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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

Yes but like the sign says, they're out to prove just how stupid they aren't really..

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Yes Mr. Ambassador, get out of town, we don't want you here!

And take those foreign business folk and their factories with you, we don't need them. And clear off all you delegates coming here for international conferences that raise the profile of this proud country in the world We don't need that.

And we certainly don't need the dollars and pounds and euros of you retirees who are supporting vast swathes of Issan with your pensions and trust funds. Do you think our poor are unable to send their children to school? Shame on you.

And shame on you tourists, every single one of you. Especially the ugly ones in bikinis. Don't come to our country and don't spend your money here.

<deleted> off the lot of you. We don't need you because we is Thai people.

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An ineffective and probably staged event. Nonetheless, the once super power of America, has less global respect and far less global relevance with each passing year - apart from screwing up whole nations and then leaving.

Yes indeed, and hows that "Global Respect," issue going for say the rest of the International commnities of repute? Toxic no doubt as a result of their lack of action regarding the loss of democratic rights...open borders with no passport control, 130 murdered in Paris two weeks ago, Middle East in flames, Russia bomping the "Pzzz out of Syria, China building Atols in the Pacific/er/South China Sea, the Uk shirt lifters having a go at one another discussing weather or not to participate in a so called "war," against ISIS...yes indeed America is defo in decline...WALOS!

Sorry I left out South America and Africa. Not exactly world class leaders now are they...when you need bombs, who ya gonna call?

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This protest was so OBVIOUSLY approved by the junta is not outright instigated by them.

200 people...what a joke. It wouldn't difficult at all to arrange for 200 people to stage a fake protest.

Yeah, I agree, the US needs to give up on Thailand. There will not be a Democratic government here for some time. We are wasting our time and money on this country.

Yes indeed....Now what is needed to really confuse the whole issue and mix it up is a few token farang thrown in for good measure ( or any American looking farang would suffice ) to be recruited to join the circus ...I mean protest...... while no work permits are required, for say, 500 baht a day and a free meal of sticky rice and spicy Som Tom and served with locally made Coca Cola with promises of media attention and a degree of fame and possible fortune.

Then the protest organizers can reason the protest is all the more valid and genuine because it is not only Thai citizens protesting.

Just my thoughts...lol


"( or any American looking farang would suffice )"

Do you have anyone in mind? Would a Canadian looking farang suffice or perhaps an Australian? How about a South African?

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So... is he going home?

They tend not to

Usually the 'yankee go home' mantra needs to be augmented with a good few thousand dead US military

then, indeed they do

Yup! And what a memorial scene it was when the US went home from Vietnam...

Not correct. If you think the Army gave up in Vietnam because of casualties, you should read some history before attempting to make comments on it.

They usually go back home when the media concentrate on the stray bombs which killed some civilians and it gets plastered all over the news.

Then the people who they were fighting go back to slaughtering their political or religious enemies by the thousand in the most barbaric manner with nobody to stop them - but those same liberals don't feel any guilt about that for some reason and the media don't report it because they caused it.

So US Military=world police? Just keepin the peace without gettin a piece? Swell fellas.

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The sangha should take disciplinary action against this monk and defrock him. Surely he neglects his monastic duties and vows and he clearly prefers being a politician.

And is there some reason the NCPO doesn't enforce its own ban on political gatherings of more than four people???

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Thais were not doing this when they were a small part of the Japanese empire in the 1940s after their gallant 4hr battle to surrender as quickly as possible to the Japanese and they will be saying the same again soon once they are so far in debit to China that all Thailand becomes is another Chinese military base.

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Yes Mr. Ambassador, get out of town, we don't want you here!

And take those foreign business folk and their factories with you, we don't need them. And clear off all you delegates coming here for international conferences that raise the profile of this proud country in the world We don't need that.

And we certainly don't need the dollars and pounds and euros of you retirees who are supporting vast swathes of Issan with your pensions and trust funds. Do you think our poor are unable to send their children to school? Shame on you.

And shame on you tourists, every single one of you. Especially the ugly ones in bikinis. Don't come to our country and don't spend your money here.

