

Deputy government spokesman Werachon Sukhondhapatipak said Prayut had told Obama he would do his best to bring full democracy back to Thailand.

"US President Obama told Prayut that Thai politics is complicated, but that he is ready to help Thailand return to sustainable democracy," Werachon said.

Obama said relations between the two countries were very significant, especially since Thailand is an old US ally in the region. "He emphasised that the bilateral relations and military cooperation are still strong," Werachon said.

Thai-US ties were strained by the May 2014 coup, with Washington downgrading ties, including military assistance.

The spokesman said Prayut had thanked Obama and the US Congress for appointing a new United States envoy to Thailand, adding that the Thai government was willing to work closely with the new ambassador in order to continue and maintain cooperation in mutually beneficial spheres.

Werachon also told reporters that, in his statement to the Apec summit, Prayut said Thailand was committed to placing importance and giving support to the roles of Apec in promoting sustainable growth among member states.

The annual 21-member Apec summit - hosted this year by the Philippines - aims to forge trade unity, but often finds itself side-tracked by other events. The summit ended yesterday.

Prayut also expressed condolences over the series of attacks in Paris last week, which claimed at least 129 lives and injured many others. He condemned the attacks and offered moral support to families of the victims, saying that Thailand would join hands with the international community in fighting against terrorism.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thai-politics-a-complicated-affair-Obama-30273356.html


-- The Nation 2015-11-20

bring full democracy back to Thailand.

Not at any time there was full democracy. What a smart ......he is..!

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I do agree that some countries ARE better off with a thug in charge and simply are not ready for democracy, Singapore & Lee Kuan Yew come to mind.

However Chosen One is a bumbling blow-hard & nothing like Yew.

Obumble just doesn't support it in the U.S.

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Thai politics a complicated affair: Obama



US leader offers to help bring back democracy; aims to boost mutual times

MANILA: -- US PRESIDENT Barack Obama said yesterday he realised that Thailand's internal politics were complicated, and that the US was ready to cooperate with the Kingdom in its bid to forge a stable democracy.

Obama conveyed his message in a meeting with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in Manila.

Deputy government spokesman Werachon Sukhondhapatipak said Prayut had told Obama he would do his best to bring full democracy back to Thailand.

"US President Obama told Prayut that Thai politics is complicated, but that he is ready to help Thailand return to sustainable democracy," Werachon said.

Obama said relations between the two countries were very significant, especially since Thailand is an old US ally in the region. "He emphasised that the bilateral relations and military cooperation are still strong," Werachon said.

Thai-US ties were strained by the May 2014 coup, with Washington downgrading ties, including military assistance.

The spokesman said Prayut had thanked Obama and the US Congress for appointing a new United States envoy to Thailand, adding that the Thai government was willing to work closely with the new ambassador in order to continue and maintain cooperation in mutually beneficial spheres.

Werachon also told reporters that, in his statement to the Apec summit, Prayut said Thailand was committed to placing importance and giving support to the roles of Apec in promoting sustainable growth among member states.

The annual 21-member Apec summit - hosted this year by the Philippines - aims to forge trade unity, but often finds itself side-tracked by other events. The summit ended yesterday.

Prayut also expressed condolences over the series of attacks in Paris last week, which claimed at least 129 lives and injured many others. He condemned the attacks and offered moral support to families of the victims, saying that Thailand would join hands with the international community in fighting against terrorism.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Thai-politics-a-complicated-affair-Obama-30273356.html


-- The Nation 2015-11-20

Isn't that Dmitry Medvedev between Obama and Prayut? I'm sure that Dmitry doesn't think that Thai politics is complicated at all.

Dmitry: "Mr. Prayut. You come to Russia. We talk. Ok! See you soon!"

I'm afraid Obama is making it wayyy too difficult.

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And here I was, naively thinking that American intelligence was the best in the world.

Intelligence = information, right ? So, where on earth did Khun Obama get the information that Thailand ever was a democracy ?

He is a seasoned politician, which means that he of all people should know that elections are not what define democracy. Elections are a technicality of democracy, not its founding principle. What does define democracy is the separation of powers (legislative, executive and judiciary) and anyone with minimum knowledge of Thai history, old or recent, knows that such a separation never was an established fact in Thailand. Which implies that each and every election was nothing but sheer mockery.

What kind/quality of information goes from the Thai 'field' back up to the highest levels of power the US ? Is it the kind that Mr American Ambassador in Thailand sees when he wanders about his beautiful mansion-cum-garden in the heart of Bangkok ? In the mountain of data that's called information, who decides what is relevant and what is bullsh*it ? the butler in said mansion ?

