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Who are the Thailand haters on this website?

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Any time something positive is said about the Kingdom - any improvement, good news or attempt by the authorities to make things better - is met by a hail of miserable, angry know-it-alls.

They complain about how corrupt, dishonest and terrible Thais are. They damn the police and government. They leave endless posts about how they know what's REALLY going on.

Who the *%"& are these people?

Someone mentioned the incredible improvement in BKK air quality, which is true. Back in the 80's the city was black with pollution, now the air is better than most Western cities. And they came out, with cynical, rude comments about how dishonest Thais were.

Is it just one or two miserable old gits, or something worse?

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It's 3 old gits...

Your thread is so corrupt.. Did Mr T tell you to post it.

The air in here is terrible.


Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.


Haters are gonna hate. Don't get yourself worked up over it and spend your energy enjoying what Thailand means to you.

Yep. Thaivisa ≠ Thailand. Enjoy this marvellous country for what it is, and come here for the lolz.


talking about why people hate will only add more hatred conversation.....why wasn't the thread positive??????

this is not the way of the Buddha.....you are not ready for Thailand just yet

half full not half empty!!!!! soo much negativity here...



No, I'm not getting worked up.

And no, talking about why people hate will not add more hatred - despite anything the Buddha may or may not have said.

It seems some of the miserable gits have gravitated to this thread already!

I do like this site and there are many splendid chaps here who've been great to talk to and most helpful - but these miserable gits post every day and always the same thing. Such miserable idiots always complaining - like clockwork.

You may be right dipstick.

It will be interesting to see how the new visa rules change the Fallang collection in Thailand.


It will be interesting to see how the new visa rules change the Fallang collection in Thailand.

I get the impression most of the downers are on marriage visas.


It will be interesting to see how the new visa rules change the Fallang collection in Thailand.

I get the impression most of the downers are on marriage visas.

"my Wife pi33ed me off today... I hated everything Thai for a moment"...

Does someone have to be on a Marriage Visa to fall into this category ?


But you might be right... I have friends who have lived here and now live in Singapore. There is no delicate way of writing it.. 'there is a better class of foreigner in Singapore than in Thailand'... I guess the reasons are obvious.... But... there are 'plenty foreign' Singapore Haters in Singapore...

Are the issues that lead some people to become disenchanted and disenfranchised with a country socio-economic, cultural, both ?

Or is it something more simple ? some people are just grumpy miserable gits...


A lot of it is constructive criticism.

If a thread is about being ripped off, by immigration, police, taxi drivers or whoever, I think people have the right to vent their anger. If it happened in your country of origin, I would expect people to react the same.

Yes, I like this country, that is why I chose to live here, but I am not an ostrich with my head in the sand believing everything is perfect.

I think you will find a lot of it is also tongue in cheek humour, and also people winding others up waiting for a reaction.


I don't find the miserable gits constructive or humerous at all - personally.

J​ust a group of sad, pathetic whiners with nothing positive to say and always ready to declare nasty things about the Thais who have welcomed them into their country.

In the 80's we called this ExPat Disease - people who sat around bars running down the locals because they knew how corrupt / stupid / uneducated they were. In those days there was no internet so they couldn't bother so many people.

Perhaps people on this site have to be more agressive in challenging them.


I don't find the miserable gits constructive or humerous at all - personally.

J​ust a group of sad, pathetic whiners with nothing positive to say and always ready to declare nasty things about the Thais who have welcomed them into their country.

In the 80's we called this ExPat Disease - people who sat around bars running down the locals because they knew how corrupt / stupid / uneducated they were. In those days there was no internet so they couldn't bother so many people.

Perhaps people on this site have to be more agressive in challenging them.

It's a real shame. This place ought to be a great resource for foreigners in Thailand, but all too often new members turn up with a perfectly reasonable inquiry and are met with a barrage of negative misinformation, cynicism masquerading as wisdom, and puerile sexual nonsense.


If you don't like it, why log on ?

It is not compulsory.

However, it does seem to run some people's lives.

It's a forum about Thailand. Some of us come here to discuss the country and matters relating to it.


Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Totally disagree with you... In 78 Thailand was crap.. It's only gotten better since... Fast forward to 2015.. Happiness has been returned to the people and I am holly then thou immigrants such as yourself don't like it anymore... It's a win win.. Plus Thailand is the new Hub for everything in asia if not the world.

I simply accept Thailand for what it is. The good, the bad and sometimes the downright ugly.

When the 'bad' outweighs the 'good', I'll leave. For the moment though, and the past decade, I'm a happy camper.

Maybe the OP has fallen victim of the 'Newspaper Syndrome' where only the 'bad news' gets published.

