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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

It is Saturday and the grammar and spelling police are off duty, but I think you will find that the "C" in the word we all use, but can only show in pictures, is a font that the Thais probably learn at school.

I am surprised that TVF actually showed it. Quite shocking.

It is also very disrespectful of these protesters to ask the U.S.ambassador to do the impossible. Luckily, for them, they weren't all arrested and sent for AA.

"make sure all the words at the are spelled correctly."

Have a wonderful day in Xenophobia thumbsup.gif

I think he was talking about the C in yourself. I assume it is the same letter as used in the other word ?

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

Perhaps you should keep your mouth shut! How many countries rely on the U.S. For assistance? Perhaps yours!

Normally, I'm not so aggressive with my words or postings but this nonsense is "crossing the line." You apparently feel free here, post a negativity remark about an entity in Thailand. Show that you have more than a mouth.

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

Perhaps you should keep your mouth shut! How many countries rely on the U.S. For assistance? Perhaps yours!

Normally, I'm not so aggressive with my words or postings but this nonsense is "crossing the line." You apparently feel free here, post a negativity remark about an entity in Thailand. Show that you have more than a mouth.

Feel free here we do your ambassador feels otherwise so maybe you could ask him to shut his mouth. Freedom of speech and all that.

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Yes, U.S. of A., let's fight for 'democracy'!

Let you first make a strong example!

Proclame a total embargo on, empound the assets of, block money flows from and to, two of the most undemocratic, inhumane, dictatorial, racist countries in the whole wide world: Saudi Arabia and Qatar!

And as a big bonus, at the same time, you would be hitting hard on the two countries where most of the money financing muslim terrorism and integrism comes from!

No? Why not? It's all about 'democracy' though, or isn't it?


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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

Perhaps you should keep your mouth shut! How many countries rely on the U.S. For assistance? Perhaps yours!

Normally, I'm not so aggressive with my words or postings but this nonsense is "crossing the line." You apparently feel free here, post a negativity remark about an entity in Thailand. Show that you have more than a mouth.

You're so right, 'PhDEducation, to give the ignorants who don't agree with you a clear example of the U.S.' generosity, what would have become of this country when the US of A in all its kindnesss (in its paranoiac fright of anything pink or red?) would not have strongly pushed Thailand to 'so very gently invite' (definitely NOT) the Thai students and the socialists, anyone close or related (not to speak about the communists), to happily die by whole flocks, to choose to be tortured and brutalised, to enjoy spending time in awfull dark prisons, to want to wander out to the other, deserted, side of the country?

Thank you, our saviours, the U.S.of A. thank you so much, ...and especially your C.I.A., for saving Thailand!

(From what?)

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Yes, U.S. of A., let's fight for 'democracy'!

Let you first make a strong example!

Proclame a total embargo on, empound the assets of, block money flows from and to, two of the most undemocratic, inhumane, dictatorial, racist countries in the whole wide world: Saudi Arabia and Qatar!

And as a big bonus, at the same time, you would be hitting hard on the two countries where most of the money financing muslim terrorism and integrism comes from!

No? Why not? It's all about 'democracy' though, or isn't it?


I would guess from your comments that you are not familiar with the US State Department 2014 reports on human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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Yes, U.S. of A., let's fight for 'democracy'!

Let you first make a strong example!

Proclame a total embargo on, empound the assets of, block money flows from and to, two of the most undemocratic, inhumane, dictatorial, racist countries in the whole wide world: Saudi Arabia and Qatar!

And as a big bonus, at the same time, you would be hitting hard on the two countries where most of the money financing muslim terrorism and integrism comes from!

No? Why not? It's all about 'democracy' though, or isn't it?


I would guess from your comments that you are not familiar with the US State Department 2014 reports on human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Hmm, reports from the State Dept, from last year, is it? No, I must admit I'm not 'familiar' (at all) with those, 'phoenixdoglover'.

For sure I haven't seen the U.S. Government take any measures for 'democracy', and so against the regime, in Saudi Arabia and Qatar either though, did I miss that too? ...Or were no measures at all taken concerning these allies and partners of that beacon of 'democracy' called the U.S. of A.?

Edited by bangrak
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These idiots have no idea how much aid money US gave Thailand and continues to do so, not only that they help protect Thailand from threats and stability of the country.

These idiots have no idea how much aid money US gave Thailand and continues to do so...

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you don't have any idea either.

Posters in TV are rarely interested in tracking down facts to buttress their arguments. If you had googled, you would have discovered that in 2015 the US allocated a whopping $11 million dollars in aid to Thailand, which, given the size of the US economy, is about the equivalent of tossing a penny. Djibouti and Cape Verde received more, at $13 million and $14 million, respectively.

