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Republican campaign rhetoric has Muslim-Americans on edge


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Intelligent people might understand that these people - http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemcneal/muslim-military-members#.wraE42e63 would be missed.

What have you done for your country Usernames?

Thanks for that. Pretty eye-opening. Should be must-see for all the haters.

What's eye opening is your willingness to take an image out of context. You don't know if the tombstone is for someone who was a nominal muslim, was gay, was secular or was an adherent of sufi views. Yet, you grab onto the image as a demonstration of a politically correct position. Only a dishonest huckster would attempt to pass that photo off as representative of anything other than a dead person's tombstone.

Do you recognize this photograph? It's none other than Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan. He murdered 13 and wounded 30 with his murderous rampage in 2009. Using your logic, he is representative of muslims in the U.S. military.


I don't accept that he was anything other than a malicious evil jihadist. He doesn't represent other muslims in the US military, any more than the dead soldier you reference does. You want an easy answer to a complex issue. There isn't one. You want a quick way to reassure people with legitimate concerns. Sorry to say, there isn't. It requires dialogue and concrete actions taken by the muslim community at large.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?
and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.
If you think all muslim men wear tents and have beards you are sadly mistaken. Very much a minority of women wear the full burqa. Lots of muslim women wear a hijab, in malaysia it is not required. My gf wears it to weddings etc as it is like a fashion. She does not wear it at work or day to day. Some do, some dont.

Why would you think muslims should leave their faith for the actions of those that are not acting according to islam? Should catholics leave their faith because of pedo priests?

Edit: they do speak out, just have to open your ears and learn to search on google.

I shouldn't have to search on Google. I should be able to see it on TV, Newspaper front pages and in person. coffee1.gif

Excellent post, I have just posted something similar before I read this.

Well if you are glued to a tv and real all print media you will not have to use google. Because you missed it does not mean it doesnt happen.

So its your view that its the muslims fault if MSM does not pick up all their protestations, and that because it isnt on MSM then it didnt happen. Strange way to view things.

Facts are facts
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Linky, we are never going to agree, you have a girlfriend who is a Muslim, so you are going to be biased, and you are entitled to your opinion. we will just agree to disagree and end this debate. I will not be answering any more of your posts on this topic as we are too far apart on our opinions.

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Linky, we are never going to agree, you have a girlfriend who is a Muslim, so you are going to be biased, and you are entitled to your opinion. we will just agree to disagree and end this debate. I will not be answering any more of your posts on this topic as we are too far apart on our opinions.

Nothing to do with disagreeing on an opinion. You're plain and simply wrong. Many, many muslims and muslim organisations have spoken out against ISIS. You not knowing that does not mean it did not happen.

Edit: your attempt at discrediting Linky is pathetic.

Edited by stevenl
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Linky, we are never going to agree, you have a girlfriend who is a Muslim, so you are going to be biased, and you are entitled to your opinion. we will just agree to disagree and end this debate. I will not be answering any more of your posts on this topic as we are too far apart on our opinions.

Nothing to do with disagreeing on an opinion. You're plain and simply wrong. Many, many muslims and muslim organisations have spoken out against ISIS. You not knowing that does not mean it did not happen.

Edit: your attempt at discrediting Linky is pathetic.

So I'm not allowed to end a debate that is going nowhere, and we are so far apart in our opinions?

You are not going to get me involved in a flaming match, nothing more to be said here.

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Regarding the 2 grave stones of the dead Muslim soldiers, I have seen numerous Star and Crescent head stones in Arlington Cemetery. Having Muslim fighting in the US Army is a to tribute to the character of the US society. That people want to go to the US to live says a lot about the country. People will migrate to the US legally and illegally. But all countries have the right.... no the obligation to protect their citizens. I know people who have immigrated from Syria to the US and are wonderful people and citizens. But presently there is a group of Islamist that have taken over sections of Syria and northern Iraq that are past being anything intelligent and barbaric is to good of a word for this group. This group has threatened to infiltrate the refugees fleeing Syria. Iran, while negotiating the recent nuclear deal, were lead by their spiritual leaders in chants "Death to America" . Why would you not slow the flow of these people into your country. Do you see people flocking to live in Saudi Arabia or Mexico? America had developed a society that allows freedom to be the person that you want, to worship and

I see many post about bigots, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc. When I encounter someone who thinks that, if they can call you one of the previous words that they have won the argument, by putting a label on you. Very much like 3rd graders that I taught that would chant, "I win, you lose. I win, you lose". I have found over the years that these people are a bit on the emotional side, if not emotionally unstable. Usually they are a bit on the prissy side wanting to be superior to others. Maybe their mommies told them that they were special when the were growing up. They have become so politically correct that they have become PCS Politically Correct Stupid.

