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They dont like Farang fixing the road

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there is the very real issue of personal liability

any accidents occuring on that road could now be your responsiblity.

ok your heart may or may not be in the right place- you may of course just be showing the locals what a bunch of amateurs they are.

none the less in any country you alter the highway you are now responsible for any accidents occuring there

another sensitive question for you, what if they use simialr to in Britain and call it HR highway - then you are all lessed up and fuked for good.

mind your own business is my advice for you. local problems for local people

Sorry I just cant stop laughingclap2.gif

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You can laugh all you want but the OP has caused a massive loss of face to people who are tasked with doing the actual road repair. His heart may be in the right place but he unfortunately does not understand how Thais think. There will be some type of retribution, maybe small , maybe not so small based on his attitude.. This is not the West where you can do things that no one really thinks about or cares about. Like it or not Thais do not think like us. I have always indicated never, ever get in a situation where you cause a Thai to loose face. The result could be deadly. I would start watching my back and if approached by someone in authority apologize immediately. I am speaking from experience.


I think we all underestimate the Thais. I reckon there are a lot of good Thai workers who know what they are supposed to do for a quality job, however they are not allowed to disagree with their bosses and I think this is were the problems lay. The bosses have probably got to the position because they know someone not becuse of their knowledge. So when we criticise the Thais let's remember in Thailand you dont disagree with the person above you and this is a major problem.


No problem here, when you run out of tarmac to repair just use mud n dust..... no really thats what they do, this road 2 years old, note the about 1/8th inch thick tarmac, here also their concrete repairs, almost flush give or take a few inches, when I came here the road stopped at my land this was done after I arrived about 3-4 years ago


They are constructing a new road in my area which was started 6 months ago and is not yet complete and already they have had to come back to fill in pot holes and new pot holes show up weekly. Thailand has no clue on how to construct roadways. http://vtgh.vn http://1tour.vn http://trungbac.vn http://thesinhtour.com/tour-du-lich-sapa-bang-o-to/ http://maylocnuocviet.org/may-loc-nuoc/may-loc-nuoc-nano/ http://thuocla-dientu.com http://thesinhtour.com/tour-du-lich-ha-long/

My taxi driver encountered this bad roads suffered


You can laugh all you want but the OP has caused a massive loss of face to people who are tasked with doing the actual road repair. His heart may be in the right place but he unfortunately does not understand how Thais think. There will be some type of retribution, maybe small , maybe not so small based on his attitude.. This is not the West where you can do things that no one really thinks about or cares about. Like it or not Thais do not think like us. I have always indicated never, ever get in a situation where you cause a Thai to loose face. The result could be deadly. I would start watching my back and if approached by someone in authority apologize immediately. I am speaking from experience.

There will be no retribution ..seriously ............. I cant live my life hiding around every corner worrying whose gonna lose face?

Been through it all before, guy once said he could put plasterboard up on a ceiling for me , he didnt have a clue, gaps in boards about an inch wide, boards not fastened up............his last words were "my work is good" as he was told to either do it right or go.

That was the time I started to do all my own diy and ended up building two houses alone.

Behold the ceilings ( I ripped em down) I think he was cutting the boards with his teeth, either that or a shovel?

Dont get me started on the electrician, he went as well, at least i know my houses are safe and will still be standing in 50 years.


I think we all underestimate the Thais. I reckon there are a lot of good Thai workers who know what they are supposed to do for a quality job, however they are not allowed to disagree with their bosses and I think this is were the problems lay. The bosses have probably got to the position because they know someone not becuse of their knowledge. So when we criticise the Thais let's remember in Thailand you dont disagree with the person above you and this is a major problem.

Concrete overcoat?


You can laugh all you want but the OP has caused a massive loss of face to people who are tasked with doing the actual road repair. His heart may be in the right place but he unfortunately does not understand how Thais think. There will be some type of retribution, maybe small , maybe not so small based on his attitude.. This is not the West where you can do things that no one really thinks about or cares about. Like it or not Thais do not think like us. I have always indicated never, ever get in a situation where you cause a Thai to loose face. The result could be deadly. I would start watching my back and if approached by someone in authority apologize immediately. I am speaking from experience.

There will be no retribution ..seriously ............. I cant live my life hiding around every corner worrying whose gonna lose face?

Been through it all before, guy once said he could put plasterboard up on a ceiling for me , he didnt have a clue, gaps in boards about an inch wide, boards not fastened up............his last words were "my work is good" as he was told to either do it right or go.