(Although some aid from various quarters of the US bureaucracy is unavailable, the $11 million figure is the best available data.)


The US state department breaks down foreign aid into categories. None of the Thailand aid was in the "democracy, human rights and governance" category. Rather, all the aid was in the "peace and security" category. The largest part of the aid went for "stabilization operations and security sector reform". Obviously this is intended as anti-terrorism money.

Despite the fond delusions of many US citizens (often expressed in this forum), a huge amount of US aid has the purpose of increasing economic gains for the donor. In many cases, the aid is immediately turned around as purchases from US corporations.

I had a close friend (neighbor) in a country that will not be named. He was a long time USAID employee. He was close to tears one time when he told me about one of his projects. The small country was very isolated until Communism fell. For that reason the goat population was highly inbred and they needed new goat gene pools. USAID bought the goats. Of course they had to come from American goat farmers at outrageous prices. Then they flew the goats to XXX at great expense. About half the goats died on the plane trip. It would have been easy to buy goats from neighboring countries and delivery them by truck at less than a tenth the cost. But of course it is actually the American economy that is the real benefactor in all USAID "help" to developing countries. If there is a famine and people are dying food from America will drive in trucks past warehouses full of local food. Those warehouses may be full of food that could be bought locally if the people had the money to buy it. The result is that American food arrives too late to help and many people might die. The local food may rot in the warehouse with no buyers. This is called the issue of entitlement. There is plenty of food in the world but without a job or a healthy economy people stave because they don't have entitlement to food, in other words the money to buy it. Crazy! And people are supposed to love America because of our AID. Nope, it is a little more complicated than that!

I have new for you poor uninformed people. Monsanto has been supplying seeds to Thailand for many years. They have a major research facility in Chiang Rai. Time to wake up!

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

Exactly. The USA meddles everywhere on earth, (following the historical example of Britain, and other empires before them) and is viewed as a bully by many. Why can't we just mind our own business when it has nothing to do with national interests, and sometimes even when it does! It's fine to set a political or cultural example of a way of life you think is superior, but keep it in your own borders, and let other peoples adopt it FREELY, if they like. But too often in the past 100 years our "way of life" has been offered at the point of a gun. People in many countries are just fed up with this, and I suspect many Thais are as well.

BTW, some people on this board constantly complain about the concept of so-called "Thainess;" good or bad, at least Thais keep it in their own yard...much worse is the concept of "American Exceptionalism," a colossally arrogant notion that presumably gives USA the license to interfere around the world.

Have any of these so-called leaders of the free world ever read a history book to see how this always turns out???

Why does the USA meddle in so many other countries affairs.

If you want to start learning the truth as to why and or how they can meddle and or interfere and or intervene in any other countries national matters then simply look up all the internet information about the Rothschild's dynasty and read everything about that financial dynasty and everything entailed and all that they have been responsible for in the past and at present.

You will come to learn the USA, in the past and at present was and presently is, more or less, a tool or a proxy for the Rothschild's controlled financial dominance of the world.

Behind the scenes there are immensely powerful and influential people and entities that use the USA ( amongst other countries ) as their means to manipulate and control other countries through financial means including creating strife with in those countries or regions and eventually wars that are very profitable.

Look it up and you will begin to understand what they do.......behind the scenes ...and why they do what they do.


Where do you suggest we "look it up" Pravda?

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Yes, U.S. of A., let's fight for 'democracy'!

Let you first make a strong example!

Proclame a total embargo on, empound the assets of, block money flows from and to, two of the most undemocratic, inhumane, dictatorial, racist countries in the whole wide world: Saudi Arabia and Qatar!

And as a big bonus, at the same time, you would be hitting hard on the two countries where most of the money financing muslim terrorism and integrism comes from!

No? Why not? It's all about 'democracy' though, or isn't it?


I would guess from your comments that you are not familiar with the US State Department 2014 reports on human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Hmm, reports from the State Dept, from last year, is it? No, I must admit I'm not 'familiar' (at all) with those, 'phoenixdoglover'.

For sure I haven't seen the U.S. Government take any measures for 'democracy', and so against the regime, in Saudi Arabia and Qatar either though, did I miss that too? ...Or were no measures at all taken concerning these allies and partners of that beacon of 'democracy' called the U.S. of A.?

Yes, those same 2014 country reports caused quite a stir in Thailand, because Thailand was subject to criticism.

The US as a rule does not impose embargoes or sanctions against whole countries with poor human rights records, except for the most egregious cases. North Korea, for example. More frequently, the US has taken action due to "State Sponsored Terrorism" (currently Iran, Sudan and Syria), or for specific issues, such as products associated with slave/child labor (for example, blood diamonds out of Africa).

