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Yingluck: EU invite spurs wide debate

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As a native English speaker and a professional engineer, I would say that letter is absolutely nothing like I would expect a formal communication from a representative of the EU Parliament to an impeached PM of a foreign country to look like.

It is appalling : they would never put personal opinion and blatant criticism of the Junta into a communication like that. It is entirely unprofessional - in just about the same degree as Thai politicians are unprofessional. What on Earth does listing previous events have to do with it ?.

And why would they give her alternative locations ?. Sounds like the meeting will be in Starbucks.

There has been something odd about the EU, human rights and Pheu-Thai right form the start. Someone should write back and ask them to investigate these people - though the whole institution is rife with corruption on a huge scale. It's one of the reasons we Brits want out.

This smells bad - and the whole thing is on such a low intellectual level, it smacks of Thai politicians.

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

John, now you're sprouting nonsense again. Has there been a referendum in the UK about this? Will there be a vote on the subject or will you Brits have your right to vote taken away like in Thailand?

Actually he is not spouting rubbish at all. Without knowing anything about the subject of the UK leaving the EU you are telling somebody else who probably has a far better idea than you that he is talking rubbish.

There will be a lot of discussions both in and out of the UK parliament and yes there WILL be a vote on the subject by 2017 at the latest.

Even though I live in Thailand I still have the right to vote in the UK and that has not yet been taken away.

To ask if us Brits will have our vote taken away is similar to asking will the exchange rate go up or down.

I have no idea and neither does anybody else what tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or 5 years time can happen.


If she goes to europe she will surely apply for asylum...

On what grounds?

Because it is "political"?

Of course it is "political" simply because she was the PM and a politician at the time.

If she wasn't the PM and wasn't in politics she wouldn't be where she is now.


As a native English speaker and a professional engineer, I would say that letter is absolutely nothing like I would expect a formal communication from a representative of the EU Parliament to an impeached PM of a foreign country to look like.

It is appalling : they would never put personal opinion and blatant criticism of the Junta into a communication like that. It is entirely unprofessional - in just about the same degree as Thai politicians are unprofessional. What on Earth does listing previous events have to do with it ?.

And why would they give her alternative locations ?. Sounds like the meeting will be in Starbucks.

There has been something odd about the EU, human rights and Pheu-Thai right form the start. Someone should write back and ask them to investigate these people - though the whole institution is rife with corruption on a huge scale. It's one of the reasons we Brits want out.

This smells bad - and the whole thing is on such a low intellectual level, it smacks of Thai politicians.

You don't talk for "us Brits" ok? you are a disgrace and you might be a 'native English speaker' (as I am) but you, sir, are no gentleman with your fuddled thinking.

No doubt you are a paid up member of the National Front in Britain with all their hateful rhetoric.


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!


As a native English speaker and a professional engineer, I would say that letter is absolutely nothing like I would expect a formal communication from a representative of the EU Parliament to an impeached PM of a foreign country to look like.

It is appalling : they would never put personal opinion and blatant criticism of the Junta into a communication like that. It is entirely unprofessional - in just about the same degree as Thai politicians are unprofessional. What on Earth does listing previous events have to do with it ?.

And why would they give her alternative locations ?. Sounds like the meeting will be in Starbucks.

There has been something odd about the EU, human rights and Pheu-Thai right form the start. Someone should write back and ask them to investigate these people - though the whole institution is rife with corruption on a huge scale. It's one of the reasons we Brits want out.

This smells bad - and the whole thing is on such a low intellectual level, it smacks of Thai politicians.

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

John, now you're sprouting nonsense again. Has there been a referendum in the UK about this? Will there be a vote on the subject or will you Brits have your right to vote taken away like in Thailand?

Actually he is not spouting rubbish at all. Without knowing anything about the subject of the UK leaving the EU you are telling somebody else who probably has a far better idea than you that he is talking rubbish.

There will be a lot of discussions both in and out of the UK parliament and yes there WILL be a vote on the subject by 2017 at the latest.

Even though I live in Thailand I still have the right to vote in the UK and that has not yet been taken away.

To ask if us Brits will have our vote taken away is similar to asking will the exchange rate go up or down.

I have no idea and neither does anybody else what tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or 5 years time can happen.