That was the time I started to do all my own diy and ended up building two houses alone.

Behold the ceilings ( I ripped em down) I think he was cutting the boards with his teeth, either that or a shovel?

Dont get me started on the electrician, he went as well, at least i know my houses are safe and will still be standing in 50 years.

At least you "pointed" to the problem, would have missed otherwise!!!!!:lol:


You can laugh all you want but the OP has caused a massive loss of face to people who are tasked with doing the actual road repair. His heart may be in the right place but he unfortunately does not understand how Thais think. There will be some type of retribution, maybe small , maybe not so small based on his attitude.. This is not the West where you can do things that no one really thinks about or cares about. Like it or not Thais do not think like us. I have always indicated never, ever get in a situation where you cause a Thai to loose face. The result could be deadly. I would start watching my back and if approached by someone in authority apologize immediately. I am speaking from experience.

There will be no retribution ..seriously ............. I cant live my life hiding around every corner worrying whose gonna lose face?

Been through it all before, guy once said he could put plasterboard up on a ceiling for me , he didnt have a clue, gaps in boards about an inch wide, boards not fastened up............his last words were "my work is good" as he was told to either do it right or go.

That was the time I started to do all my own diy and ended up building two houses alone.

Behold the ceilings ( I ripped em down) I think he was cutting the boards with his teeth, either that or a shovel?

Dont get me started on the electrician, he went as well, at least i know my houses are safe and will still be standing in 50 years.

At least you "pointed" to the problem, would have missed otherwise!!!!!laugh.png

Hey you might not have spotted it otherwise, now about that overcoat.............I could probably punch my way out of it in 5 minutes made with 80%water 1% concrete (old stock) and 8% sand from the sea + 11% stone 2 inches across, dont forget to add extra water when youve been out for lunch for 2 hours


No One is suggesting you hide anywhere . I am suggesting you may want to think ahead of the ramifications of your actions before you act. Dealing with Thai workers you are going to hire in the privacy of your own home is one thing. However, dealing with issues out in public and acting as if you know better (even if you do) causes others to loose face. If you are going to stay long term in Thailand it is essential to learn this and put it into practice. You have been luck so far. Trust me, keep doing what you are doing regarding the road situation and your luck may not hold.


But I've found Thais don't like people doing what's perceived as their job. My last gik wouldn't even let me wash my own dishes.

Too true - my GF never lets me fly my own kite whistling.gif


No One is suggesting you hide anywhere . I am suggesting you may want to think ahead of the ramifications of your actions before you act. Dealing with Thai workers you are going to hire in the privacy of your own home is one thing. However, dealing with issues out in public and acting as if you know better (even if you do) causes others to loose face. If you are going to stay long term in Thailand it is essential to learn this and put it into practice. You have been luck so far. Trust me, keep doing what you are doing regarding the road situation and your luck may not hold.

Ill take my chances


once the local IO hear about the crazy farang filling in potholes they will be frothing at the mouth.

whats the fine these days for that one......30K?

Immigration have told me they cant come to my house already as its too far from them...........that was for the yearly extension, instead, I had to go with them to a nearby (Hua Hin) hotel to have photos taken so they could lie to the Bangkok Boys about meeting me near my home, incredible but true, NO HOME VISIT


They are constructing a new road in my area which was started 6 months ago and is not yet complete and already they have had to come back to fill in pot holes and new pot holes show up weekly. Thailand has no clue on how to construct roadways.

They do know how to do it properly, but its not in their interest to do it....getting paid 3 or 4 times is better than just the one time if they did it correctly first time...

they built a dual carriageway down our road, about 2kms long...its absolutely garbage, more cracks and holes than actual road now, after 1 year.

like Kannot says, they come and 'repair' it, but lasts a week or so....


l have to agree with poster jomcondo.

While l understand the OP's good intentions, it will be seen as "showing up" the people who should be fixing the roads & he will be seen to be stepping on their toes.

Almost positive something will come of all this & l doubt that it will be better roads.

Why are they being "shown up" Oh yeah, they do a half assed job when they actually have to work. Imagine if they actually did a good job, they wouldn't ever be "shown up" or have to lose face. It's the idiots own fault for losing face by either not doing what they get paid to do, or by doing a crappy job. End of story.

l doubt that it is the end of the story.

And as its their country & not yours, its up to them whether they do a crappy job or not.

l understand the OP's frustration(& it would seem, yours!)but he is leaving himself wide open for some sort of comeback.


Joe public can't go around fixing roads in the UK either.