Remember the World Trade Center was taken down by Islamist from Saudi Arabia, which is the . Saudi Arabia also funnels millions into Center for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), who coined the term Islomophobic in order to slime people with a degoratory term, in order to shutdown anything that they have to say. American have become so scared of labels that they quit talking to one another and discussing issues.

To those who say "You would think for a country that is made up of immigrants from everywhere else the Americans would see how racist bigotry is just condemning their own ancestry.." If Presbyterians from Scotland were killing people like Islamist in Paris, NYC, Belgium, Iraq, Syria, Russia........ i would say keep them out. Would I then be called a Presbyphobic person, no just a reasonable person wanting to protect my family, friends and fellow countrymen.

Are Buddhist from Thailand massacring people in Paris, Syria, England, bombing Russian airliners with civilians on board or flying planes into building in the US, killing people in hotels, malls, etc? No it is Muslims that are doing this. To those who would are part of the elitist feeling PC crowd, let me give you a iPhone 6, a gold chain around your neck and a nice watch and then I will drop you off in the South Side of Chicago or West Baltimore and let you walk around for a couple of hours. I am sure that you will be not be wearing your Political Correctness when you walk out of the area.

To the Democrat who was trying to scare Republicans with "Muslim Americans vote too. They forget that Latinos vote, African Americans vote, LGBT people vote." I do not agree with the Democrats that African Americans, Latinos and Muslims are stupid and cannot think for themselves. I know many people who in these groups and they are able to think for themselves and not part of a heard that can be controlled by the Democratic party. I know life long Democrats who will absolutely not vote for Hillary.

Islam is a religion that was spread across northern Africa by chopping off heads of people who not convert. They are still doing that today. What is wrong with that religion. I am sure that the emotionally unstable will call me a Islamophobist, but what other religion has been chopping off heads for 1300 years?

Do I risk my family, our culture due to a religion that has held back an entire region and wants to take them back to the 1300s? Do you want take your family to live in Saudi Arabia, Syria (which was once a great country) before Islam or Pakistan?

I am not a supporter of Trump, but I do like the fact that he has broken the hold of the PCS crowd, allowing conversations to be held on Ideas and not the speech Nazis, who want to control what can be said in a conversation.

Remember to keep your distance from the emotionally unstable who want to label everyone racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, gun-toting... etc. etc .......... to shut down your ideas. To control your speech they control your ideas and you.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

Another uneducated and racist American. If you bothered to look at anything but these racist views against Muslims you would see that many Muslims all over the world have condemned this ISIS extremism in the strongest possible way. The media is also irresponsible for generally only publishing anti muslim rhetoric. This is all doing exactly what these extremist muslim groups want as it serves to force even more young people to the insane cause.

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

Another uneducated and racist American. If you bothered to look at anything but these racist views against Muslims you would see that many Muslims all over the world have condemned this ISIS extremism in the strongest possible way. The media is also irresponsible for generally only publishing anti muslim rhetoric. This is all doing exactly what these extremist muslim groups want as it serves to force even more young people to the insane cause.

Are you referring to me? What makes you think I'm American? What is your nationality?

It seems to me that you are the one who is uneducated spouting off such nonsense.

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Regarding the 2 grave stones of the dead Muslim soldiers, I have seen numerous Star and Crescent head stones in Arlington Cemetery. Having Muslim fighting in the US Army is a to tribute to the character of the US society. That people want to go to the US to live says a lot about the country. People will migrate to the US legally and illegally. But all countries have the right.... no the obligation to protect their citizens. I know people who have immigrated from Syria to the US and are wonderful people and citizens. But presently there is a group of Islamist that have taken over sections of Syria and northern Iraq that are past being anything intelligent and barbaric is to good of a word for this group. This group has threatened to infiltrate the refugees fleeing Syria. Iran, while negotiating the recent nuclear deal, were lead by their spiritual leaders in chants "Death to America" . Why would you not slow the flow of these people into your country. Do you see people flocking to live in Saudi Arabia or Mexico? America had developed a society that allows freedom to be the person that you want, to worship and

I see many post about bigots, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc. When I encounter someone who thinks that, if they can call you one of the previous words that they have won the argument, by putting a label on you. Very much like 3rd graders that I taught that would chant, "I win, you lose. I win, you lose". I have found over the years that these people are a bit on the emotional side, if not emotionally unstable. Usually they are a bit on the prissy side wanting to be superior to others. Maybe their mommies told them that they were special when the were growing up. They have become so politically correct that they have become PCS Politically Correct Stupid.