Of course, when it comes to the main oil & gas suppliers of the world, many countries are using a "soft diplomacy" approach. As the #2 world oil producer, Saudi Arabia gets off lightly. I personally would like to see a more aggressive US stance about Saudi Arabia.

The US does speak out about specific issues in Saudi Arabia (most recently pressing the Saudis to release a dissident from jail). And the US criticized Saudi Arabia’s bombing of the Yemeni city of Hudaydah earlier this year. And then there was sustained public criticism of Saudi Arabia after 9/11, when it turned out most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. So the examples are there.

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Why the US always needs to open their mouth and start interfering in local affairs of other countries? How many more civil wars do they want to create?

It's not easy being the only world superpower.

What do you think makes a country a superpower? And why should USA be the only one?

idiot post - try F16 v Su24

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So... is he going home?

They tend not to

Usually the 'yankee go home' mantra needs to be augmented with a good few thousand dead US military

then, indeed they do

Yup! And what a memorial scene it was when the US went home from Vietnam...

The Thai military (well some of it) vs US backed insurgents?

I know who my money is on.

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Oh no need for the US Ambassador to <deleted> himself...much more entertaining for him to watch Thailand get <deleted> by China!

Oh the poetry & prose of todays Thai protesters! Whatever happened to the good old days of 'Death to America' and a good bit of flag burning? Happy Days....

Why would China <deleted> Thailand, they want trade. China is the Middle Kingdom thats how they perceive themselves. States on the borders are to pay tribute to them and thats it', they were free to rule for many years, they are not interested in conquer but trade. It might change over time when spares resources are needed, but then all the global nations will be on the attack. You might want to check out how the USA screwed the world when they took the USD which is the reserve currency of the gold standard. Thats the biggest scam in the history of mankind and never before affected the doing of one country so many other nations as the USA does. Only time will tell if China will grow to become the bully the USA is, protecting their petro dollar, how did the president say it.... "at all cost"(that includes the use of atomic weapons yes). America was a great nation of freedom, it has become not the police of the world, but the dictator. I feel sad for their people who are totally ignorant of the worlds history.

You have hit the nail on the head when you say "States on the borders are to pay tribute to them and that's it".

If China supplants Western influence in the world it will ignore, as matter of policy and course, the worst possible tyrannies (which is what the world will slide towards) that utterly brutalise their own populations.

Not just those that are convenient to them, as the US has often done, but all of them

Look at North Korea. A "state on the border".

Will you be happy when all the countries of the world are ruled by their own individual variant of a Kim Jong Un?

The most rapacious corporate practices, the most savage oppression of freedom, your worst nightmare - you name it.

They will do nothing, say nothing. As long as the tyrants who rule those countries kow tow.

If those tyrants decide to fight among themselves, all the better. "Use the barbarians to control the barbarians"

The world we live in today will seem like an impossible paradise that could never have existed.

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I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

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This is what the yellow shirts have become. I used to have a yellow shirt friend in Bangkok but now she just spits anti american vitriol so I dont see her anymore.

Most just blow in the political wind, integrity and courage of conviction being 'foreign' concepts.

Here in the US, where any town with a college and a Thai restaurant, will have Thai servers working illegally, f

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This is what the yellow shirts have become. I used to have a yellow shirt friend in Bangkok but now she just spits anti american vitriol so I dont see her anymore.

Most just blow in the political wind, integrity and courage of conviction being 'foreign' concepts.

Here in the US, where any town with a college and a Thai restaurant, will have Thai servers working illegally, for tips only, they also decry how many farang are in Thailand, and how they are ill-mannered sex tourists.

They see it on cable TV, so they must be right...

US beginning sanctions is useless in the short run, but heavily restricting imports from Thailand would see results after a while. A crackdown on Thai students working under the table would send a message, but really, just escalate everything.

China is licking her chops; Thailand may not enjoy the view from her gullet...

Isolationism leads to bad things.

And the Thai government is positively delusional, as has always been the case.

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Once again you show your ignorance. Great work! Did the U.S. Create turmoil in your country? What has the U.S. Done for Thailand? People actually agree with you, wow! Amazing how ignorance spreads.

Speaking of ignorance....... Post WW2 , Britain was so angry at

Thailand that in essence they were making moves to have

Thailand ceded to them as a form of war reparations..It was an

American woman , Betty McKenzie, who then began a massive

campaign to save Thailand from this fate. She was successful,

and among thinking people who actually understand Thai

history, she is regarded as the woman who saved Thailand.

I am amazed that there is not a statue in her honor . But I guess

being saved by an American woman is not something the

Thai government wants to be widely known.... :-)

Any other questions regarding American help to Thailand I can

help you with ??