<deleted> off the lot of you. We don't need you because we is Thai people.

555 We don't need any thing but this!

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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

"Father forgive them they dont know what they are saying/doing" (as with so many things in LOS) coffee1.gif

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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

A rhetoric from men who hate Thailand and his People !

It's the right of Thai people to defend The Nation, The Religion, and The Revered Institution

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Actually, inasmuch as Thailand really has nothing, I mean really, really

nothing the United States wants or needs, ( 1 woven basket per person is

enough), and Thailand no longer holds the once strategic Asian military

location, ( see Philipines begging the US to return ), ), no oil/gold/silver/gems - nothing anyone wants, so, it is time for the Ambassador, ( and he

won't damnit !), to say something like " I discussed this with John Kerry

and he agrees with the protestors so I, and the US CHECKBOOK, will be

leaving tomorrow & our money laden military, ( 5,000 sailors on a carrier ),will no longer R&R here nor even stop to refuel " ! and "As an afterthought we will also stop allowing Thais the priviledges denied Americans here,no

more free scholarships to US schools, no more military or foreign aid and

wallah ! we have someone to replace Cuba ! "

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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

Very good. 10 out of 10.

But you forgot GO HOME YANKEE

Have I got it spelt right ? So long since I've seen it. Ah, memories of the yesteryear.

You are very close, but the correct term was "Yankee go home !" as proved by this picture of the 1961 movie "One Two Three " :

Erm.....not quite

Edited by Bluespunk
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Actually, inasmuch as Thailand really has nothing, I mean really, really

nothing the United States wants or needs, ( 1 woven basket per person is

enough), and Thailand no longer holds the once strategic Asian military

location, ( see Philipines begging the US to return ), ), no oil/gold/silver/gems - nothing anyone wants, so, it is time for the Ambassador, ( and he

won't damnit !), to say something like " I discussed this with John Kerry

and he agrees with the protestors so I, and the US CHECKBOOK, will be

leaving tomorrow & our money laden military, ( 5,000 sailors on a carrier ),will no longer R&R here nor even stop to refuel " ! and "As an afterthought we will also stop allowing Thais the priviledges denied Americans here,no

more free scholarships to US schools, no more military or foreign aid and

wallah ! we have someone to replace Cuba ! "

Please shut the door on your way out.

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I hope this group has a short attention span. I have to go to the embassy this week and do not relish the thought of shouldering my way through a mass of angry protesters.

Not that they don't deserve to have their voices heard. I just don't want to be there while they do it.

... I heard something about that gathering of more then 5 (five) People is against the law..??

Is that law only for some special kind of of people whom think different then the "lawmakers"..???

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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

I always knew that some thai's were filthy mouthed, especially when they were using foul language at a falang thinking he did not understand him. especially when they are smiling when they open their sewers. I was once told to get <deleted> by a thai female in thai at tesco, when I asked her in thai "how much for a short time" in thai she about had a hissy fit!

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Actually, inasmuch as Thailand really has nothing, I mean really, really

nothing the United States wants or needs, ( 1 woven basket per person is

enough), and Thailand no longer holds the once strategic Asian military

location, ( see Philipines begging the US to return ), ), no oil/gold/silver/gems - nothing anyone wants, so, it is time for the Ambassador, ( and he

won't damnit !), to say something like " I discussed this with John Kerry

and he agrees with the protestors so I, and the US CHECKBOOK, will be

leaving tomorrow & our money laden military, ( 5,000 sailors on a carrier ),will no longer R&R here nor even stop to refuel " ! and "As an afterthought we will also stop allowing Thais the priviledges denied Americans here,no

more free scholarships to US schools, no more military or foreign aid and

wallah ! we have someone to replace Cuba ! "

it's true fred, Thailand does not have anything that the U.S. wants or needs, they are a third rate military, they are corrupt, their neighbors are eating up all their tourist, Cambodia, Laos,the R&R port for the U.S. Navy sucks, the top places to go now are Vietnam and cambodia. BUT the P.I. is catching up fast!

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