I am sure you would get a reaction from a local authority jobsworth in short order,

if you were to try.

I think the UK can fix roads, the Thais cant as can clearly be seen ANYWHERE in Thailand

??? Come up to Nakhon Sawan. First you'll notice the highway all the way from Bangkok is pretty good. 250 km in three hours is no problem. I live outside the municipality, on a hill. the road is asphalt but pretty good. It helps that there's no frosts here to break up the pavement. Two three kilometers, no holes. We drive into town, maybe go to Immigration, no holes in the pavement. Where do you live?


Joe public can't go around fixing roads in the UK either.

I am sure you would get a reaction from a local authority jobsworth in short order,

if you were to try.

I think the UK can fix roads, the Thais cant as can clearly be seen ANYWHERE in Thailand

Road repairs are the responsibility of the local authority. Once you begin shoving your oar in, then the work you have done becomes the responsibility of local authority and you could be brought to book for any accidents on that patch of road once you have finished meddling in something that is not your business.

Even if you consider the work not up to standard, you still do not have the authority to go around filling holes in public roads. If the local authority make excuses that there is not enough budget to do a quality job, then make a financial contribution yourself if you are so concerned.

Are you joking? Do you actually believe that if he contributed financially, the job would be completed to a high standard?I think not.

Meanwhile his and others lives are in danger on a daily basis.

The system doesn't work and he isn't eligible to stand for local government.


Probably because they only make the road surface half as thick as it needs to be and then pocket the other half of the money. I saw one new road being paved, no more than 5cm of asphalt on top of packed dirt, no layer of compacted aggregate.

Where I'm from that's not even good enough for a driveway much less a major road with 20 ton trucks driving in it.

Never understand why Thais can't build a proper road, equipment and technology is there. Thailand doesn't even have winter!


I got sick of huge potholes in Ubon getting bigger daily because nobody does anything about them so in my neighborhood I fill them in with crushed brick and concrete from construction debris and cover it with gravel.

One I did three months ago is still smooth enough to drive a motorcycle over. Before I filled it up you would have ended up on the ground in a pool of blood if you hit it with a bike.

If the people who built or fix roads here don't like it, too effin' bad. Build them correctly or at least patch the holes. I'm not going have me or my neighbors get into accidents because of someone's financial incentive to keep the roads in unsafe condition.



How about another photo end of December?

But, you're right, have seen 1,000s of such road patches, not worth much, especially during the wet.


I looked for but could not find the pic I was looking for ....it is of a Chicago city road patch crew , it is amazing to say the least . crew = 1 foreman , 1 safety man , 1 union inspector , 1 equipment manager , 3 patchers , only 2 of which are patching 3rd man is in the break rotation of other 2 patchers ...... 1 two and a half ton dump truck with patch , 2 4 wheel drive king cab ford rangers , and 1 ford suv with trailer hauling one roller with driver and 1 small willy's bus with 4 man crew to set up keep warm tents an heat up patch material . if lucky they can get 2 or 3 patches a day , unbelievable .........................


No One is suggesting you hide anywhere . I am suggesting you may want to think ahead of the ramifications of your actions before you act. Dealing with Thai workers you are going to hire in the privacy of your own home is one thing. However, dealing with issues out in public and acting as if you know better (even if you do) causes others to loose face. If you are going to stay long term in Thailand it is essential to learn this and put it into practice. You have been luck so far. Trust me, keep doing what you are doing regarding the road situation and your luck may not hold.

over paranoid, he is not inviting spectators to watch the repair and is not filing complaints. just doing work wont warrant retribution unless you start badmouthing.

reason is for safety, has nothing to do with the quality of a previous repair.

with face you just leave an 'out'. ex. your cat drinks from the pothole and could get run over, and your ok. its about embarrasement and not skills or opinions.



How about another photo end of December?

But, you're right, have seen 1,000s of such road patches, not worth much, especially during the wet.


I looked for but could not find the pic I was looking for ....it is of a Chicago city road patch crew , it is amazing to say the least . crew = 1 foreman , 1 safety man , 1 union inspector , 1 equipment manager , 3 patchers , only 2 of which are patching 3rd man is in the break rotation of other 2 patchers ...... 1 two and a half ton dump truck with patch , 2 4 wheel drive king cab ford rangers , and 1 ford suv with trailer hauling one roller with driver and 1 small willy's bus with 4 man crew to set up keep warm tents an heat up patch material . if lucky they can get 2 or 3 patches a day , unbelievable .........................

the difference is their patches will last more than 1 month

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