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Teenage Austrian 'poster girl for the Islamic State' killed by group for trying to escape


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I just seen a picture of her. She is a pretty young lady. What is wrong with these animals.

Did an animal ever go into a nightclub and just start mass murdering people? Give animals a break! When they kill they are either doing it in self defense or to eat.

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She was only 17 years old. Sad, in that way.

When I was her age I was growing up in the Hippy Environment where joining a Commune and living a Communistic Life Style, and smoking some weed, was thought to be cool.

Today, it looks like joining some Terrorist Organization and killing people, or blowing yourself up to do that, is cool. Ever notice the Ring Leaders are never caught with a bomb strapped to their chest? It seems it is only the teenagers or young adults that are found in pieces this way. The Ring Leaders are caught rushing to buy airplane tickets out of the country or found hiding in some hole someplace, with a pocket full of US Dollars.

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Just by impulse, I'd say, "No sympathy from my side - if one is crazy enough to sympathize with a militant group like the IS (regardless of who created and finances it), he/she deserves to be removed from society for good, even if that person was having any second thoughts..."

Yet, my gut feeling says, "That girl would have had a lot to say, give background info (who finances, qui bono, etc.) and help to prevent other idiots to run to and sympathize with IS and similar groups, perhaps even write a book, and eventually become an enrichment to the open minded society in form of a lost son/daughter who eventually returned to her true calling..."

In addition, nobody knows what events in her childhood life "forced" her to do this. Perhaps no self esteem due to childhood abuse, whatever...?

What a waste, and what a shame... RIP, poor beautiful Sabra, I hope you are in a beautiful place now with god.

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So a young girl gets lured in by some fanatics and pays for it first with unhappiness and ultimately with her life, and all you guys can come up with are pathetic replies. Both her dead and the replies here are sad.

Depends on the ruler used by you. Muslims believe adulthood is attained at age 15.

For many followers of Allah, she would be considered past it.


I'm surprised at you.

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There are some really disgusting, cruel posts on this thread. Yes, what these girls did was stupid and incomprehensible, but comments like "I don't care" and comments implying they deserved what they got, are vile. These girls are somebody's daughters, somebody's sisters, somebody's friends. Let's verbsally attack the IS terrorist scum instead of these misguided young girls.

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I was thinking how difficult this will be for the family...especially during the holiday season when families gather for joy...IS radicals are more akin to hyenas...nasty animal low life feeders...

What holidays?

She was from a muslim family .

In that case...her family might be so proud of her sacrifice for Allah...Allah be Praised....Allah Akbar...

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There are some really disgusting, cruel posts on this thread. Yes, what these girls did was stupid and incomprehensible, but comments like "I don't care" and comments implying they deserved what they got, are vile. These girls are somebody's daughters, somebody's sisters, somebody's friends. Let's verbally attack the IS terrorist scum instead of these misguided young girls.

They willingly went to join ISIS. Serves them right really.

Would you be there saying how terrible it is if they were standing there with a knife to your throat?

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I wonder if her Austrian friend was among the people who beat her to death.

It is claimed her girlfriend was killed in fighting last year.

The person in the OP was a Bosnian Muslim refugee, as you probably know Bosnian Muslims were subjected to rape as a tool of war, mass murder and other war crimes by Serbian Christians.The experiences of Bosnian Muslims does not excuse her from joining Daesh, but may possibly have been a contributing factor in the propaganda convincing her to join Daesh.

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I wonder if her Austrian friend was among the people who beat her to death.

It is claimed her girlfriend was killed in fighting last year.

The person in the OP was a Bosnian Muslim refugee, as you probably know Bosnian Muslims were subjected to rape as a tool of war, mass murder and other war crimes by Serbian Christians.The experiences of Bosnian Muslims does not excuse her from joining Daesh, but may possibly have been a contributing factor in the propaganda convincing her to join Daesh.

In that case, going through what her short life has endured it is very sad indeed.

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bigotry and intolerance, welcome to thai visa.

why is it such a stretch to those of you who have been manipulated into believing a farm girl you dont share a common language with is an appropriate mate cant seem to accept that a young girl could be manipulated for a political end.

the schadenfreud is strong with this lot.

hope you all feel good about yourselves.

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There are some really disgusting, cruel posts on this thread. Yes, what these girls did was stupid and incomprehensible, but comments like "I don't care" and comments implying they deserved what they got, are vile. These girls are somebody's daughters, somebody's sisters, somebody's friends. Let's verbally attack the IS terrorist scum instead of these misguided young girls.

They willingly went to join ISIS. Serves them right really.

Would you be there saying how terrible it is if they were standing there with a knife to your throat?

I don't think it is a question that she did wrong. What comes into question is her age. She was only 17 years old, and 16 years old or less when she joined. In my country she couldn't even be tried in an Adult Court, so under the eyes of the law she is still a child.

At what age do we punish them to the fullest extent of the law? Her friend died last year and she was only 15 years old. Is that old enough? Many countries in Africa used child solders as young as 7 years old. Is that old enough? Iran used hundreds of thousands of boys before puberty in the war against Iraq. Put them on the front lines with wooden sticks carved out to look like guns. Is that old enough?

What they really need to do is to track down these recruiters who are living in Austria and put them on the rack and yank there toe nails out. They will talk then. How hard are they to find? They must have approached more than just these 2 girls, so find out where they go and talk to some of their friends. Someone will know something. To stop this you need to stop them.

No doubt this teen has gone astray and needed to be punished for her crimes. But I think she needed help more than punishment in this case, and young enough to be steered in the right direction. But Capital Punishment at her age I think is unjust. No matter her involvement.

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In itself it is a very sad story, yet it needs to be considered in context of the horrendous, inhumane atrocities committed on innocents by this evil group. Those victims never had any choice in their fate. Shed a tear for this young individual then you must cry a river for the children slaughtered by the group that she joined.

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I wonder if her Austrian friend was among the people who beat her to death.

It is claimed her girlfriend was killed in fighting last year.

The person in the OP was a Bosnian Muslim refugee, as you probably know Bosnian Muslims were subjected to rape as a tool of war, mass murder and other war crimes by Serbian Christians.The experiences of Bosnian Muslims does not excuse her from joining Daesh, but may possibly have been a contributing factor in the propaganda convincing her to join Daesh.

She wasn't even born during the war...

..but nice (anti-christian) try.

You try again. Reports claim she was a refugee from Bosnia, I did not state she personally was subjected to abuse during the war. Plenty of reports of propaganda from the Islamist recruiters based upon events such as Bosnia that may have influenced her personally and of course family history.

Ain't anti Christian - statement of fact.- Christian militias in ex Yugoslavia committed many war crimes. Do you really believe the Christian militias fighting for the Assad dictatorship do not commit evil? A number of reports some Christians in Syria are pilots in the Syrian air force, you really believe they are excluded from deliberately bombing civilian areas. In Syria I would image very few abiding by the laws of warfare.

Edited by simple1
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Also I pity that the girl was just that young and destroyed her life but she deserved it.

I guess 72 ISIS fighters are now with her banging her up in the so called paradise.


One of the main problems-all the fighters are Virgins sex starved lunatics

Actually as a part of the recruitment process Daesh fighters are promised sex slaves / wives

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