Remember the World Trade Center was taken down by Islamist from Saudi Arabia, which is the . Saudi Arabia also funnels millions into Center for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), who coined the term Islomophobic in order to slime people with a degoratory term, in order to shutdown anything that they have to say. American have become so scared of labels that they quit talking to one another and discussing issues.

To those who say "You would think for a country that is made up of immigrants from everywhere else the Americans would see how racist bigotry is just condemning their own ancestry.." If Presbyterians from Scotland were killing people like Islamist in Paris, NYC, Belgium, Iraq, Syria, Russia........ i would say keep them out. Would I then be called a Presbyphobic person, no just a reasonable person wanting to protect my family, friends and fellow countrymen.

Are Buddhist from Thailand massacring people in Paris, Syria, England, bombing Russian airliners with civilians on board or flying planes into building in the US, killing people in hotels, malls, etc? No it is Muslims that are doing this. To those who would are part of the elitist feeling PC crowd, let me give you a iPhone 6, a gold chain around your neck and a nice watch and then I will drop you off in the South Side of Chicago or West Baltimore and let you walk around for a couple of hours. I am sure that you will be not be wearing your Political Correctness when you walk out of the area.

To the Democrat who was trying to scare Republicans with "Muslim Americans vote too. They forget that Latinos vote, African Americans vote, LGBT people vote." I do not agree with the Democrats that African Americans, Latinos and Muslims are stupid and cannot think for themselves. I know many people who in these groups and they are able to think for themselves and not part of a heard that can be controlled by the Democratic party. I know life long Democrats who will absolutely not vote for Hillary.

Islam is a religion that was spread across northern Africa by chopping off heads of people who not convert. They are still doing that today. What is wrong with that religion. I am sure that the emotionally unstable will call me a Islamophobist, but what other religion has been chopping off heads for 1300 years?

Do I risk my family, our culture due to a religion that has held back an entire region and wants to take them back to the 1300s? Do you want take your family to live in Saudi Arabia, Syria (which was once a great country) before Islam or Pakistan?

I am not a supporter of Trump, but I do like the fact that he has broken the hold of the PCS crowd, allowing conversations to be held on Ideas and not the speech Nazis, who want to control what can be said in a conversation.

Remember to keep your distance from the emotionally unstable who want to label everyone racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, gun-toting... etc. etc .......... to shut down your ideas. To control your speech they control your ideas and you.

"Remember to keep your distance from the emotionally unstable who want to label everyone racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, gun-toting... etc. etc .......... to shut down your ideas."

No everyone, just Republicans. Like their "ideas" are so precious. Illogically rooted in anger and fear. I just call them cowards, fearful, angry cowards.

How does labeling Republicans racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and gun-toting make ME emotionally unstable?

A new Pew poll is just out and it really nails Republicans for who they are. 42% of Republicans are angry at the government vs. 11% of the Democrats.

Trump channels this fear and anger and is voicing this outright racism and xenophobia. But the base loves it and he'll make a fine Republican candidate that will be steamrolled by any Democratic candidate (HRC).

I'm the emotionally unstable one? Hey, I'm not scared. And I live surrounded by Muslims in my Phuket community. They're lovely peaceful people.

I love this election campaign. Best ever!

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I would love to see these peaceful Muslim communities speak out very loudly about their condemnation of IS / ISIS / ISIL. I would like to see them taking a VERY active roll in stopping or helping to stop those Muslims that pervert the Koran for their own need to kill innocent people and then maybe I could be more sympathetic of those Muslims that are truly peace loving.

If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?

After all the atrocities that their people have committed, why do they still strut about looking like Bin Laden?

and their women folk all covered up except for their eyes.

Do you call that intregating into the Western countries society that they chose to live in?

The reason they are not speaking out and condemning is/isis/isil is because they support them.

Another uneducated and racist American. If you bothered to look at anything but these racist views against Muslims you would see that many Muslims all over the world have condemned this ISIS extremism in the strongest possible way. The media is also irresponsible for generally only publishing anti muslim rhetoric. This is all doing exactly what these extremist muslim groups want as it serves to force even more young people to the insane cause.

Are you referring to me? What makes you think I'm American? What is your nationality?

It seems to me that you are the one who is uneducated spouting off such nonsense.

You said, "If there are any Muslims who are genuinely peace loving, then why do they stay Muslims?"

And then have the hide to talk about other people spouting nonsense!

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Trump may just be the next President. He also may end the Islam problem the same way Truman did to beat the Japanese

"Just may" is very optimistic.

But lets say American voters are not as good and decent as I think, and do vote for Trump.... In today's headlines, we see what happens when a minority are oppressed and victimised.