Are there scams here? - SURE

Is the driving different to how we learnt? - SURE

Are there 'my gal did me wrong stories abundant? - SURE

Does the food taste different to what Mum served up? - SURE

Is Thailand a better or worse place then 10 / 20 / 30 years ago? YES, NO, MAYBE

I can't speak for everyone, but I proffer that the many of ex-pats and long term visitors lead a happy, fulfilled life, with the opportunities to do stuff not possible in the West. I do.


I can't speak for everyone, but I proffer that the many of ex-pats and long term visitors lead a happy, fulfilled life, with the opportunities to do stuff not possible in the West. I do.


But a vocal minority who've failed to do so take every opportunity to belittle the rest of us for liking it here.


OP reminds me of ol grampa jimmy down in jomtien.

Lets face it, if thailand wasnt overflowing with cheap prostitutes, 95.8% of men would never buy a ticket here.

The scum that has built uparound this once noble profession has given thais a bad name all over the world...and it is well documented with plenty of evidence.

Ps. I'll be visiting in april.


No I haven't fallen for 'Newspaper Syndrome', I was talking about miserable posters on this site - I can balance them out well enough.

I don't know who this grandpa Jimmy character is, or why he should be compared.

Like many people, come with my wife to Thailand, not into the bar scene.


There are some very angry and bitter people on this site who have nothing good to say.

I never thought that after posting complaining about them, so many would turn up to be miserable and complaining in response.

As you said SoiBiker, a few miseries can ruin things for the rest of us who like the country and its people - and appreciate being able to visit and enjoy it.



There are some very angry and bitter people on this site!

Yup; supercilious snark is part of the tone and tenor of this website. TV is at the same time a great source of knowledgable information and boots on the ground intel. So you have to be willing to wade through the <excrement> much of the time. In this regard the ignore function is your friend.



No I haven't fallen for 'Newspaper Syndrome', I was talking about miserable posters on this site - I can balance them out well enough.

I don't know who this grandpa Jimmy character is, or why he should be compared.

Like many people, come with my wife to Thailand, not into the bar scene.


There are some very angry and bitter people on this site who have nothing good to say.

I never thought that after posting complaining about them, so many would turn up to be miserable and complaining in response.

As you said SoiBiker, a few miseries can ruin things for the rest of us who like the country and its people - and appreciate being able to visit and enjoy it.

Is this your first day on the internet or something? Just about any website you go to where people discuss things, someone is going to crap all over someone else.

You can say something totally innocuous like, "Nice and sunny day today, isn't it?" and someone will accuse you of being an anti-cumulonimb-ite. By no means are the angry, bitter netizens confined to this website.

(You want some real dysfunction, though, go read some of the over-the-top, shrill discussions in the Thai news sub-forum of this website.)


I get up in the morning and smile every day I'm in Bangkok because I know my day is going to be a good one.

That's because I know how to avoid 99% of the bad stuff.

When I post on here and get ignored by the doom brigade I just laugh and get along with my day.

Can't help some people so enjoy folks!


I find some posters on TV take the rum far seriously. having an opinion or expressing your discontent is often frowned upon with the response of 'if you don't like I go home' brigade. Expressing concern or wanting things to improve here is not a bad thing in my opinion. Thailand need more of it. I like living here. it is home. I am not ha with everything here but that doesn't mean I have to shut up and take it up the Garry. As someone has mentioned if people don't like someone's opinion move on, don't let it eat you up. There are far too many internet warriors calling people out. Chill people.


I truly love living in Thailand.

Sitting back and observing Thais trying to carry out the most mundane of tasks is, quite simply, comedy gold.

They are never boring.

Add blue skies (when they're not burning the hills and fields), the jungles and mountains (when they're not being illegally encroached or dumped on) and the beaches (when they've just been cleaned of rubbish) and the roads for riding my motorbikes (when it's a quiet time of the day and there aren't too many Thai suicide drivers on them) and you have paradise on Earth, set in Fawlty Towers 24/7.


What is not to love about living here with one's feet up, observing the lil fella's everyday lives? smile.png


Any time something positive is said about the Kingdom - any improvement, good news or attempt by the authorities to make things better - is met by a hail of miserable, angry know-it-alls.

They complain about how corrupt, dishonest and terrible Thais are. They damn the police and government. They leave endless posts about how they know what's REALLY going on.

Who the *%"& are these people?

People more knowledgeable than you?


Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Totally disagree with you... In 78 Thailand was crap.. It's only gotten better since... Fast forward to 2015.. Happiness has been returned to the people and I am holly then thou immigrants such as yourself don't like it anymore... It's a win win.. Plus Thailand is the new Hub for everything in asia if not the world.

Why was it crap in those days?

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