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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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Thai people are absolutely right - civilized humanity should unite to force the US back to it's geographical borders

no country has a right to impose its values to others, meddle in their internal affairs and tell them what they should do.

all American military bases in foreign countries should be demolished.

Yankee go home!

"It's up to him [Davies]. Next time don't send anyone to talk about trade with me then," he said.

Bravo, Khun Prayut! you are my hero

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I'm confused. Is this a protest against free speech?

Sort of, while in reality it is a protest with people freely speaking and complaining about other people who have previously been freely speaking and complaining..... so......now the freely speaking protesters want to tell the other free speakers they should not be "Free Speeching Too Muck"

Something like that..lol


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I am an American ... I do not know the exact issue that caused the protest... but under the current American Government with an imbecilic Secretary of State Kerry ... I would not be surprised that an American Ambassador would step out of line and say something as stupid as does their boss on a daily basis.

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

They can't help themselves

As much as they can. Because the war is a best business.

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Can't wait to see what they tell the Russians and the Chinese after they finish their <deleted> fest. How original, these scenes can only confirm that the concept of true democracy in Thailand is just on the horizon, somewhere over the rainbow...

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Next one to do this - change May' to 'Will'

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As you might expect most of the negative comments come from Euroids who forgot the thousands of soldiers who died for them in WW I and WW II.

Better known as Ingrates that come with an overblown sense of entitlement while never really understanding their own history and how exactly they arrived to this point of living their semi charmed lives


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This protest was so OBVIOUSLY approved by the junta is not outright instigated by them.

200 people...what a joke. It wouldn't difficult at all to arrange for 200 people to stage a fake protest.

Yeah, I agree, the US needs to give up on Thailand. There will not be a Democratic government here for some time. We are wasting our time and money on this country.

Yes indeed....Now what is needed to really confuse the whole issue and mix it up is a few token farang thrown in for good measure ( or any American looking farang would suffice ) to be recruited to join the circus ...I mean protest...... while no work permits are required, for say, 500 baht a day and a free meal of sticky rice and spicy Som Tom and served with locally made Coca Cola with promises of media attention and a degree of fame and possible fortune.

Then the protest organizers can reason the protest is all the more valid and genuine because it is not only Thai citizens protesting.

Just my thoughts...lol


"( or any American looking farang would suffice )"

Do you have anyone in mind? Would a Canadian looking farang suffice or perhaps an Australian? How about a South African?

Any farang mistaken as an American will do...for better effect...lol

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My full respect for the Thai protesters. They are 100% correct. America <deleted> yourself. No need to put your nose in the business of other countries.

America? What about the UK, France, Germany, Australian and all the other 'colonizers' who marauded around the world stealing natural resources and creating cultural repression. Do you know how many Pacific Island and Caribbean Island nations 'received their independence' from the UK, France and the US in the last 50 years? This is not an America go home issue.

In case you have forgotten, when a country is invited to open an embassy, the host government is allowing certain privileges. That's right, in essence the Thai government is saying to every country that has an embassy there that they can stick their nose in their business,

Maybe you can encourage the protesters to read and learn about global repression, but wait, I think they would have to know how to read English. Then maybe their mantra will change to what it should be which is Thai government give us real democracy and stop the more than 100 years of repression.

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

Exactly. The USA meddles everywhere on earth, (following the historical example of Britain, and other empires before them) and is viewed as a bully by many. Why can't we just mind our own business when it has nothing to do with national interests, and sometimes even when it does! It's fine to set a political or cultural example of a way of life you think is superior, but keep it in your own borders, and let other peoples adopt it FREELY, if they like. But too often in the past 100 years our "way of life" has been offered at the point of a gun. People in many countries are just fed up with this, and I suspect many Thais are as well.

BTW, some people on this board constantly complain about the concept of so-called "Thainess;" good or bad, at least Thais keep it in their own yard...much worse is the concept of "American Exceptionalism," a colossally arrogant notion that presumably gives USA the license to interfere around the world.

Have any of these so-called leaders of the free world ever read a history book to see how this always turns out???

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In case you have forgotten, when a country is invited to open an embassy, the host government is allowing certain privileges. That's right, in essence the Thai government is saying to every country that has an embassy there that they can stick their nose in their business,

embassies exist not to stick their noses in internal affairs but to participate in diplomacy - international relations between countries. Ambassador and his (her) subordinates are representatives of their country for a host country's government. That's why embassies are always situated in capitals.

and if embassy staff start to do something else they become "persona non grata" - "for for unlawful activities incompatible with the status of a diplomat "

but Americans just think they can do whatever they want and wherever they want. the believe nobody will dare to say no.

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These people are indebted to Thaksin for the 30 baht health scheme without which they could not have afforded their lobotomies.