"Russian crackdown on Muslims fuels exodus to Islamic State"

Not to mention another notorious state that oppresses Muslims and gets outraged when they react!

I'm talking, of course, about the former Yugoslavia.wink.png

Edited by Seastallion
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What's eye opening is your willingness to take an image out of context. You don't know if the tombstone is for someone who was a nominal muslim, was gay, was secular or was an adherent of sufi views. Yet, you grab onto the image as a demonstration of a politically correct position. Only a dishonest huckster would attempt to pass that photo off as representative of anything other than a dead person's tombstone.

Had you clicked the link and done some research from the information contained within the target page, you would know that:

Captain Humayun S. M. Khan, 27, of Bristow, Virginia, died June 8, 2004, in Baquabah, Iraq, after a vehicle packed with an improvised explosive device drove into the gate of his compound while he was inspecting soldiers on guard duty. Khan was assigned to Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 201st Forward Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Vilseck, Germany.

The individual in question died in the service of his country and was Muslim, that is all that is relevant here. Of course he may have been any of the things you mention (though how is being gay relevant?) but it's still perfectly in context to the post I replied to which said 'Feel free to leave. Nobody will miss you.' in regard to any Muslim in the US - as indeed is your comment that 'you [we] don't know' what his personal views are.. that is precisely why Usernames' response is idiotic and ignorant.

Thankfully the trump brigade will all be back in their holes in a years time (max), at least for another 3 years.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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"Republican campaign rhetoric has Muslim-Americans on edge"

Really is that the only group on 'edge'?

Hispanic, African Americans, Homosexual people, Women, the poor and what's left of the Middle Class, the sick and injured, the 'working poor', same sex partners, people desperate for a liveable wage, young people who need an affordable education. The list is endless.

Surely 99% of Americans should be on 'edge' at the thought of a Republican administration?

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The weird thing in American politics is how many poorer white people, especially men, support republicans that have policies that HURT them, a lot. Voting against their own self interest, as it were, often motivated by the kind of reactionary / racist rhetoric of politicians like Trump.

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The weird thing in American politics is how many poorer white people, especially men, support republicans that have policies that HURT them, a lot. Voting against their own self interest, as it were, often motivated by the kind of reactionary / racist rhetoric of politicians like Trump.

Same with the working class people in the UK. they vote Labour who hurt them more than the Tories at times.

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I like to call him il Duce but yesterday figured why not just "Chump"?

The vapid but shocking rhetoric coming from the usual suspects of the rightwing sound like it could have come from Der Stürmer. Literally brain dead rubbish. Any American is more likely to be killed by everyday gun violence than terrorism.

500-800 deaths yearly from accidental discharges alone.

Edited by arunsakda
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I have been trying to follow this so-called Republican hate against Muslims debacle closely...

The Republicans and many Democrats are calling for a close examination of the vetting process for refugees coming from "Syria" as IS has already said thank you for taking Syrians as we will infiltrate these masses with our soldiers...ask France about having open borders and a lax vetting system...

The "database" Trump was referring to would be to track "new" immigrants from the ME...do you think the Thais do not track "YOUR" every movement in Thailand with their farang database...where is the indignation from the foreign community over every movement being tracked?

Mosques have been proven to be a safe haven for Muslims bent on mischief in America and elsewhere...not all...but some...and countries need intelligence information from these unfriendly areas in an attempt to thwart new attempts to destroy peace in American and elsewhere...

A new threat has become apparent as our closest neighbor has the welcome mat open to ME refugees without thoroughly vetting them...America's borders with Canada are almost non-existent...this is a new concern for the mad, ignorant, militant, gun-toting, racist bigots attempting to protect Americans...

Every decision Republicans make is not race or color related...although lefties would have one believe so...

The Pres. is wrong about this issue...and has been wrong on most issues concerning foreign policy...as he possesses a distorted worldview...ultimately harmful for America's future...IMHO

Thank Buddha for president Obama. I haven't heard one single Republican come out with a rational, humanitarian position on anything. Remember when little Marco came out with that semi-realistic immigration plan but then had to change the whole thing because it was unacceptable to the cowardly base.

That was pretty much it.

Now it's degenerated into this fear mongering, xenophobic hysteria.

What cowards.

It seems to me that the cowards start at the top of the Democratic party and work down thru the ranks...

Obama would welcome all immigrants from anywhere...so Republicans could cry foul...and the Pres. and his henchmen can gain political fodder to feed liberal presses...and Dems could pad their registry with non-productive free-loaders...