From her memoirs...

"About two or three months, I can't remember exactly how long but I think it was about two or three months, after the war ended low and behold over our ticker tape came a most horrifying piece of news information. That the United States, Britain, and Thailand had signed a treaty. Because of the puppet government that the Japanese set up in Thailand, Thailand was being ceded to the British Empire. This free country, for a thousand years, being ceded to the British Empire. We had said repeatedly, we will help any people who will help fight for their freedom. I couldn't believe it, I was so horrified. I went to Marvin Rosenburg, who was the head of the Thai division, and I said, "Marvin! Look at this, something terrible, look what's happening, we've got to fight this right away, and you're the natural person to lead this fight." And he said, "What do you mean? That I'm going to stand up and tell the President of the United States he can't sign a Treaty?"

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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It's a rock solid sure bet if you put the word "Thaksin" or "US" in a TVF thread title at least 1 in 3 of subsequent posters will either not read the content of the original post or otherwise ignore it in favor of posting an emotion based non sequitur

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I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

Do you really think the USA has a democracy :cheesy:

ALL the candidates for president have been chosen by the large companies who run the country. The guy oon the street can't choose who becomes president so it obviously isn't a democracy.

The USA have caused ALL this mess in the world. STOP now and try to clean up corruption at the top over there.

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I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

Do you really think the USA has a democracy cheesy.gif

ALL the candidates for president have been chosen by the large companies who run the country. The guy oon the street can't choose who becomes president so it obviously isn't a democracy.

The USA have caused ALL this mess in the world. STOP now and try to clean up corruption at the top over there.

yes, it does.

yes, there are anti-democratic forces at work in the US, as there are around the world.

no, the US has not caused all this mess in the world.

nice try, but you did prove my point about junta hugging whiners and unintelligent American bashers.

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I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

Do you really think the USA has a democracy cheesy.gif

ALL the candidates for president have been chosen by the large companies who run the country. The guy oon the street can't choose who becomes president so it obviously isn't a democracy.

The USA have caused ALL this mess in the world. STOP now and try to clean up corruption at the top over there.

yes, it does.

yes, there are anti-democratic forces at work in the US, as there are around the world.

no, the US has not caused all this mess in the world.

nice try, but you did prove my point about junta hugging whiners and unintelligent American bashers.

So the unjust war in Iraq didn't piss off the Muslim extremists according to you?

You probably think it was nothing to do with the oil. Make a sentence with the following words - your of arse head take out your

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It this what you mean?


Sir, with the tanks or without the tanks, these people must be removed.

Look at the original post. What do you see ? A bunch of Chinese doing this demonstration. Chinese in Beijing or Chinese in Bangkok. It's the same people, surely you know that ? If a load of people (Chinese or not) do a demonstration in Beijing, well, they will be removed.

Thailand IS a province of China. Hence, the demonstrators, CHOP THEIR HEADS OFF. This is the Chinese (and Thai) way of doing things.

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I just love the "if you don't agree with everything about us go home" brigade. Hardly original and mature. These are the anti western everything, except for their western mobile phones, western cars and designer western clothes. Hypocrisy at the highest level.

And dont forget the Western whiteskin the western pointy nose, I dont know why they dont all leave to go live in the west.The more criticism of Thailand and its "culture (sic joke) the better

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I love the ever so unintelligent, "go clean up your own house first" comments.

First of all, if ANY of you want to get into a democratic pissing argument, then the US will blow the doors off of Thailand any day in terms of democracy. That would have been the case before the coup let alone now...

Secondly, if your position is really such that the USA needs to be perfect before it talks democracy with a military junta like the one we have here, then your position is really "please don't call me out for being undemocratic, please, please, please... "

Just a bunch of junta-huggin whiners... coffee1.gif

Do you really think the USA has a democracy cheesy.gif

ALL the candidates for president have been chosen by the large companies who run the country. The guy oon the street can't choose who becomes president so it obviously isn't a democracy.

The USA have caused ALL this mess in the world. STOP now and try to clean up corruption at the top over there.

yes, it does.

yes, there are anti-democratic forces at work in the US, as there are around the world.

no, the US has not caused all this mess in the world.

nice try, but you did prove my point about junta hugging whiners and unintelligent American bashers.

So the unjust war in Iraq didn't piss off the Muslim extremists according to you?

You probably think it was nothing to do with the oil. Make a sentence with the following words - your of arse head take out your

I never said that.

Another tactic of the less intelligent, make a wild-a.. claim, attribute it to another poster and then try to flog the poster with it.

Really infantile.

You're not the first to try that, you won't be the last... yawn..., coffee1.gif

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