Why are you talking about "Health schemes" ?? This is about telling the US to go home. .. the USA with the worst, biggest ripoff "health scheme" ever, where people are having to sell up homes, everything, to cover the cost of life saving treatments. .... pathetic

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In case you have forgotten, when a country is invited to open an embassy, the host government is allowing certain privileges. That's right, in essence the Thai government is saying to every country that has an embassy there that they can stick their nose in their business,

embassies exist not to stick their noses in internal affairs but to participate in diplomacy - international relations between countries. Ambassador and his (her) subordinates are representatives of their country for a host country's government. That's why embassies are always situated in capitals.

and if embassy staff start to do something else they become "persona non grata" - "for for unlawful activities incompatible with the status of a diplomat "

but Americans just think they can do whatever they want and wherever they want. the believe nobody will dare to say the truth.

So do the Russian, and the Chinese. My point is how do you explain the anger at the US without saying ALL foreign governments get out...China and Russian might not use the same delivery method but they are doing exactly the same thing. The Ukraine Crimea and south China sea, how can you forget?

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So I guess that The US should should just pack up ALL their MONETARY assistance to Thailand and leave.Is Thailand going to reimburse the money lent to them to buy military armaments or should they remove all the helicopters not yet paid for.How about the cost of training for Thailand's military and police in The US ? Oh Yes ,Don't forget when America has no embassy s in a country the major American businesses also pull out.The list could go on and on but then again the removal will never happen as the idiots protesting are just sheep folowing their leaders and are in the minority. So baa,baa,baa.

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About 20 years ago Los Angeles was the second largest Thai city in the world. Thank god the US embassy did not close but gave them a visa. You never saw demonstrations outside the Thai Embassy telling thousands of Thais to go home. The Thai Rent A Mob works whenever they are paid to do so. The Esan Rent A Mob is one of the most effective tools ever used against a sitting Thai Government. They are smart enough to make it a big party with lots of rice whiskey, sticky rice and chicken on a stick. Also lots of dancing and singing. These mobs are not available during rice planting or harvesting.

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I thought groups of more than 5 protesting was still illegal in the land of the free? not when you are insulting the envoy of a foreign power it seems. I assume the ambassador was referring to 'defamation' cases such as one in Aug where a businessman got 30 years (reduced from 60) for fb comments, clearly barbaric. If only the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia would speak out as well!

Law doesn't apply to forangs

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Actually, inasmuch as Thailand really has nothing, I mean really, really

nothing the United States wants or needs, ( 1 woven basket per person is

enough), and Thailand no longer holds the once strategic Asian military

location, ( see Philipines begging the US to return ), ), no oil/gold/silver/gems - nothing anyone wants, so, it is time for the Ambassador, ( and he

won't damnit !), to say something like " I discussed this with John Kerry

and he agrees with the protestors so I, and the US CHECKBOOK, will be

leaving tomorrow & our money laden military, ( 5,000 sailors on a carrier ),will no longer R&R here nor even stop to refuel " ! and "As an afterthought we will also stop allowing Thais the priviledges denied Americans here,no

more free scholarships to US schools, no more military or foreign aid and

wallah ! we have someone to replace Cuba ! "

it's true fred, Thailand does not have anything that the U.S. wants or needs, they are a third rate military, they are corrupt, their neighbors are eating up all their tourist, Cambodia, Laos,the R&R port for the U.S. Navy sucks, the top places to go now are Vietnam and cambodia. BUT the P.I. is catching up fast!

US wants money from every country , that includes Thailand. Through fractional taxing , a large percentage of US company products paid for by you ( from the cola Thai's drink to military hardware) , flows back to the US government. Anyone who buys US products pays direct & indirect taxes to the corrupt , bullying US government , just what they want and need. Why do you think the US is pushing copyright issues so hard ? You think they care Spielberg or Gaga are copied , no , they just want the taxes .

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Telling Americans to “Go Home” because you don’t like them speaking their mind is a bit of a moot point, if you ask me.

Love them or not, the United States has provided a home to people from many nations around the world since the first white settlements there in the 16th century! With so much ethnic diversity and freedom to express themselves, it’s only natural that these people would have opinions about the rest of the world.

From its current population of 319 million, over 40 million are foreign-born (12.5%) – do you tell them to “Go Home”?

Meanwhile, their largest ancestral groups (in rank order) are: German; Irish; African; English; Mexican; Italian; Polish; French; Scottish; Dutch; Norwegian; Swedish; and so on – maybe, you tell them to “Go Home”?

Quite a melting pot of ideas, attitudes, prejudices, and beliefs, yet all coming together under one nation. It may be fractured and badly led (from what people have said above), and it may also have a questionable HR record, but at least the eligible voters in that country will be taking part in an election for a new president (their head of state) in just under one year’s time!

Maybe, the real focus of the debate should be directed at the self-styled ‘war elephant’, who seems to be as much against the Supreme Sangha Council as he is against anyone that challenges his great buddy (the junta head).

More meditation, less agitation!

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