Try reading this sentence again:

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

He speaks on behalf of all Brits and that's clearly spouting nonsense.


Exchange of views about what?

- Her beliefs about democracy and the details of the speeches she made in Thailand and the actions she took (that would be recognized internationally) to move Thailand closer to actual democracy?

Trouble is that she didn't do any of the above.

Plus it's highly doubtful that she could engage in a detailed discussion about building and protecting democracy as understood in the majority of developed countries.

And if there was any serious analysis of her and her parties actions it would reveal clearly that they took actions which were aimed at developing a dictatorship and they were making progress towards this goal.


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!

Clutching at straws!

How can it be an ingerence (I think you mean interference) in the affairs of Thailand if she has no official post?

The EU have made their point very well, they only want to deal with a legitimate PM - and I would be saying the same if Abhasit had been legitimately elected and overthrown by military force.

For those who bleat that the EU and US have no right to criticise Thailand, dream-on. If they cut-off trade with Thailand all the Asian partners together (and they won't be together in this) would not pull Thailand out of the dumps.

People should be well aware of the significance of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, it signifies that NATO will take action when needed and should help to put a brake on Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, which should cause the Generals to think very deeply about who their real friends are.


Fake as a Khao San Rd Degree

Be careful, eating crow may not be your favorite dish.


MEPs have confirmed that a letter sent to the deposed former Prime Minister of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra, is genuine and that their invitation to speak in Brussels, or Strasbourg, about the country’s military junta, still stands.

But a spokesman for Werner Langen, chair of the European Parliament delegation for ASEAN, and one of the signatories of the letter, confirmed to EurActiv that it was genuine, and that the invitation still stood.

A joint statement from Langen, and Elmar Brok, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, is expected later today.

EurActiv revealed yesterday (23 November) that any chance of a free trade agreement with Thailand was off the agenda whist the country was ruled by a military junta.

Such an EU-Thailand FTA had been largely negotiated when the military came to power in a coup in May 2014, deposing Shinawatra.

It was then put on hold.

The EU seem to have missed the fact that Shinawatra was removed by a court for abuse of power connected to nepotism before the coup.

Just a minor insignificant detail to the EU - who couldn't care less about reality anyway,


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!

Clutching at straws!

How can it be an ingerence (I think you mean interference) in the affairs of Thailand if she has no official post?

The EU have made their point very well, they only want to deal with a legitimate PM - and I would be saying the same if Abhasit had been legitimately elected and overthrown by military force.

For those who bleat that the EU and US have no right to criticise Thailand, dream-on. If they cut-off trade with Thailand all the Asian partners together (and they won't be together in this) would not pull Thailand out of the dumps.

People should be well aware of the significance of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, it signifies that NATO will take action when needed and should help to put a brake on Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, which should cause the Generals to think very deeply about who their real friends are.

Then perhaps the EU should invite the actual PM who was removed from office by the coup.

And not a disgraced former PM, who was removed from office by a court.


As a native English speaker and a professional engineer, I would say that letter is absolutely nothing like I would expect a formal communication from a representative of the EU Parliament to an impeached PM of a foreign country to look like.

It is appalling : they would never put personal opinion and blatant criticism of the Junta into a communication like that. It is entirely unprofessional - in just about the same degree as Thai politicians are unprofessional. What on Earth does listing previous events have to do with it ?.

And why would they give her alternative locations ?. Sounds like the meeting will be in Starbucks.

There has been something odd about the EU, human rights and Pheu-Thai right form the start. Someone should write back and ask them to investigate these people - though the whole institution is rife with corruption on a huge scale. It's one of the reasons we Brits want out.

This smells bad - and the whole thing is on such a low intellectual level, it smacks of Thai politicians.

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

John, now you're sprouting nonsense again. Has there been a referendum in the UK about this? Will there be a vote on the subject or will you Brits have your right to vote taken away like in Thailand?

Actually he is not spouting rubbish at all. Without knowing anything about the subject of the UK leaving the EU you are telling somebody else who probably has a far better idea than you that he is talking rubbish.

There will be a lot of discussions both in and out of the UK parliament and yes there WILL be a vote on the subject by 2017 at the latest.

