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Walking into a bar and having 4 or 5 young ladies all asking me at the same time what I want to drink.

Take me with you next time.

This happens to me regularly. It became that bad that I employed a bodyguard.

Even worse, they have now formed a fan club.

When I walk into the bar, the girls become insane - fighting for my attention.

Currently, I am doing 2 things about it -

Renegotiating my medical insurance

Consulting a lawyer regarding girls raping me.


Guys like you that just feel the need to have a whinge just for the hell of it.

Go find a bar with gentle music,cold beer & cheating ladies.

Get on with it


Bunch of mostly older guys trying to be young again by jerking their head to the beat of AC/DC rather than the Neil Diamond they're actually familiar with. Meanwhile, the youngsters are desperately trying to impress each other with an endless stream of BeeEss.

....Just like back home.

I like how you've gone with AC/DC of all bands as the counter-balance to the 'old' Neil Diamond there as though AC/DC are the up and coming band of today :P


"Beer bars" - maybe I shall be happy that I don't like beer...whistling.gif

probably Aalborg Jubiläums Akvavit or Linie

Spent a month on detachment at Aalborg in 1975, good bars there, could still go into town after the night shift finished, but overpriced by UK standards.

Next time visit germany, there is Alc pretty cheap. Sure is also in germany in Tourist areas you pay higher prices as It's everywhere in the entire world. For ex in my hometown Hefe Weissbier 0,5 ltr. 3 - 3,5 € in tourist areas about 4 . 4,5 € compare to Norway for Ex Oslo the same 12 €. In a shop in germany I pay for the same about 0.80 €. I live close to Heidelberg a lot of old historical places around and a lot of biergarten in the summertime. For ex the in Castle Heidelberg(World Heritage) etc. etc.


Walking into a bar and having 4 or 5 young ladies all asking me at the same time what I want to drink.

Take me with you next time.

This happens to me regularly. It became that bad that I employed a bodyguard.

Even worse, they have now formed a fan club.

When I walk into the bar, the girls become insane - fighting for my attention.

Currently, I am doing 2 things about it -

Renegotiating my medical insurance

Consulting a lawyer regarding girls raping me.

Nice fairytale.


Being asked to buy drinks when I am just in for a quiet drink and watch football, if they pester to much I move bar, I now know the good bars to be left alone.

Spot on, by my drink would only be one glass of water to last until the football finishes.


"Beer bars" - maybe I shall be happy that I don't like beer...whistling.gif

As they say never trust a man who doesn't drink beer.

I never drink beer, and I honestly believe I am 100% trustworthy.

I am a very strong believer in never doing anything against my own kind.


I just know that I am going to get s*** for this...............Smokers.bah.gif

Yes, inconsiderate turds who smoke inside the bar when there are signs clearly displayed in English they are to smoke outside.

The usual ratio of non-smokers to smokers is 75% non-smokers, 25% smokers. I wonder if bar proprietors realise how much business they lose when there's a lone farang inside the bar smoking. Probably not.facepalm.gif

This is Thailand!


Scots that cannae hold their drink.

Hey I resemble that remark!

But look on the bright side....I will be happy to sing you a Proclaimers tune before I fall off my perch.

I dislike being harangued to play connect 4 or to taste some mystery food in a poke....just leave me with my beer and leer please!! partytime2.gif

resemble?? You mean resent. Didn't know you were a Scot Smokie.


If you just want a quiet drink, why not go to a normal bar?

If a normal bar was showing a game I wanted to see I would go there first, but I usually go to an Irish bar for the football.

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