'Thailand must return to democracy' ... I am so fed up of hearing that mantra from ignorant Western politicians who are just trying to make themselves look good. How do you return to a place where you've never been ? How is it possible that these politicians are so uninformed, or worse hypocritical beyond decency ?

The problem is that you are taking what was reported in the Thai media from a Thai leader which may or may not be even close to what was said as absolute and irrefutable truth. And if it was correct, so what - it is merely a polite response to a leader of a small, relatively inconsequential country.

You obviously didn't get my point at all, and I wonder why you bother to write such a 'reply', you must have very little to do with your life.

I am not the village idiot, thank you, and I was not taking a Thai declaration at face value, I was reacting to a statement ('restore democracy in Thailand') that has been made over and over again, since the coup, by American and other Western officials.

Your reply is the typical TVF 'reply', pompous and patronizing, written in a knee jerk reaction after reading someone else's statement diagonally and not understanding what it really is about.

Edited by Yann55
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And here I was, naively thinking that American intelligence was the best in the world.

Intelligence = information, right ? So, where on earth did Khun Obama get the information that Thailand ever was a democracy ?

He is a seasoned politician, which means that he of all people should know that elections are not what define democracy. Elections are a technicality of democracy, not its founding principle. What does define democracy is the separation of powers (legislative, executive and judiciary) and anyone with minimum knowledge of Thai history, old or recent, knows that such a separation never was an established fact in Thailand. Which implies that each and every election was nothing but sheer mockery.

What kind/quality of information goes from the Thai 'field' back up to the highest levels of power the US ? Is it the kind that Mr American Ambassador in Thailand sees when he wanders about his beautiful mansion-cum-garden in the heart of Bangkok ? In the mountain of data that's called information, who decides what is relevant and what is bullsh*it ? the butler in said mansion ?

'Thailand must return to democracy' ... I am so fed up of hearing that mantra from ignorant Western politicians who are just trying to make themselves look good. How do you return to a place where you've never been ? How is it possible that these politicians are so uninformed, or worse hypocritical beyond decency ?

The problem is that you are taking what was reported in the Thai media from a Thai leader which may or may not be even close to what was said as absolute and irrefutable truth. And if it was correct, so what - it is merely a polite response to a leader of a small, relatively inconsequential country.

You obviously didn't get my point at all, and I wonder why you bother to write such a 'reply', you must have very little to do with your life.

I am not the village idiot, thank you, and I was not taking a Thai declaration at face value, I was reacting to a statement ('restore democracy in Thailand') that has been made over and over again, since the coup, by American and other Western officials.

Your reply is the typical TVF 'reply', pompous and patronizing, written in a knee jerk reaction after reading someone else's statement diagonally and not understanding what it really is about.

And therein lies the problem. While you may be convinced that your are writing with depth and understanding, others here, including me obviously, are taking your words at face value and missing the subtle nuances that you are trying to convey. Sorry I am not as brilliant as you obviously are.

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The US president in his last year, chatting up the other leaders of other

countries. How nice! He must be making the best of his last few months as

when he retires, he will have to lie in the shadows once more, and make a few less dollars

per year than he does at the moment.

I just hope that the APEC conference brings some good deals for those in


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The US president in his last year, chatting up the other leaders of other

countries. How nice! He must be making the best of his last few months as

when he retires, he will have to lie in the shadows once more, and make a few less dollars

per year than he does at the moment.

I just hope that the APEC conference brings some good deals for those in


I would be stunned if any ex president did not make substantially more as an ex president than he/she ever did as president.

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The US president in his last year, chatting up the other leaders of other

countries. How nice! He must be making the best of his last few months as

when he retires, he will have to lie in the shadows once more, and make a few less dollars

per year than he does at the moment.

I just hope that the APEC conference brings some good deals for those in


I would be stunned if any ex president did not make substantially more as an ex president than he/she ever did as president.

After his presidency is over that is when the big money starts. He is only laying the foundation now like his predecessors the mansion comes after the billion dollar presidential library. Edited by elgordo38
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The US president in his last year, chatting up the other leaders of other

countries. How nice! He must be making the best of his last few months as

when he retires, he will have to lie in the shadows once more, and make a few less dollars

per year than he does at the moment.

I just hope that the APEC conference brings some good deals for those in


You are hopelessly deluded.Obama's earning power after the end of his term is virtually unlimited.I don't see any necessity in him canvassing for business.