Even though I live in Thailand I still have the right to vote in the UK and that has not yet been taken away.

To ask if us Brits will have our vote taken away is similar to asking will the exchange rate go up or down.

I have no idea and neither does anybody else what tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or 5 years time can happen.

Try reading this sentence again:

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

He speaks on behalf of all Brits and that's clearly spouting nonsense.

No one can speak on behalf of "all Brits" or any other nation for that matter.

A move to suspend voting rights or implementing a coup would not happen in Britain (well I hope not) or most other Western countries. (Portugal, Spain and Greece have had them).

There are considerable differences between the federalists, who want more EU control and central EU government to be supreme, and the devolution supporters who want the EU to be the common market as intended and for sovereign member states to remain exactly that.

Britain is seen as being firmly against federalism whilst Germany is seen as being in favor. But within each country their are divides.

One thing for sure is that many Europeans, from many countries are fed up with the tax revenue swallowing, inept current EU. Something has to change. Which way and what we shall see.


"An exchange of views only from Yingluck [to the European Parliament] could be considered as listening to one side of the story. It may show disrespect to Thai law,"

So then did General Prayut show disrespect to Thai Law when he addressed the UN without an opposing side to HIS view of Thailand? By his side one cannot point to the representation of the Thai electorate but only to the minority autocracy that he represents. Or shall we use different standards for freedom of expression depending on who holds absolute power?

The letter has EP figurehead, but is addressed in an informal manner and signed in an informal manner. The term is "a titre personel', "in a private capacity".

As such Elmar Brok is lucky he doesn't mention any distinct location for some talks. Had he suggested using his offices he could be charged with misusing EC provided rooms for a private talk with a non-EC foreigner.


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!

Clutching at straws!

How can it be an ingerence (I think you mean interference) in the affairs of Thailand if she has no official post?

The EU have made their point very well, they only want to deal with a legitimate PM - and I would be saying the same if Abhasit had been legitimately elected and overthrown by military force.

For those who bleat that the EU and US have no right to criticise Thailand, dream-on. If they cut-off trade with Thailand all the Asian partners together (and they won't be together in this) would not pull Thailand out of the dumps.

People should be well aware of the significance of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, it signifies that NATO will take action when needed and should help to put a brake on Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, which should cause the Generals to think very deeply about who their real friends are.

Then perhaps the EU should invite the actual PM who was removed from office by the coup.

And not a disgraced former PM, who was removed from office by a court.

Because the EU has clearly said they have no faith in the court process which they rightly say was a flawed politically biased sham trial.


Yingluck was asked to exchange views with members of the European Parliament (EP) on the political situation in Thailand.

Is it just me or does this statement appear to be a bit fishy?

Thailand is not a member of the EU

Yingluck is being tried for a serious crime, while serving as Prime Minister.

Why would the EU want her to go abroad to exchange views with members of the EU parliament on the political situation in Thailand? to what end? this would be like asking a convicted criminal who claims he is inocent his veiws on the police and the justice system.

Also in todays day and age, if the EU pariament wanted to talk to Yingluck about her views they can easily have a phone/video conference.coffee1.gif

I think the EU has enough problems on their hands with ISIS, they could care less about the political situation in Thailand. coffee1.gif


As a native English speaker and a professional engineer, I would say that letter is absolutely nothing like I would expect a formal communication from a representative of the EU Parliament to an impeached PM of a foreign country to look like.

It is appalling : they would never put personal opinion and blatant criticism of the Junta into a communication like that. It is entirely unprofessional - in just about the same degree as Thai politicians are unprofessional. What on Earth does listing previous events have to do with it ?.

And why would they give her alternative locations ?. Sounds like the meeting will be in Starbucks.

There has been something odd about the EU, human rights and Pheu-Thai right form the start. Someone should write back and ask them to investigate these people - though the whole institution is rife with corruption on a huge scale. It's one of the reasons we Brits want out.

This smells bad - and the whole thing is on such a low intellectual level, it smacks of Thai politicians.

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

John, now you're sprouting nonsense again. Has there been a referendum in the UK about this? Will there be a vote on the subject or will you Brits have your right to vote taken away like in Thailand?