The overwhelming number of Americans...not out of fear...but out of interest in self-preservation of themselves...their way of life...and their country...do not want to let Obama open the flood gates to immigrants...and "let's see what happens"...look to France and many other EU countries to see what happens when Muslims setup house keeping in a friendly Western nation...they try to take over...

Can you find anyone that can articulate the Obama administrations foreign policy? Of course not, there is none...

The Pres and his henchmen...

His henchmen?

The wingnuttia community think they are the overwhelming number of Americans. They confuse people who watch Fox News and everyone else. cheesy.gif

@ ggt

"Can you find anyone that can articulate the Obama administrations foreign policy?"

Notice your question was ignored?

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Regarding the 2 grave stones of the dead Muslim soldiers, I have seen numerous Star and Crescent head stones in Arlington Cemetery. Having Muslim fighting in the US Army is a to tribute to the character of the US society. That people want to go to the US to live says a lot about the country. People will migrate to the US legally and illegally. But all countries have the right.... no the obligation to protect their citizens. I know people who have immigrated from Syria to the US and are wonderful people and citizens. But presently there is a group of Islamist that have taken over sections of Syria and northern Iraq that are past being anything intelligent and barbaric is to good of a word for this group. This group has threatened to infiltrate the refugees fleeing Syria. Iran, while negotiating the recent nuclear deal, were lead by their spiritual leaders in chants "Death to America" . Why would you not slow the flow of these people into your country. Do you see people flocking to live in Saudi Arabia or Mexico? America had developed a society that allows freedom to be the person that you want, to worship and

I see many post about bigots, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc. When I encounter someone who thinks that, if they can call you one of the previous words that they have won the argument, by putting a label on you. Very much like 3rd graders that I taught that would chant, "I win, you lose. I win, you lose". I have found over the years that these people are a bit on the emotional side, if not emotionally unstable. Usually they are a bit on the prissy side wanting to be superior to others. Maybe their mommies told them that they were special when the were growing up. They have become so politically correct that they have become PCS Politically Correct Stupid.

Remember the World Trade Center was taken down by Islamist from Saudi Arabia, which is the . Saudi Arabia also funnels millions into Center for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), who coined the term Islomophobic in order to slime people with a degoratory term, in order to shutdown anything that they have to say. American have become so scared of labels that they quit talking to one another and discussing issues.

To those who say "You would think for a country that is made up of immigrants from everywhere else the Americans would see how racist bigotry is just condemning their own ancestry.." If Presbyterians from Scotland were killing people like Islamist in Paris, NYC, Belgium, Iraq, Syria, Russia........ i would say keep them out. Would I then be called a Presbyphobic person, no just a reasonable person wanting to protect my family, friends and fellow countrymen.

Are Buddhist from Thailand massacring people in Paris, Syria, England, bombing Russian airliners with civilians on board or flying planes into building in the US, killing people in hotels, malls, etc? No it is Muslims that are doing this. To those who would are part of the elitist feeling PC crowd, let me give you a iPhone 6, a gold chain around your neck and a nice watch and then I will drop you off in the South Side of Chicago or West Baltimore and let you walk around for a couple of hours. I am sure that you will be not be wearing your Political Correctness when you walk out of the area.

To the Democrat who was trying to scare Republicans with "Muslim Americans vote too. They forget that Latinos vote, African Americans vote, LGBT people vote." I do not agree with the Democrats that African Americans, Latinos and Muslims are stupid and cannot think for themselves. I know many people who in these groups and they are able to think for themselves and not part of a heard that can be controlled by the Democratic party. I know life long Democrats who will absolutely not vote for Hillary.

Islam is a religion that was spread across northern Africa by chopping off heads of people who not convert. They are still doing that today. What is wrong with that religion. I am sure that the emotionally unstable will call me a Islamophobist, but what other religion has been chopping off heads for 1300 years?

Do I risk my family, our culture due to a religion that has held back an entire region and wants to take them back to the 1300s? Do you want take your family to live in Saudi Arabia, Syria (which was once a great country) before Islam or Pakistan?

I am not a supporter of Trump, but I do like the fact that he has broken the hold of the PCS crowd, allowing conversations to be held on Ideas and not the speech Nazis, who want to control what can be said in a conversation.

Remember to keep your distance from the emotionally unstable who want to label everyone racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, gun-toting... etc. etc .......... to shut down your ideas. To control your speech they control your ideas and you.

The gravestone pictures are part of a muslimist propaganda campaign that is falling flat. See the other topic, where 60 percent of Americans do not want any Syrian refugees. One thing is for certain. This is an American issue that will be decided by American citizens, not rabid, unbalanced muslim partisans outside the United States. In fact, the more they howl, the worse their numbers get. Watch Trump win. It will be a tidal wave.

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