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Obama may be many things but idiot is not one of them. In fact, much of what he has evidenced is genuis.


The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

Your conclusion is correct, he is literally the worst president ever! This does not make him an idiot or ignorant-generally. He may be ignorant of values and traditions you and I share, though. Had be been enacting your policy desires you would likely see him as brilliant and able. Few presidents have so clearly articulated their desire to profoundly transform the nation, and then succeed. Perhaps FDR comes close, another progressive icon of enhancing the State. Obama expressly stated a litany of impossible, tragic, socialist goals and America, bemused, infatuated with his race and youth and freshness, dismissed this decidedly Marxist rhetoric. However, with few diversions, Obama has inexorably moved America toward that Marxist/Statist vision he has clearly and consistently articulated. It is as equally dangerous to underestimate the genius of those you oppose as it is to protest their vision.

BTW, the reason he cannot operate without a teleprompter is not because he is stupid it is because every single ounce of him is scripted. Obama see Democracy in the same manner that Trotsky or Lenin did, as a tool to manipulate the masses toward statist ends.

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Obama may be many things but idiot is not one of them. In fact, much of what he has evidenced is genuis.


The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

your lack of objectivity regarding American Presidents is impressive, but ranting about them here is certainly not part of the topic even if the president's name is in the OP.

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Obama may be many things but idiot is not one of them. In fact, much of what he has evidenced is genuis.


The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

Your conclusion is correct, he is literally the worst president ever! This does not make him an idiot or ignorant-generally. He may be ignorant of values and traditions you and I share, though. Had be been enacting your policy desires you would likely see him as brilliant and able. Few presidents have so clearly articulated their desire to profoundly transform the nation, and then succeed. Perhaps FDR comes close, another progressive icon of enhancing the State. Obama expressly stated a litany of impossible, tragic, socialist goals and America, bemused, infatuated with his race and youth and freshness, dismissed this decidedly Marxist rhetoric. However, with few diversions, Obama has inexorably moved America toward that Marxist/Statist vision he has clearly and consistently articulated. It is as equally dangerous to underestimate the genius of those you oppose as it is to protest their vision.

BTW, the reason he cannot operate without a teleprompter is not because he is stupid it is because every single ounce of him is scripted. Obama see Democracy in the same manner that Trotsky or Lenin did, as a tool to manipulate the masses toward statist ends.

He may be ignorant of values and traditions you and I share,

evidently, we do not share too many values. And America under Obama moved toward a Marxist vision? Wow, please feel free to post your supporting links from Breitbart...

Edited by tbthailand
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The guy can't even read from a TelePrompTer. He has zero understanding of history, and thinks that human nature is infinitely malleable. His character consists of unmerited arrogance tempered with profound ignorance and missionary zeal.

He is so dumb that he makes the hapless George W. Bush look like George Washington.

He is literally the worst President than the United States has ever had - worse than Abraham Lincoln, worse than Woodrow Wilson, worse than FDR, and worse than George W. Bush. And those four were the worst in American history, in descending order, until Obama came along.

Your conclusion is correct, he is literally the worst president ever! This does not make him an idiot or ignorant-generally. He may be ignorant of values and traditions you and I share, though. Had be been enacting your policy desires you would likely see him as brilliant and able. Few presidents have so clearly articulated their desire to profoundly transform the nation, and then succeed. Perhaps FDR comes close, another progressive icon of enhancing the State. Obama expressly stated a litany of impossible, tragic, socialist goals and America, bemused, infatuated with his race and youth and freshness, dismissed this decidedly Marxist rhetoric. However, with few diversions, Obama has inexorably moved America toward that Marxist/Statist vision he has clearly and consistently articulated. It is as equally dangerous to underestimate the genius of those you oppose as it is to protest their vision.

BTW, the reason he cannot operate without a teleprompter is not because he is stupid it is because every single ounce of him is scripted. Obama see Democracy in the same manner that Trotsky or Lenin did, as a tool to manipulate the masses toward statist ends.

He may be ignorant of values and traditions you and I share,

evidently, we do not share too many values. And America under Obama moved toward a Marxist vision? Wow, please feel free to post your supporting links from Breitbart...

Yes, questioning America has slid to the only place hijacking Democracy could take it- a Marxist dystopia- clearly suggests I was mistaken; we share no values.

Americans are aliens in their own "democracy." http://spotlight.ipsos-na.com/index.php/news/the-rise-of-neo-nativism-putting-trump-into-proper-context/

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