Actually he is not spouting rubbish at all. Without knowing anything about the subject of the UK leaving the EU you are telling somebody else who probably has a far better idea than you that he is talking rubbish.

There will be a lot of discussions both in and out of the UK parliament and yes there WILL be a vote on the subject by 2017 at the latest.

Even though I live in Thailand I still have the right to vote in the UK and that has not yet been taken away.

To ask if us Brits will have our vote taken away is similar to asking will the exchange rate go up or down.

I have no idea and neither does anybody else what tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or 5 years time can happen.

Try reading this sentence again:

"It's one of the reasons we Brits want out."

He speaks on behalf of all Brits and that's clearly spouting nonsense.

More Brits (including me) want control over the UK than want the EU to control the UK and they (including the PM) want to stay in so I suggest that he may may well be speaking for the majority.


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!

Clutching at straws!

How can it be an ingerence (I think you mean interference) in the affairs of Thailand if she has no official post?

The EU have made their point very well, they only want to deal with a legitimate PM - and I would be saying the same if Abhasit had been legitimately elected and overthrown by military force.

For those who bleat that the EU and US have no right to criticise Thailand, dream-on. If they cut-off trade with Thailand all the Asian partners together (and they won't be together in this) would not pull Thailand out of the dumps.

People should be well aware of the significance of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, it signifies that NATO will take action when needed and should help to put a brake on Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, which should cause the Generals to think very deeply about who their real friends are.

Then perhaps the EU should invite the actual PM who was removed from office by the coup.

And not a disgraced former PM, who was removed from office by a court.

Because the EU has clearly said they have no faith in the court process which they rightly say was a flawed politically biased sham trial.

Have they? Where?


It is pretty sick to not blur out Yingluck's private home address in that letter. Now every right-wing TV nutjob will be round there with a rope, to be sure. Oh, wait a minute. I forgot they're all keyboard warriors, nothing but p!$$ and wind, and fury at their own inadequacies.


She's the best looking current or former Head of State I can recall. So let her go. If a PM can look that good lets cash in in our home country and become expats and help solve Thais economic woes. While enjoying the pleasures advertised by the previous PM.


It is pretty sick to not blur out Yingluck's private home address in that letter. Now every right-wing TV nutjob will be round there with a rope, to be sure. Oh, wait a minute. I forgot they're all keyboard warriors, nothing but p!$$ and wind, and fury at their own inadequacies.

Two points:

- Her private address is already very well known.

- In the recent past her scaly comrades had no hesitation to publish the private addresses of numerous judges and their families and their private mobile phone numbers. And several did receive nasty threats at their homes and by phone.


Misleading again! There is no 'EU invite', there is only a personal invitation by 2 (two) of the 751(!) Euro Members of Parliament!

The text of the letter clearly shows quite biased information and 'parti pris', very possibly pointing at lobbying by specialised firms, like Robert Amsterdam's f.i., hired by ..., guess who?

IMO, the best for Thailand(!) would be to (1) A.S.A.P. make official Yingluck is NOT allowed to leave the country until further notice (no 'need' to ask anymore until different notice will have been given); (2) send a letter of formal complain to the EU Parliament, and Commission, and Counsil, the content and the timing of this letter being a clear ingerence in the interior affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, and have the 2nd or 3rd secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hand over a copy of the complain to the summoned top-EU-representative!

Clutching at straws!

How can it be an ingerence (I think you mean interference) in the affairs of Thailand if she has no official post?

The EU have made their point very well, they only want to deal with a legitimate PM - and I would be saying the same if Abhasit had been legitimately elected and overthrown by military force.

For those who bleat that the EU and US have no right to criticise Thailand, dream-on. If they cut-off trade with Thailand all the Asian partners together (and they won't be together in this) would not pull Thailand out of the dumps.

People should be well aware of the significance of Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, it signifies that NATO will take action when needed and should help to put a brake on Chinese hegemony in the South China Sea, which should cause the Generals to think very deeply about who their real friends are.

Then perhaps the EU should invite the actual PM who was removed from office by the coup.

And not a disgraced former PM, who was removed from office by a court.

Because the EU has clearly said they have no faith in the court process which they rightly say was a flawed politically biased sham trial.
the EU said nothing and onvited nobody , learn to read

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