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Loy Kratong Safety


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Given past events and the recent events in Paris.....And the world wide alert just issued....

Does anyone else feel walking around in extremely crowded area(s) when everyone is in party mode with their attention skyward and explosion sounds are expected - the bridges or gatherings might be prime targets of opportunity?

Not only here but all around where Loy Kratong celebrations are taking place.....

Any thoughts about safety/security?

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Well, it just goes to show that the terrorists are winning when some paranoid gets sympathetic murmurs on a Thai forum. I feel 100% safe mainly because I have a sense of proportion.

Who ever told you that terrorists don't always win? Everyone is making big money off the whole terrorist phenom - but mostly Americans (Homeland Security et al)

By the way, your sense of proportion will be especially handy when choosing an appropriately sized corner to sit in while wearing the dunce's cap!

Terrorists don't discriminate! dunces are fair game!

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"Any thoughts about safety/security?"

If you don't feel safe stay at home and watch TV, if you don't feel secure change your locks

People crowd onto the skytrain everyday, they crowd into Paragon Mall, packed buses travel the length of the Kingdom everyday all day etc etc etc

Sorry OP your being very paranoid

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As Cheesekraft pointed out, you are far more likely to be injured or killed by a drunk driver (especially if you are the drunk driver) than by any nutcase violent extremist. For that matter, you are far more likely to be killed by a mosquito in Chiang Mai than a lunatic jihadi.

Be aware of what's going on around you and watch out for drunk drivers, mosquitoes, and nutcases in general, but don't let them keep you from enjoying life.

Edited by heybruce
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Only the Americans have issued a global warning.

Here in the Middle East they issue warnings if a car backfires.

I wouldn't sweat it.

Just keep those chants of "USA! USA!" to yourself.

I think the southern provinces have a little bit of a different take on it.

Any one know how the tourism is down there. From what I have heard there is some very beautiful places there.

The wife's daughter was working in the province next to Yala. They tried to transfer her there. She moved to Chiang Mai instead. It is getting down there to be like the road rage in the states. Common so they hardly ever mention it.

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